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Les Signatures d'Europe 1 - Eugénie Bastié est le rendez-vous incontournable pour tous ceux qui souhaitent approfondir leur compréhension de l'actualité politique française. Chaque mardi, mercredi et vendredi dans la matinale de Dimitri Pavlenko, Eugénie Bastié, journaliste et essayiste reconnue, décrypte les grands enjeux du moment avec son style incisif et argumenté. De l'analyse des politiques gouvernementales aux débats de société les plus brûlants, en passant par les enjeux internationa ...
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The podcast where we discuss all things Homeopathy related. We will be interviewing Homeopaths from around the world, Mothers who use Homeopathy for their family and learning about various Homeopathic remedies and how you can use them to help your family with various first aid situations and acute illnesses. For bookings, remedies or more information, visit To learn about Homeopathy, visit
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Your age does not define you, so who says you can’t have a trampolining party for your 50th birthday? Who says you can’t be fit, healthy, and embracing life well into your 50's? Fifty & Fly is an attitude that says there is no limit to what you can achieve in your 50's so be bold, be beautiful and be awesome!Join Fitness & Lifestyle Coach Eugénie, as she guides you through your 40’s into ‘Fifty and Fly’ heaven!
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show series
In this episode, I talk with Jane Tara Cicchetti, a specialist in healing trauma and turning it into strength and vitality. Jane introduces the idea of transpersonal trauma—how pain from our ancestors, collective suffering, and global stress can deeply affect our emotional and mental health. She explains how we can carry the weight of these experie…
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Une annonce fracassante de Mark Zuckerberg ! Le patron de Meta a décidé de renoncer au fact-checking sur ses réseaux sociaux Facebook et Instagram. Fini les vérifications par des journalistes indépendants, désormais ce sera la communauté des utilisateurs qui jugera de la véracité des contenus. Mais qu'est-ce qui pousse Zuckerberg à faire ce virage …
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Dr Robin Murphy, ND was a naturopathic and homeopathic physician who taught and practised Homeopathy, Natural Medicine, and Medical Qigong for 50 years. Dr Murphy is one of the most well-known homeopathy teachers in the world. His extensive teaching and clinical experience, including his years as chairman of the Homeopathic Department at the Nation…
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The School of Homeopathy offers fully accredited and awarding winning online courses, from beginner to practitioner level. They have helped thousands of graduates into practice across the world since 1981. Misha Norland explores the four elements—fire, air, water, and earth—transitioning from energy to matter, linked to s…
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The School of Homeopathy offers fully accredited and awarding winning online courses, from beginner to practitioner level. They have helped thousands of graduates into practice across the world since 1981. Sulphur is one of the most prescribed remedies in Homeopathy. It is often linked with fire and brimstone, epitomises …
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Eugénie Bastié analyse l'impact de Jean-Marie Le Pen sur la politique française et la façon dont la gauche a façonné sa figure controversée. Elle explore comment, pendant 40 ans, la gauche a utilisé la diabolisation de Le Pen pour éviter des débats de fond sur l'immigration ou l'antisémitisme. Au-delà de l'homme, Bastié met en lumière les dangers d…
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The School of Homeopathy offers fully accredited and awarding winning online courses, from beginner to practitioner level. They have helped thousands of graduates into practice across the world since 1981. Argentum Nitricum, derived from silver nitrate, connects deeply with its signature. Silver (lunar, emotional) and nit…
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Cet épisode évoque le scandale des réseaux criminels d'origine pakistanaise ayant sévi pendant des décennies au Royaume-Uni. Des milliers de jeunes filles vulnérables ont été victimes de viols et de prostitution organisée dans plusieurs villes anglaises. L'affaire met en lumière l'inaction des autorités et des médias, paralysés par la crainte d'acc…
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Find out more about The College of Practical Homeopathy. Som Jandu is the President of The College of Practical Homeopathy. He was trained directly by Ellen Kramer (founder of The CPH), and rapidly developed a successful global practice after graduating. Within a few years he was appointed a tutor …
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Thérèse Cosgrove is a registered Homeopath, Nutritional Therapist, and Feldenkrais Practitioner with 25 years of clinical experience. She offers a holistic approach to health, combining Classical Homeopathy, Organ and Hormone Therapeutics, and Detox Protocols tailored to individual needs. Thérèse believes in the transformative power of nutrition an…
  continue reading to sign up for our membership waitlist for remedies and kits for my document to help you find the right homeopathy school for you. Awesome Oligoscan podcast episodes: Podcast episodes on Oligoscan: Jon Gamble on Homeopathy Hangout Podcast:…
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Denise Straiges MA, CCH, RSHom(NA), PCH is fiercely committed to raising the bar in academic and clinical training for all Homeopaths. She is the President and Clinical Director of The Academy of Homeopathy Education (AHE), and established HOHM Foundation, whose initiatives include the Homeopathy Help Network, a not-for-profit, research-based initi…
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Why would a leading teaching college of classical unicist homeopathy also teach the use of homeopathic complexes? In this lecture Carla Marcelis DHom, HOM, N.D., director and teacher at the Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy (, explains the validity of using complexes, specifically those developed during missions in Afr…
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Unicist case-taking, and most contemporary homeopathic approaches, including the method taught at MICH, lead to a deep and thorough exploration of a patient’s inner landscape, including un-integrated life experiences. In this audio presentation, Adam Fiore, homeopath, naturopath and holistic pratitioner explains how to work with vulnerability, trau…
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Why is insomnia such a challenge? Find out why as we explore common homeopathic approaches to sleep problems and new ones that are proving to be much more successful. Judyann McNamara, Physicist, Homeopath, Naturopath and Holistic Practitioner with 30 years of clinical experience is the founder of the Montreal Institute of Classical Homeopathy. In …
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Dr Ranjan Belsare is a MD Homoeopathic practitioner from Maharashtra, India, and has treated more than 12 000 patients. He typically sees 70-80 patients per day in his clinical practice. Dr Ranjan's special area of interest is Rheumatology ie joints disorder , which is also 40% of his daily case load. Where modern medicine is helpless in many joint…
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In this episode, we explore Barbara's groundbreaking work in providing life-saving health solutions to the people of Eswatini while also focusing on the conservation of endangered medicinal plants. Learn how she collaborates with local healers to create homeopathic remedies from these plants, ensuring their healing properties are preserved for futu…
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Eugénie Bastié se penche sur la polémique concernant le remplacement des vitraux de Notre-Dame. Emmanuel Macron et l'archevêché de Paris ont décidé d'installer des vitraux contemporains à la place des grisailles de Viollet-le-Duc, une décision qui divise. Les opposants estiment que les vitraux actuels sont en bon état et que ce remplacement va à l'…
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Khush Mark PhD is the principal of the New School of Nutritional Medicine. She is a homeopath, and nutritional therapist practising functional medicine. Khush’s curious questioning mind led her not only into homeopathy but nutritional medicine, so much so, that following her PhD at King’s College Hospital in cancer, she went onto study a MS in Nutr…
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Eugénie Bastié explore les coulisses des 80 ans du prestigieux journal Le Monde, mettant en lumière un malaise grandissant au sein de la rédaction sur le traitement du conflit israélo-palestinien. Son enquête révèle des accusations d'indulgence envers le Hamas et d'hostilité envers Israël, ainsi que l'existence d'un « mur pro-Gaza » dans les locaux…
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Eugénie Bastié nous entraîne au cœur d'une enquête révélatrice sur les dérives idéologiques qui gangrènent l'encyclopédie en ligne Wikipédia. Alors que Wikipédia est censée être la plus belle réussite collaborative d'Internet, offrant un accès gratuit et universel à la connaissance, l'émission lève le voile sur les manipulations auxquelles elle est…
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Join us in this episode with Jan Blair, a registered homeopath and coach, as we explore the challenges and solutions surrounding Irlen syndrome, a visual processing condition that significantly impacts learning and reading abilities. Jan shares her personal story, including how a chance discovery of Irlen syndrome helped her son overcome his readin…
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Dr. Saptarshi Banerjea is the fifth generation of a distinguished and widely respected homoeopathic family. His insights into prescribing with his magnificent grasp of the nuances of Materia Medica make his lectures wonderfully rewarding and gives him the confidence in prescribing especially in cases with pathology. He acts as Clinical Consultant i…
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L'Australie a pris une décision radicale en interdisant les réseaux sociaux aux moins de 16 ans, une première mondiale. Cette loi impose aux plateformes comme Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook et Instagram de vérifier l'âge des utilisateurs sous peine d'amendes. Eugénie Bastié souligne les dangers de l'addiction numérique, notamment le décrochage intellec…
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Un an après l'élection de Javier Milei, initialement perçu comme une menace pour la démocratie, ses réformes libérales montrent des résultats positifs : stabilisation de l'inflation et excédent budgétaire. Comparé à Giorgia Meloni, Javier Milei incarne une alternance politique réussie. Eugénie Bastié invite à repenser les modèles français et à envi…
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Join us in this episode with Patricia Hittner O'Connell, a passionate homeopath from Massachusetts, as she shares her journey into homeopathy and her insights into working with clients who are highly sensitive to remedies. Patricia discusses the challenges these individuals face and offers practical strategies for managing remedy aggravations. She …
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Dans cet épisode, Eugénie Bastié explore la crise politique française, marquée par un sentiment de déclin partagé par 9 Français sur 10. Elle dénonce une Assemblée nationale divisée en trois pôles irréconciliables, un système de la Cinquième République inadapté, et un "front républicain" qui fausse le jeu démocratique. Selon elle, la diabolisation …
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Dr Khurana writes the following: "I am a medically-trained homeopath with an experience of 18 yrs+ in practice. My special area of interest was Paediatric practice in the formative years but as I gained more experience, I have become inclined towards INFERTILITY & WOMEN'S HORMONAL HEALTH. Although each case dictates the homeopathic approach needed,…
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Eugénie Bastié analyse un discours polémique de Keir Starmer, Premier ministre britannique, qui accuse les conservateurs d'avoir libéralisé l'immigration pour répondre aux besoins économiques. Starmer critique la trahison des promesses du Brexit, transformant le Royaume-Uni en une nation aux frontières ouvertes pour une main-d'œuvre bon marché. Ce …
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Eugénie Bastié revient sur la polémique suscitée par les propos du ministre de l'Éducation Alexandre Portier concernant la théorie du genre dans l'éducation sexuelle. Bastié démontre que cette idéologie a infiltré diverses sphères, notamment l'éducation. Elle explique que la théorie du genre, présentée comme scientifique, est en réalité un mouvemen…
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In this episode, homeopath and astrologer Liz Norman shares her unique journey of blending the worlds of homeopathy and astrology to provide profound insights into personal healing and growth. Liz explains the foundational elements of astrology, including understanding natal charts and their significance, as well as the roles of the sun, moon, and …
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Le nouveau programme d'éducation à la vie affective et sexuelle dans les écoles suscite le débat. Eugénie Bastié critique la présence de la « théorie du genre », qu'elle perçoit comme du militantisme déguisé. Alexandre Portier, ministre délégué, a été hué pour sa position critique. Bastié s'inquiète du risque d'une influence militante en milieu sco…
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Rachel received her first degree in Hertfordshire in the UK (near London). When she finished, she decided to have some time out of education and worked in London in the financial industry for three years. In 1989, she moved with her husband to be to Hong Kong and got a job lecturing in English and Business Communication at the Open University. Whil…
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Eugénie Bastié explore la crise de santé mentale des jeunes en France. Avec un jeune sur deux confronté à un épisode dépressif et des urgences saturées par les 11-17 ans pour idées suicidaires, le constat est alarmant. Au-delà des réseaux sociaux, de l'éco-anxiété et de la crise sanitaire, Eugénie pointe des causes profondes : affaiblissement de l'…
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Join us in this episode with the incredible Ton Jansen, a pioneer in homeopathic detox therapy and human chemistry, alongside the ever-insightful Roger Savage, who has been a guest on the show multiple times. Ton shares how his personal experiences with epilepsy and his daughter's adverse reaction to a vaccination led him to homeopathy. He explains…
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Dans cet épisode, Eugénie Bastié revient sur l’arrestation de l’écrivain algérien Boualem Sansal, figure de la littérature et critique du régime autoritaire de son pays. Refusant l’exil malgré les persécutions, Sansal a été arrêté après avoir obtenu la nationalité française, illustrant la peur du pouvoir face à ses écrits dénonçant la corruption et…
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Danica is a Homeopath and member of a provings group based in the UK working with some brilliant new remedies, as well as existing ones, including the Golden Spiral and T-Rex. She is passionate about remedies that support the shift in consciousness happening on the planet as well as empowering women and working with those who have been through trau…
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