2021 KKBOX 年度 PODCAST 風雲榜「最佳節目主持人」得主。 從大麻這個全球議題出發,延伸出各種關於「如何保護自己」的法律知識。話題從台灣大麻法律、全球大麻合法化、醫療使用、歷史文化、綠金產業,聊到臨檢盤查、性騷擾、刑法改革等法法普議題,教大家在關鍵時刻如何應對、同時保障自身權益,避免惹上不必要的大麻煩。
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這是特別為實習生所打造的 podcast 節目,全台第一實驗節目,新一代製作人圓夢特別企劃,一個能夠從做中學、現學現賣的最佳舞台!每一期,鬼島之音的小鬼們將從企劃、主持、錄音、剪接、發佈、一路到封面設計等等,不假他人之手,通通「靠自己」從頭到尾一手包辦,完成一集 podcast! 【歡迎加入我們的實習計畫】 你可以私訊鬼島臉書粉專:https://fb.me/ghostislandme 或 email 至鬼島信箱:[email protected] 請訂閱+Apple Podcast 五星評論~ 支持小鬼們成為 Podcast 高手,同時,把這個節目推薦給你身邊有 podcast 夢的朋友吧! A podcast by interns at Ghost Island Media. From concept to scripting, recording to editing, and publishing and marketing, our college-age and non-traditional interns develop and produce thei ...
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The very first podcast entirely in Penang style Hokkien. 播客中的首個檳城福建話節目。無所不談。這个是全世界兮頭一个庇能福建Podcast。有講有俏,有啉有放尿。
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台灣第一部紀錄片式 Podcast,耗時一年錄製:在告別以前,先跟彼此告白。 2020 年,世界因為疫情蔓延而日日在面對「別離」;2020 年,同時也是《一年的告白》中的主角 Mish(母親)面對突如其來的癌症第四期診斷的時刻。根據醫生的預估,Mish 只剩下一年的生命。 Doreen(女兒)決定面對自己從小到大與母親之間的關係,以 Podcast 的方式紀錄下與母親的對話,同時,解開所有埋藏在心的「結」,爬梳所有難題,將纏繞母女關係之「結」透過對話,梳理的平平整整,這是一檔關於和解、別離、女性與愛的故事。 由《孤味》導演許承傑、《日常對話》製作人李嘉雯、牽猴子行銷總監王師擔任顧問團,全季剪輯則是由入圍 2020 金鐘獎戲劇類節目剪輯獎的潘客印擔任,前導預告由參與多部電影、電視的聲音後期製作之大師級人物周震擔任混音師。 An audio documentary from Ghost Island Media. *** PODCAST 製作、出品團隊: 鬼島之音 Ghost Island Media 導演 Director|Doreen Wang 監製 Executive Pro ...
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We invited a researcher of Datuk Kong to share her findings with our listeners. Did you know there are multiracial Datuk Kong in Malaysia? Come learn more from Dr. Tan Ai Boay. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-02-17.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast Hous…
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Are you a luxury traveler or a budget traveler? This week we discussed ways to travel economically, including sharing a bed with a stranger in a foreign country. Do you dare to travel this way? [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-02-10.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hok…
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在《大麻煩不煩》特別系列〈藥物音樂史〉裡,Zoe 與台灣音樂製作人 DJ QuestionMark 一起介紹藥物、音樂、派對與文化之間糾葛的愛恨情仇。 第四集,Zoe 與 DJ QuestionMark 來到了爵士、雷鬼與饒舌的時代,並聊到了一段令人意外的歷史:由於毒品對於貧困人民的負面影響,饒舌音樂文化一度是非常反毒的! 延伸收聽指南: - 來自牙買加的巨星 Bob Marley/牙買加毒品與雷鬼的歷史/將大麻視為神聖植物的拉斯塔法里教 ➡️ EP112. 毒書時間!牙買加巨作《七殺簡史》 - 大麻與爵士樂的深刻羈絆 ➡️EP77. 大麻 & 爵士的狂歡(爵士樂手竟是紐約地方藥頭?) - 關過不代表比較酷!入獄之後要很努力才能在出獄之後重新出發 ➡️EP 101. 關過很嘻哈?錯嘍!專訪馬…
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This week, we come back after CNY holiday, and went straight to talking about the behind! Yes, buttocks. Butts. But specifically, what recently happened to A-Long’s butt. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-02-03.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Gl…
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We welcomed in the year of the Snake as we wish everyone a healthy, prosperous, and happy new year. We also took the occasion to share some of our own encounters with Tok Panjang - 🐍 snakes! [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-27.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkie…
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新年快樂!隨著新舊年交替,本集 Zoe 精選4則2024年末的新聞快訊。 1. 台灣團伙利用韓國辣雞麵自泰國夾帶大麻回台,張姓律師在陪同被捕的客戶進行筆錄過程中,發現警方已鎖定另一名共犯。張姓律師聯絡共犯,協助對方刪除聊天記錄滅證,造成警方後續調查受阻。該名共犯後續又再犯,最終還是遭到警方逮補,而這位協助共犯滅證的張律師則遭起訴後70萬元交保。 請各位務必不要運輸大麻,也不要教別人滅證喔! 2. 台中市北屯區一名男子於車內試圖自盡,民眾察覺異常報警,警方趕到後將男子送醫。警方於男子車內搜出遺書、海洛因與槍枝,循著男子遺書自白內容指示,進到男子住處搜索,查獲床底下60塊整齊擺放的雙獅地球牌海洛因磚。獲救的男子清醒後,又再供出住處隔壁的房間內還存放兩百多塊海洛因磚以及大量子彈與數把槍枝,市值估計…
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We ended up spending a lot of time talking about Kuih Bangkit while we discussed traditional CNY kuih. We also briefly touched on newer Chinese New Year kuih. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-20.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien…
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We’re back with more ghost stories. A man walking extremely slowly at her mother’s wake. Bicycle bell rung by ghosts. Sword being pulled by a ghost. India ghosts walking by bed looking for things. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-13.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang …
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We shared interesting stories from our workplace. Anonymous complaint letter and being robbed at work among other stories. This will be an ongoing series, please let me know if you have your own workplace stories to share. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-06.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Cl…
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This will be an ongoing series of our roommate stories. This includes good ones and bad ones. We even have a guest who admitted that she’s the bad roommate! But not as bad as a serial killer! [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-12-30.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokki…
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Chelsia Ng (Liliuan Thang) shared with us her recent album launch - "Book One: Songs for You and I". She shared many personal stories about the new songs, including two Penang Hokkien songs about Penang food and her mom! Please support our fellow Penangite talent by purchasing her limited edition album box set and stream her music! Buy her limited …
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Suahu returned to share his college years and his career path. Also find out what his hobbies are. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-12-16.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's)…
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需要探監,送菜、送物資該怎麼做呢?Zoe 跑遍全台各監所,今天她來跟你說! 首先,要先知道你要探訪的人被關在哪裡、編號是多少。可以上法學資料檢索系統查詢判決書或是羈押裁定(https://lawsearch.judicial.gov.tw/ )確認最後判決法院或是羈押裁定法院,進一步查到他可能在哪裡服刑或是在哪裡被羈押;接著,至收監單位網站,提供受刑人/被告本名、出生年月日來查詢受刑人編號,在特殊情況下會需要提供身分證字號。有了編號之後就可以進行下一步。 你想要寄現金、寄匯票、匯款,還是送物資、送會客菜、探監? 每個監所都有自己不同詳細的規定,每個規定背後都有他的原因,很多注意事項要查清楚啊!這些程序也可以在線上系統進行,你不一定需要親自到監所。想要線上服務,可以多多利用法務部矯正署便民服務…
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I reconnected with one of our first listeners of PGHK, Suahu. He shared with us his childhood and how he discovered PGHK. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-12-09.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @Penang…
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A listeners shared why three stories of this hotel is so haunted. Hikers cut his own middle finger for speaking disrespectfully in the hiking trail. And many more! [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-12-02.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Ho…
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加拿大在2018年成為全世界第二個大麻全境合法的國家之前,在1923年曾將大麻列為非法物質,而且原因還和華人移民有關!本集來科普加拿大在早期把大麻非法化的歷史故事,以及後來又是如何逐步在2001年醫療合法,及2018年成人用合法! 19世紀,許多中國沿海地區的人口為逃避當時清末時期的戰亂與貧窮,受加拿大的淘金熱與鐵路興建計畫吸引,移民至加拿大BC省(British Columbia,英屬哥倫比亞,曾為英國殖民地,又稱卑詩省)。1885年,加拿大東西橫貫鐵路竣工之後,政府開始課徵針對華人移民的高昂人頭稅,1904年稅金還一路漲價翻了十倍。 隨著對於華人移民群的反對意識漸長,加拿大在1908年通過了鴉片法案,將非醫療用途的鴉片製造、進口、及銷售為非法。此法案成為加拿大近代歷史裡第一個針對種族的藥…
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We discussed the imported culture of autumn traditions to Malaysia. Those of us living abroad also shared their autumn experience. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-11-25.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK…
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We shared our breakup stories from romantic lovers to friendships. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-11-11.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's) @John.Ong Twitter (PGHK) @Penan…
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在《大麻煩不煩》特別系列〈藥物音樂史〉裡,Zoe 與台灣音樂製作人 DJ QuestionMark 一起介紹藥物、音樂、派對與文化之間糾葛的愛恨情仇。 第三集,Zoe 與 DJ QuestionMark 的討論主題來到60年代開始,深刻影響歐美音樂、文學、藝術界的啟靈藥物——LSD (麥角酸二乙醯胺)。本集 LSD 史全明星賽,介紹幾個在歷史上對 LSD 文化起到重大影響的知名人物。 【LSD 全明星賽名單】 1. 瑞士化學家 - 霍夫曼 (Albert Hofmann) - 做實驗接觸到 LSD ,騎著腳踏車成為史上第一個擁有完整 LSD 體驗的人類。 2. 美國精神科醫師 - 奧斯蒙德(Humphry Osmond) - 正式為啟靈藥物 (Psychedelic) 正名。 3. 英國作家…
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We talked about dressing up for Halloween, drama, and simply playing with your mom's makeup, dress, and shoes. This also inspired a Chinese Opera theme fashion show at our PGHK 20th anniversary weekend. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-11-04.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 P…
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We're back for more ghost stories. Haunted experience for a realtor. Momogu shared his ghost encounter at his night school. Besaikong also shared his friend's pontianak ghost hanging on the tree. We also discussed the black and white ghosts from hell. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-10-28.mp3 ❤️ Supp…
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2024年八月五日,行政院將「依託咪酯」(etomidate) 正式列管為第三級毒品,和K他命在同一級。 依託咪酯是一種短效麻醉劑,主要是臨床醫師會以靜脈注射方式,在為病人插管時使用。自從2024年七月在新北市三重發生一起駕駛施用依託迷酯撞死執勤員警的事件之後,依託迷酯的濫用情形開始在台灣有越來越多討論度。 在這一集,Zoe 藉由依託咪酯被列管為三級毒品,說明「藥品」與「毒品」在法律上的差異;某些合法的藥品經過不符程序製造、輸入或販賣的話會成為「禁藥」;以及再次說明物質被列管為毒品的法律程序。(想了解更多,歡迎收聽第《大麻煩不煩》五十六集!) 請大家在購買與使用藥物的時候,務必透過合法的管道,遵循專業醫療指示喔! 節目聲明:大麻 🥦 雖有神奇療效,過度使用還是會讓你腦袋壞掉 支持我們的節目,…
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We are blessed with so many varieties of local fruits in the Southeast Asia region. How many of these fruits have you heard of or even tasted? [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-10-21.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House …
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This week we invited a property agent, Jun/Doraemon to share his job of buying and selling properties in Penang. He also shared his career before getting into the realty industry. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-10-14.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast H…
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This week a new batch of listeners sat down and chatted with me about my move to the USA, college, and my romantic relationships. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-10-06.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK)…
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今年4月德國大麻合法化正式上路。只要年滿十八歲,每人可合法隨身持有最多25克大麻,家中最多可同時存有50克大麻,並種植最多3株大麻植株。同時實施「大麻俱樂部」制度,合法的俱樂部可有上限500名會員,會員資格僅限德國居民,俱樂部內可合法交易大麻。 除了俱樂部內的交易之外,目前尚無其他合法的交易方式與場所。 Zoe 八月底九月初到了德國柏林,採訪了一位在德國住了十年的台灣作家張仲嫣,仲嫣以德國居民身份,分享了她經歷的大麻合法化前後的生活差異,法規上路後的實施方式,以及她曾經不小心從德國超市買了漢麻 (hemp) 茶包回台灣,結果被調查局請去喝茶的驚魂記 😱。 關於德國現行法規,仲嫣提到幾個重點。 第一點,加入俱樂部的合法資格僅限十八歲以上,合法居住德國滿六個月的居民(包含外籍人士),但短期入境的…
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Once again, we switched roles and have PGHK listeners interviewed me for this episode. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-09-30.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's) @John.Ong T…
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We switched our seats around, and have the listeners of PGHK interviewed me for the next three weeks! If you have any additional questions you'd like to ask, feel free to leave them in the comments. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-09-23.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penan…
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Walking down memory lane of the past 19 years of this space we created together called Penang Hokkien Podcast as we celebrate our 1000th episode. Let's keep this space going for another 1000 episodes! Thanks for the love and support you have given to the show and to me personally. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/medi…
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9月9日,台灣警方出動22個地檢署、聲請481張搜索票、執行了455張、派出檢察官88人次、司法警察1329人次。 這件「0902發掘大麻施用黑數專案」查獲大麻犯罪相關被告313人,當中施用大麻者佔270人,扣得大麻約4.5公斤、大麻製品350個、大麻植栽場1處、施用器具900個。 在《大麻煩不煩》 EP105 中,Zoe 說明過「新世代反毒策略行動綱領」下的「0305擊落麻毒專案」事件、警方聲請搜索票的流程與必要條件、法務部追緝的「犯罪黑數」是什麼意思。在當時的節目中,Zoe 提過這樣的「反毒行動」將來預計每半年會發生一次,果不其然,半年後的這週就發生了「0902發掘大麻施用黑數專案」。 九月與三月份「0305擊落麻毒專案」相同的是,搜索票的聲請依據來自於線上購物網站的消費記錄,甚至連非專…
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今天八月,在南投的山城音樂節上發生了一起事件:饒舌歌手 PiNkChAiN 紅粉鍊人未經同意多次觸碰饒舌歌手國蛋的臀部。事件幾日後開始在社群媒體上延燒,有鑒於兩位當事人都曾經是《大麻煩不煩》的來賓(EP22 & EP81),以及 Zoe 也是鬼島之音的性別議題節目《Z色派對》共同主持人,因此特別找來《Z色派對》的另一位共同主持人 Zukkim 一起來討論這件事。 我們藉這個機會和《大麻煩不煩》聽眾來聊身體自主權這件事! 事件的詳細經過為,8月17日國蛋在台上演出期間,伸手與台下觀眾擊掌互動,在這個過程當中,PiNkChAiN 從舞台的另一側伸手觸碰了人在台上的國蛋的臀部。國蛋下台之後,PiNkChAiN 也繼續在國蛋離場的路途上,雙手捧著國蛋的臀部跟著前進,國蛋轉身揮開 PiNkChAiN …
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大受好評的毒書時間又來了!這次我們來到雷鬼音樂的發源地——牙買加! 《七殺簡史》(A Brief History of Seven Killings) 是牙買加作家馬龍‧詹姆斯 (Marlon James) 於2014年發表的英文小說,並於2015年獲得了布克獎,過了十年之後,終於在今年出版了繁體中文版! 本集來賓為譯者楊詠翔與編輯張詠翔(對,兩位都是詠翔),兩位與 Zoe 分享了選書與翻譯的過程,解答了 Zoe 對於書中有些章節逗點很少的疑問,也聊了牙買加政治與黑幫之間的複雜關係,以及對牙買加雷鬼文化而言有著重大意義的拉斯塔法里教 (Rastafarianism)。 《七殺簡史》繁體中文版厚達895頁,分為七個章節,每章節透過不同角色的視角,描述在1976年所發生的雷鬼音樂傳奇人物巴布·馬…
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I was so happy and touched to get to meet up with you in person when I was in Penang. If you didn't get to join the gathering, you'll get to see and hear from some of the listeners who were there. Some of them I've know for years, but only meeting in person for the first time. Thank you for your years of support and friendship. Please come join us …
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We are back for more ghost stories including at camping trips, KOMTAR shop are, and find out what the color of my aura. And see if you can hear a voice saying "hello, hello" on the left side at 1:09:39? [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-09-02.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 P…
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This week, we discussed about baking, including the types of baked goods we like and different models of ovens we use. How much experience do you have when it comes to baking? Come learn from our guests. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-08-26.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 …
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We invited several members of the State Chinese (Penang) Association members to come share their heritage. We also asked them about the recent hit video "Mama Me-Yah!", a Chinese Peranakan family tale. Mama Me-Yah!: https://youtu.be/3IEmvWNbdJI?si=rkTYBgVFC58mHbAI State Chinese (Penang) Association Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/scpapenang…
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Namsai returned shared her live after secondary school and her career path into advertisement and music video production industry. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-08-12.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK…
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Namsai opened up to talk about her childhood. Find out more about her duty as a child in a household of a business minded mother. Of course there's ghost stories. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-08-05.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hok…
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在《大麻煩不煩》特別系列〈藥物音樂史〉裡,Zoe 與音樂製作人 DJ QuestionMark 一起介紹藥物、音樂、派對與文化之間糾葛的愛恨情仇。 第二集來了! Zoe 與 DJ QuestionMark 討論銳舞文化 Rave 在歷史中的反動精神、Rave 浪潮之下迅速成為派對音樂主流的樂風 Acid House (酸浩室),以及在1990年代,英國政府試圖在法律上將派對與 Acid House 定義為違法。甚至在蘇格蘭法庭中,曾有巡警試圖說服法官,以「藥物濫用」的名義起訴在派對中播放 Acid House 音樂的主辦人。(蘇格蘭為英國的構成國之一,同樣使用英國法律。) 在當年勢不可擋的 Rave 浪潮之中,孕育並奠定了許多我們在現代習以為常的派對文化基礎。 與派對文化一起迅速擴散的藥物使…
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This week's ghost stories we discussed ghosts that can move thing, aka poltergeist. Acknowledging a crying ghost at word by offering her food and drinks. Out of body experience by another guest being attached by a bird ghost. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-07-29.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋…
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Previously we shared our experiences in primary school. This time, we moved on to discussing our secondary school life. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-07-22.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHo…
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We invited Tiffany Choong, one of the authors of MikuBooks.com to come share with us her book of illustrations of Penang and its culture. All other books from Mike Books at https://mikubooks.com Buy the Art of Joy Everyday Penang by Tiffany Choong: https://clarity8.com/everyday-penang-tiffany-choong.html https://www.instagram.com/bulanlifestyle_art…
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We have Mama Kush's owner, a professional nyonya kuih baker and vendor here to share with us why got into this profession and business. Mama Kuih info: https://mamakuih.com (Website) https://facebook.com/mamakuih (Facebook) https://instagram.com/mama.kuih (Instagram) https://wa.me/60124898368 (WhatsApp) ❤️ Support PGHK 💛: http://penanghokkien.com/s…
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在《大麻煩不煩》特別系列〈藥物音樂史〉裡,Zoe 與台灣音樂製作人 DJ QuestionMark 一起介紹藥物、音樂、派對與文化之間糾葛的愛恨情仇。 第一集,Zoe 與 DJ QuestionMark 討論了「藥」與「毒」之間的關係;搖頭丸 (Ecstacy, E) 在派對中開始出現的契機;E的主成份之一 MDMA 對 Rave 銳舞文化帶來的影響,LSD 開始成為海外音樂創作者靈感來源的起源故事;Rave 如何傳入台灣,又在現今的派對文化中扮演什麼角色。 這些物質又是如何被列為管制,成為各國社會眼中的「毒品」。 本系列從 2023年底在 DJ QuestionMark 的 Twitch 平台直播 Live 版本,並由鬼島之音再製成 Podcast 節目版。錯過 Live 直播的觀眾不用擔…
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This week we discussed how attention-seekers use the internet and social media for fame and profit. What crossed the line of authenticity? Are you into that kind of viral content? PGHK Takes Over New World Park event on August 10, 2024. Register on Facebook. https://fb.me/e/zcOOYnCrH Follow PGHK WhatsApp Channel for announcements. https://PenangHok…
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Sambai Belacan returned to Malaysia after the breakup. And find out who beat him up? And why he decided to return to Paris. If you haven't listened to all four episodes of Sambai Belacan's stories, here are all first 3 episodes: Ep 1 - https://youtube.com/live/N-35ioAmhdo Ep 2 - https://youtube.com/live/TNb54eFQyI4 Ep 3 - https://youtube.com/live/2…
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This week we learned about Sambai Belacan's life studying in Paris, France. How he stumbled info photography. And find out how his relationship was with his older boyfriend. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-06-17.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋…
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This is part 2 of a four-part Pride Month series with Sambai Belacan. Let's find out more about his life during puberty and what he did after secondary school. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-06-10.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkie…
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《戒不掉的癮世代:臺灣的毒梟、大麻、咖啡包與地下經濟》於2024年由鏡文學出版。作者是鄭進耀記者,他花費近五年,採集了台灣不同類型的毒品使用者的生命故事,寫出「毒品」對他們而言究竟是什麼樣的存在,以及許多知名案件與社會現象背後的毒品影響力。 鄭進耀描述書中寫到的與藥頭面交故事,也和 Zoe 討論到,藥物使用者的用藥動機是多元的,絕非刻板印象中的追求快感、墮落或生理性成癮。若想消除使用者的施用動機,應該要正視他們的生命經驗與施用脈絡。 「這本書就是拿掉那些濾鏡,(指藥物)好看的不好看的你都要接受。」Zoe 說。 鄭進耀與 Zoe 也討論了台灣反毒教育與戒癮系統可以如何進步。一起來聽聽作者與律師之間的精彩對話吧! 節目聲明:大麻 🥦 雖有神奇療效,過度使用還是會讓你腦袋壞掉 支持我們的節目,《大…
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We're kicking off Pride Month with a month-long series of conversations with Sambai Belacan. Find out about his childhood, family, and first crush in school. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-06-03.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien …
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