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NER Kids


專為3至8歲兒童打造的雙語節目,秉持「英語放輕鬆 5分鐘馬上通」讓孩子打開耳朵自然而然學習,節目匯集瘋英語、小小世界通、你說我說大家說和麻吉同學會不會等系列,透過簡單實用的生活句型、各地文化風情、國際禮儀、自然科學及學校趣事等,用雙語輕鬆有趣的解析,強化孩子英語聽說的能力。【每周六日固定更新】 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Colors A: I really like your backpack. Is it yours? B: No, it belongs to my sister. She loves purple, so that’s why she chose it. A: It's a nice color. Purple is my favorite too. B: Purple stands out and is easy to spot in a crowd. A: I'm planning on buying a new backpack. Where did your sister get it? B: She bought it online. I can ask her which w…
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留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: 兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會: Hey diddle, diddle, The cat and the fiddle, The cow jumped over the moon; The little dog laughed to see such fun, And the dish ran away with the spoon. 嘿!稀奇啊稀奇, 貓咪和小提琴, 母牛跳過月亮; 看到後的小狗笑了 盤子也跟著湯匙跑了! #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選…
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一起認識一些「追星」必備詞彙: 粉絲我們都知道是fans,但是你們知道死忠粉絲、鐵粉的英文是甚麼嗎? 英文可以說loyal fan、hard-core fan或die-hard fan。其中,loyal是「忠心的」、hard-core、die-hard則都有「死忠的」的意思。 例如: 迷弟、迷妹。 「迷弟」是fanboy,「迷妹」則是fangirl。另外,fangirl除了作為名詞,也很常作為動詞使用喔,指「展現出誇張的迷妹行為」。 例如:Look at those crazy fans! They are fangirling again. 你看那些超狂粉絲。她們又在耍迷妹了。 #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選教育電…
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Clothing/accessories A: Which tie do you think matches my shirt better, the red one or the blue one? B: I think the blue one goes well with your shirt. A: Okay thanks. I'll go with the blue one then. B: You're welcome. Blue matches your shirt nicely. A: By the way, do you think I should wear a belt with these pants? B: Yeah, a belt would complete t…
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To market, to market To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, jiggety-jig. To market, to market, to buy a fat hog, Home again, home again, jiggety-jog. 去市場,去市場,去買隻胖胖的豬 搖搖晃晃地回家吧,回家吧, 去市場,去市場,,去買隻胖胖的大豬 搖搖晃晃地回家吧,回家吧! #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選教育電台雙語頻道 #每周一、六、日更新 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstor…
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flamingo 紅鶴為什麼是粉紅色呢? The sun turns them pink.太陽把牠們曬成粉紅 Their food turns them this color.牠們吃的食物讓他們變成粉紅色 They turn pink inside their eggs.牠們在蛋殼還沒孵出來就是粉紅色等(天生就是粉紅色) 答案:B! 因為他們吃很多年的蝦子和海藻,有beta胡蘿蔔素,因此長年累積,羽毛就會變成粉紅。 #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選教育電台雙語頻道 #每周一、六、日更新 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ---…
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Home appliances A: How much does that microwave cost? B: It's NT$5399. It's on sale this week. A: That's a good price. I am thinking about buying it. B: Yeah, it's a great deal. It is also a popular model. A: Can you tell me some more about what it can do? Does it have any special cooking settings? B: Sure! It has lots of different settings and it …
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Warm hands, warm Warm hands, warm, The men are gone to plough(plow), If you want to warm your hands, Warm your hands now. 暖暖手,暖暖手,男人出外去耕田,如果你要暖暖手,現在就來暖暖手。 補充: warm:溫暖的,熱情的e.g. :Cherry is a warm person because she always helps others. warm up: 暖身/做準備 :The singers are warming up before the concert. 變暖和:The room was warming up after I turned on the he…
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A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have. 好朋友就像四葉幸運草four leaf clover ,難以尋找,能擁有就是幸運。 A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten your life when you’ve been through a storm. 朋友就像是一道彩虹rainbow,他們在你遭遇困境時依然會照亮著你。 A friend is a second self. 朋友是另一個我。 Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen. 書籍如朋友,應該少而精。 Friendship m…
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Appearance A: Hey, where did you get those cool shoes? B: I bought them at that shoe store near the school. A: Thanks! I'll check them out. B: No problem. They have different colors and sizes to choose from too. A: Are they comfy to wear all day? B: Yeah, they are comfortable because they are really soft. They are the perfect pair of shoes for long…
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I’m Dusty Bill I’m Dusty Bill From Vinegar Hill, Never had a bath And I never will. 我是灰頭土臉比爾,來自醋溜山丘,我從來不洗澡,將來也不會 補充: dust(v.)(n.)/dusty take a bath vs. take a shower. (shower 還有陣雨的意思) /bathtub浴缸 Take a hot spring bath./ Cherry usually takes a hot spring bath in winter. spring: 春天/彈簧/泉水 #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選教育電台雙語頻道 #…
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nervous緊張, anxious焦慮,scared 害怕,Stressed out 壓力山大 ● I'm worried.(我很擔心。) ● I'm anxious.(我很焦慮。) 絕望無助 ● I feel helpless.(我很無助。) ● I feel powerless.(我覺得很無力。) ● I feel desperate.(我感到絕望。) 心情沮喪 ● I feel depressed / frustrated (我感到沮喪、挫折。) ● Down in the dumps(垂頭喪氣) A: You look down in the dumps. What happened?(你看起來心情很低落。怎麼了?) B: I failed my test. 我考試不及格 #每周一…
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Animals A: Do you have any pets? B: Yeah, I've got a cat named Whiskers. How about you? A: I don't have any pets, but I'd really love to have a dog someday. B: Cats make great pets. Whiskers is playful and keeps me company. A: That's nice. I've heard that cats like doing their own thing but are still loving pets. B: Yeah, cats are so much better th…
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Jerry Hall Jerry Hall, He is so small, A rat could eat him Hat and all. #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選教育電台雙語頻道 #每周一、六、日更新 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道: 🔗粉絲團: 🎧線上即時收聽:…
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不同的職業英文怎麼說? musician 音樂家 fashion designer 時裝設計師 hairdresser 髮型設計師 cook 廚師 chef 主廚 tour guide 導遊 editor 編輯 engineer 工程師 scientist 科學家 salesperson 銷售員 業務員 photographer 照片攝影師 videographer 影片 攝影師 #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選教育電台雙語頻道 #每周一、六、日更新 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網:http…
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Weather and Climate A: It’s freezing today! B: You’re not wrong. I can’t remember Tainan ever getting this cold before. A: I thought global warming is supposed to make the world hotter! B: Sure, the summers are getting hotter, but the winters might also get colder too. A: How does that work? B: I am not totally sure, but I heard that the temperatur…
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What a Din! Biff has a pan and a big, red pot. Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got? Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin. Bang, crash, bang! What a din! #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選教育電台雙語頻道 #每周一、六、日更新 ----- Apple|Spotify|Google|KKBOX|Firstory|SoundOn 搜尋訂閱:NER Kids ----- 🎙教育電臺🎙 📻官網: 🗺️Channel+學習頻道:https://bi…
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好玩又容易上手的英文繞口令唷!看看你們是否可以挑戰一氣呵成 用快速速度來唸呢? I scream. I scream, you scream, we all scream, for ice cream! scream尖叫 ice cream冰淇淋 這個繞口令好玩但令舌頭打結的地方就是I scream我尖叫,和ice cream音很相似 所以很容易念著念著就挑戰失敗喔! "Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?" fuzzy wuzzy 是隻熊,fuzzy wuzzy沒有毛,所以他的毛不會亂,是吧? 繞口令通常都好玩 但是意思可能有點搞笑 fuzzy wuzz…
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Shapes, Sizes and Measurements A: Hi, can I try these on please? B: Sure, the fitting rooms are over there on the left, next to the exit. A: Thanks. Oh, and do you have this top in a medium? B: Weren’t there any mediums on the shelf? A: No, only smalls and larges. B: Okay, let me check for you. A: I would also like to try on these sandals in a 9 an…
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See me skip 來看我跳繩 This is the way. I like to do this every day. “Yes, I can. I skip like you.” “Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?” “Look at me. Look at me go!” “Look out , Dad!” “Oh no! Oh no!” 補充: look at/ look out/ look for/ look up 資料來源: Oxford Reading Tree) #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小森林 #想要無廣告收聽更多節目請點選教育電台雙語頻道 #每周一、六、日更新 ----- Apple|Spoti…
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大家最期待的假期是不是快要到來了呢。沒錯,就是寒假winter break。既然winter break裡面有winter冬天這個詞,當然就是要來跟大家分享冬天時可以參加的有趣活動!let’s go! 下雪 snowing 寒流 cold wave 山頂 mountain peak 冬天可是一天到晚都在下雪 it’s snowing everyday~ 溜冰 ice skating 中央公園 central park, 溜冰場 ice rink 溜冰鞋 ice skates 滑 slippery 平衡 balance,so I keep falling down 我感覺我自己像在冰面上跳舞一樣 I feel like I’m dancing on the ice 防護protection #…
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School Life A: My timetable for this semester is going to be so packed! B: Mine too. How many optional subjects did you choose? A: It is not so much the extra subjects that take up so much time. B: So what is it that you’re worried about? The sports clubs? A: You got it. I have soccer training at least three nights a week, and I also want to learn …
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The Big Match Here come the fans. Here come the six ducks. Here come the six foxes. The duck fans quack. The fox fans sing. The ref rings a bell. The match has begun ! The foxes and ducks kick the ball. Ring Duck gets the ball in. Max Fox gets the ball in. The ducks get the ball. Max Fox kick Rick Duck! The duck fans quack. The ref rings his bell. …
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這是小朋友必學的數字歌之一,家長可教導小朋友配合歌詞,利用十根手指進行基本的數數。 Once i caught a fish alive! 有一次我抓到一條活蹦亂跳的魚兒 One, two, three, four, five. 一二三四五 Once I caught a fish alive. 有一次我抓到一條活蹦亂跳的魚兒 Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. 六七八九十 Then I let it go again. 然後我就把魚放生了 Why did you let it go? 你為何要放他牠走 Because it bit my finger so. 因為他咬了我手指頭啊 Which finger did it bite? 牠咬了那隻手指呢 This lit…
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Family A: How is Benny related to me? B: Benny is your cousin. A: But isn’t Benny’s mom your sister? B: That’s right. Benny’s mom is my sister, so she is your aunt. A: So how about Jenny, Benny’s sister? B: Jenny is your cousin too. A: Oh, so all of my aunts’ children are my cousins? B: You got it! A: Thanks Dad! #每周一進階英語瘋英語 #每周六雙語麻吉同學會 #每周日英語童謠童話小…
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