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當了媽,才開始學著當媽咪! 放下孩子手上的平板 mamimoon協助家長成為孩子們的偶像 讓孩子聽全英文童書 家長依據內容介紹同步翻譯 mamimoon共同陪伴及互動支持 When I became a mother, I started to learn to be one! Take the tablet and mobile phone away from the kids. Mamimoon helps parents become their idols! Kids will be listening to English stories, and parents can discuss and explain the stories with them. Mamimoon is your good friend and your parenting support! mamimoon集結專業幼教老師、親子外語、親子職能治療師、嬰幼護理教育師多位領域專家 提供潛能開發 親子共同進階 一起享受媽咪的黃金10年 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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「喂,Iphie嗎?我是Wendy,你最近怎麼樣?」 / 歡迎來到打個電話給你Podcast,我們是Wendy和Iphie,目前居住在香港和北京的妙齡女性代表,一個從事且沈迷電影,另一個熱衷人類學和社會創新,在信仰的路上越走越誠懇。 / 我們曾經也叫「我不夠好嗎」,在這麼大的世界有一些自我懷疑也是正常的吧?所以我們每周的一通電話,有時聊點感情的娛樂的,有時分享些理性的思辨的,有時也會不小心觸及心中柔軟的疼痛的。 / 如果聽Podcast是為了陪伴,希望我們這一通電話,能用最真誠卻也最隨意的對話,溫暖你的時間。 / (這八十年代的煽情文案真是充分暴露年齡毫不手軟...) / ✨Instagram: ✨Patreon: ✨YouTube:
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That was being exaggerated. I’ve only met Athena once before recording this episode, she was introduced to me as an actress, I then got totally attracted when I heard her singing at the karaoke party. That’s why I’ve decided to invite her to my show, and share her journey of being a performing artist.*this is an English episode標題誇張了。Athena是前段時間新認識的…
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两类人喜欢去 Two kinds of people would be super fan 上班族压力大的人 the employees who sit in the office and suffer from heave workload 让疲倦消失 let the fatigues gone from their life 成里长大的年轻人 the young adults who are used to the city life
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最近又一個朋友離開了香港,生活在香港的我們,對於異地安置這件事已經感到習慣。即便如此,回想我第一次來到香港的興奮和惴惴不安,還是覺得這是一個值得咀嚼和分享的話題。這一期和Crystal從心態層面的準備,到實際需要面對的問題,裡裡外外聊了一遍。如果你正準備搬去新的城市,或還在考慮要不要搬去新的城市,希望這題節目能夠提供給妳足夠的訊息喔~/04:51 做決定很容易,但害怕、焦慮的情緒也不是沒有16:41 搬家去菲律賓:語言、找房子、傢俱、氣候,最大頭是清理舊家的東西...35:17 離開的理由千千萬,哪一種能說服我自己?/本期嘉賓:最近剛搬家的Crystal(Instagram:crystalchuhy)/收聽渠道:可在小宇宙、喜馬拉雅、網易雲音樂、Spotify、ApplePodcast等平台…
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理想的房子就在郊区 My dream house would certainly be on the suburb ‘ 慢节奏生活适合我 the slow pace of life would be right for me 太吵闹了 I mean that would be too crowed and noisy in my mind 房价是另外考虑的因素 the price is another reason that I have to think about
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Another episode about misconceptions of Hong Kong. With my friend Crystal, we gonna talk about English education in HK, doing sports in Hong Kong, driving in Hong Kong. Why are HK girls look so confident all the time? Are they particularly into designer bags? Hope this episode shows you another side of Hong Kong!/01:40 沒有入讀國際學校,Crystal是怎麼學英文的?15:26…
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