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職涯履行家 Creating Our Future

Yourator 數位媒合人才平台

「Don't let your dreams be dreams.|擁抱內心的渴望,勇敢做出屬於自己的職涯選擇。」 《職涯履行家》是由 Yourator 數位人才媒合平台製作的深度訪談 Podcast,邀請在各產業領域認真生活,積極嘗試的「履行家」們,談談在新創、數位、科技產業的職涯「旅行」故事,希望鼓勵你做出更勇敢的職涯選擇,找到真正合適自己的人生位置,別讓朝九晚五的生活,拖延你自我探索的渴望! 🙋‍♀️ 主持人 Jane:「希望這個節目可以鼓勵任何裹足不前的人,勇敢聆聽內心的聲音,活出閃閃發亮的人生✨」 🌟 來 Yourator 官網看更多職涯可能性: :https://www.yourator.co/ 🌟 在所有社群平台找到我們 :https://linktr.ee/creatingourfuture 🌟 合作邀約 :mkt@yourator.co -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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歡迎來到《聽說這間公司很Fancy》Podcast,這個Podcast不藏私,要帶你進入聽說很Fancy的外商公司一探究竟,除了介紹外商才有的Perks(福利),乾貨也不會少。在每一集中,主持人會帶大家和一兩位來賓一起聊聊某個特定主題,讓你從他們的故事取得第一手情報,當然囉,一定要聽到最後,節目會不時釋出職場上實用的小撇步和建議,讓你在職涯發展比別人多這麼一招!不論你是即將畢業的學生、Z世代的職場小綠綠、目標進入外商或希望在職場創造更多可能的社會人士,只要你對外商公司有點好奇、有點憧憬、有這麼點想要衝一波,來聽「聽說這間公司很Fancy」Podcast吧! 這間公司很Fancy,For Every Life, For Every Future,你一定不會失望!
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今天的孩子,即將成為2030/2040年的領袖。 爸媽、老師,今天的我們,做對了嗎? 未來實驗室,期待幫助父母與教育工作者, 在快樂安心的教養、以及掌握關鍵能力的培養中尋找精巧平衡。 ------我是分隔線----- 我是三個小孩的媽媽, 老大一歲多開始讀碩士、碩士畢業前兩個月,老二出生。 然後在老三出生前一個月開始讀博士班,他四歲時,博士班畢業。 每一天,從學術論文的格式一直到今天晚餐的菜色,腦子裡總是千頭萬緒。 我研究的是教育,每天生活的場域,也是教育。活生生、血淋淋的教育現場。 每一個和小孩相處的時間,我都要用力地提醒自己溫柔一點、小聲一點、多一點耐心、多一點欣賞、少一點爆炸。 書上的理論很多,有時讀到一些精辟的見解,還會覺得血脈噴張,恨不得立馬跑回家,「實驗」在自己孩子身上。 但是,教養的現場總會有神奇的變化, 在那些困頓與驚奇中,我重新思考那些非關教養方式或技巧的層面, 包括時間、價值觀、父母的自己認識、自我關照、以及對於孩子的期待等等。 沒有公式或萬靈丹, 未來實驗室,嘗試提供一個方針、一組關鍵能力的指標, 讓同為父母與教育工作者的你我,可以安心前進。 Suppor ...
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这是一档建立在七个小时时差之上的跨国实验播客,一端位于中国,一端位于西班牙。若将人生当作一张有效期不等的地球临时签证,那么每个人都将成为宇宙的临时乘客:入境日期已知,离境时刻待定。在变幻的未知图景中,两位临时乘客借助科技跨越距离,分享在地球两端观察到的文化细节,探讨充满可能性的未来生活方式。 This is a multinational experimental podcast based on a time difference of seven hours, with one side in China and the other in Spain. In the changing global situation, two universal residents are using the technology to share cultural details of the Earth Village. We are looking forward to welcoming you to join us and explore the possible future ...
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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The Spark Podcast

Amy Tianyi Zhao & Meg Dowaliby

The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse cultures and share stories that intersect Chinese and American culture to interrupt barriers and create connections. The Spark is a cultural haven - A space held by a friendship between two women from two different countries, meeting at the point where their cultures, identities and stories intersect. Their conversations are grounded in transparency as they move beyond previous perceptions and ideas of the other to form deep conn ...
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If you're looking to keep up your Chinese and learn about critical issues relating to U.S.-China policy, then you've come to the right place. This podcast provides a selection of audio recordings from AMS lectures in Washington, D.C., as well as readings from key policy documents often featured in AMS weekly newsletters. If you are not a member of the American Mandarin Society, go to www.mandarinsociety.us and sign up. Thanks for listening!
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This is a bilingual philosophical podcast by Miaofen Chen and Brian Bruya. We discuss philosophy, self-cultivation, and many other things. 雙語哲學廣播,在輕鬆的十分鐘時間,二位大學教授Miaofen Chen和Brian Bruya用英文及中文交談,討論各種哲學問題、法蘭克林的人生十二種德性、斯多亞哲學、亞里斯多德、文化哲學、美學、教育等。
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(中文在下方)Hey there, I'm a restaurant owner and I started this Podcast because I love to meet new people! To be honest I grew up super introverted and I really came out of my shell when I moved to Asia around 20 years ago. Now that I have a restaurant and a podcast, we livestream weekly from my restaurant. I love to share the stories of people that I meet in Taiwan and I hope you enjoy them too! From Pro MMA fighters to Globe Trekkers, CEOs to Street Vendors, Entrepreneurs to Professors, YouTub ...
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(English below) 土壤是一個複雜的三度空間結構🍂🌱, 有著迷宮般的物理構造、錯綜的化學環境、多樣的食物資源、以及水與氧氣的梯度變化等龐雜因子, 這些全都壓縮在土壤這小小的空間裡。 而居住在裡面的生物除了和環境有交互作用外,物種之間之內也有交互作用。 這些過程造就了現今地下生物多樣性與群落結構。🕷🐌🐜 在這裡我們將聊聊土壤生物多樣性、群落生態與演化。 藉由文獻閱讀來分享土壤生態相關的科學新知,以及聊聊我們自己的研究經歷與想法。 歡迎各位收聽~ -- Facebook專頁: www.facebook.com/SoilBioDivPaper ---------- Welcome to listening to the podcast on soil biodiversity! 🍂🕷🐌🐜🌱 Soil ecosystem is amazing and is one of the most biodiverse terrestrial habitats. Here we discuss scientific papers on soil biota, community ec ...
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在我看来 In my mind/ I believe /I suppose/I realize 比如这几个语言 like Dutch, French, Germany and Japanese for example 将来希望学很多语言因为喜欢旅行 if possible in the future, I would learn different kinds of languages, because I'm a super fan of travel 周游世界 努力学习外语 travel to the world, the is my dream and I would certainly work hard on my language study…
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台灣人不只喜歡去日本旅遊,也有很多人嚮往去日本工作! 今天邀請 Y社 日本市場獵頭顧問 Tim,來跟我們分享日本求職現況,以及對台灣人才的需求。 本集精彩: ➤ 日本旅遊業超缺人?業務、工程師、數位人才也很夯! ➤ 不會日文可以去日本工作?建議至少有日常對話能力! ➤ 一份工作不滿三年=不穩定?日本對轉職的看法? ➤ 日本面試有神秘客偷觀察?真的有! ➤ 想去日本工作有哪些管道? ⭐️Yourator 站上看看更多職缺:最新職缺招募中! ⭐️ 想去日本工作嗎?來這裡跟 Tim 聊聊!Linkedin ⭐️ 還聽不夠嗎?精華文章看這裡! 💯 喜歡這集節目也歡迎到《職涯履行家》Apple Podcast 底下留言 + 5 星好評 🤩 ⭐️ 到各社群平台找到 Yourator,給我們回饋:http…
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大部分情况下 不会 Most of the time, I wouldn't say yes you know 不明智 I don't think that it's a smart decision to get some help from other people 自己解决 I want to work out problems you know I mean, I want to work things out by myself 克服难题 提升自己 overcoming this problem and just improving myself
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想要身材好 健康 必须吃早餐 if you want to lose some weight and keep good body shape, eating breakfast is important and it is required 早餐是核心 breakfast is the key, it is the center, we can say it is the secret weapon 很多人无视早餐 a lot of people ignore the importance of breakfast 做个改变 make a change
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必须啊 Why not, I'm saying yes a hundred percent 假期干啥都行 on vacation I could do lots of things that I couldn't in my leisure time 好几天在路上 probably I'll spend more than two or four days on the road 看沿途风景 吃好吃的 了解当地文化 I enjoy the beautiful sceneries on the journey and I'll get to know brand new friends and local food and its culture, and everything…
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叮🔔叮🔔叮🔔!同學們上課了! 進了職場,工作繁忙,還能繼續學習嗎?又該學習哪些未來能力呢?這集兩位職場的「好學生」將帶我們學習如何學習。 學習方式百百種,你可能沒想過還有這一招,學習新技能除了讓你工作事半功倍,還可能讓你更容易轉換跑道,甚至應用在日常生活中!想像一下,將辦公室變成一間充滿活力的教室,每項任務就是你的作業挑戰,而每項挑戰都可以是學習和成長的新機會,讓我們一起開啓這場學習冒險吧!另外企業學習發展的專家分享很Fancy公司有趣又實用的學習資源,還加碼分析未來技能趨勢,千萬不要錯過! 🎧️【本集摘要】 05:00 原來還可以這樣學習; 10:21 人生重大時刻就靠專案管理歐趴; 18:06 你聽過 70/20/10 嗎?; 22:59 僅此一家的Shadow Programme; 2…
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压力大 number one, a lot of people today are suffering, they are suffering from heavy workload and everyday pressure 找到发泄口 they need to find a way out 消除负面情绪 release bad emotions and let these negatives gone in their life 心底的那份爱 because they just love it from the bottom of their heart, no different reasons…
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从之前那个在工作和留学之间徘徊的小女孩,到目前已经越来越坚定地构建自己的生活,我看到了圈圈的成长,也看到她不管在作品、表达,以及她自己的穿搭风格等等,越来越有范儿了,看来伦敦 3 年把她养的非常好,果然人一旦在一个放松的环境里,那种轻盈、创造、兴奋的神性都会自动从身体散发出来,根本不用费力寻找。希望大家在自己的生活中得到的东西都不是靠委屈自己得到的,想尽办法滋养自己,不要怨恨自己。
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超爱上网 I think that I’ve spent a lot of time on the Internet 喜欢玩社交软件和其他软件 and it's related social apps and different kinds of apps for sure 免费 it is nearly free of charge, I don't have to pay for it 忙碌之余空虚寂寞冷 after a tough day of regular study or work and I would find the life quite boring
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新鮮人求職季到來,繼上次分享新鮮人履歷攻略之後,今天要來分享第二集,新鮮人面試攻略! 今天一樣很開心邀請到 Y社 獵頭顧問 Fiona,用專業的角度來跟我們分享面試自我介紹、常見問題、面試禁忌、團體面試等,每個問題該怎麼應對。 本集精彩: ➤ 面試自我介紹怎麼答? ➤ 為什麼想離開前一間公司有標準答案? ➤ 為什麼要錄取你?(饒了我🥲😂 ➤ 行為問題難回答?面試官想聽什麼? ➤ 團體面試怎麼突出?超級 I 人怎麼辦? ➤ 面試頻頻點頭也不行?🤣 ➤ 有什麼問題想問?該問幾題比較好?(不用問到26題🤣 ⭐️Yourator 站上看看更多職缺:最新職缺招募中! ⭐️ 想轉職?來這裡跟 Fiona 聊聊!Linkedin ⭐️ 還聽不夠嗎?精華文章看這裡! 💯 喜歡這集節目也歡迎到《職涯履行家》A…
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历史时期是三十年前 没车没互联网的时候 Mention about the topic, the historical period that I have interest is about thirty years ago when we didn't have the Internet and lots of private cars on the street 那个年代我都没出生 at the time, the period was quite different you know and I wasn't born then, but I learned something according to some videos and my parents` words and gr…
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肯定的啦 Yeah sure, I'm saying yes with a hundred percent 这样做就很舒服啦 because by doing so, I would feel very safe and very happy 去溜达或者户外 hang out with a bunch of my friends or spend a lot of time in the open area 在家呆着 听歌 what I like to do is sitting in somewhere in my home, and putting on my earphone then listening to some music…
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Did you know that 黃華揚 Huang Hua Yang is the top Freediver in Asia and #5 worldwide! Let's meet the man who went from Farmer to Freediving champ! Follow Hua Yang: https://www.instagram.com/huayangfreedive/ Best CPA in Taiwan: https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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不会的 Not really, no I wouldn't do anything in that way, no way 太傻了 I don't think it's a very smart decision and it is not a popular way for us to do so 去没去过的地方的话 when I'm trying to travel to somewhere that I'm not familiar with or that I've never been to before 我才不同意呢 I wouldn’t say yes with 100%
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Discover the inspiring story of one man’s journey around the entire island of Taiwan on foot, facing breathtaking landscapes and incredible challenges in his ultra marathon adventure.one equally well. Best accountant in Taiwan https://bit.ly/m/Referral (Use this link for the best deal)由Eddy LIVE
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优点可多啦 There are actually so many good points of using public transport 主要有两点 I think two good points can be identified 价格优势 每个人买得起 it has the price advantage, everyone in the world can afford it 乘坐方便 it is user friendly in life, whenever we want to take a cab or take the subway, you would just find one that you need…
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打车花了一百多 心疼 I need to spend like more than one hundred Yuan each time, and that would kill me for sure 打车从市中心到机场肉疼 just from the city center to the airport and that would certainly drive me crazy you know 我也没敢说啥 but I didn't say anything 不便宜 But I still think that it was too much for me and I couldn't afford it…
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科技互联网改变生活 The Internet is the modern technology and certainly it influences our life for sure you know 金钱观改变 Traditional attitude to money has been totally changed Wifi随处可见 At the same time, the free wifi could be found anywhere that you can imagine 真快 就几秒 When you are trying to download something you need, just a few seconds then everything would …
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超爱吃甜食 Yeah sure I'm a super fan of sweet food you know, like the ice cream for example, like different kinds of chocolates for example 心情当然也会很好 I'll be staying in a good mood for sure 这两样东西让我超级开心 these two kinds of things would undoubtedly make me feel happy 脂肪和热量也会让我崩溃 but one problem you know, eating too much calories and fat would drive me crazy…
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新鮮人求職季到來,如何寫出一份人資愛看的履歷,是拿到面試機會前最重要的一步。 今天很開心邀請到 Y社 Jobmenta 招募顧問 Fiona,用專業的角度來跟我們分享如何寫出人資喜歡的履歷! 本集精彩: ➤ 履歷長度要控制?一頁內完成最好! ➤ 履歷常見地雷在哪?照片要慎選! ➤ 數據呈現過往經歷!無法量化怎麼辦? ➤ 履歷內容與應徵職位無關?記得找出關聯性! ➤ 隱藏版地雷在這!OO太多居然也會被刷掉? ⭐️Yourator 站上看看更多職缺:Yourator 最新職缺都在這 ⭐️ 想轉職?來這裡跟 Fiona 聊聊!Linkedin ⭐️ 還聽不夠嗎?精華文章看這裡! 💯 喜歡這集節目也歡迎到《職涯履行家》Apple Podcast 底下留言 + 5 星好評 🤩 ⭐️ 到各社群平台找到 …
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做个艺术家肯定很有意思 Yep sure if possible, I want to be a very famous artist, and that could be great fun 不用每天八小时坐在办公室啦 I don't have to work in the office you know, like eight hours for example 不用呆在同一个地方那么久啦 I don't have to sit in the same old place for a long time each day 比以前更出名 for my part, I could be more famous than before…
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背后两个理由 Two reasons can be identified behind this topic 因为没朋友 mainly because they have got no friends in real life 各种理由 Probably it is about their personalities, it is about the temper, it is about their living habit, there are so many reasons behind it 新鲜的更有吸引力 something new or something exciting can be more charming to them 成为生活一部分 it has been a p…
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戴上耳机世界都是我的 number one, I would put on my earphone you know and the world would be mine 候机的时候戴耳机太重要了 in the airport when I'm waiting for my flight, I would put on my earphone that's the most important part and step 忘带耳机了就去看书 sometimes I probably forget my earphone at home, I would read something one or two on my favorite books 专注看书的时候 忽略噪音 when I'm …
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很多人当然爱听音乐啦 Yes sure, of course, it's a cool thing and a lot of people love listening to music 消除疲劳 it would help us to diminish all the fatigues we have 忙碌之余需要找个出口 especially after a tough day of work or study, we need to find a way out 很管用 and seriously, it works well
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你还记得上一次去动物园的是什么时候?我已经记不清了,也许大概是 2017 年夏天?我想是时候要重新去一次动物园,要是南方那种郁郁葱葱,五颜六色,人山人海的那种。哈哈哈哈哈哈~夏天适合一切好事发生,让我们把事情一件件做完,把愿望一个个实现。
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过去太忙了 actually in the past, I was quite busy with my regular work and everyday study, I was pretty busy with my every day life 在家的时间 especially the free time at home 小时候不看重家人 but when I was at my young age, I didn't realize it, I didn't realize the importance of my families 如果自己在家呆着 if I'm spending some time alone at home…
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根據《2023台灣五大產業 TOP 50 企業 DEI 現況分析》報告書顯示,台灣高齡化速度全球前 3 ,55 歲~ 64 歲的「高年級」勞動參與參率,日本近 8 成、韓國與美國也都在 64% 以上,台灣卻不到 5 成。 今天邀請到的企業,團隊內不僅有高年級生,也包含新鮮人,就算組織成員年齡跨度大,團隊內的夥伴都能相互合作,和企業製造雙贏,歡迎 IKEA 北亞區人才與文化暨招募經理 Jessica Lee 本集精彩: ➤ 熟齡夥伴比例高?IKEA 兼職是退休的 LifeStyle! ➤ 回鍋同事多?什麼原因讓離職員工想回 IKEA? ➤ 熟齡 x 新鮮人混齡跨度職場?迸出新火花! ➤ 換工作不換公司?可以申請全世界的 IKEA 職缺! ➤ 公布面試必考題?IKEA 找什麼特質的人才? ⭐️ …
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学点外语 learn something one or two on foreign language, like Japanese, like Spanish, like Germany for example 找好工作给会外语 if a young adult wants a great career, the foreign language would be the most important thing 必须的 it's the basic as well or it is required 当老板 just to be the boss or employer
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各种新闻 some gossip, some entertainment news, and some news about education and everyday life 真假消息分不清楚 but one problem, I couldn't figure out it is true or not 我认为 互联网和各种app好用 For my part, the Internet and it's related apps could be my favorite ways to find the news 更靠谱 that could be more reliable
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两个理由 挺难学的 Two reasons can be identified 首先 难学 number one, it's not very easy for us to learn about history 很难学的全面 it's very tough for us to have a better understanding of the whole history 其次 很多人没兴趣 天生的 Number two, a lot of people are not interested in history at all, you know it is born with, a natural reason…
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6 月是属于毕业的,转眼又到了毕业的路口。在这里,祝福各位毕业生们无论日后在哪儿生活、工作或者学习,都可以身体和心理健健康康,活出自我,滑行需要很久,起飞总是一瞬间,年轻的朋友们,不要着急。(听友群:添加我的微信 holauntie,备注听友群
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不行啊 记不住啊 No way I'm not good at doing so 记事儿都够呛呢别说数字了 actually I'm not kind of person who usually likes to remember things very clearly, especially the numbers 对数字不敏感 不熟悉 because I'm not familiar with it or maybe it’s born with, you know it's a natural reason 不可能完成的任务 it's like the impossible mission…
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举足轻重 it is playing an important role in our life too 没有快餐 生活效率下降 Without the fast food, our efficiency at work and study would be negatively influenced 不能适应快节奏 we couldn’t live in a such fast pace of life 问题不能忽略 热量高 But one problem cannot be ignored, it is not that healthy enough you know, too much fat and calories in it…
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想好好学习的时候要找个安静的地儿 when I'm trying to stay focused on my study, I’ll certainly find a quiet place 咖啡厅最适合了 I mean the coffee shop would be the best shot for me 安静的实体环境和免费的网络 the free wifi and quiet physical environment, that could be very important to me 搞点黑咖啡 提神醒脑 I would grab a cup of coffee, that could be my favorite, the black coffee, quite refres…
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大家好,这期是我在今年 2 月份在三文鱼更新的一期节目,三文鱼是我在宇宙乘客没有更新的日子里重新做的一期节目,里面讲述了我很多近半年的感悟和感想,这一期节目录制时间应该是 2 月 18、19 号,那个时间段我记得我特别开心,想拿到宇宙乘客再次和大家分享,让更多的人听到,抚慰到姐妹们的心灵。
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不需要周末上班上学 Not really nope, I don't have to work or study on weekends 因为周末业余时间多 because I usually have plenty of freedom on weekends 周末全天放空 I could totally rest my mind from the Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon 啥也不合计 without thinking anything
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從學生轉換到社會人士要經過求職階段,然而,並不是每個人的求職之路都很順遂,遇到各種挑戰、不安、挫折是人之常情,也因此,會自然而然產生求職焦慮。 為何會產生求職焦慮?焦慮的原因有哪些?拿到工作機會後焦慮會消失嗎?來聽聽看 Y 社新鮮人 BD 夥伴 Daniel 怎麼說! 本集精彩: ➤ 朋友早已找到工作?比較心態帶來焦慮! ➤ 怎麼還沒聯絡我?企業已讀履歷反而更焦慮! ➤ 求職壓力大情緒不穩?源自於內心不自信 ➤ 拿到 offer 反而更焦慮? ➤ 成功就職也有入職焦慮?適應新職場的焦慮感! ⭐️Yourator 站上看看更多職缺:Yourator 最新職缺 ⭐️ 來這裡認識更多的 Daniel:Linkedin ⭐️ 還聽不夠嗎?精華文章看這裡! 💯 喜歡這集節目也歡迎到《職涯履行家》App…
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分享私人物品share some of my personal belongings or even properties 比如工作学习机会 like some working or study opportunities for example 我也会帮助陌生人 some strangers come to me and need my help, I would do something one or two that I can 这样做让我开心 because by doing so, I'll certainly put a smile of joy on my face
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小时候两件事让我开心 two things would certainly make me feel happy when I was a kid 小时候就想要钱 when I was at my young age, I needed money the most 需要自由 it was about the freedom you know, my parents didn't let me do lots of things actually 同样重要 the free time and money could be equally important to me
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不好说 Well it's very hard to say 向偶像学习 they had to learn something one or two from the role model 做自己 I mean everyone should be what they are and who they are you know 可能年轻人需要职业规划的导师 My point is that you know, maybe a young adult need a role model for their career
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