We are a friendly church, ministering to the whole family, preaching Jesus Christ as Saviour, Healer, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit and Coming King. We are committed to impacting the entire community in a positive, Christ-like manner.
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18.06.23 The Truth About You - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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11.06.23 Fullness & power of truth - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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04.06.23 Truth never has a day off - Ps. Joe Pulea
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28.05.23 The marks of His covenant - Ps. Bill Page
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21.05.23 Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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14.05.23 Mother's Day message - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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07.05.23 Come, follow Me - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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30.04.23 Living temples that carry glory - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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23.04.23 Be awakened to God's presence - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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16.04.23 When grace knocks on your door - Ps. Bill Page
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09.04.23 Resurrection power - Ps. Bill Page
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07.04.23 Good Friday - Now is the day of Salvation - Ps. Janet Nangit
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02.04.23 Ps. Joe Pulea
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26.03.23 The Churches responsibility - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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19.03.23 Releasing the prophetic word of the Spirit - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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12.03.23 The Church, God's womb upon the earth - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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05.03.23 Sounds of the Lord - Ps. Emmanuel Fave
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26.02.23 Letting the light in - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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19.02.23 Spiritual Warfare - Ps. Joe Pulea
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Episode 314: 12.02.23 Kingdom foundations of prayer - Part 4 Spiritual Warfare - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
12.02.23 Kingdom foundations of prayer - Part 4 Spiritual Warfare - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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05.02.23 From a place of rest - Ps. Bill Page
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Episode 312: 29.01.23 Kingdom foundations of prayer - Part 3 - Holy Spirit, the Helper - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
29.01.23 Kingdom foundations of prayer - Part 3 - Holy Spirit, the Helper - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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22.01.23 Kingdom foundations of prayer - Part 2 - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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15.01.23 Prayer - Ps. Janet Nangit
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08.01.23 Why are we sitting here? - Ps. Bill Page
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01.01.23 Kingdom foundations of prayer - Ps. Ben Hakalitz
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25.12.22 Let There Be Light - PS. BILL PAGE
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18.12.22 Important Keys to Kingdom Living - PS. EMMANUEL FAVE
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11.12.22 Be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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4.12.22 The Number One Kingdom Priority - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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27.11.22 Attitude Change - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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20.11.22 Freedom from Mind Battles - PS. JOE PULEA
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13.11.22 A Clearer View of Jesus - PS. BILL PAGE
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6.11.22 Transformation from the Process of Sifting - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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30.10.22 What Are You Doing Here? - PS. BILL PAGE
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Episode 298: 23.10.22 Do Not Conform to the Pattern of this World, But be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind Part 4 - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
23.10.22 Do Not Conform to the Pattern of this World, But be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind Part 4 - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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Episode 297: 16.10.22 Do Not Conform to the Pattern of this World, But be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind Part 3 - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
16.10.22 Do Not Conform to the Pattern of this World, But be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind Part 3 - PS. BEN HAKALITZ Unfortunately due to some technical difficulties, the recording of the service cut short. Please see following the scripture references for the service. The last 3 scriptures and the final prayer were missed. SUNDAY 16TH O…
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Episode 296: 09.10.22 Do Not Conform to the Pattern of this World, But be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind Part 2 - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
09.10.22 Do Not Conform to the Pattern of this World, But be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind Part 2 - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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02.10.22 We Are Called To War - PS. JOE PULEA
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Episode 294: 25.09.22 Do Not Conform to the Pattern of this World, But be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
25.09.22 Do Not Conform to the Pattern of this World, But be Transformed By the Renewing of your Mind - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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18.09.22 A Heart Like His - PS. BILL PAGE
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Episode 292: 11.09.22 - There Is A Cloud the Size of a Man's Hand Forming - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
11.09.22 - There Is A Cloud the Size of a Man's Hand Forming - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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04.09.22 FATHER'S DAY - A Man For All Seasons - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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21.08.22 Nevertheless, Not My Will, But Your Will Be Done - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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14.08.22 The Rock That Followed Them - PS. BILL PAGE Ps. Bill surprised us with a visit and officially handed over the church to Ps. Ben during the service. There are some sound issues in the very beginning, however they are quickly sorted. God bless
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07.08.22 What Shall I Render (Part 2) - PS. EMMANUEL FAVE This was the morning of our Thanksgiving Offering. There was much celebration! Papa Emmanuel brought the 2nd part of the message, that encouraged us to bring our offering.
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Episode 286: 31.07.22 Zacchaeus, Come Down Immediately I Must Stay At Your House - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
31.07.22 Zacchaeus, Come Down Immediately I Must Stay At Your House - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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17.07.22 I Believe But Help My Unbelief - PS. BEN HAKALITZ
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