马来西亚电影podcast节目 我是凯翔,是个电影爱好者! 你可以在这里听到: 电影解析评论 近期电影新闻分享 Instagram : 认真聊电影 / serious_movie_talk -------每两周星期五更新一期------- Powered by Firstory Hosting
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👋, this is Klyn Wuu, where I gossip on an ad hoc basis. Let's Yield to Story! Video Podcast Available on Spotify. Feedbacks are highly welcomed, contact on Twitter/X/Instagram/Thread: @klynwuu
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Quick thoughts on "Watching the Movies that made us on Netflix" Read more on https://adhoctalk.montaigne.io/episodes/
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History connects, in a way many times we are not aware of or simply you just don’t expect. and today, I’m going to tell a short story about my recent visit to a Museum which shows how history contains hidden connections between me and my hometown and my identity.
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History connects, in a way many times we are not aware of or simply you just don’t expect. and today, I’m going to tell a short story about my recent visit to a Museum which shows how history contains hidden connections between me and my hometown and my identity.
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Talking about the purposeful design of the iconic USPS mail truck. A long-life vehicle has been serving 30+ years. A reel was created for this episode, feel free to check at: https://www.instagram.com/hongwuxyz/ Read more at: https://adhoctalk.montaigne.io/episodes
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my year 2022 in experince, review my life along with new york times: the year in pictures 2022: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/world/year-in-pictures.html
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这不算是我正式的小红书笔记 不是品尝一道美食 不是分享一次旅行 而是烹饪一份感动 火热的 新鲜的 那份不走过场的青春 重启并结束在那个抛物线的末端 想象着1999年的夏天 郊外的广场一起和朋友家人们重温 灌篮高手 I'm not sharing the experience of having a gourmet meal I'm not sharing the experience of enjoying a wonder trip but sharing a piece of revived memory of old days Picturing a scene where the time machine brought me back to the old days witness…
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“如果我死了,请不要告诉凌一尧。 如果我活着,一定会娶她为妻“ 今天第四集的《认真聊电影》,来认真聊聊《我要我们在一起》 讲诉的是一段爱情故事,一段很现实的爱情故事 相信如果有听过前几集的听众会发现这集是没有bgm的, 你们更喜欢哪一种风格呢?欢迎来Instagram告诉我~ 主要节目内容: 故事来源 他们到底爱对方什么?被现实压垮的爱情(重点) 总结感慨(重点) 《我要我们在一起》 vs 《你的婚礼》这真的可以比较?(重点) 关键词: 吕钦扬 :男主角 凌一尧 :女主角 沙漠: 导演 Instagram : 认真聊电影 / serious_movie_talk Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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第三集的《认真聊电影》正式新鲜出炉啦~! 这集要来聊聊Onward,这部根据导演兼编剧Dan Scanlon真人真事改编的电影! 主要会来探讨导演想要通过这部电影所带出的核心价值! 主要节目内容: 剧情大纲 Dan Scanlon自身的真实故事(重点) Ian的成长(重点) 魔法=潜力(重点) 总结 关键词: Dan Scanlon:导演兼编剧(简称Dan) Ian Lightfoot:男主角(简称Ian) Barley Lightfoot:男主角哥哥(简称Barley) Laurel Lightfoot:男主角母亲(简称Laurel) #有一种悲伤 叫做收音出了问题 #虽然已经尽量修复了 不过还是会听到一点金属的声音(好像麦克风爆音的声音这样) #建议调低音量收听~ Instagram :…
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第二集的《认真聊电影》正式新鲜出炉啦~! 这集要来聊聊Zack Snyder最新的丧尸宇宙首部作Army of the Dead! 到底这丧尸宇宙是否成功建立起来了?剧情表现又如何呢? 主要节目内容: 介绍Zack Snyder导演 丧尸宇宙世界观设定解析(重点) 电影剧情影评(重点) 整体表现总结 Instagram : 认真聊电影 / serious_movie_talk BGM: On Hold For You by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/6928-on-hold-for-you License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license Powered by…
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第一集的《认真聊电影》正式新鲜出炉啦~! 这集要来聊聊这部刚获得奥斯卡最佳动画奖的电影! 我确信,这是部每个人看完都会有感触的电影! 主要节目内容: 制作团队介绍 大致介绍剧情大纲 故事背景设定分析 解析Joe Gardner的心路历程(重点) 什么是生命的意义(重点) *节目尾声有说到以后会每个周五更新,更正是每两周的周五更新才对~ Instagram : 认真聊电影 / serious_movie_talk BGM: On Hold For You by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/6928-on-hold-for-you License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-…
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一期小节目 献给 潇洒哥 赵英俊 和 你我这样的小人物 Show Notes 微信, 抖音, 微博, 小红书, 推特, IG: helloklyn | 微信视频号, bilibili: 克林helloklyn 视频版 Bilibili: 克林helloklyn 邮件: hi@helloklyn.com 主页: www.helloklyn.com BGM credit to CIP Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsV2FKLenm8&ab_channel=CIPMusic This episode is not intend for any commerical or monetization purpose @赵英俊是潇洒哥 的个人主页 - 微…
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