Murakaza neza kuri Kuvugurura Isi: The Prof. Leo Mana Podcast, aho ibintu bitangaje bibera.
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Introducing the MANA Podcast from Netflix, hosted by Matt Owens, screenwriter and co-showrunner for the upcoming live action adaptation of one piece from Netflix, and more importantly, a lifelong anime fan. On the MANA podcast, which stands for Manga Anime Netflix Adaptation, Matt invites some of his closest entertainment industry friends to chat all about their favorite anime series and tropes.
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Jangan nanya "Bang, podcast mana?", kerena kami bikin podcast kalo ga ada deadline.
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Dual’s & (Mana) Dorks is a bi-weekly D&D, MTG, TTRPG, TCG, and any other nerdy acronym you can think of; news show! We (the Dungeon Bros) go over the news of the week, take listener inquiries, and occasionally contemplate lifes deeper meanings... in between rambling about hot dogs or something like that.
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Toda quinta-feira haverá podcast a respeito da Parashá da semana, com o Apóstolo Jorge Luiz e o Profeta Carlos Eloy, ambos ministros no Ministério Apostólico Nova Antioquia. Siga nossa página no Facebook e inscreva-se no nosso canal! Facebook: Youtube: e-mail para contato: [email protected]
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Podcast by The Mana Drain
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Mana & Steel is an actual play podcast. We play Shadowrun 5th Edition. The two shows in the Mana & Steel family are: 1) Copper Chronicles - a group of Shadowrunners based in Windsor UK 2) Raddick's Rats - a squad of elite mercenaries fighting in North Africa
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Kis csapatunk 2001 óta készíti heti rendszerességgel jelentkező műsorát a Tilos Rádió kötelékében. Az első másfél évben Sabada, majd 2003 elejétől Mana Mana néven fut a műsor és a vele párhuzamosan szervezett változó aktivitású bulisorozat. Olyan helyeken volt éveken át rezidenciánk, mint a West-Balkan, az Instant, vagy a Mika Tivadar Mulató. Vendég dj-ként fellépett velünk többek között Andy Smith, Nik Weston, Jazzman Gerald, DJ Amir, Raphael Sebbag (United Future Organization), DJ DRM, She ...
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Mana Rant is a informative / comedy podcast that talks about Magic the Gathering, with heavy focus on MTG Arena, the Historic format and Brawl. And the longest running Historic podcast we know of! Show is Hosted by The Mana Dorks (Drunken Dork, Michael Apollo, and Hoshi) 3 Best friends that have been playing MTG most of their lives. The show flows through the stages of Magic and includes segments like: "Reddit Rants", a super fun MTG knowledge game, we call the "Horse **** Card Game". "MTG n ...
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¿No teníais ganas de tener un lugar donde charlar sobre Hearthstone? ¡El primer podcast de Hearthstone en español es ya una realidad! En la Taberna del Maná traeremos semanalmente a un invitado de cierta relevancia en el mundo de Hearthstone, y lo invitaremos a charlar un rato con nosotros. Analizaremos toda la actualidad y también tendremos diversas secciones de todo tipo, siempre pensando en aquellos jugadores que están aun empezando y con todo tipo de consejos didácticos para ayudarles en ...
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Aetherdrift spoilers are in full swing and we go over some of the cards we've seen so far, and discuss the two (yes, only two) commander decks! We also started recording mere hours after the newest Unearthed Arcana playtest is posted to D&D Beyond! We take a preliminary look at the 8 Forgotten Realms themed subclasses we got.…
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DJ: DP MORGAN Jó kis DP Morgan féle eklektika jöhet? Jön is. Western hip-hop hibrid, nyereg alatt puhított afro dub, majd Betty Everett leénekli a fejünket és ez még csak az első fél óra. Kellemes rádiózást! Paul Kuhn & The Sfb Big Band - Mah-Na-Mah-Na DJ Tron - Trust In Me (Jungle Book) Akshin Alizadeh - Once Upon A Time (Remastered) Visioneers – …
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UBWIGENGE NYAKURI UMUNTU ABUGERAHO GUTE? Iki ni IKIGANIRO Prof. Leonard Uwiringiyimana yagiranye n’umunyamakuru Osee Ruhumuriza kuri Channel yitwa Umurage TV & Radio
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DJ: BEATINSPECTOR Hello Elektor Punkrátorok. Különös csemegét főzött Beatinspector bácsi. 86 perces vadóckodás szines zenei környezetben. Idei első nyilvános rádiós mixemmel kivánok boldogabb 2025-öt, mint 2024 volt mindenkinek! Ebben a mixben elhangzik: The Muppet Show - Mahna Mahna (8 Bit Raxlen Slice Chiptune Remix) Penelope Scott – rät The Bria…
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In the time since our break, not only did we miss the Artificer Unearthed Arcana, but we also got some very interesting numbers for the sales of 2024's D&D 5e revision. Outselling the original 5e in 4 months, what it took the originals 3 years! Impressive stuff. We also go over the Innistrad Remastered full set reveal, the D&D Slot Machine licensin…
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DJ: SAVAGES & TRIPCAT Ma a házunk táján sertepertéltünk és a tavaly év végén megjelent lemezünkből csináltunk egy másfél órás radio editet. Savages & Tripcat első albuma, az USA-ban, a Cold Busted Records-nál megjelent Imaginarium kerül tű alá, kiegészítve néhány bootleggel, korábbi zenével, egyelőre kiadatlan számokkal és demókkal. Kellemes rádióz…
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Waba warumvise Business yitwa STARFISH? Sha! Isumba izindi zose nabonye kabisa. Ni business ituma utahura kandi ugakora icyakuzanye hano mu isi, Kandi ugafasha n’abo ushaka Bose kubigeraho. Niba uri Umuntu ushaka gutera imbere ugateza n’abandi imbere, STARFISH ni iyawe!
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DJ: SUEFO Black Market Dub - Jingle Bell Rock Monkey - Dub de Amor (Crazy Baldhead) Jah Mason - Tuff Music Kid Loco meets Soul Sugar - Trans Europe Express (Dub) Dreadsquad - Caravan (feat. Piotr Zabrodzki) Dreadrecords - No Cellphone Talk Mato ft Ethel Lindsey - Georgy Porgy (Dub Version) Philipp Greter - Sounds Of Ease Sharon Marley ft Big Youth …
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The highs were HIGH and the lows were... very very low... But we brought on friend of the show @TypicalGeminiMTG to discuss the year that was 2024 for D&D and Magic the Gathering! We had a new president for Wizards of the Coast, we had AI controversies, we had the release of D&D 5e's major 2024 revfsion, we had Magic formats broken wide open then b…
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DJ: NAIROBI Mahna Mahna And The Two Snowths - Mah Na Mah Na Solo - Mustapha Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - Soundtrack - The Pink Room T.S.O. - Also sprach Zarahustra Bill Thunder - Funkin' Cymande - Brothers On The Slide The Fraternity Of Man - Don't Bogart Me Late Night Tales - Air Late Night Tales Continuous Mix Stato Brado - Move Around The Wai…
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DJ: DP MORGAN Ezzel a vidám DP mix-szel kívánunk Kellemes Ünnepeket nektek az egész Mana Mana csapat nevében! Jövőre veletek ugyanitt! ;) Paddy Roberts - Merry Christmas You Suckers Victor Solf - Santa Claus Is Back In Town - Le Grand Noël Akhenaton - Le Calme Comme Essence (Djar One Remix) Dedy Dread - Go Miller! Nightmares on Wax - Give Thx Run D…
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The last Banned & Restricted update for 2024 was a JUICY one to say the least! Two Major bans for Legacy in Psychic Frog and Vexing Bauble. Jegantha the Wellspring singing the end to companions in most constructed formats. AND the long awaited banning of The One Ring and... Ampted Raptor(?) for Modern, as well as the shocking UNBANNING of Mox Opal,…
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DJ: KORSKI Trüby Trio - A go go (DJ Muro Remix) Koop feat. Mikael Sundin - Let's Elope Los Rumbers - Tin Tin Deo Freedom Satellite - Soul Samba Boogiewood - Guy le Arch Freedom Satellite - Astro Black Bellcrash - Ghostwritten Torpedo Boyz - Japaneeze Boyz (Smoove Remix) Ballistic Brothers - Perfect Day Paikan & The Mighty Mocambos - Ballad of the B…
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DJ: VONO BOX DJS aka NAFTA & SUEFO A mai adásban egy régi, idén végre az USA-ban is nagykorúvá érő Vono Box DJs mixet hallhattok, a No Mellon Collie-t. 2021-ben a kezembe került a CD verzió, meg akartam hallgatni, de ugrált. Naftánál ugyanez volt a helyzet. Végül Clairvo példánya még működött. Ezt egy kicsit restaurálgattam, kibővítettem négy olyan…
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Does it really surprise anyone? Elon Musk wants to buy Hasbro to get access to the Dungeons & Dragons IP for his upstart video game company XAI... a game studio looking to make games using AI. Should we take his comments on X very seriously? The stock market sure did. We also dive into the upcoming D&D and Magic the Gathering Video Games, the 20 wa…
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DJ: SUEFO The Expert - Believe In This Jon Kennedy - Once Upon A Time Jenova 7 - Law My Burden Down Kongo Dia Ntotila - Naleli (Mickey Zhang Remix) Bin-Jip - Dinner With A Demon Waldeck - Chico AIR - Once Upn A Time Agustin Pereyra Luce - Guayabas Lisa Hilton - Hot Summer Samba Lainie Kazan - Feeling Good Afro Blues Quintet - Sunshine Bobby Bland &…
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DJ: DP MORGAN A címben minden benne van, afrikai finomságok jönnek modern köntösben. Olyan múltszázadi klasszikusok mellett mint Femi Kuti Francois K remixe, vagy DJ Food Dub Lionja, a 2000-es évek eleji fúziók sem maradhattak el, például Lack Of Afro Natural Self remixben, vagy Ty és Tony Allen közös szerzeménye. (Ők, mármint Ty és Tony meglepő mó…
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Happy Thanksgiving! To show our thanks to you and the card game we love, we brought on our side-bro Wyatt (AKA Typical Gemini) to give our set review for the Magic the Gathering Foundations set! Being the last set of 2024, a 5 year standard legal set, and having some interesting non-standard legal cards in jumpstart packs, we tell you everything yo…
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Who would've thought a lukewarm take clipped for shorts would make people so upset! But are they right about Universes Beyond? Are 50/50 Universes Beyond releases actually GOOD for Magic the Gathering? We also dive into the newly announced Secret Lair Commander deck 20 ways to win, the spiking prices of Foundations Jumpstart Cards, Hasbros Lawsuit …
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DJ: BEATINSPECTOR Ma 3-tól fél 5-ig Beatinspector adagolja a zenéket. Nyugis tempóra lehet számítani, sok hazai tartalommal. Kellemes rádiózást! Norrie Paramor - Mah-Na Mah-Na Systemics - Venetian Haze Zero Gravity - Let It Shine Jmaxfield - 1 & Only Axel Krygier - Cumbia Tucumana Profound79 - How We Holdin It Dr. Dundiff - Better Than You smallFal…
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DJ: KORSKI Ma Korskitól jön egy újabb mix, ezúttal a francia előadók lesznek fókuszban az Alliance Ethniktől Serge Gainsbourg-on keresztül Sergent Garcia-ig. Bonjour Madame Bonjour Monsieur! Alliance Ethnik feat. Vinia Mojica - Respect DjeuhDjoah & Lieutenant Nicholson - Caipirinha Voilaaa - C'est la danse Amadou & Mariam - La réalité (Eclipse Vers…
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OOOOOOOO BOY. Was anyone really surprised that the Secret Lair website only lasted 6 minutes before crashing for the Magic x Marvel drop? We certainly aren't. But there is much to discuss about the Limited run model for Secret Lairs, a brief recap of all the announcements out of Magic Con Las Vegas, and laughing at D&D Beyond for posting nearly all…
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DJ: DP MORGAN Hot Butter- Mah Na Mah-Na Lonnie Liston Smith – Renaissance Jenova 7 & Eddie Shinn - Space Funk Manzel - Midnight Theme (Dopebrother 7 Inch remix) Herbie Hancock - Butterfly (remix) Bob James - Westchester Lady Baker Brothers – Space Funk John Fiddy & Sammy Burdson – Robotory Takashi Kurosawa - Funky Up (Original Mix) George Fenton & …
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The Bros bring back the Bro from another... Mo? @TypicalGeminiMTG to talk about all the announcements at the recent Magic-Con Las Vegas! Foundations announcements, rules changes, universes beyond being legal everywhere, the slate of 2025 sets, and many many dumb jokes and bits abound! Stay tuned for the Foundations set review for a deep dive into t…
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DJ: NAIROBI Mahna Mahna And The Two Snowths - Mah Na Mah Na A.E. Bizottsag - Fekete krém Tito & Tarantula - After Dark Stromba - Feed Her Procedure Dorothy Ashby - The Moving Finger Euphoria - Delirium Lee Dorsey - Night People Bob Holroyd - Drumming Up A Storm (Original Mix) Easylifenatural - Easy Boogie Solo - Mustapha Tito & Tarantula - Angry Co…
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The Marvel x MtG leaks we talked about a couple weeks ago were real! We dive into the full slate of Marvel Secret Lairs that will be dropping very soon, we discuss the implications of a Spider Man Magic the Gathering set separate from the rest of Marvel. We also dip our toes into some early previews for the 2024 Dungeon Masters Guide, a hilariously…
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DJ: SUEFO Ma este 9-től éjfélig a Dürer Kert Fotelbárjában mutatjuk be új formációnk, a Savages & Tripcat első nagylemezét. Az album az amerikai Cold Busted kiadásában jelent meg a múlt héten, három fő alkotóeleme az instrumental hiphop, az exotica és a latin, de összegezhetjük úgy is hogy ez egy downtempo lemez. Aki az ilyet szereti ne maradjon ot…
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DJ: SUEFO A tegnapi remek Einstürzende Neubauten koncert által inspirálódva, ma egy industrial experimental mixet hoztam. Kellemes szórakozást hozzá! Einstürzende Neubauten - Pestalozzi Coil vs The Eskaton - Nasa Arab Holger Hiller - Chemische Und Physikalische Entdeskungen Skinny Puppy - Interview Tackhead - Hard Left Revolting Cocks - Beers, Stee…
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The Bro's sit down with the illustrious Wyatt AKA @TypicalGeminiMTG to talk about the spookiest Magic the Gathering set, Duskmourn House of Horrors! How good is this set compared to the other best sets of the year, what are the core mechanics, and some of our choice cards from the set!由Connor Bright, Samuel Holcomb
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So have a tumultuous week for Magic the Gathering, the Commander Rules Committee has given over control of the commander format to the design team of Wizards of the Coast! This of course is a massive change to how the format is run, but is the community concern reasonable, or are they as usual overblowing the negative impact of this change? We also…
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DJ: BEATINSPECTOR Ma Beatinspector adagolja a hip-hop csemegéket, miközben a Kis Gömböc... Gang Starr - Ex Girl To Next Girl (Instr.) Peanut Butter Wolf - Chain Gang [Instrumental] Al'Tarba - Off The Meds feat Eq (Midnight Seance Bonus) Trellion and Sniff - North Luna Hashfinger - Resucitate OutKast with Goodie Mob - Cell Therapy (Album Instrumenta…
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DJ: PITEBEAT A jazzy downtempo finomságokból sosem elég! Ezúttal Pitebeat készletéből csemegézhetünk. 40 Winks - Intro Arts The Beatdoctor - Decreasing Daylight Cinematic Orchestra - Flite Yussef Kamaal - Remembrance DJ Format - Blind Man Peace Orchestra - Domination Long Arm - After 4AM DJ Shadow - Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt Skalpel - Tog…
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DJ: SAHMAN Ezúttal jóbarátunk DJ Sahman vendégmixét a Sunshine Tunes Classics-et hallhatjátok, aminek a címe mindent elárul. Nagy zenék jönnek a downtempo / world music / chill out háromszögbõl, néha még azon túlról is. "gold diggin" intro Marcel - Married To Rhythm Cecile Bredie - The Autumn Leaves / Les Feuilles Mortes Sofa Surfers - Can I Get A …
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We may have just gotten the biggest commander banlist update we've ever seen. Mana Crypt, Jeweled Lotus, Dockside Extortionist, and Nadu, Winged Wisdom all caught the Commander Rules Committee ban hammer. Dockside and Nadu were somewhat expected. Mana Crypt and Jeweled Lotus on the other hand were a shock. Many are now very upset with the massive l…
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DJ: DP Morgan Rodeo Együttes: Palack-dal Keiichi Sokabe & Inokasira Rangers - Born Slippy 77 78 - Love Said (Let's Go) - Wallace & Morris 'North Street' Rework Goodge – Bloomin Close Counters - Bruk Of Lucien LCSM (Likwid Continual Space Motion) – Salty Nomad at You - János legyen fenn a Nightcore-hegyen Espen Horne feat Olav Wollo - O Mar E A Lua …
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The cEDH community in an attempt to self regulate their format brought together several major tournament players in the format to put forth a cEDH specific set of tournament rules/bans. This was met with widespread backlash both from the idea of cEDH needing a rules committee, but moreso from the fact the committee was only white men. And due to Tw…
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DJ: SUEFO Astor Piazzolla - Vuelvo Al Sur (Koop rmx) Belleruche - Minor Swing Flevans - Dinner With Boskins Kormac - Scratch Marchin’ Imam Baildi - Kukin Hiotis feat Jay-Z Vono Box - Hello Joe Jimmy Luxury - Cha Cha Cha Ursula 1000 - Beatbox Cha Cha Little Kids - Let The Rhythm Hit ’Em (Soul Samba mix) Pablo - Sing DJ Graham B - Cavagogo The Captai…
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DJ: NAIROBI The Wiseguys - Ooh La La Bergendy - Kikapcsolom az idegrendszerem Tosca - Chocolate Elvis (Rocker´s Hifi Vocal Version) Nitin Sawhney - Voices APC - Magnetic D. Street Rik Carter - Cut N Paste Trüby Trio - A Festa United Eye - Ska East of the West (United Eye 'N' Eye Mix) Manu Dibango - New Bell Up All Night - Yo feat. Kristina Maria T.…
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In a surprise to literally nobody, we find ourselves having to discuss a misinformed outrage, courtesy of an article on Wargamer! D&D Beyond is updating their content to reflect the new changes to the 2024 revision of the game. Despite the fact they are not, and never were, going to deleted the 2014 content, the people have been led to believe they…
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29th Aug 2024 DJ: SUEFO Karminsky Experience Inc. – Departures Akasha – Cold Fusion (Lemon Jelly Muggsy rmx) The Boyz From Brazil – Hifi Trumpet (B.F.B. rmx) Bobby Brazil – Introducao / Belem, Minha Cidade Quincy Jones – Soul Bossa Nova (Dimitri From Paris remix) Mo’Horizons – Foto Viva (Nicole Conte rmx) Desmond Williams – Um Favor Pluto Project –…
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DJ: SUEFO Zero 7 – Give It Away Sporto Kantes – Mundo Axel Krygier – Échale Semilla Up, Bustle & Out – The Dance Of Caravan Summer (De-Latinized) Gecko Turner – Un Lemon En La Cabeza (Quantic dub) Montefiori Cocktail – Love Generation The Pinkertones – Advanced Night Repair Pause Cafe – Star Trek Dr. Rubberfunk – Bossa For The Devil Browntempo – Ho…
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In the Post-GenCon world we found ourselves with a copy of the 2024 revision to 5th editions Players Handbook! (Courtesy of Wizards of the Coast) In a months time it will be on shelves for you to enjoy, but what about the other 2024 D&D products? The DMG? The Monster Manual? Project Sigil???? To offset the fortune of the PHB, we were not the lucky …
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DJ: BEATINSPECTOR A Beatinspector's X-Ray válogatás - a Mana Mana birtokain tett újabb felfedező út - ismét egy értékes utazásnak bizonyult, amely során olyan rejtett kincsekre bukkantam, amelyek egyszerre voltak ismerősek és meglepetések is egyben. Néhány szám elbűvölt buján kibontakozó hangképével, míg mások finom, ám mégis erőteljes ritmikai árn…
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DJ: SUEFO R.I.P. Tadashi Yabe! United Future Organization – The Sixth Sense Pink Martini – Taya Tan Mizuki Ichirou and Eternal Kids – Minna Neko Ni Narita No Sa Saint Privat – Good Bye Honeymoon Francoise Merchand – Very Stylish Cat Vono Box – Sleep Well Jamie Mister Bond – License To Kill Ananda Shankar – Light My Fire Montefiori Cocktail – Dammi …
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Check out The Proxy Forge for high quality custom Magic the Gathering Proxies! Thank you for sponsoring this episode of the podcast! After much uncertainty, Hasbro has found a new president and leader for Wizards of the Coast! John Hight, formerly of Blizzard Entertainment, has worked on vide…
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DJ: SAVAGES Ma elléptünk Ozorára fellépni az új projektünkkel: Azért nem hagyunk benneteket éteri matéria nélkül. Savages jóvoltából hallhattok egy rendhagyó mixet, a műsorunk címadó dalából készült 28 verzióval. ;) Mana Mana Intro Piero Umiliani - Mah na' Mah na' Hot Butter - Mah-Na, Mah-Na The Electronic Concept Orch…
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Check out @TypicalGeminiMTG out on YouTube for his amazing deck techs that are ACTUALLY budget (like $20 or less!) Bloomburrow's full release is out NOW and it is shaping up to be the best set of the year! We go over all the set specific mechanics, point out some cards and cycles of cards that are worth noting, and get wildly off topic from time to…
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DJ: NAIROBI Sematic4 - Stasis (kezdődött: 00:03:12) Mahna Mahna And The Two Snowths - Mah Na Mah Na Chris Lum - Get Connected (Matt Grey Remix) Sun Ra - Lullaby For Realville Kuniyuki - Earth Beats Mari Boine - Vuoi Vuoi (Henrik Schwarz Remix) Dust - Lo-Fi Ghost Apparition REVOLV - Offroad Laguna Beach Beats - Formulaic Fresh Filippini & Prestileo …
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Check out The Proxy Forge for high quality custom Magic the Gathering Proxies! Thank you for sponsoring this episode of the podcast! After a week where there was so much information that we couldn't properly dive into it all, we are gifted with a calm week, giving the Bros some time to dig in…
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