Missio Dei Church is a church located in Glassboro, NJ. Our church has 3 core focuses: growing closer to Jesus together as a church, preaching the Bible faithfully as often as we gather, and loving and serving our local community. We invite you to learn more at our website, or contact us at info@missiodeinj.com
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Thanks for subscribing to Missio Dei's weekly sermons. We pray that you are challenged & encouraged to follow Jesus.
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Pastor Justin teaches on the final name in Isaiah 9, Prince of Peace由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Sherman teaches on Jesus as Everlasting Father. Link to notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ohTgFIU-pI-VwQUw3tB5OYh5fSwtS09ZhIFZbCpYmc4/edit?tab=t.0由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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Advent 2024由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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由Sherman Miller
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由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on God's plan for lineage and legacy and faith. Notes link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PbPPk3QZSJN8W5zcOqYljWfsmYOGyRktwqj5BojoQAg/edit?tab=t.0由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on Abraham and Sarah's faith as described in the Fall of Faith. (Hebrews 11:11-19) Link for the notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D4G7W3v5waOnrWUoOSQPdh2qap_ZkSGFkH5jEfmyYqY/edit由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on Abraham and his place in the "Hall of Faith" Verses: Hebrews 11:8-10 Notes Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BDe1p-dxLI5Kf-fUCwCekwA-5Y4fD-yreiIGLKc3EhU/edit由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Sherman gives a review of Hebrews so far and how our faith should be impacting our lives. Link to notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J56CpbopAUkF61FokaelwkiZlnRruLGLoEQ4aNFWnfA/edit由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin Brings the word from Hebrews chapter 10:32-29由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on Hebrews 10:19-25 Notes link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XahRbn1uzV9lpGpOm_IPHVJ9q73V-2sgSzRo-WrSDk4/edit由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on how Jesus has granted better, perfect access than the old covenant provided. Notes Link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1S8I-rlO36JzxCXB4j4PMhe329Ka7-Dk1Hew4BhJK7M8/edit由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin on Hebrews 8:6-13由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on Christ as Prophet Priest and King Link to notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/15BEnHqKY8CTWV2Cba95StXT4J4p9OUlIH7S9w_EOjaI/edit由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin Week 22 in Hebrews由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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由John Gruber
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Hebrews 6:13-20由Justin Gruber
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Unfortunately, there is no recording available for Hebrews week 18. If you would like to review the material, we have included a link below to the sermon notes and scripture references. If you have any questions or would like some clarity, reach out to the Missio Dei elders online or in person at Community Group. Week 18 Faith & Discipline: Pastor …
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on Christ as the Great High Priest. Hebrews 5: 5-10 Notes link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I0iW8m2DCOVAjz6oJvH9Mde7gYG_-5XjlbItZPIuUlY/edit由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Paster Sherman teaches on how God's work is living, active , penetrating, discerning, and reckoning. Notes link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nTvLNhHQBw9CfF6ss5r1YheZxOjTq4NErKSLpfgeyG8/edit由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on the resurrection. Notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iEbANOrAcAXx_Rmxp0OEDqw4bECs-KvwVwN4eT33elU/edit由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on the call to encourage each other against unbelief and rebelling against God. Hebrews 3: 6-10 Notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CxUGtUQIBfPQnWzZ0b7iz22ATrtpP-7HhvLOxwYfQ8k/edit由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on the call to stay focused and repent. Notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/12u8h3d6P3FoeBiLSBgkba803LjZ2tKwF0tue1Dm91bU/edit由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches on our miraculous adoption into Jesus's family and His delight to bring us in. Hebrews 2:11-16 Notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/14KRutKIq7KEis_Z4GYQw7EVUM6add0-mDUvhZ-jYh70/edit由Justin Gruber
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由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin teaches through Hebrews 1:4-11, confirming the deity of Christ and his authority over angels. Notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KlQ5L1pZhC1-wCzQqTy9yA4C8qn07gPJJijxlPg4kHg/edit由Justin Gruber
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Pastor Justin Gruber, on Hebrews 1:1-3由Justin Gruber
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Sermon Notes由Justin Gruber
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由John Gruber
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由Jesse Gruber
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