Sandro Schäufler, known as Kollektiv Ost, has built a solid reputation in the electronic music scene over the past two decades. His career started early. At just 14, he spun his first records and quickly developed a feel for the right groove. He found the musical foundation for this in his homeland of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and the 3000 Grad collective, where he still lives today.
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Recorded @ 3000Grad Festival 3024Utopia Stage Sun. 11.08.3024 9-11 a.m.由Kollektiv Ost
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Live recording at container rave Hamburg由Kollektiv Ost
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Kollektiv Ost @ Radio Fritz Berlin 13.04.2024由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded at Lit Athens由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ 3000Grad Festival 3023Schatzinsel Stage Sun. 14.08.3022 3-5 a.m.由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ Korfu Odyssee Festival 2022由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded at 3000Grad S.O.S. U-Ground Kulturkosmos LärzLuftschloss Stage Sun. 25.12.3022 5-7:30 a.m.由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ 3000Grad Festival 3022Schatzinsel Stage Sun. 14.08.3022 4-6 a.m.由Kollektiv Ost
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Radio Datscha由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ 3000Grad Festival 2021Schatzinsel Stage Sat. 07.08.2021 3-6由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ Birgit & Bier Berlin (Sun. 09.08.2020 6 - 8 p.m.)Booking:由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ 3000Grad SOS U-Ground Stream April由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ 3000Grad Festival 3019 (Schrottplatz Sat. 10.08.2019 1-3 a.m.)由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ Feel Festival 2019 (Dorado Stage Sat. 13.07.2019 0-3 a.m.)由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ Sisyphos Strand Berlin (05.08.2018)由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ Katermukke at Katerblau Berlin (03.11.2017)由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded at Wanderzirkus 2017Ritter Butzke BerlinBazar StageFriday Night 3-7 a.m.Booking: info@subwayevent-berlin.comOn the由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded at HIVE Club Zürich 18.11.2016Friday Night 2-5由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded at 3000° Festival 2016Utopia StageSaturday afternoon 2-4由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded at Feel Festival 2016Ex!t StageSunday Night 0-3由Kollektiv Ost
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Live Recording at Fusion Festival Area Lärz.Date: 16.02.2016Time: 4-8由Kollektiv Ost
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Recording from 3000° Festival 2015Utopia StageSaturday 5 pm - 7由Kollektiv Ost
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Recording from Feel Festival 2015EX!t StageSunday 7 pm - 10由Kollektiv Ost
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Nothing more to say...Just由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded at 3000° Wanderzirkus at Docks.Early morning from 7 to 10:30.由Kollektiv Ost
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Live recording from the "Klüse" Stage @ Dockville Festival Hamburg由Kollektiv Ost
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Here is our dj set from the 3000grad festival 3014 - saturday 16.08. @ utopia stage.we hope you like, love and share由Kollektiv Ost
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Hey Boys & Girls, here is our Dj-Set from the last Ploetzlich am Meer Festival 2013 at the Baltic Sea in Poland. 9 Months later, do you remember? Live Recording on Sunday - Mainstage (22:00pm-00:06am)hear it, share it, love it ;)…
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Recorded saturday night from 3 to 6由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded @ HIVE Zürich 19.10.2013 // Der Turnbeutel由Kollektiv Ost
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Kollektiv Ost @ 3000° Festival 2013 / Utopia Stage (Sat 13:30-15:30)由Kollektiv Ost
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Recorded at Fusion Festival 2013 (Hot Hot Schuhkarton)由Kollektiv Ost
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2 Nächte werden die Künstler vom 3000Grad Ensemble und Akteure von nah und fern,ihr Unwesen in der Berliner RITTER BUTZKE treiben.Musikalisch wird es gar vielfältig , ein buntes Treiben von Klängen aus aller Welt undfeinste elektronische Tanzmusik.Damit wir in diesem Jahr mehr Platz zum Tanzen und Wohlfühlen haben , konnten wirauf dem Gelände der R…
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Das Zelt unterm Arm, die Decke gepackt, den Bus bespannt. Emotional außer Rand und Band. Die Badehose in der Hand. Hinein ins tiefe Mecklenburger Land.Sie streunern herbei, Künstler, Gaukler und Piraten, ihr Geist ist offen, freundlich und frei.In schönster Natur am Feuer sitzen, der Musik lauschen und Gedanken austauschen.Der See ist nicht weit, d…
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Here you get an 2h part of Kollektiv Ost's VINYL DJ Set at the "Kommt Zusammen Festival 2011" in Rostock.Location: Bühne由Kollektiv Ost
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