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TILF 老師不正經

Casper, Fezco, Ethan

不務正業又嘴砲滿點的三位英文老師,Casper、Fezco、Ethan,用不正經卻偶爾有深度,低俗但又好像有那麼一點教育意義的態度,天馬行空的尬聊。 在你點進來之前:三人都是英文老師,會時不時烙英文,可能會讓人覺得很討厭。另外,三人都是同性戀,話題尺度開之外,政治不一定正確。若我們不投緣,慢走不送。我們的意見僅止於我們的意見,誰也不欠誰,誰也不需要為誰改變。 合作邀約:tilftcj@gmail.com Instagram:tilf_tcj_2022 (TILF 老師不正經) 任何意見都歡迎留言或在IG私訊我們,我們(不)一定會回 :P 喜歡我們的節目,歡迎小額贊助!你的支持是我們創作的動力! 抖內我們:https://open.firstory.me/join/tilftcj Powered by Firstory Hosting
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大家好,我們是愛唱歌,熱愛地球的金星人。 第一支影片有點不太習慣對著麥克風說話XD 請大家多多指教~ 希望今年的疫情快快過去,世界越來越美好!如果你喜歡的話,可以幫我們按讚訂閱加分享!謝謝大家!World Peace! 粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088099842370 Hello everyone! We would like to share with you our happiness as we are going to step into a new chapter in our life. We hope that the pandemic that happens all over the world this year can disappear as soon as possible and the world becomes better and better. If you like us, please watch the full video! Thank you! World pe ...
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接触第一手NBA咨询,分享最前线篮球趣事,ESPN编辑秋实李每周给你讲故事啦! 本节目分为单双数两期形式。在单数期,我将谈论正在发生的NBA大事,比如季后赛进程,比如选秀大会,比如全明星赛等等。内容会更加深度,更加适合资深球迷懂球帝。 而双数期,听众则可以听到形形色色主题的NBA小趣事,包括个别球员的成长经历、各种篮球背后美国文化的交织,甚至是爆料一些你在其他地方绝对看不到的故事。双数期,则更加老少咸宜,哪怕你不怎么看NBA,相信也可以在这里学到一点东西,回去跟朋友们炫耀一番! 欢迎在节目里留言评论,我一定保证一一回复,并且选取若干有意思的话题,在下一期节目里跟大家一起讨论。除了喜马拉雅之外,你还可以在苹果官方播客APP上面找到我。 想知道美国记者怎么吐槽比赛吗?想知道更衣室里都有什么秘密吗?想知道镜头背后的八卦吗?关注《凭胸而论NBA》——Where Amazing Happens。
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遠東商銀Podcast節目《十樂不設 💰進人生》第二季開播啦! 跟著演藝圈最會存錢的小梁哥梁赫群,一起學習金融知識、理財心法! 讓你財富不設限、快樂不受限 ! 現在聽節目還有機會抽住宿券喔! 收聽連結: https://fstry.pse.is/6gd9cv —— 以上為 FMTaiwan 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 在將邁入三十歲的這一年,來聊聊 Turning 30 - 過三十歲究竟是什麼樣的關卡?很重要嗎?很多事情會發生嗎?還是其實是大家危言聳聽太多了?到底三十歲這個門檻有什麼樣的咒力, 讓人不寒而慄? - Instagram:@tilf_tcj_2022 (TILF 老師不正經) - 任何意見都歡迎留言或在IG私訊我們,我們(不)一定會回 :P 小額贊助支持本節…
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和爸妈一起住在郊区 I'm living with my parents and of course we live on the suburb 热闹的街道 I'm mean the busy street or road 街上看不到人 you wouldn't find many people on the street too 可以的话 还是希望回到市中心居住 if possible, I also want to move back to the central area of the city
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喜欢搞笑电影 I love watching different kinds of funny movies, especially the comedies 尤其是忙碌之余 especially after a tough day of work or study 一直陪伴着我 then a funny movie will be with me all the time 很多喜剧片无聊 a lot of comedies are not very interesting in fact
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放在记忆里 because by doing so, I would put it in my memories, you know, not only in my smartphone but also in my memories 记录美好 I would remember something good and something wonderful in my life 分享 很快乐 I like to share it with other people and I'll feel very happy too 就像做了好事很开心一样 It's like that I'm doing something good and putting a smile of joy on my fa…
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十五六岁的年纪 probably at the age of fifteen or sixteen 不知道为啥 但是真事儿 I didn't know why, but it happened for real 忙碌之后 去超市 回家 finishing a tough day of my work or study, then going to the supermarket, then I would get back home on my own 患难见真情 a friend in need is a friend indeed
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每个人都想买房 Undoubtedly, almost everyone in the world wants to buy a house 私有的 just their own properties 家是港湾 home is the center of the life. Home is the best place for them to warm up themselves 一辈子的贷款 People have to borrow lots of money from the bank and give the money back to the bank after their whole lifetime…
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只要做投資就一定知道玩股網。玩股網是全台最大投資資訊&教學平台,提供最完整的客製化技術分析工具。就是愛玩股Podcast頻道,是為了讓更多投資人,可以接收到正確的投資觀念與投資技巧,一起成為市場贏家! 就是愛玩股Podcast: https://fstry.pse.is/6fdccu —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— ***這集因為記憶卡滿了我們沒注意到有一段後來發現沒檔案 QwQ 萬分抱歉*** - 網路的時代,線上充滿了各種打著言論自由而恣意發揮的仇恨言論。這些言論的用意是為了讓事情變得更好、得以有正向的改變,還是僅是為了一時的快感?所謂的影子自我 (Shadow Self) 和投射心理 (Projection),能如何幫助我們了解黑特言論和行為? - Inst…
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价格合理 you will find it has a reasonable price 人们都买的起 Almost everyone can afford it. Almost everyone can buy it 在两个地方买的东西 it is about the products or the items that you want to buy in two different places 一些小物件 like some ingredients for example, like some living stuff for example
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影响很大 It has changed our reading habit a lot 时代不同 But today things changed 一千多本书放在电子书里面 because they could put more than a thousand books just in the e book 啥都放在屏幕上 But now they can do all of these just on the screen
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忙完了休息 what they like to do is just resting in the mind at home or just spending some time alone 身心放松 I mean just for physical relaxation and mental relaxation 交友目的多 Probably a friend just wants to use you for money, for different purposes 占你便宜 Or he is just trying to take advantage of you
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没有活力 No.1,they wouldn't be energetic any longer 身体充满疲倦 At the same time, the fatigues would be in their body 影响心情 If they didn't have meat for a very long time, they wouldn't be happy about the life or they wouldn't stay in a good mood 各种肉 Such as muffin, beef and chicken and seafood
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不知不覺 TILF 也做了兩年,這兩年下來我們也認識了非常多創作者。俗話說,樹大必有枯枝,人多的話...You know what I mean. 找來老朋友喬伊與小可,肆無忌憚地聊聊合作錄製的經驗裡最令人愉悅的,也要抱怨最令人髮指的狀況! - 合作邀約:tilftcj@gmail.com Instagram:@tilf_tcj_2022 (TILF 老師不正經) - 任何意見都歡迎留言或在IG私訊我們,我們(不)一定會回 :P 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl845w7b101z201wm0fx6dpzw 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl845w7b101z201wm0fx6…
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(4659期)精神和身体放松哪个更重要 Which is more important,mental or physical relaxation 同样重要 I think they are equally important 忙碌之余 after a tough day of work or study 积累疲倦 the fatigues would certainly accumulate in our body after a tough day 搞个按摩 not just rest the mind, but also a massage or something
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依赖网络 a lot of people today are using the internet too much in life 玩手机玩电脑 spending a lot of time on their laptops or computers or mobile phones 有压力 today's life can be very suffering for almost everyone 某种负担 it is like some sorts of burdens
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就是喜欢 没其他的 mainly because they just love it, no different or special reasons 人们不喜欢传统服饰的材料和设计 people hate traditional clothing because it's not very comfortable, materials and its design 记住发生的事儿 remember something one or two in history 百分之百确定 I'm saying yes with a hundred percent
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大师作品 the different kinds of masterpieces of artwork and different kinds of art designing or something 人多拥挤 I would find millions of people like going to the art galleries too, that's too crowded and noisy 看完展我觉得我也很艺术 After visiting the art galleries, I would find my life could be full of art 有的时候有点贵 sometimes I realize it is not very affordable…
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快餐店随处可见 I think the fast food restaurant can be found anywhere 人们喜爱快餐 a lot of people are really crazy about it 吃太多快餐 有毒素沉淀 if you eat it too much and the toxins would accumulate in your body 但它价格公道 but I think it has a reasonable price
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两个事情让我兴奋 Two things would certainly make me feel excited when I was at my young age 每周学六十个小时 In fact, I had to sit in the classroom more than ten hours each day and more than six days each week 躺平 just lying on my bed at home 让我兴奋 the holidays and vacations would excite me
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能在饭店待一天 if possible they can eat something that they like and sit in the restaurant for a long time or even all day long 很有名气 That could be very famous and well known in the world 价格公道 They have a reasonable price by the way 经常这么干 they do it quite often in life
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如果你真的在乎車輛的安全性與穩定性 那麼,你沒有理由不選擇榮獲多項國際安全大獎與最高評分的 SUV 王者 Forester 開起來真的超安心超安穩 日本原裝極致安全 百萬 SUV 超值首選 超值絕版價 108.8萬,連結了解:https://reurl.cc/vva0NA —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 你聽過身體積極性 (Body Positivity) 嗎?無論自己的身體是如何,都應該無條件接受並擁抱自己,但真的是如此嗎?又為何有人總是喜歡批判他人的身形?到底關你屁事? - 合作邀約:tilftcj@gmail.com Instagram:@tilf_tcj_2022 (TILF 老師不正經) - 任何意見都歡迎留言或在IG私訊我們,我們(不)一定會回 :P …
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适应啦 没啥别的原因 because they are used to it, no different reasons or no special reasons 人们自私 they are very selfish, you know, selfishness is the center of their life 人们要尊重他们 everyone should show respect to them 理由很简单 See, I told you here are the two reasons, very simple
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我选放松啥也不干的假期 For me, I'll prefer a more relaxed vacation 假期苦 I don't want to be suffering in my holidays 啥也不合计 resting my mind at home or sitting in somewhere without thinking anything 工作状态效率满分 my working attitude and efficiency will be quite positive
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政治學裡的微觀政治,所指的是個體的行為如何影響到群體的全局。今天這集則是想利用這個字,來和政治冷感的兩位連席主持人聊聊:我們之間也有政治角力嗎?英文的 "Politics" 跟中文為什麼語境傳達的意思有所不同?而存在於所有人際關係中的力量拉扯 (Power Dynamics),又可以怎樣被放大到群體與群體、甚至是國與國之間的關係?而力量弱小的實體,又能用什麼方式來 "Turn the table" 呢? - 合作邀約:tilftcj@gmail.com Instagram:@tilf_tcj_2022 (TILF 老師不正經) - 任何意見都歡迎留言或在IG私訊我們,我們(不)一定會回 :P 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/cl845w7b1…
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昂贵的健身房 The place that I've been to and find it so expensive is a gym 地理位置很好 It has a nearly perfect location in my mind, just in the central area of my city 会员卡一年两万多 the basic membership card is more than ten thousand half a year, not a year, about six months, you have to pay for it like more than ten thousand Yuan 在这里健身的人有钱并且有礼貌 I mean they are ri…
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