your international justice podcast
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Janet and Steph sit down with Oona Hathaway to ask if international law as a concept is still relevant and if such a seeming crisis would tear down the idea of the rule of law or if it might sharpen minds and build a new different consensus由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Janet and Steph met up with Matevž Pezdirc, who is the head of the Genocide Network Secretariat at Eurojust.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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2025 looks set to be a difficult year for international justice institutions.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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We take a look back at our favourite episodes from 2024.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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It was 30 years ago that the Rwanda Tribunal was established after the genocide. What were the issues and how is it seen now?由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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It's US presidential election time and we consider the american relationship to some of the big justice issues like Israel-Palestine and Ukraine, with Milena Sterio由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Episode 112 – The Road to a New Crimes against Humanity Treaty with Leila Sadat and Priya Pillai
Leila Sadat and Priya Pillai explain why a new treaty for Crimes against Humanity matters for conflicts happening today.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Reed Brody talks about his life and career in international criminal justice由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Stephanie and Janet sit down with Beth van Schaak to talk about the role of the United States in international criminal justice由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Kjell Anderson talks to Stephanie and Janet about Dominic Ongwen and other perpetrators of war crimes and genocide由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Janet and Stephanie talk to Dianne Marie Amman and Francine Hirsch about the enduring significance of Nuremberg and the need for a new narrative由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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War-time Ukraine has seen progress on gender discrimination – but LGBTQ+ people are still facing obstacles in the military & communication regarding loved ones on the battlefield. What else has changed? Last year the team did an interesting series together with our partners the Hogue Humanity Hub and UN women in Ukraine. They asked us to interview …
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Anna Sosonska of Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General and Anastasiia Moisaieva of GRC talk about challenges of prosecuting CRSV in Ukraine.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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IHL expert Janina Dill discusses the myths and confusion around the rules of war.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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A special live episode discussing if the Hague and its institutions are still fit for purpose.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Christian Ritscher taks about wrapping up UNITAD mission in Iraq. UNITAD is the UN investigative mechanism to get accountability for crimes committed by Isis.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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The ICJ has ruled that Israel must stop its offensive in Rafah. Stephanie and Molly give us the latest breaking news from the court.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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What just happened with the ICC application for arrest warrants in Israel Palestine? And what does it mean?由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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During conflicts where do the numbers we quote as journalists come from, who is collecting the data and how does it get used? With Emily Tripp and Rachel Taylor.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Alette Smeulers talk about the various types of perpetrators and how ordinary citizens can commit mass atrocities.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Challenges of coordinating when collecting evidence of war crimes in Myanmar with the Head of the UN's IIMM Nick Koumjian.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Ten years on from the Yazidi genocide by IS fighters, we discuss what kind of accountability has been achieved for the thousands of dead and enslaved.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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What did the ICJ say about Israel's obligations under the Genocide Convention and the rights that Palestinians in Gaza have to be protected?由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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All you need to know about this week's blockbuster ICJ hearings, on South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide in the Gaza war.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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We look back at some of our most thought provoking episodes from 2023 and play you some of the highlights.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Dr. Melanie O'Brien discusses Armenia's judicial moves to stop alleged genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Summer Collection 2023 – Canada’s Reckoning with Ry Moran, Fannie Lafontaine, Karine Duhamel and Andrew Woolford
Experts from Canada discuss the state's responsibility for crimes against humanity against indigenous children and the efforts to find the truth.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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A new treaty - MLA - has been agreed to get states to investigate and try alleged war criminals由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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What next for Felicien Kabuga, unfit to stand trial for the Rwandan genocide, but possibly facing an alternative procedure never before heard of in international criminal tribunals.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Janet and Stephanie talk about the methods used by the Russian government for the transfer of Ukrainian children to the Russian Federation and what legal classifications could apply with international law scholar Yulia Ioffe and war crimes investigator Nathaniel Raymond由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Universal Jurisdiction cases for atrocity crimes - are they the new norm?由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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This week the international justice community has been brought together in mourning by the passing of Benjamin Ferencz. Ferencz served as the chief prosecutor for the United States Army during the Einsatzgruppen trial, one of twelve trials for war crimes and crimes against humanity part of the Nuremberg Trials. Later in his career Ferencz became a …
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An ICC arrest warrant for Russia's Vladimir Putin for war crimes in Ukraine - quick reactions.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Kate Gibson and Barbora Hola explain why eight men acquitted by the ICTR are stuck in Niger and why international justice is failing them由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Self-professed ICJ procedure wonk Juliette McIntyre of the University of South Australia on the slew of interventions in the Ukraine Russia genocide case at the ICJ由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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UNMICT Prosecutor Serge Brammertz explains how they track fugitives alleged to be behind the Rwanda genocide.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Emma DiNapoli discusses the start of first Darfur trial at the ICC.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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We discuss the myths and realities of Nuremberg with Diane Marie Amann and Francine Hirsch由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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On the day of Gambia's historic filing with the ICJ to ask Myanmar to 'stop the genocide of the Rohingya' Janet and Stephanie talk to Akila Radhakrishnan of the Global Justice Center由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Episode 48 – Canada’s Reckoning with Ry Moran, Fannie Lafontaine, Karine Duhamel and Andrew Woolford
How is Canada facing up evidence of cultural genocide with the discovery of mass graves at former residential schools for indigenous children?由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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The Srebrenica massacre is the subject of a highly acclaimed movie Quo vadis, Aida?. We discuss with Alma Mustafić and Emir Suljagić, who were both there, how such a film helps define the image we have of a mass atrocity.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Melanie O'Brien and Ewelina Ochab talk through the evidence of Uighur genocide in the western region of Xinjiang, denied by China. And states' responses and responsibilities.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Janet and Stephanie talk to Yasmin Ullah, Laetitia van Assum and Mike Becker about the impact of the Myanmar coup on accountability efforts for crimes against Rohingya由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Janet and Stephanie kick off 2021 with another interview for our Prosecutor Files series. We talked to Robert Petit, one of the five additional candidates for ICC prosecutor由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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It’s the biggest job in international justice: prosecutor of the ICC. Who will the next one be? Janet and Stephanie talk to candidate Richard Roy.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Fresh developments at both ICC and ICJ on Myanmar, in discussion with Priya Pillai. Plus US sanctions against the ICC prosecutor.由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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How can the ICC take on alleged crimes against the Uighur Muslim community when China is not a member and would it be a good idea?由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Episode 27- Srebrenica 25: Genocide and Denial with Iva Vukusic, Jennifer Trahan and Hikmet Karcic
On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide Janet and Stephanie sit down with Iva Vukusic, Jennifer Trahan and Hikmet Karcic to talk the legacy of the Yugoslavia tribunal and revisionism in Bosnia由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Felicien Kabuga, on the run for 25 years and one of the few last alleged masterminds of the 1994 Rwandan genocide has been arrested, but where will he face trial?由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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Janet and Stephanie sit down with Kjell Anderson to talk about perpetrators and genocide and the myths that surround both由Genocide – asymmetrical haircuts
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