Fit for casual fans and True Believers alike, the MCU Trivia Podcast hosts weekly bar trivia styled trivia episodes on every film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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Do you know anything about a lady dressed for laser tag blowing up a Blockbuster?由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Ant-Man and the Wasp trivia only the World's Greatest Grandma could beat!由MCU Trivia Podcast
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I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail nonetheless. (That's why I'm the one asking the trivia questions, not answering them.)由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Ladies and gentlemen, this is what you’ve come for. It’s main event time. And now, I give you your Thor: Ragnarok trivia!由MCU Trivia Podcast
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I can't make it to the decathlon next week; I have a podcast to listen to.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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I don't use my head to answer Guardians of the Galaxy trivia, boy! I use my heart.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Forget everything you think you know... except for Doctor Strange trivia.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Alec, Matty, and Uma bring Team Language to its own Civil War as Lindy guest hosts with thirty-seven bonus questions!由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Anybody on our side hiding any shocking or fantastic MCU trivia knowledge they'd like to disclose?由MCU Trivia Podcast
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I believe everyone deserves a shot at redemption... and Ant-Man trivia.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Celebrate the life and legacy of a real-life superhero, Chadwick Boseman, with your own Wakandan challenge for the throne of trivia champ!由MCU Trivia Podcast
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So if I win trivia I get to rule Asgard? Join me and my MCU bar trivia team for thirty-seven new Avengers: Age of Ultron questions in this bonus episode!由MCU Trivia Podcast
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If you get hurt, hurt 'em back. If you get killed at Age of Ultron trivia, walk it off.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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No GOTG trivia goes over my head! My reflexes are too fast.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Long before the birth of light, there was darkness... and nerdy MCU trivia.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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There's no politics here. It's just good, old-fashioned trivia.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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There was an idea... to bring together a group of friends to compete against each other at Avengers trivia. Join me and my MCU bar trivia team for thirty-seven new Avengers questions in this bonus episode!由MCU Trivia Podcast
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That man is playing Avengers trivia! Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Captain America trivia? I can do this all day.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Whosoever wins this trivia, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Drop your socks and grab your Crocs. It's Iron Man 2 trivia time.由MCU Trivia Podcast
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You won't like me when I lose at trivia, but you will like these trivia questions on Bruce Banner and The Incredible Hulk!由MCU Trivia Podcast
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Tony Stark's a genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. Odds are, you're none of those, but are you at least a genius at Iron Man trivia?由MCU Trivia Podcast
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