Dr Emre Aracı is a composer, conductor and musicologist, whose work elegantly intertwines music, history and diplomacy. A graduate of the University of Edinburgh’s Faculty of Music, where he read for both his BMus (Hons) and PhD, he has pursued a singularly erudite career, illuminating the European musical traditions of the Ottoman court. Through concerts, illustrated lectures, books, articles, CD recordings and documentaries, Dr Aracı resurrects the forgotten soundscapes of the nineteenth c ...
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Reflü bir sebep değil sonuçtur.
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, Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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Let’s flow like music
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Welcome to the Official Podcast from Burak & Emre. Playing the latest in trance and progressive. For all track listings please check www.burakandemre.com
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Banging House, Tech House, Electro, Progressive From Istanbul Club Life!!!
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Tanrı’nın varlığı hakkındaki tartışmalara son noktayı koyup bilimin ışığında hayatımızın amacını irdelemek isteyen gençler için güzel bir seri başlatıyoruz.
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Wir sind Emre Girkin und Can Özkan von EcomUnlimited. In den letzten 2 Jahren haben wir es geschafft 7-Stellige Stores aufzubauen im Bereich E-Commerce und zahlreichen Menschen dabei zu helfen, ein eigenes Business aufzubauen.
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Get your copy of "Awakening" here! ➨ https://infrasonic.choons.at/rattlesnake After starting their career in 2013, Burak & Emre have been in the front line of Turkey's modern trance scene and are sensationally continuing to make their energetic and melodic music reach to large masses. The effect of the record of Johan Gielen's 2002 Trance Energy performance the duo incidentally found at a very early age still continues to weave its relentless spell on them, that's why the Burak & Emre brothe ...
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From the Caribbean to Covent Garden: In Pursuit of "Rusalka" Dr Emre Aracı reads an English translation of his article, published originally in Turkish, in the April 2023 issue of Andante magazine (no: 198), where he explores the opera Rusalka by Antonín Dvořák, intertwining personal experiences, critical reception, and the composer's biography to …
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Musical Landscapes in "A Room with a View" Dr Emre Aracı reads an English translation of his article, published originally in Turkish, in the March 2023 issue of Andante magazine (no: 197), where he provides a compelling and nuanced interpretation of E. M. Forster's "A Room with a View" by exploring its musical underpinnings, emphasizing the power …
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Liszt, Chopin and Istanbul: A Musical Legacy The podcast discusses Dr Emre Aracı's article, published originally in Turkish, in the November 2024 issue of Andante magazine (no: 217), the intersection of several historical events surrounding Frédéric Chopin. It details Liszt's 1847 Istanbul performance of Chopin's mazurkas, highlighting the unusual …
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A Lifelong Friendship with Mozart The podcast discusses Dr Emre Aracı's article, published originally in Turkish, in the June 2024 issue of Andante magazine (no: 212), where he recounts his lifelong fascination with Mozart, inspired by Nadir Nadi's book Dostum Mozart (My Friend Mozart). Aracı details how Nadi's memoir, gifted to him by his chemistr…
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Rossini's March for the Sultan at Queen Victoria's Birthday The podcast discusses Dr Emre Aracı's article, published originally in Turkish, in the October 2024 issue of Andante magazine (no: 216), where he explores the performance of Rossini's Marche pour le Sultan at Queen Victoria's 1854 birthday celebration at Osborne House. The piece's presence…
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A Stroll Through Schwetzingen Palace Gardens The podcast discusses an article, originally in Turkish, published in Andante magazine in May 2024 (issue: 211) by Dr Emre Aracı, who recounts a visit to Schwetzingen Palace gardens, inspired by the memoirs of Şaziye Berin, an Ottoman woman who visited in 1918. Aracı explores the gardens' rich history, n…
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Giuseppe Donizetti's Musical Memoirs This podcast discusses Dr Emre Aracı's article published originally in Turkish in the January 2025 issue of Andante magazine (no: 219), where he details his discovery and subsequent presentation of a previously unknown manuscript, Giuseppe Donizetti's Musical Memoirs. The manuscript, in the collection of Mr Erol…
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An analysis of Emre Araci's In Search of Lost Sounds symphony This podcast discusses Dr Emre Aracı's In Search of Lost Sounds symphony, a five-movement work inspired by his personal memories and literary influences, notably Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time. The symphony's composition spanned many years, mirroring Proust's novel in its explora…
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Debussy's La Mer: Memory, Music and a Beloved Place Dr Emre Aracı's article, published originally in Turkish in the July 2024 issue of Andante magazine (no: 213), explores the connections between Claude Debussy's composition La Mer, his personal life, and the English coastal landscapes that inspired it. Aracı interweaves his own experiences visitin…
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Yester House and Menotti: A Remembrance Dr Emre Aracı's article reflects on his 2004 meeting with composer Gian Carlo Menotti at Yester House, Scotland. Published originally in Turkish in the March 2024 issue of Andante magazine (no: 209), the article recounts a vivid memory of Menotti, exploring his life, career, and generous spirit. It contrasts …
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Heidelberg Romanticism: A Musical and Literary Journey This podcast discusses an article by Dr Emre Aracı, published originally in Turkish in the April 2024 issue of Andante magazine (no: 210), where he recounts a personal journey through Heidelberg, exploring its rich Romantic history. The narrative interweaves historical accounts of significant f…
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An Elgar Festival Pilgrimage Dr Emre Aracı's article published originally in the Andante magazine in Turkish in June 2024 (issue no: 214), recounts his personal pilgrimage to the Elgar Festival in Worcester in 2024, inspired by a 1910 postcard he discovered. He details his exploration of locations significant to composer Edward Elgar's life, includ…
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Folkestone Fragments: Recollections of an Edwardian Time Traveller Dr Emre Aracı's book, Folkestone Fragments, recounts his personal experiences and reflections while living in an Edwardian hotel in Folkestone. He connects his life story with historical events and figures associated with the town, notably Oscar Wilde and Sarah Bernhardt. Aracı weav…
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Send us a text Büyü, kibir, hastalıkların asıl nedeni, metafizik boyutlar, bilgi, enerji, bilinç ve ruh gibi konuları aldığımız bilgi dolu ve hayatı anlamaya dair bambaşka bir ışık sunan bu programımızı mutlaka dinleyin! Support the show
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Send us a text Kalp, beyinden daha önemli... Nörolog Kemal Turhan, her hastalığın duygusal bir nedeni olduğunu ve kalbe odaklanıp tefekkür ederek tüm hastalıkların kalıcı bir şekilde tedavi edilebileceğinden bahsediyor. Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Send us a text YouTuber Efe Aydal, kendi bakış açısı ile bazı büyük meseleleri yorumlamaya çalışıyor. Bu bölümünüzde Efe Aydal’ın din, bilimsellik ve Tanrı hakkındaki görüşlerinin kalitesini konuştuk. Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Send us a text Ticari veya politik amaçlarla kadınları kullanan müstehcen yayınlar, insanların hayatlarını karartıyor. Konuya mükemmel bir bakış açısı getiren Fatih hocam ile konuşulmayanları konuştuk. Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Send us a text Günümüzün kaçınılmaz problemlerinden biri olan konsantrasyon bozukluğunu ele aldık. Sosyal medya esiri olan insanlar maalesef dikkat dağınıklığı yaşıyor ve asıl işlerini unutuyor, yapamıyorlar. Birbirinden çarpıcı tespitler ile bu bölümümüzde, geçen kaldığımız yerden devam ediyoruz. Support the show…
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Die 5 Besten Dropshipping Produkte in Sommer 2024由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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So würde ich Dropshipping in 2024 starten von 0 auf 10000€/Tag由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Von 0 auf +100k Umsatz pro Tag mit Influencer Marketing - So geht`s由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Das sagt dir keiner über CLOUDSELLING | Ist es wirklich gut? | Ecommerce Insights由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Das erzählt dir niemand über Shopify Dropshipping.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Was macht ein Ecommerce Millionär in CHINA? | Emre leakt seine neuen Produkte由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Send us a text Teknoloji geliştikçe sosyal medya etkisini artırıyor ve başarımızı derinden etkiliyor. Dikkat dağınıklığı ve hayalperestlik ise sosyal medyanın yan etkilerinden. Bu bölümümüzde çok önemli bir konuyu ele aldık. Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Von 0 auf über 250k im Monat mit eigener Ecommerce Brand由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Send us a text Tanrı bizi dünyaya göndermekle pek çok önemli şeyleri hedeflemiş. Fakat dünya musibet ve kötülüklerle de dolu bir yer. Bu durumda insana yanlık düşünceler gelebilir. Anlayamadığımız şeylere cephe almak yerine durup düşünerek bakış açımızı değiştirmek, gerçekten faydalı bir metottur. İslam, bilim, ateizm ve Tanrı hakkındaki podcastler…
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+5 STELLIGE UMSÄTZE mit ECOMUNLIMITED由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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10 Fehler wieso du monatlich noch keine 10.000€ mit Dropshipping umsetzt由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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+10.000 im Ecommerce neben dem Vollzeitjob由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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In diesem Video erklärt euch Emre wieso Influencer Marketing der beste Vertriebskanal im Dropshipping ist.由Ecomunlimited
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In diesem Podcast erklärt euch Emre wie und wieso man Dropshipping Produkte nach Deutschland importieren kann.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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+60.000€ Montasumsatz mit 19 Jahren im Dropshipping由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Du möchtest dir ein E-Commerce Business aufbauen? Dann bewirb Dich auf ein kostenloses Erstgespräch: https://www.ecomunlimited.de/erstgesprach由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Vom Angestelltenverhältnis in die Selbständigkeit mit E-Commerce由Ecomunlimited
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1 Tag in Duabi mit Emre Girkin. Helikopterflug, fahrt im G63 und 35.000€ Umsatz in 24 Stunden由Ecomunlimited
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Send us a text Bu bölümümüzde de dünyadaki kötülük problemi üzerinde durmaya devam ediyoruz. Neden kötülük var? Tanrı neden buna izin veriyor? Tanrı’nın kötülük yaratmasındaki amacı ne? İslam, bilim, din ve ateizm hakkındaki podcastlerimizi takip edin… Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Send us a text Her şey üstüne üstüne geliyor ve artık iyice daraldıysan bu bölümü tekrar tekrar dinle! Allah'ın rahmeti ile dünyadaki musibetler nasıl bağdaşıyor bu bölümde bunu konuştuk. Bilim, din ve Tanrı podcastlerimizi paylaşın! Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Send us a text Matematik, Fizik ve diğer bilimlerin ışığında bu evreninin yaratıcısız olma olasılığını hesapladığımız bu bölümümüzde ateizme inananların durumunu konuştuk! İslam, din ve bilim podcastleri için bizi takipte kalın! Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Send us a text Bilimsel yönden Allah inancını incelemeye devam ediyoruz. Peki Allah insanı bu din ile aziz mi zelil mi kıldı? Tüm açıklığı ile bu bölümde konuşulmayanları konuştuk. Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Send us a text Kafa bulanıklığınızı artık durdurmak için devam ettiğimiz serimizin bu bölümünde birbirinden ilginç gözlemleri konuştuk. İnsanın inancında etkili olan çevre, evren, bilimsel yasalar ve bunlara doğru bakış açısı nedir Fatih Hocam’la tüm açıklığıyla tartıştık. Support the show由Ahmet Emre
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Send us a text Kendimizi birden dünyada bulduk ve bu çok garip bir deneyim. Biz bir simülasyonda mıyız veya Tanrı gerçekten var mı? Eğer Tanrı varsa ve inanmazsak mahvolduk. Bu tartışmaya son noktayı koyalım artık. Bu serimizde Fatih hoca ile bilim ışığında varoluş amacımızı tartıştık. Support the show…
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Heute erzählt Emre die Story wie er es geschafft hat erfolgreich zu werden.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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In diesem Video erklärt euch Emre wie Influencer Marketing funktioniert und wie man damit 6-7 Stellige Umsätze macht.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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In diesem Video erklärt Emre wieso kein anderer Dropshipping Coach euch dabei helfen kann eine eigene Brand aufzubauen.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Heute sind Ali, Enes und Enes zu Gast und erzählen von ihrer Story wie sie erfolgreich geworden sind.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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In diesem Video spricht Furkan über seinen Erfolg mit Ecomunlimited.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Heute erklärt euch Emre Schritt für Schritt, wie man die ersten 10.000€ erreicht.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Heute erklärt euch Emre was die wichtigste Stellschraube im Dropshipping ist.由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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Heute erklärt euch Emre Schritt für Schritt, wie man die ersten Facebook Ads schaltet!由girkinemre@hotmail.de (Ecomunlimited)
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