Pastor Kevin Bradford, Bishop Leon Frost Greater Bakersfield's First Pentecostal Church 1418 W. Columbus Street Bakersfield, CA 93301
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12.10.2024 -Tuesday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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12.08.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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12.03.2024-Tuesday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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11.17.2024 -Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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11.12.2024 - Tuesday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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10.27.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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10.22.2024 - Tuesday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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10.20.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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10.13.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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10.8.2024 - Tuesday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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09.03.2024- Tuesday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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08.25.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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08.27.2024 - Tuesday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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09.15.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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09.22.24 Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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09.29.2024 - Sunday AM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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10.6.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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08.18.2024 - Sunday PM - Rev. Bryce Cosme - " Things That the Devil Won't Tell You " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Sunday PM - 08.11.2024 - Missionary Peyton Bradford - "Eager and Unwashed" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Tuesday PM - 08.06.2024 - Pastor Kevin Bradford - "SARX" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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08.04.2024 - Sunday AM - Bro Jeremy Brock - " But if Not " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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07.21.2024 - Sunday PM - Pastor Chad Bradley - " Keep the Sacred Trees Everything Else Must Die "
07.21.2024 - Sunday PM - Pastor Chad Bradley - " Keep the Sacred Trees Everything Else Must Die " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Sunday AM - 07.21.24 - Pastor Kevin Bradford - "The Ancient Key" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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07.14.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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07.09.2024 - Tuesday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Sunday PM - 07.07.2024 - Bro. Jordan Johnson - "When the Forgiven Forgive" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Sunday PM - 06.30.2024 - Pastor. Kevin Bradford - "A Story Within a Story " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Sunday PM - 06.23.2024 - Bro. Garrett Purtell - " The Soldier, The Athlete, & The Farmer " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Tuesday PM - 06.18.2024 -Bro. CJ Casey - "Deserving the Undeserved" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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05.19.2024 - Sunday PM by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Tuesday PM - 06.11.2024 - Rev. Cornelius Williams - "When The "East Wind" Blows" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Sunday PM - 06.02.2024 - "If My People..." - Bro. Josiah Winkler by GBFPC由GBFPC
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05.28.2024 - Tuesday PM - "Repentance from Dead Works" - Bro. Jeremy Brock by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Tuesday PM - 05.07.24 - Evangelist Cornelius Williams - "Down" is not an Option" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Sunday PM - 05.05.24 - Evangelist Cornelius Williams - "Better Than Before" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Tuesday PM - 04.30.2024 - Evangelist Cornelius Williams - "Slaying Baby Giants" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Sunday PM - 04.28.24 - Evangelist Cornelius Williams - "The Shaking of Prayers, Praise & Prophecy"
Sunday PM - 04.28.24 - Evangelist Cornelius Williams - "The Shaking of Prayers, Praise & Prophecy" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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04.14.24-Sunday PM - Evangelist Cornelius Williams - " The Lifting Of The Lifted" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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Tuesday PM - 04.09.24 - Evangelist Cornelius Williams - " The War Of Wells " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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04.02.24 - Tuesday PM - Pastor Kevin Bradford - " Hair, Sex, and The Holy Ghost " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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03.31.24 - Sunday AM - Rev. Rodger Carruth - " The Ultimate Sacrifice " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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03.26.24 -Tuesday PM - Bro. Raymond Andreas - "Can I Get A Witness" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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03.24.24 - Sunday PM - Bro. Nate Ruiz- "My Response To The King " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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03.24.24 - Sunday AM - Pastor Kevin Bradford - " I Shall Not Be Moved " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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03.19.24 - Tuesday PM - Pastor Kevin Bradford - " Wonders and Signs" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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3.17.24 - Sunday AM - Bro. Jordan Johnson - " From Struggle to Testimony" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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3.12.24 - Tuesday PM - Pastor Kevin Bradford - " Mane Of The Lion " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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3.10.24 - Sunday PM - Pastor Bryce Cosme - " Put a Yet on It " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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3.05.24 - Tuesday PM - Pastor Kevin Bradford - "Vested Apostolic Power" by GBFPC由GBFPC
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3.03.24 - Sunday PM - Missionary Ryan Thompson - " A God of Necessary Detours " by GBFPC由GBFPC
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