Harvest Valley Church, Pleasanton, CA has a passion to teach and equip people from various journeys of life through the LOVE & GRACE of Jesus.
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In this lesson we learn more about the promises of God and how they don’t make sense but have the power to mature us and increase our faith. HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We are so glad you are joining us for church online! If you have made a decision to follow Jesus or want to learn m…
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In this message you will learn the power of prayer, especially the prayers that target the prodigal. Learn to pray the prayers that avail much. HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We are so glad you are joining us for church online! If you have made a decision to follow Jesus or want to lear…
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Beginning of Changing Our Language Genesis 11 Tower of Babel - Matthew 28 Speak a language of faith - Go to all the world and preach about Jesus. Language of boldness and love for the lost. HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We are so glad you are joining us for church online! If you have m…
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Years ago Pastor Derek recorded a prayer time going through the Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:13-19. He takes you through each step. Jesus told His disciples to pray this way. Come and pray along as you commute or any time of day or night. Are you at a loss for words when talking to God? Follow along here. You will learn so much. Learn how to pray. …
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Many need a way of escape. If you are addicted there is not a low to low. God can touch you today. Pastor Derek 12/29/24 We are so glad you are joining us for this podcast! If you have made a decision to follow Jesus or want to learn more about Him, we would love to know. Please email us: [email protected] To support the ministry of Harvest Va…
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Yes, we are moving our Church Home to a new temporary location! We don't want to do this alone and look forward to sharing with you how you can be a part of the success of our new location at Rosewood Commons Conference Center 4432 Rosewood Drive, Pleasanton, CA beginning January 12 at 10:30AM Learn how God doesn’t work alone, He is communal. When …
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Pastor Derek shares about God's amazing gift to Harvest Valley—our new location. Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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In this lesson you will learn about our baptism in Christ Jesus and how it is designed to speak over us. You will also hear a great story of a life of a young man whose life turned from dark to light & lost to found. HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We are so glad you are joining us for c…
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In this 6 week series entitled; He Is Greater Than I, we will learn from the life of John that when we choose to embrace the trials and difficulties of our flesh that comes with becoming less so Christ in us can become greater we will also experience the joy of the Lord. In this lesson you will learn what it is eat off the daily bread of our Father…
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https://www.youtube.com/live/JywuXFzPVcQ?si=dPfYGJDWOuvgploG In this message you will ask, Does the gospel come out of our spirit when the lost comes around us? Or do we question ourselves if it’s too offensive and thus miss out on the opportunity to share? In this lesson we will learn how to be instant in season and out with the gospel message. HA…
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This week, set aside a specific time and place each day to meet with God. It could be a quiet corner in your home, a spot in a park, or even your car. Use this time to pray, read Scripture, and listen for His voice. Be intentional about making this a daily habit and see how God transforms your life through these encounters. HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is…
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Dive into the timeless story of Abraham and Isaac with our latest video, where we uncover the depths of faith, obedience, and worship. Discover how Abraham's test of faith and his response to God's call exemplify a life of surrender and trust in divine provision. Learn about the significance of building an altar, a symbol of worship and sacrifice, …
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HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We are so glad you are joining us for church online! If you need prayer or want to share a good report click here: https://www.harvestvalley.org/needprayer In this lesson you will learn how you can be excited for Christ’s return and motivated as an “on fir…
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HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We are so glad you are joining us for church online! If you need prayer or want to share a good report click here: https://www.harvestvalley.org/needprayer In Matthew 9 it tells the story of a woman that was hit by a health storm. But instead of giving up,…
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In Matthew 9 it tells the story of a woman that was hit by a health storm. But instead of giving up, she looked for answers which led her to Jesus In this lesson we will learn how to overcome the fear and anxiety of a health scare and pursue God’s healing. Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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We will look into how important it is to do more than read the Bible, we need to learn to apply it accurately to our situation, hopes and desires. Support the show由Pastor Chris Bermeo
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In this lesson we will learn more on spiritual warfare and how we are called to fight a spiritual battle and how victory will only come when we engage in prayer. Support the show由Pastor Charlie Rapp
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We were so blessed to have Pastor Jon Meekins share about living a life of faith like Jesus.Our faith doesn't need to be big, but we need to remember who our faith is in. Put your confidence in God, and don't let other people or situations get in the way. Hear from Pastor Jon how we can be confident in God, and eager to put our faith in Him. Americ…
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Don't focus on the lack but focus on the ability of your Heavenly Father. Come to Him with childlike faith. Lean into God's arms, trust in His leadership. Ask Him to forgive you of your anxious heart. Worried about things you cannot understand. Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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Pastor Derek navigates healing. He looks into Mark 16:17-18. Discusses sensationalism, Smith Wigglesworth and Azuza Street. Why don't we see miracles more often? You don't want to miss this especially if you are concerned about your health or someone else's healing. Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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In this lesson, we learn what authentic faith looks like and how it doesn’t give up when times get tough, instead if we hold on it will produce peace and contentment that cannot be explained regardless of the treatment or tribulation we face. Matthew 24 Support the show由Pastor Charlie Rapp
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How to live overcoming offense. You can also watch this message with worship included by going to our Youtube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/HarvestValleyChurch Want to give online? Click the link below! https://www.harvestvalley.org/give Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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Thank you @loveneverfailsus for informing us! Please listen to this interview. Pastor Derek Meekins was joined by President Vanessa Russell and other guest speakers from Love Never Fails (LNF), a Dublin-based organization dedicated to fighting human trafficking in the Bay Area. We learned about their mission, their work, and how we can all get invo…
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Thank you for joining us on our Podcast. Today we will learn more about how God is a fierce defender of our devotional time with Him as well as our worship. Support the show由Pastor Charlie Rapp
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Why be baptized? Is baptism really that important? Pastor Derek shares a story of a cancer patient gets baptized - no matter the circumstances or temp of water. Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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Our amazing guest, Carrie Slaton, Director of Next Step, shared about the work of the pregnancy center. God has been faithful and many women have been helped and given hope through Next Step. Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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It’s time we talk about these wonders for they reveal a side of Jesus that He wants us to see. For they reveal His character and His purpose. And if we would understand and accept them then they can give us hope and clarity to how we are called to live. Will you join me on this seven-week journey as we explore both the purpose and genius behind the…
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Mark 16:17-18 www.harvestvalley.org Support the show由Pastor Charlie Rapp
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Pastor Derek shares a message that has been on his heart for those online and on campus. We pray God blesses and encourages you no matter the storm or life's situation. May He bring you peace and comfort. Getting out of bed represents getting out of depression, getting out of being stuck, doing the uncomfortable and getting on to getting better thr…
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Our speaker has an incredible teaching on filling the generational gap. Brace yourself for a life changing message from this anointing young lady. Take the prayers over you at the end. May God bless you and your children and your children's children. There is hope for all! HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that love…
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“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Psalms 23:6 In this verse, King David testifies that God has been taking care of Him throughout the ups and downs of life. And he’s concluded that there is not a situation, a sin or a trial that God won’t deliver him from if he hum…
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He anoints my head with oil and my cup overflows! Support the show由Pastor Charlie Rapp
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“ You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies” Psalms 23:5 Support the show由Pastor Chris Bermeo
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Pastor Derek shared some exciting new news about a new direction for our church. Sharing some miraculous happenings here at HVC. Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We are so glad you are joining us for church online! If you need prayer or want to share a good report: https://www.harvestvalley.org/needprayer Today we jump into Psalm 23 verse 4. To get sheep to a new pasture, a shepherd must be willing to lead his she…
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“He leads me in paths of righteousnes for His name sake” Psalms 23:3 Sheep are creatures of habit. They naturally graze where they’ve been before because its familiar. If sheep are left alone to follow their instincts then they will continually go back to the same pasture they’ve been which in turn will lead them to overgraze and over defecation on…
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Week 2 of our Oh Sheep Series! A look at Psalm 23 verse 2! The Lord wants us to rest. To appreciate what we have. Stop looking at other peoples pastures and wish we had what they have. Be content. We have the best Shepherd and he is here to comfort us and make us lie down in green pastures. He is the best! Support the show…
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For the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. Psalm 23 It 's easy to fixate on the fact that Jesus is our Shepherd, that guides us in life, leads us in the places we need to be led. But there's another side to his shepherding, which is when we journey off on our own, when we get lost, when we try to find greener pastures. He will not just let us g…
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Attitude of Gratitude is way up there in the rankings. A grateful heart and expression of thanks goes a long way and is so important in our relationship with God and others. Take a listen to this 1st message of 2024. Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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Don't underestimate the power of disappointment. Resist your shadow mission. Luke 21:3, Matthew 7:6. God still has a purpose and a calling for your life. HARVEST VALLEY CHURCH is a church that believes in Jesus, a church that loves God and people. We are so glad you are joining us for church online! If you need prayer or want to share a good report…
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Wake up and see who god has brought you! Have you allowed yourself to become self reliant and not asking for help. Were You were raised independently? Do you have: Fear of the unknown Pride Hurt Check my heart & what am I operating on. Are you in burn out mode? Here are 5 ways to break independent mindset: 1.Repent to God 2.Renounce your right to f…
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This is about being used of God and using our authority and not giving into a defeated spirit. We must stand our ground and curse these things that are not of God. Use the greatest tools that you have given us to bind and loose and tear down strongholds. Use the power of our words to bless our children or those we love. Support the show…
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Support the show由Pastor Charlie Rapp
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HVC welcomes Special Guest, Brigette Metcalf! There is sweetness in the struggle! "And he started to share. He was so like it was like I was talking to a winemaster or something like that. And he starts to tell me all about it. He said, Bridget, it's not about being in Italy. It 's not being in Napa Valley. It 's not about these different locations…
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Exodus 3:10 “Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” Prior to the burning bush Moses was content living his life in the desert and raising his family in safety. But God had a different plan in mind. For He wanted Moses to take His second chance in life and help his nat…
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God knows your name! Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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This is the last of our series of God's Master Design! Of all the gates, this was the gate endeared by Israel the most! Nehemiah 3:29 Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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Through the Valley Gate we learn the need for balance with work, family and God. Proverbs 23:4 We must build a wall of forgetfulness with the blood of Christ. 1 John 1:9 With the Horse Gate we learn we cannot be silent and we must stand against evil. 2 Chron 10:4 Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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The gate of authority for healing and deliverance. Matt 18:18 Support the show由Pastor Derek Meekins
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God wants us to rebuild our gates. Listen to learn more on how to establish them as God wants us to. Summer is on and so is our new series, "God's Master Design" is coming from the book of Nehemiah. God has a perfect design for your life which includes protecting, providing and empowering you. Support the show…
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