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歡迎來我的YT逛逛: 歡迎來我的Twitch逛逛: ❤ 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐌𝐞 哈囉~你好我是Miu,是來自台灣的ASMRtist 歡迎來到我的ASMR頻道,這裡是專門提供助眠、抒壓、放鬆的地方 如果你喜歡我的頻道記得按讚+訂閱+分享唷! -- Hello, I'm Miu, ASMRtist from Taiwan Welcome to my ASMR channel, which is dedicated to sleeping, stress and relaxation If you like my channel remember to press Likes, Subscribes, share ! (以下轉自維基百科) 自主性感官經絡反應(英語:Autonomous sensory meridian response,縮短簡寫為ASMR) 亦稱自發性知覺神經反應,是一種通常從頭皮開始,並向下移動到頸後及脊椎上方的發麻感覺。 它是皮 ...
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人生就像是一部電影,精不精彩取決於你怎麼看,和怎麼感受。 Life is like a movie, it’s only as exciting as how you see and what you feel about it. 《那些電影教我的事》,在FaceBook、Instagram專頁,以及YouTube頻道上共有300萬名訂閱者。是由一對夫妻水尢與水某,共同經營的影視評論自媒體。每週更新電影、影集、動漫等等內容帶給兩人的啟發。 歡迎來到我們的Podcast頻道收聽我們想要盡情聊的大小事,同樣的內容也可以在YouTube頻道上收看,配有影視畫面的影音呈現版本,也可以觀看更多,其他作品的深度解析! 其他平台資訊 FB: IG: YT: LINE:@lessonsfrommovies
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This is the community of creators/builders/makers who are passionate about a cause. These are the stories of those who are just like you. These are the people who are not afraid to act with conviction. "Just do it" 感谢大家的支持。在这大家都是激情满满的小伙伴。
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節目介紹: 廖零打的美國時間 The Linda Liao Show 在節目裡一起與主持人Linda探索聊奇人異事, 電影,娛樂跟生活中各種有趣新鮮事 主持人:LINDA 廖語晴 節目時長: 40-60 分鐘, 每周一次 Description : It all started off with the idea of "motherficial Intelligence", a podcast that explores the intersection of motherhood and artificial intelligence. Then Linda took a different turn into new media and broadens what she brings to the show each week. As a mother of twin boys, Linda is always on the hunt for new and adventurous things that brighten her days in America. Bo ...
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大家好,我們是愛唱歌,熱愛地球的金星人。 第一支影片有點不太習慣對著麥克風說話XD 請大家多多指教~ 希望今年的疫情快快過去,世界越來越美好!如果你喜歡的話,可以幫我們按讚訂閱加分享!謝謝大家!World Peace! 粉絲團: Hello everyone! We would like to share with you our happiness as we are going to step into a new chapter in our life. We hope that the pandemic that happens all over the world this year can disappear as soon as possible and the world becomes better and better. If you like us, please watch the full video! Thank you! World pe ...
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Become a Paid Subscriber: 我们尝试着与你们一起通过了解哲学、心理学、艺术、和文化来解答我们现在生活里面对的诸多困难。 -- 如果您喜欢我们的频道,欢迎给我们留下评论,这对我们真的很有帮助! If you’re enjoying the Chinese Talk Lab, please leave us a review. It really helps! -- 如果你想要支持一下节目可以点击: If you would like to support our podcast:
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三位各自畢業於柏克萊與南加大,有著多年實務經驗的升學顧問,為你精闢分析變化多端的大學入學審核,與你討論升學趨勢與脈動。在這裡,我們聊聊關於申請大學的大小事,帶你輕鬆進大學。We know it is difficult to navigate the often overwhelming and competitive nature of college admissions. On this podcast, we share valuable insight, tips, and perspective on topics such as how to write the perfect essay to what applications look like in a post-COVID world. Our hosts will take you beyond the admissions process so you’re fully prepared to apply to the school of your dreams.
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以全球視野去探討現代在科技和社會快速轉變中,來跟大家聊聊貼近生活時事或是近期大家討論度高的議題,及生活有趣的大小事,比較各類議題在美國跟歐洲和台灣的異同以及科技教育思維的寬拓及有趣的實驗。 We are Becca&William 曾經在美國跟歐洲生活及就學過的我們,分享各自經驗給大家:) 來跟著深呼吸~~~ 啊~這個世界多麼美麗! 啊~空氣多麼清新! 來試試~~~~~ Hello, everyone we are Becca&William. In the following episodic series, we would like to share our own experiences with you from different points of view. And.....Let's get started At the end of every episode, don't forget to take a deep breath with Becca&William, try it !!! You are gonna have a new brillian ...
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讓我們從頭開始,以最輕鬆、沒有壓力的方式學英文,跟著小喬ABC ... let's go! ~~~ 追蹤IG: xiaochiaoabc 跟著小喬ABC Background music: Upbeat Christmas - AShamaluevMusic/Cooking - AShamaluevMusic #xiaochiao #xiaochiaoabc #學英文 #英文 #English #跟著小喬ABC Powered by Firstory Hosting
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过去太忙了 actually in the past, I was quite busy with my regular work and everyday study, I was pretty busy with my every day life 在家的时间 especially the free time at home 小时候不看重家人 but when I was at my young age, I didn't realize it, I didn't realize the importance of my families 如果自己在家呆着 if I'm spending some time alone at home…
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重點摘要:1. 本來嫌棄唱這首?2. 根本小蘿莉?3. 罕病之苦4. 愛與幽默感加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室: 密碼:lesson99合作洽談:shuimou@gmail.com由水尢水某
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学点外语 learn something one or two on foreign language, like Japanese, like Spanish, like Germany for example 找好工作给会外语 if a young adult wants a great career, the foreign language would be the most important thing 必须的 it's the basic as well or it is required 当老板 just to be the boss or employer
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各种新闻 some gossip, some entertainment news, and some news about education and everyday life 真假消息分不清楚 but one problem, I couldn't figure out it is true or not 我认为 互联网和各种app好用 For my part, the Internet and it's related apps could be my favorite ways to find the news 更靠谱 that could be more reliable
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两个理由 挺难学的 Two reasons can be identified 首先 难学 number one, it's not very easy for us to learn about history 很难学的全面 it's very tough for us to have a better understanding of the whole history 其次 很多人没兴趣 天生的 Number two, a lot of people are not interested in history at all, you know it is born with, a natural reason…
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不行啊 记不住啊 No way I'm not good at doing so 记事儿都够呛呢别说数字了 actually I'm not kind of person who usually likes to remember things very clearly, especially the numbers 对数字不敏感 不熟悉 because I'm not familiar with it or maybe it’s born with, you know it's a natural reason 不可能完成的任务 it's like the impossible mission…
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举足轻重 it is playing an important role in our life too 没有快餐 生活效率下降 Without the fast food, our efficiency at work and study would be negatively influenced 不能适应快节奏 we couldn’t live in a such fast pace of life 问题不能忽略 热量高 But one problem cannot be ignored, it is not that healthy enough you know, too much fat and calories in it…
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想好好学习的时候要找个安静的地儿 when I'm trying to stay focused on my study, I’ll certainly find a quiet place 咖啡厅最适合了 I mean the coffee shop would be the best shot for me 安静的实体环境和免费的网络 the free wifi and quiet physical environment, that could be very important to me 搞点黑咖啡 提神醒脑 I would grab a cup of coffee, that could be my favorite, the black coffee, quite refres…
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重點摘要:1. 居然有三個心理學家當顧問2. 其實該有20個角色?3. 第三集會加這三個?4. 大腦也要自我審查5. 角色設計《創造快樂大腦:重塑大腦快樂習慣 提升血清素、多巴胺、催產素、腦內啡》:加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室: 密碼:lesson99合作洽談…
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Send us a Text Message. 今天的Linda的美國時間分享了一些Reddit的故事,其中包括一個關於整形手術的故事和一個關於訂婚戒指的故事。定期的斷舍離對身心健康很有益。 在第一個故事中,一個丈夫不喜歡妻子整形後的樣子,詢問網友是否他是混蛋。在第二個故事中,一個女子拒絕將已故未婚夫的訂婚戒指歸還給他的家人。 美國有個異教專門吸收年輕抖音TikTok 網紅舞者,他們進入聲稱教會兼經濟公司7M後,被灌輸必須與家人斷絕關係和連繫。 非常多受害的年輕人還深陷其中不以為意。這個異教的創辦人是位韓裔美國人,號稱自己是神的男人,被多名前教友指控性侵。 這個在Netflix上面的紀錄片Dancing for the Devil引發了很多人的注意,但目前為止,警方也是愛莫能助。 此外,Li…
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不需要周末上班上学 Not really nope, I don't have to work or study on weekends 因为周末业余时间多 because I usually have plenty of freedom on weekends 周末全天放空 I could totally rest my mind from the Saturday morning to Sunday afternoon 啥也不合计 without thinking anything
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重點摘要:1. 大腦結構淺談2. 最仁慈的腦內啡3. 目標導向多巴胺4. 想摸摸的催產素5. 血清素愛宮鬥《創造快樂大腦:重塑大腦快樂習慣 提升血清素、多巴胺、催產素、腦內啡》:加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室: 密碼:lesson99合作洽談…
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分享私人物品share some of my personal belongings or even properties 比如工作学习机会 like some working or study opportunities for example 我也会帮助陌生人 some strangers come to me and need my help, I would do something one or two that I can 这样做让我开心 because by doing so, I'll certainly put a smile of joy on my face
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小时候两件事让我开心 two things would certainly make me feel happy when I was a kid 小时候就想要钱 when I was at my young age, I needed money the most 需要自由 it was about the freedom you know, my parents didn't let me do lots of things actually 同样重要 the free time and money could be equally important to me
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不好说 Well it's very hard to say 向偶像学习 they had to learn something one or two from the role model 做自己 I mean everyone should be what they are and who they are you know 可能年轻人需要职业规划的导师 My point is that you know, maybe a young adult need a role model for their career
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重點摘要:1. 怎麼分辨壓力與焦慮?2.別吞大腦嘔吐物!3.熱血上腦時就吃苦杏仁?4.大家都在焦慮什麼?LectroFan除噪助眠機:小女孩鯊魚之歌:《Rewire-神經可塑性:用神經科學突破行為模式迴圈,終結焦慮、恐慌和憂鬱,實現最佳的心理健康》:加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室: 密碼:lesson99…
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想换个电脑但是需要等等 The laptop is the thing that I want to replace but you know, I couldn't make it very soon 陪伴我很久啦 就像老朋友一样 because it has been with me more than five years, and it is an old friend to me 工作效率大大提升 My efficiency at work has been totally improved for sure 电脑有点过时啦 But in fact it's becoming old fashioned, too. Five more years ago, it was brand…
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Send us a Text Message. 你知道嗎?擁抱對身體和心理健康有益,可以減少壓力、降低血壓、減少發炎、保護心臟、增強免疫系統,甚至縮短感冒時間。 接著Linda分享了安潔莉娜·朱莉和布萊德·彼特的女兒Shiloh在滿18歲後要求改姓,引發熱議的新聞。 前房客的生存守則完結篇。凱特與Derek能夠擊敗Natalia他們嗎?故事中的主人公Derek和凱特發現特殊樓層,並遇到了縱火犯。當他們試圖解開樓層的秘密時,又遭遇到更多的恐怖和危險。 電影《到我們為止》《魔法壞女巫》 Chapters 00:00 擁抱的益處和科學研究 04:28 安潔莉娜·朱莉和布萊德·彼特女兒滿18歲做的第一件事情 07:30 被縱火的公寓樓中的恐怖事件 18:12 被燒毀的公寓 19:09 推進另一個公寓…
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重點摘要:1. 阿焦何時派上用場?2.想當個新造的人?3.解決焦慮最強工具《Rewire-神經可塑性:用神經科學突破行為模式迴圈,終結焦慮、恐慌和憂鬱,實現最佳的心理健康》:加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室: 密碼:lesson99合作洽談…
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我是一个白巧克力迷 and I am a white chocolate lover 太多热量 吃完不减肥 too much calories and fat in chocolates, after eating too much of it, I mean I wouldn't lose some weight 心情不好的时候 整点巧克力 But when I'm not in a good mood or when I'm suffering, some chocolates would come to me
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偶尔 Sometimes but not that often in life 电脑或者手机打字 because most of the time I'll go with typing with my laptop or smartphone 处理工作或者学习的时候选择打字 I'll try to text some emails when I'm coping with my regular work or when I'm trying to study something 我的职业生涯里最喜欢用键盘啦 certainly I like to use my keyboard more often in my career 对我来说有点过时了 that has been old fash…
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劳资没兴趣 I have no interests because I'm not interested in the news about finance or economics 共同话题多 because we have a lot in common 有时候背后说人坏话 or sometimes we talk about something behind someone 这就是日常 that's the everyday routine
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必须的 Yes sure, of course, I certainly will 生活一部分 it has been a part of my life 下载一百多本书 全整电子书里头 I can download more than one hundred books at a time, I mean I can put one hundred more in the e-book 不用花钱 最多几块钱 and I don't have to pay for it, or even sometimes, I need to pay for it, just several bucks
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喜欢在xbk学习 The indoor place that I think is very easy for me to study, I must say, it's in the Starbucks , just a coffee shop wanxiang城一楼那家 I mean it is on the first floor of wanxiangcheng, English name is Mix City 位置可好啦 I think it has a perfect location, I can get to that place by subways or sometimes take a cab, or sometimes I can drive to that pla…
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重點摘要:1. 記憶要形成還真不容易2.核心記憶決定你是誰3.Bing Bong為何得死《那些電影教我的事》專屬讀墨註冊連結:▎註冊成為讀墨會員享 30 天首購享 79 折、$150 購書金▎60 天內單筆訂單滿額再送 $100 購書金加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室: 密碼:lesson99合作洽談…
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没试过 Not really nope, I haven't tried any kinds of dangerous and exciting activities before 胆小内向 觉得不安全 because I don't think that it's very safe enough and gotta be honest, I am scared of it 骑自行车 不骑摩托车 I mean not riding a motorcycle but riding a bicycle 对我来说就是某种极限运动 and it's kind of extreme sport to me…
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Send us a Text Message. Summary 在本期節目中,Linda分享了一個關於Ashley Madison交友平台的故事,她還推薦一個名叫Tanner Leatherstein的皮匠,以及老婆幫老公在Costco度過的特別生日驚喜。 前房客生存守則系列: 這次凱特開始決定反抗,經歷恐懼、挑戰、對抗邪惡。 凱特在大樓內發現了一個神秘的男人,他的出現引發了新的疑問和挑戰。 下個禮拜就是這個故事的完結篇,所以有在follow這個前房客的生存指南的聽眾朋友們請鎖定下個禮拜完結篇,很精彩 Chapters 00:00 Ashley Madison: 已婚人士的交友平台 04:52 送禮物的文化差異 07:14 Tanner Leatherstein: 皮件評論家 10:57 C…
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爱追剧 I would certainly watch different kinds of short videos and movies 戴上耳机 没有烦恼 when I feel very tired, I would just put on on my earphone and everything will be fine 抗压小妙招 it's a good way for me to rest my mind and diminish all the fatigues that I have had in life 自己在家的时候 when I'm spending time at home alone…
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上学的时候同学帮我做作业 When I was a school student, I usually got a lot of help from my classmates because I couldn't finish my homework well, I needed their help you know, most of the time they would do it for me 但我现在成年了 But now I become an adult 当我压力大的时候 When I'm suffering from heavy workload or pressure 他们陪我外出让我开心 we would hang out and they would make me …
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我躺平 At the moment, I wouldn't do anything at all 解决问题 make the bad situation better or just to overcome the problems 一切顺其自然 I think everything would go well even if I don’t do anything 适应啦 I just think that the challenge is part of my life, and I am used to it
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我想整个新婚姻法 不是老的那套 The new law that I want to introduce is about marriage you know, I mean it is not the same old one but a brand new one in my mind 新婚姻法就是不离不弃真爱永远 谁离婚谁是狗 According to the brand new law, anyone who steps into a marriage need to love each other for a long time, I mean forever 离婚就只能净身出户 If they get divorced, they couldn't get anything fr…
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喜欢动作片和喜剧片 Yeah sure I'm a super fan of action movies and sometimes I'm really into watching some comedies too 有动力 努力拼搏 I could be motivated and I would struggle for my life 最喜欢故事情节 the story part would be my favorite 可能看完电影啥也没学到 I think that probably it wouldn't let me learn something from the movie 但心情很好 but I will feel very happy and my bad mood …
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重點摘要:1. 到底有沒有偷偷合成2.其實不是怕寂寞3.Samantha其實另有其人Samantha Morton聲音:加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室: 密碼:lesson99合作洽談…
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Send us a Text Message. Summary Linda分享了在美國的抖音平台上出現了一些有趣的趨勢。 包括女生寧願選擇與熊一起被困在樹林裡的,互相幫助彼此付清學生貸款的趨勢以及一位女生在自己家中挖隧道並建造城堡的故事。 前房客的生存守則有了更緊湊的故事發展 凱特到底能獨自繼續奮鬥下去嗎? 另外Linda 還推薦了2024電影 《幻幻之交》和《龍捲風暴》 Chapters 00:00 抖音趨勢:女生選擇與熊一起被困在樹林裡 02:49 學生貸款:付清學生貸款的新趨勢 05:10 挖隧道與建造城堡的故事 09:56 AI對人類生活的影響 14:06 失蹤者的故事 21:18 與鄰居的交談 23:31 海明斯太太的秘密 25:28 失蹤事件的揭示 27:55 《幻幻之交》 32…
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新建的郊区河边公园 it was newly built, probably it was finished two months ago you know and that's the main reason why only a few people get to know it 开车要一个多小时 挺远的 I would drive to that place and on the road I would spend more than one hour, a bit further actually, but I like it 偶遇过一些朋友 都是年轻人 假期去公园玩 but I came across some of my friends there you know, the …
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小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 請使用耳機感受度較佳😀 ❤ 𝐌𝐮𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐫… 🎉加入Patreon會員🎉 🎉加入愛發電會員🎉 影片僅在YT、Patreon、B站、愛發電 上傳。 禁止搬運、營利 💰贊助Miu💰 ❤️你的支持都會化為我直播的動力❤️ ⛔斗內前請先衡量自身經濟能力唷⛔ 綠界:https…
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重點摘要:1. IP簡介2.-1.0是什麼意思3.因為多災多難才有哥吉拉4.浮在水上的各種奇想:加入LINE Openchat官方聊天室: 密碼:lesson99合作洽談…
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私人空间 private(personal) room or space 来看我 when I have visitors or when they come to me 呆着 stay in my room for one day or two day (spend time in) fit in 一会儿 for a while 不能太久 but it couldn't be lasting that long time 来自于其他地区 if some of my friends come to Beijing from other countries (other cities regions area fields) 只为好朋友这样做 I would do it for my best…
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上面提到的生活方式我不喜欢 I don't like to have the kind of life you have mentioned above 慢节奏生活适合我 I just want to have a peaceful life ,rather slow pace of life and that could be right for me 只想躺平 I'm not very ambitious and I don't have a super big dream about my future or career 我就一普通人 I'm the kind of ordinary person, I just need a very normal life…
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毫无兴趣 Not really no, I don't have any interests at all 不了解艺术和周边 I don't know much about the art and it's related stuff 因为想多了解一些大师的作品 because I want to know more about the masterpieces of artwork 进入新世界 I would be stepping into a brand new world
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我想说的这人是我同学 The person that likes to buy some goods with low prices, I must say, is one of my classmates 众所周知 大城市 as is known to all, the city is super large 大学生的收入都靠家里 As a university student, we couldn't be that rich because we have to get financial support from our families 网店折扣大 because the big discount can be found from the online shopping cent…
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两件事情会让我开心 Two things would certainly make me feel very happy 自己买房 I can afford the house, if I can buy it and I can pay for it all by myself 市中心的房子不是郊区的 it should be located right in the city center not on the suburb 好工作 薪水高 假期长 环境好 I would certainly hunt a decent job, good salaries, long vacations and good working environment…
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