歡迎收聽故宮Podcast, 第6季全新推出囉~! 節目每一集都為你精心挑選關於故宮的各種話題,要與你分享最新的展覽與文物趣味故事,並聊聊關於故宮的大小事! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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广泛地关于博物馆的播客。小黄鱼出品。2019 年苹果最佳节目之一。
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为了活抓这些转瞬即逝的思考和体验,我们决定开始录制播客“生滚粥”:它是一系列生动、新鲜的发问和讨论,是困惑而饥饿的我们,背靠艺术,面对复杂繁盛的现实时的蠢蠢欲动。This podcast is part of Times’ “Rolling Congee” series. It is mainly conducted in Chinese.
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大家好,歡迎來到佛光山佛陀紀念館的 Podcast。 8月8日開台首播,帶你一同了解包羅萬象的文化、藝術新知識。 邀請各位「聽友」訂閱,也歡迎轉傳與人分享,佛陀紀念館穿越時空與你相遇。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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The podcast is conducted by Media Lab of Times Museum. 广东时代美术馆媒介实验室制作的专辑“传送门”将邀请来自不同领域的学者来共同回应,关于美术馆的数字化未来带来的一系列现象和可能性。
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The world is changing fast, but you can learn it at a slower pace.
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Bukit Timah is a site of urban complexity and historical significance. The quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were built to meet the needs of a growing urban population from the early to mid-20th century, especially during the construction boom of the post-independence period. By the 1970s, the quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were exhausted. Over the years, they have gradually been reclaimed and given a new lease of life as urban parks. Embark on an acoustic journey with artist Oh Chai Hoo th ...
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我是葛瑞絲 這是葛瑞絲愛喝酒 走的是小酒館風 分享我喜歡的酒 吃的食物 生活中工作上的人事物 Instagram: ghuang1112 Clubhouse: gracehuang1112 FB: gracehuang1112 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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想要脫離各種3C產品的捆綁嗎 學習有耐性跟健康的興趣培養嗎? 讓我們試著打開耳朵聆聽這世界 從故事中發現奇幻世界🦄 中文英文一起來 讓我們探索閱讀世界閱讀愛! TIPS:每聆聽完一本,都可以跟孩子彼此討論分享學到什麼呢?覺得哪裡有趣呢🦔 歡迎來信到:gtvxq15698@gmail.com 與Angie聊天、許願+索取英文單字表喔!🕊🕊 #兒童繪本 #英文繪本 #中文繪本 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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①China, New Zealand launch fast patent grant program ②Hong Kong optimizes admissions schemes for global talent ③Harbin extravaganza to expand ahead of ninth Asian Winter Games ④Package sales stimulate hotel market as off-season looms ⑤New study uncovers evolution of China's largest desert ⑥A Thousand Whys: Fun Chinese facts you should know about sn…
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①Record-high delegations, athletes expected to participate in 9th Asian Winter Games ②China kicks off month-long consumption campaign in five big cities ③China's Shenzhen to prioritize AI, NEV, biomedical industries ④Dinosaur fossils found in Hong Kong for 1st time ⑤A Thousand Whys: How do Chinese people celebrate the Start of Winter?…
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①Flying car factory breaks ground in south China's Guangdong ②China's scenic mountains' new workforce for transportation: robot dog porters ③Expedition extends known length of Asia's longest cave to 437 km ④Sanya set to welcome China's National Traditional Games of Ethnic Minorities ⑤Giant panda pair gifted to Hong Kong come out of quarantine ⑥A Th…
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特別來賓|國立故宮博物院 馮明珠 前院長 在故宮服務三十八年、開創臺灣用歷史文獻策展的馮明珠前院長來上節目囉!讓我們跟著馮老師的視角,回顧故宮一路走來的精彩歷程!宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到 - 從策展研究到文化傳承,百年故宮的精彩回顧 - 期許未來,讓博物館走進每個人的育樂生活 ●本集節目-時間段落說明 01:46對故宮百年院慶的祝福與期許 02:34 從歷史專家角度看故宮典藏的價值與重要性 05:22 在臺灣落地生根的故宮,如何展現與土地的緊密相連 08:40 印象最深刻與最得意的展覽 12:14最高規格!「神品至寶」與「日本美術之最」展 15:05 結合鄉里傳說的「嘉慶君遊臺灣」展 16:58 故宮不只三寶!馮老師推薦必看文物,你看過幾件? →推薦文物〈嵌…
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①Beijing's payment facilitation services benefit international visitors ②Beijing plans to vastly expand autonomous driving test area ③China's first provincial germplasm resource bank in full operation ④Neolithic human settlement site discovered in north China ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is it like to live in a Beijing quadrangle?…
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①Chinese researchers develop "lunar bricks" for future lunar base construction ②World's smallest dinosaur egg fossils discovered in China ③Winter tourism promotion adds to allure of China's Xizang ④Hong Kong improves listing rules to attract more IPOs ⑤China expands elderly care services with focus on community-based solutions ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why…
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①Mount Fanjing in southwest China inscribed in IUCN Green List ②Hong Kong-born giant panda cubs leave incubators, develop distinctive markings ③Beijing plans to expand low-altitude flights for rescue, delivery ④5,000-year-old royal tomb discovered in central China ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why guardian lions, not tigers?…
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①Sports tourism fuels consumption engine ②China's self-developed airship harvests wind power at record height ③Beijing launches supporting services for elderly aged 80 and above ④Chinese provinces launch joint campaign to protect migratory bird routes ⑤Guangzhou establishes international Ficus research center ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people…
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特別來賓|書畫文獻處 邱士華 副研究員兼科長 特別來賓|書畫文獻處 林宛儒 助理研究員 如何讓「圖像」能夠超越文字描述,提供更細緻的場景或身歷其境地情感傳達?在古代畫家的巧手描繪中,又有哪些主題最適合用圖畫說故事呢? 故宮特展「畫語─會說故事的圖畫」精選數十幅「故事畫」或「敘事畫」展品,從孝順故事、盡忠報國、君王之道等「成教化,助人倫」的主題,到充滿故事張力或娛樂性的〈文姬歸漢〉、〈西廂記〉,不僅讓欣賞者能對文本主題有更深刻的理解,策展人還特意安排了多件不容易判斷出故事的作品,等大家一起到展場享受從蛛絲馬跡中,拼湊故事原貌的樂趣。 想要搶先瞭解本次特展的獨特看點嗎?趕快點擊本集節目,聽策展人邱士華老師、林宛儒老師的精彩線上導覽吧~宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到 -…
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①Exhibition on Confucian culture shines at Beijing's Palace Museum ②Science meets education -- China turns to schools to help build sci-tech powerhouse ③AI-driven panda keeper joins Madrid Zoo to enhance visitor experience ④River erosion enhances recent uplift of Mount Qomolangma: study ⑤A Thousand Whys: Was The Analects really written by Confucius…
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①2024 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit to focus on AI ②Chinese researchers achieve breakthrough in DNA-based storage of brain MRI data ③Art season launched to showcase Beijing's ancient architecture ④Chinese hikers are hiring personal cheerleaders to scale peaks ⑤Only 10 pct of fish on coral reefs covered by environmental protections: resear…
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①Chang'e-6 lunar samples to be displayed at 15th Airshow China ②Extreme fires amplify post-fire land surface warming: study ③Chinese museums receive nearly 1 billion visits during Jan-Aug period ④Technologies bring faces of Neolithic men back to life ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people relish sweet osmanthus?…
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①Scientists decode "genetic trove" of marine microorganisms ②Scientists reveal patterns in Earth's rotational deceleration over millions of years ③Ancient rock painting site found in northwest China ④Nature reserve in China reports record number of raptors sighted ⑤A Thousand Whys: What is the most auspicious day in a year?…
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特別來賓|行銷業務處 王耀鋒 處長 秉持「全民的故宮」理念,「故宮100+」院慶LOGO設計競賽評選結果熱鬧揭曉囉! 不論是榮獲金獎的「世界一方之尊‧百年展瑰寶」、銀獎「伏流百年,層巒綿延」、銅獎「故宮,綻放下一個百年風華」,或其他優選作品,均可見設計者的創意與用心,也經由他們的創作詮釋,展現故宮百年繼往開來、又令人耳目一新的面貌! 想知道評審團專業老師們如何從361件投稿作品中選出得獎者,還有出場率最高的文物是哪幾件嗎?馬上點擊本集節目,聽故宮王耀鋒處長分享設計競賽的精彩過程~宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到 -故宮百年院慶Logo設計競賽的活動過程與得獎作品 -如何透過百年院慶系列活動,落實「全民的故宮」理念 ●本集節目-時間段落說明 01:20 故宮百年院慶,…
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①China's resistive magnet sets new world record ②Chinese, foreign scientists to start new expedition into Asia's longest cave ③Chinese desert fruit export delivers new taste to SE Asia ④A Thousand Whys: Why are some lakes in Beijing called "sea"?
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Chinese scientists unveil world's first multi-modal Large Language Model in geographic sciences
①Chinese scientists unveil world's first multi-modal Large Language Model in geographic sciences ②China starts sustainable aviation fuel pilot ③Hong Kong climbs to 9th place in world talent ranking ④Mango industry bears fruit in southwest China county ⑤A Thousand Whys: The symbol of autumn – chrysanthemum…
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①Ancient Chinese clothing exhibition in Berlin reveals Confucian elegance ②Chang'e-6 lunar samples have "distinct characteristics": study ③China proposes new regulation on labeling AI-generated content ④Restoration of 500-year-old palace at Beijing's central axis completed ⑤A Thousand Whys: Who is "Lu Ban" and why does he matter?…
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Beijing metro enables "tap-and-go" fare payment for foreign MasterCard and Visa card holders
①Beijing metro enables "tap-and-go" fare payment for foreign MasterCard and Visa card holders ②A fresh brew in academia as China's coffee science undergrads program kicks off ③China builds world's highest BeiDou high-altitude meteorological observation station ④Discovery of major city ruins aids research into China's earliest dynasty ⑤A Thousand Wh…
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特別來賓|書畫文獻處 林宛儒 助理研究員 特別來賓|那些電影教我的事 水某 明四大家之一、以書畫作品聞名傳世,是歷史上對唐寅的記載 而風流才子、文武雙全、精通音律是現代影視作品中對唐伯虎形象的演繹呈現 不管你喜歡哪一種形象的唐伯虎,他在藝術作品中的不凡造詣,與灑脫不羈的個人特質,都值得我們欣賞與品味,想知道唐伯虎的生平軼事還有故宮裡有哪些特別值得推薦的藏品嗎?那你一定不能錯過故宮林宛儒老師與「那些電影教我的事」主持人水某的精彩對話~宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到 -明四大家唐寅的生平際遇與坎坷仕途 -唐寅傳世的書畫作品賞析 ●本集節目-時間段落說明 01:29 電影作品「唐伯虎點秋香」,詼諧中的真假面具 03:08 史料記載中的唐伯虎生平,唐父評價:「此兒必成名,…
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①China aims to launch Mars sample-return mission around 2028 ②Returned lunar glass beads indicate moon still alive 120 million years ago ③2024-25 CBA season to start on October 12 ④A Thousand Whys: Why debating over a moon cake?
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①World's first atlas of remote-sensing thermal infrared images released in Beijing ②Fresh Malaysian durians debut in China, set to spike in popularity ③Exhibition in China's Xi'an marks 50th anniversary of Terracotta Warriors discovery ④Turtle, bird, dinosaur tracks reveal NW China's Cretaceous past ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is Autumn Equinox an import…
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①China Southern's first C919 to enter commercial service in mid-September ②Chinese museum offers visitors immersive journey into ancient life ③Researchers develop technologies to better protect 5,000-year-old ruin site ④A Thousand Whys: Is autumn always SAD?
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①China's Beidou navigation service platform begins trial operations ②Chinese scientists release AI model for lunar exploration ③Online research database on Dunhuang studies launched ④China launches bullet train service to UNESCO heritage site Jiuzhai Valley ⑤Endangered Gobi bear spotted in China for first time ⑥A Thousand Whys: Why do some Chinese …
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特別來賓|器物處 陳慧霞 副研究員兼科長 故宮史上規模最大的清代金銀飾品特展,到底有多好看?! 故宮南院「妙色—清代金銀飾件特展」,以妙色為標題,展出了五百多件的清代簪飾、項飾及腰飾等金銀飾品,不僅可以欣賞到清代的穿搭審美,更能透過飾品的工匠藝術與寓意內涵,領略當時的生活品味與古今對映。 本集節目邀請了故宮陳慧霞老師,透過線上導覽與解讀,與聽眾一起走進五光十色的金銀飾界~宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到 -故宮南院「妙色—清代金銀飾件特展」特展介紹 -清代文化習俗反映在飾品穿搭的特色與演變 ●本集節目-時間段落說明 01:20 本次金銀飾件特展以「妙色」為標題,有何意涵與傳達概念? 02:30 包羅萬象的飾品類型,男女老幼都喜歡 03:41 特展單元【皇家禮儀與排場…
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①First batch of Malaysian fresh durians enters Chinese market ②China provides subsidies to boost home appliance trade-ins ③Researchers develop novel deep learning model to predict battery lifetime ④AI-powered system assists Hebei nature reserve in protecting birds ⑤Beijing to stage grand lantern show to mark Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day ⑥A Tho…
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①WTT Champions Macao 2024 scheduled for September 9-15 ②Researchers propose massive water production method on Moon ③Chinese, foreign physicists make new discovery in antimatter ④Endangered sturgeon spotted in upper Yangtze River ⑤Palace Museum to increase availability of tickets for individual visitors ⑥A Thousand Whys: The Bell and Drum Towers - …
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①Night riders get new cycle routes ②Cruise operators sail on favorable winds ③Chinese scientists establish brain-inspired network model to bridge AI, neuroscience ④China issues commemorative coins featuring world's tallest wooden pagoda ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why wood, not stone?
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①Drone deliveries launched at Badaling section of the Great Wall ②Race for AI talent heats up amid demand ③Advanced material gives university admission letter a cutting edge ④Fungi-picking tour brings many to Yunnan ⑤A Thousand Whys: 50 shades of qing
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特別來賓|南院處 鄭永昌 副處長 現在的沖繩,也就是歷史上有著「萬國津梁」稱呼的琉球,早在明清時期就與當時的中國有著「策封與朝貢」的往來關係,透過頻繁的經貿往來,雙方在人群、貨物與藝術文化的流通上互相影響。 故宮南院「萬國津梁:東亞海上的琉球」特展,將透過史料文獻與藝術展品,呈現琉球王國多元豐富的歷史面貌。本次特展中,不僅有精選的故宮藏品,更與台灣、日本多個博物館、圖書館合作,展出多件日本國寶級藝術品,想知道當時在邦交互動與貿易往來上有哪些有趣的故事,一定不能錯過策展人鄭永昌老師的精彩線上導覽~宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到 -故宮南院「萬國津梁:東亞海上的琉球」特展介紹 -明清時期與琉球的經貿往來與外交互動 ●本集節目-時間段落說明 01:48 故宮南院琉球展以…
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①China's "wandering elephants" welcome new members ②Medical university in east China to advance small molecule drug development with quantum computing ③Guochao designs boost Hanfu sales in summer ④Shanghai Disney Resort announces new Spider-Man-themed ride ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people float river lanterns during the End of Heat?…
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①China's large, twin-engine unmanned transport aircraft completes maiden flight ②Shanghai to fully switch to new energy buses, taxis by 2027 ③Scientific expedition team sets sail to explore Western Pacific Ocean ④Well-preserved giant panda fossil discovered in China's Shaanxi ⑤Beijing Music Festival to open in October ⑥Chinese hit the slopes to esc…
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①Reservation-free policy draws booming museum visitors ②Village cafe, a new haven for Chinese urbanites ③New high-speed railway launched to boost integration of China's Yangtze River Delta ④A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese love Jiangnan - south of the Yangtze River
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①Scientists make engineering breakthrough in control of mosquito-borne diseases ②Hunan city invites students to take free city tour ③Chinese museums embrace technologies to bring exhibits to life ④Prehistoric jadeware exhibition opens in China's Chongqing ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why do Chinese people love jade more than diamond?…
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特別來賓|書畫文獻處 吳誦芬 助理研究員 吃貨這個名詞可不是現代人的專利! 字句中隱藏的吃喝趣事、雅俗共賞的食材與料理大全,還有張大千先生大擺筵席的菜單,聽聽看吳誦芬老師如何從故宮藏品中,挖掘分享那些古人吃吃喝喝的有趣內容~宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到 -同為文豪,卻有截然不同的飲食與創作偏好 -故宮書畫藏品中,那些跟「吃」有關的趣味故事 ●本集節目-時間段落說明 01:28 皇帝請孔老夫子喝酒吃肉的故事〈漢乙瑛碑〉 04:43 元四大家的吳鎮送給小兒子《墨竹譜》有何典故 →蘇軾與表哥文同相約死後祭拜需「斗酒隻雞」? 09:12 蘇軾食不厭精,好友黃庭堅卻「吃苦當吃補」 →歌詠苦筍的《宋黃庭堅書苦筍賦》 →惜福飲食的極致《宋黃庭堅山預帖》 18:15 中場單元:…
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①New Chinese migratory bird sanctuaries added to UNESCO World Heritage List ②Customized travel redefines tourist experience in NW China ③Shanghai metro introduces luggage storage self-service for hassle-free travel ④China makes more films accessible for blind people ⑤A Thousand Whys: Lost love reunion, once a year…
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①New fitness track to link Beijing and Zhangjiakou ②China's 2nd domestic large cruise ship to start operation in 2027 ③Shanghai Museum throws a party for pet cats during "Fantastic Night" event at ancient Egyptian civilization exhibition ④Espying millennium-old relics in China's underwater museum ⑤A Thousand Whys: How Chinese people welcome the Beg…
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①Lighter but longer: Researchers develop tiny solar-powered drones for extended flight ②West End musical "Cats" returns to Beijing ③Over 3,400-yr-old jade, stone "workshop" discovered at China's legendary Sanxingdui Ruins ④A Thousand Whys: What can China's flood myth teach us about water management?
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①Air routes boost foreign trade of China's mountainous province ②China, ASEAN members establish durian sci-tech innovation alliance ③Chinese team develops versatile AI model capable of reading cancer images ④Tourism revitalizes ancient village near Great Wall ⑤A Thousand Whys: Lotus - the favorite summer flower of the Chinese people…
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特別來賓|書畫文獻處 蘇峯楠 助理研究員 「美麗與哀愁」是世界知名的小說名著,但或許也可以作為描寫清代公主的最佳代名詞。 出身帝王家,雖然嫁妝俸祿、衣食無缺,卻擺脫不了政治聯姻的宿命。故宮特展「公主駕到!清代文獻中的公主身影」,將透過文獻記載以及相關文物的展出,與大家一起分享「清代公主」的生命故事。 想知道公主的封號差別、嫁妝的豪華程度,還有那些影視小說裡的原型人物故事與文獻真實紀錄嗎?趕快點擊本集節目,聽故宮蘇峯楠老師的精彩講解~宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到 -特展搶先聽「公主駕到!清代文獻中的公主身影」 -從封號、嫁妝到人物故事,清代公主的美麗與哀愁 ●本集節目-時間段落說明 01:30 是公主還是格格?傻傻分不清楚 03:16 同樣生於帝王家,為什麼公主的…
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①Chinese national park transacts tropical rainforest carbon-sink trading ②Terracotta Warriors celebrate 50 years of discovery ③Gate ruins of ancient capital unearthed in central China ④Chinese embrace dog days of summer with sanfu moxibustion ⑤A Thousand Whys: Acupuncture, the Qi stimulator and balancer…
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①Milky Way galaxy can be larger than expected: study ②Beijing launches "rocket street" project to advance commercial space development ③Centuries-old science classic comes alive on stage ④Items related to ancient Great Wall guards unearthed in Beijing ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why Chinese people drink herbal tea during Major Heat?…
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①Chief scientist of China's FAST telescope awarded Marcel Grossmann Award ②Researchers develop brain-on-a-chip system, advancing brain-computer interfaces ③Museum trips see peak season during summer vacation ④University in Yunnan province launches China's first coffee major, delving into science of coffee-making ⑤A Thousand Whys: Fantastic mushroom…
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①Chinese and French researchers complete lunar radon-gas detection mission ②Chinese researchers develop novel method to produce crystals ③Shanghai international cruise ports report brisk traffic amid visa facilitation ④China's first "giant panda college" starts enrolling students ⑤A Thousand Whys: Why is the jasmine flower a symbol of timeless eleg…
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特別來賓|書畫文獻處 蘇雅芬 助理研究員 這個夏天,你一定不能錯過百花齊放的故宮! 你知道清代的皇帝比妃嬪還喜歡賞花嗎?康熙皇帝甚至常常帶朝臣去塞外看花、寫詩! 清宮的花園裡栽種從南到北、從塞外到西方移植的花卉物種,故宮特展「皇帝的移動花園—清代宮廷花卉畫」,邀請大家從康熙與乾隆二位皇帝的視角,透過策展人蘇雅芬老師的導覽解說,一起欣賞不同畫家筆下的花卉畫作,並從題詩與圖譜編撰裡,看到皇家花園裡的玄機與巧思~宮說宮有理,讓你與故宮零距離! ●在本集節目中,你可以聽到: —特展報報:「皇帝的移動花園—清代宮廷花卉畫」搶先聽 —花卉作品一把抓:從寫生、題詩到圖譜編撰認識花草世界 ●本集節目—時間段落說明 01:46 最新特展「皇帝的移動花園—清代宮廷花卉畫」 02:02 特展五單元,豐富展覽內容千…
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①China to formulate over 50 standards for AI sector by 2026 ②Chinese robotics firm, FAW-Volkswagen join hands to build humanoid robot-run car factory ③Chinese museums to offer more convenient access for summer visitors ④As summer begins, Chinese travel market picks up momentum ⑤A Thousand Whys: How the Chinese pavilion got its allure…
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小动物又来啦!上次她来录过节目之后好多朋友说分不清她和婉莹的声音,今天就……再给大家提供一些令人混淆的素材😜 五月底的时候,婉莹和小动物,还有未命名播客的解博知和非马非牛的李二一起,在北京周边晃了几天。今天先从独乐寺开始一些闲聊(暴言)。此处请允许婉莹做一个真诚的 disclaimer:真的很喜欢独乐寺!!!我也不知道为啥录的时候显得那么嫌弃人家!!!我错了,这绝非我本意,下次我还去,去完了再认认真真给她一顿爆夸!(本期节目相关的几张图片记得⬇️往下往下往下⬇️拉才能看到哦!) 本期节目的后半段将在近日发布于友台未命名播客,敬请期待。 关于节目一开头的硬广!朋友们请看海报,报名咨询请扫图片最下方的二维码。如果想要了解更多,热情推荐收听咸柠七的这一期节目,以及成庆老师在看理想上的节目《人生解忧…
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①China unveils bold space exploration roadmap involving asteroids, Martian samples and Jupiter ②Energy-efficient carbon fiber metro train unveiled in China ③Newly-developed neural probe achieves brain-wide neuronal activity recording in macaque brain in China ④Hong Kong Book Fair to feature film and TV literature ⑤Population of rare golden monkeys …
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