哈囉,我是盒子, 我們的節目正式由「通勤短講」 轉型為更多元、更軟性的新聞週報 題材主要針對 📌喜愛遊山玩水、親近大自然的大朋友族群 A community of nature enthusiasts who enjoy hiking and exploring the outdoors. 📌需要優質時事內容的國小至高中青少年族群 Elementary to high school students who seek high-quality current affairs content. 🔊每集將會提供2則中英文雙語時事 Each episode will feature 2 bilingual news stories in both Chinese and English. 每週五晚上8點準時上架💪🏼 Scheduled for release every Friday evening at 8 o'clock. 🌈記得一定要訂閱、加入「知性盒粉」的小天地 也要贊助盒子報報基金 來鼓勵與支持盒子的創作喔🙏🏼 Remember to subscribe to and su ...
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Today With God Mandarin Chinese language version is a new TV series bringing the Visual Bible to the world. The 37 half hour episodes and one hour premier episode provide spiritual clarity to the question, Who Is Jesus? The series is broadcast in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Numerous foreign language versions are in production. Matthew, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Gospel of John are presented in the series with insightful explanation from Dr. Randy Weiss in the ...
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This podcast is not so much as a share of my points of view on education as a discussion of education with anyone who hear this podcast. I really thank it for letting my voice be heard by more people. The current education is not yet a benefit for all people, but we never give up improving it. We argued, struggled and even sacrificed, for a better education. Time has been different, so are our views on education. I believe that any improvement is made by "standing on the shoulders of Giants" ...
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Bukit Timah is a site of urban complexity and historical significance. The quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were built to meet the needs of a growing urban population from the early to mid-20th century, especially during the construction boom of the post-independence period. By the 1970s, the quarries around Bukit Timah Hill were exhausted. Over the years, they have gradually been reclaimed and given a new lease of life as urban parks. Embark on an acoustic journey with artist Oh Chai Hoo th ...
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Listen to Hong Kong Cantonese News slowly and nightly. Slow Cantonese News for intermediate and advanced Cantonese learners. 廣東話新聞,慢慢聽,晚晚聽。慢速廣東話新聞,適合中級或者高級廣東話程度嘅你。|| Learn Cantonese | Learn Hong Kong Cantonese | Learn HK Cantonese | Hong Kong News | 香港 | 學廣東話 | 學港式廣東話 | 學粵語 | 學港式粵語 | 香港新聞 || Transcripts: www.tsubasacantonese.com | Vocabulary videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfpdgw4DSofVUo63ZTZBagCgWOV-4pRSC
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關「擦屁股也是一門學問哦~你真的知道怎樣擦屁股嗎?」 另一則新聞,則是有關巴黎提高SUVs停車費的訊息 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關今年台灣燈會在台南 另一則新聞,則是有關烏克蘭出生的日本小姐的故事 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關爸爸都想生女兒? 另一則新聞,則是有關一個男子被困在飛機廁所的故事 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關台灣在塑膠袋減量上遇到的困境 另一則新聞,則是有關青少年殺人事件的故事 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關一齣由著作「最後14堂星期二的課」改編的舞台劇 另一則新聞,則是有關22隻大象的故事 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關台灣人特愛掛在嘴邊的四個字 另一則新聞,則是有關哈利波特的相關消息 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關2024跨年全台最長的煙火👍 另一則新聞,則是有關倒著走對身體真的好嗎? 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關2023冬至開運、延壽不能少的兩種食物👍 另一則新聞,則是有關用循環水釀的啤酒你敢喝嗎? 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【青少年新聞週報:20231215】逾5成國人不了解自己所屬族群文化|Breathing new life into your clothing doesn't have to mean making new purchases
本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關國人對於所屬族群文化的認知情形👍 另一則新聞,則是有關二手衣服,可能是一個更環保的選擇喔~ 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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【青少年新聞週報:20231208】(車宿必聽)露營燒炭取暖一氧化碳中毒|Chinese celebrity chef offends China for third time with egg fried rice video
本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關車宿(車泊)愛好者在冬天車宿一定要注意的事👍 另一則新聞,則是有關「蛋炒飯」在中國成了特定日期的禁忌? 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 📌也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關阿里山林鐵最新進站出站音樂搶先聽 另一則新聞,則是有關公司員工對於ChatGPT的秘密使用 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments 配樂版權 Audio Source:Prod by LuKremBo Promoted by : J&B 無版權音樂庫 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關最近在校園爆紅的蘿蔔刀(周刊王CTWANT) 另一則新聞,則是有關一個以撿垃圾為主題的日本武士😲 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments 配樂版權 Audio Source:Prod by LuKremBo Promoted by : J&B 無版權音樂庫 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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2023-11-14 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Skilled Migration program; HK: Real Estate Agent Companies accused of fixing net commission; US & China: Biden-Xi meeting ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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【青少年新聞週報:20231110】大阪燒、文字燒、廣島燒差在哪?|An extremely overdue book has been returned to a Massachusetts library 119 years later
本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關大阪燒、文字燒與廣島燒的文章(TOKYO,放鬆出走:一期一繪的東京慢活風景) 另一則新聞,則是有關圖書館收到一本借了119年的書😲 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 也要記得請盒子喝杯拿鐵🙏🏼支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 🌈留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments 配樂版權 Audio Source:Prod by LuKremBo Promoted by : J&B 無版權音樂庫 Powered by Fir…
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【青少年新聞週報:20231103】中國 課桌椅可坐可躺?|The Georgian ambassador rides a subway car in a priority seat.
本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關小學課桌椅可以平躺的新聞 一則是有關喬治亞駐日本大使坐在地下鐵優先席的新聞 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 也要記得訂閱我們的節目小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments 配樂版權 Audio Source:Prod by LuKremBo Promoted by : J&B 無版權音樂庫 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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2023-10-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Policy Address 2023; HK: a hight school student fall from a building of the school; China: Li Keqiang passed away ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關岳飛背上刺的到底是「精忠報國」?還是「盡忠報國」?(聯合報的新聞) 一則是有關一位丹麥畫家的空白畫作(BBC的新聞) 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 也要記得訂閱我們的節目小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments 配樂版權 Audio Source:Prod by LuKremBo Promoted by : J&B 無版權音樂庫 Powered by Firstory …
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【青少年新聞週報:20231020】想一起玩!北市大附小學生 為特教同學打造共融遊戲場|President Biden's dog Commander is no longer staying at the White House.
本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關共融遊戲場的話題(聯合報的新聞) 一則是有關美國第一家庭狗咬人的事件發展(BBC的新聞) 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 也要記得訂閱我們的節目小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments 配樂版權 Audio Source:Prod by LuKremBo Promoted by : J&B 無版權音樂庫 Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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本集節目,盒子將和「阿不」與「阿布」陪大家閱讀兩則新聞💖 一則是有關電子菸的話題 一則是有關日本同性伴侶仍是禁忌 歡迎大家在星期五的晚上八點鐘準時收聽 也要記得訂閱我們的節目 📌請盒子喝一杯咖啡基金: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 📌留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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2023-10-10 Slow Cantonese News (HK: HKU to set up panel to investigate HKU president; Israel-Hamas conflict; Australia’s former prime minister visits Taiwan) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-09-29 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance; HK: Night Vibes; Taiwan: 1st domestically-produced submarine ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-09-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Kwun Tong flooded again; HK: Floods in Wong Tai Sin; N. Korea & Russia: Kim Jong Un arrived Russia ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-08-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: To promote night markets; HK: banned seafood from Japan; Russia: Prigozhin’s death) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-08-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Perseid meteor shower; HK: ICAC probes CUHK medical research centre; US: Hawaii fires) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-29 Slow Cantonese News (HK: US to bar John Lee from APEC summit; HK: High Court rejected to ban protest song; HK: Boar attacked 2 people in MTR station) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-15 Slow Cantonese News (HK: new Silver Bond; HK: whale; Canada to remove education requirement for Hongkongers applying PR ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-07-01 Slow Cantonese News (HK: New World First Bus merges with Citybus; HK: universities drops in global rankings; WHO: Aspartame sweetener to be declared possible cancer risk ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-06-19 Slow Cantonese News (HK: McDonald’s worker attacked manager with knives; HK restaurants: fewer revenue in Father’s Day; Blinken in Beijing, China ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-06-07 Slow Cantonese News (HK Executive Council: to raise civil servants’ salary; HK: to ban protest song mistaken for national anthem; HK: man with mental illness killed 2 women) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-05-27 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Cathay Pacific Discrimination Scandal; HK: Hong Kong’s bun festival; Taiwan: Chinese no longer considered as Taiwanese nationals) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #海洋音樂祭 #貢寮海洋音樂祭 #停辦 #福隆沙雕 #福隆海水浴場 #貢寮 #龍門露營區 #車泊 #車宿 #podcast #2023福隆沙雕藝術季 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第17集的節目 本集節目會跟大家聊聊2023貢寮海洋音樂祭 也會提供大家有關前往海祭秘境的車泊資訊 節目內容非常精彩 也值得大家收藏喔👍🏼 📌車泊定位點(建議提早去探路): 1️⃣龍門吊橋下停車場 25.02358475004914, 121.93556632285839 2️⃣海洋驛站-龍門分站 25.023864033100345, 121.93777125543859 3️⃣龍門露營區 25.019103899078242, 121.93854028955299 ______________…
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2023-05-18 Slow Cantonese News (HK: buy one get one free from Hong Kong Airlines; Civil servants’ salary could increase 4.65 per cent; Taiwan: Hou Yu-ih runs presidential election) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-05-08 Slow Cantonese News (HK: driver arrested after killing a security guard; HK: murder suspect died after fleeing to Japan; UK: King Charles III crowned.) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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2023-04-25 Slow Cantonese News (HK: free flight ticket; HK: gang knife attack in Yuen Long; France: Chinese ambassador’s comments about ex-Soviet states) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #賞桐 #桐花 #五月雪 #十一指古道 #東勢林場 #仁和步道 #小粗坑古道 #水流東桐花步道 #十二寮登山步道 #荷苞山桐花公園 #車泊 #車宿 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第16集的節目 本集節目會跟大家聊聊7個網路聲量最高的賞桐景點 也會提供大家有關這些賞桐秘境的車泊資訊 節目內容非常精彩 也值得大家收藏喔👍🏼 _____________________________________________________________________________ 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從2023年開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 原則上還是每週五會上架最新一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊…
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2023-04-09 Slow Cantonese News (HK: Songkran festival; China: Military dills in Taiwan Strait; Taiwan: William Lai is being nominated to run presidential election ) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #露營車 #軍中故事 #高裝檢 #車泊 #車宿 #podcast 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第15集的節目 這是一個真實通勤的實況聊天節目 本集節目會繼續跟大家聊聊盒子的軍中故事-從東非狒狒聊到二膽逃兵 節目內容非常精彩 每一個當過兵的人,一定會很有感觸喔~👍🏼 _____________________________________________________________________________ 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從2023年開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 也會改成通勤時間錄製節目 原則上還是每週會至少上架一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊話題、閒聊時事主題 作為節目的…
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2023-03-26 Slow Cantonese News (HK: hail; US and TikTok ban; Honduras establishes ties with China) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #露營車 #軍中故事 #高裝檢 #車泊 #車宿 #podcast 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第14集的節目 這是一個真實通勤的實況聊天節目 本集節目會跟大家聊聊盒子的軍中故事 節目內容非常精彩 每一個當過兵的人,一定會很有感觸喔~👍🏼 _____________________________________________________________________________ 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從2023年開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 也會改成通勤時間錄製節目 原則上還是每週會至少上架一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊話題、閒聊時事主題 作為節目的主軸, 想要鼓勵與支持盒子的…
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #露營車 #ChatGPT #AI #車泊 #車宿 #podcast 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第13集的節目 這是一個真實通勤的實況聊天節目 本集節目會跟大家聊聊刊登在遠見雜誌的一篇文章 ✅專家歸納3個「讓錢長大」的花錢習慣,讓你「愈花愈有錢」 也會把盒子的金錢觀跟大家分享喔~👍🏼 _____________________________________________________________________________ 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從2023年開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 也會改成通勤時間錄製節目 原則上還是每週會至少上架一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊話題、閒…
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2023-03-13 Slow Cantonese News (HK: consumption voucher 2023; US: SVB collapse; China: Xi’s speech in Beijing) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由翼[jik6] Sir / Tsubasa
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #露營車 #ChatGPT #AI #車泊 #車宿 #podcast 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第12集的節目 這是一個真實通勤的實況聊天節目 本集節目會跟大家聊聊這幾天最夯的時事✅馬防官兵沒肉吃? 同時也會實際以盒子曾經在烏坵服役的經驗跟大家分享喔~👍🏼 _____________________________________________________________________________ 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從2023年開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 也會改成通勤時間錄製節目 原則上還是每週會至少上架一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊話題、閒聊時事主題 作為主要的節目區…
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #露營車 #ChatGPT #AI #車泊 #車宿 #podcast 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第11集的節目 這是一個真實通勤的實況聊天節目 本集節目會跟大家聊聊目前全球最夯的ChatGPT 同時也會實際跟ChatGPT聊聊車宿話題 _____________________________________________________________________________ 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從2023年開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 也會改成通勤時間錄製節目 原則上還是每週會至少上架一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊話題、閒聊時事主題 作為主要的節目區塊, 想要鼓勵與支持盒…
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2023-03-01 Slow Cantonese News (HK: mask mandate lifted; HK: Model Abby Choi’s dismembered body found) Learn Cantonese
Transcript: https://tsubasacantonese.com/ Music: Sitcom Rock Sting 4 by Alexander Nakarada (www.serpentsoundstudios.com) Licensed under: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/由Tsubasa 翼
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #露營車 #露營車的缺點 #福斯加州號 #車泊 #車宿 #podcast 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第9集的節目 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從農曆年後開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 也會改成通勤時間錄製節目 原則上還是每週會至少上架一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊話題、閒聊時事主題 作為主要的節目區塊, 想要鼓勵與支持盒子的創作,歡迎訂閱按讚加分享喔💗 也要記得到各podcast平台搜尋「盒子通勤短講」🙏🏼 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.…
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #隋棠 #噪音擾鄰 #聲音敏感 #海口故事園區 #車泊 #車宿 #podcast 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第9集的節目 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從農曆年後開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 也會改成通勤時間錄製節目 原則上還是每週會至少上架一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊話題、閒聊時事主題 作為主要的節目區塊, 想要鼓勵與支持盒子的創作,歡迎訂閱按讚加分享喔💗 也要記得到各podcast平台搜尋「盒子通勤短講」🙏🏼 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://o…
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#盒子通勤短講 #我是盒子 #露營區 #露營 #車泊 #車宿 #podcast 哈囉,我是盒子,這是第8集的節目 在通勤上下班的路上與你相見, 愛車泊愛旅行、愛運動, 從政治上車,到人文休憩,隨處停泊。 從農曆年後開始,節目會轉變為更多元的走向👍👍👍 也會改成通勤時間錄製節目 原則上還是每週會至少上架一集節目 每集節目內容,則會包含了車泊話題、閒聊時事主題 作為主要的節目區塊, 想要鼓勵與支持盒子的創作,歡迎訂閱按讚加分享喔💗 也要記得到各podcast平台搜尋「盒子通勤短講」🙏🏼 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me…
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本集節目包含2個部分 第1個部分會談到有關投審會對爆料公社中資疑慮作出判定的相關看法 第2個部分,則是聊聊有關預售屋換約修法不溯既往的爭議 歡迎大家小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o 並且留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/clb63g3g400ob01qy7fwgb25o/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Departure: Kampong at a bottom of a coconut mountain由National Gallery Singapore
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The acquired lands with a former durian farm由National Gallery Singapore
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