Podcast by Genesis the Church
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202- Origin Stories: Creation by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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119- Pictures of Power by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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126- Seeking the Kingdom by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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112- Being Interruptible- Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1222- Hope is Worth the Risk by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1215- Do the Good that is Yours to do- Bonnie by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1208- We don't go alone by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1201- You are blessing by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1124- Power of Gratitude- Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1027-the next step by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1103- Hearing Other's Stories by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1110-Imposter Syndrome- Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1117-Unfinished Stories by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1020 - Your story matters by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1013 - Unique stories by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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1006 - Covenant Sunday by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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929 - We are Missionaries by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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922 - Mending the World- Jill by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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915 - Hearing/Doing- Ryan by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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908 - Love in Action- Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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901 - All of Life is Worship- Nacsha by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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825 - Authentic Community by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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818 Everyone is a masterpiece by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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0811 - Power of Word- Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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0804 - Good Father by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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728 - Vision Sunday by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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721 - You are a Beacon! by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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7-14 Make Things Right by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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707 - Love your enemies- Bonnie by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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630 - Judging by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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623 - wise builder by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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0616 - treasure-Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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0609 - Sermon on the mount week 1 by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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602- The Persecuted by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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526 - Peacemakers by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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519: Pure in Heart- Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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5-12: The Merciful by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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4-28 - The Gentle by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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4-21 - Those Who Mourn by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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4-14: Poor in Spirit by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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4072024- Here's my heart- Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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3312024- And I Hope by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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32424 -Songs of Loudest Praise by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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31724- Teach Me by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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31024- I'm fixed upon it by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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030324 Praise the Mount by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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Feb 25:Rescue me from Danger- Bonnie by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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Feb 18- Jesus Sought Me- Nate by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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Feb 14 Tune my heart by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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Feb 11 Repentance and Forgiveness by Genesis the Church由Genesis the Church
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