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嗨大家好我是知磨!這裡是我的故事屋。 在這裡,一篇又一篇的故事便是一個又一個迥然相異的小世界。 (第一季已完結) *更多關於知磨: facebook:知磨 instagram:@chima_yo (各篇故事文字稿可見社群網站裡頭的對應文章。) *This podcast is not monetized. If there’s any copyright problem, please let me know and I’ll replace the song immediately. Thank you !
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一诗一信,Post un Poem。这一切强烈的、纯真的、爱的、激情的...一切所见、所听、所得…我们给它一个名字,叫做“一诗一信”,是为你朗读的一首诗,也是从远方寄来的明信片,更是一份不可复制的声音礼物。一诗一信,Post un Poem。微信公众号:postunpoem 官方微博
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每個人都是一個人來到這個地球上,也會是一個人離開。透過Me Time,你可以有一點自己的時間,停下來,試著開始更了解自己一些。而我也會透過我的故事,我的秘密,和你們一起談一談,其實認識自己,是一個很美的旅程! Remember, you are not alone! 創台初衷: *提供一個平台讓大家知道自己不是一個人在面對黑暗的事情 *要認識自己,首先需要誠實面對自己 *分享我的個人經驗,希望能對有需要的聽眾有幫助 歡迎大家給我回饋~ MeTimeIG搜尋:metime111 Sending love to you all! :) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Ongline Podcast documents the life of a gay Malaysian-born Chinese American. Immerse yourself in the life of a not-so-typical individual. Expand your horizon by experiencing the topics, issues, stories, and simply, the life of a gay Asian man. Until now, the voice of a minority individual has not been this loud!
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Welcome to "What's Up with Chengyu," your weekly dive into fascinating Mandarin idioms! 🎧 We explore the origins and meanings of "chengyu," offering insights for 📚language learners, 🏺history buffs, and 🌏culture enthusiasts alike. Uncover ancient wisdom and expand your Mandarin vocabulary with me! 🎙️ Follow "What's Up with Chengyu" wherever you listen to the show, and Instagram @whatsuppwithchengyu for updates and bonus content. Join our community of language lovers - hit follow now! For inqu ...
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High Light Tiawan 彰顯台灣智庫群 台灣民主化進程研究政治觀察 經濟,國防,教育,心理,社會政策討論參與 公民責任,公民義務,公民素質提升運動召集 FB請搜尋--彰顯台灣 拒絕參與政治的懲罰之一, 就是被糟糕的人統治… 許多事今天我們若不為社會的公平正義發聲, 改天我們就必須為自己的軟弱而戰… 世界敗壞不是由於惡人囂張,而是由於好人沉默 喜歡絕大部份的中國朋友… 喜歡中華文化,紅樓夢,繁體字, 喜歡中國的大山大水, 深愛川湘菜跟各地的中華料理… 不是很喜歡國民黨民進黨… 但我更討厭專制主義,討厭共產黨… 不希望身邊的人因為政治意志的不同被封號, 被消失,被入罪,被自殺… 別對政治冷感, 別成為黨爭互鬥的工具人… 我們應該還可以作些什麼… 我們都應該擁有個人的自由意識… 我們誰都不該是誰的棋子… 期待有生之年能見證一個… 屬於華人世界裡的思想啟蒙運動, 屬於華人世界的文藝復興時期… 人類學家 Margaret Mead說過: 永遠不要去懷疑那一小群, 有理想有抱負的公民可以改變世界, 事實上世界的改變向來全靠這群人。 別輕視小看了自己… 我們正在創造屬於自己與下一 ...
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It’s been our tradition to do a show together on our new iPhones, and this year, we are missing Archerr from Archerr Radio 😔. Ricky and I talked about our iPhone 16 Pros and remembering our podcasting friend, Paul aka Archerr. Duration: 1:39:30 | 143.3 MB | Stereo |…
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聲東擊西 Master the art of surprise to outsmart your opponents! Discover how a Han Dynasty general used a clever decoy tactic to secure victory. Tune in to this episode to learn more! 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, …
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萬籟俱寂 How do you describe silence? You might be able to pick up some idea from the poet 常建 cháng jiàn, who's known for his crafted words in portrait the mountain scenery and temples. Join me in this episode as we delve into the beauty of nature through the eyes of the ancient Chinese poet, and get to know a little more about what mot…
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Are you a music enthusiast? Music has the power to trigger our emotions, evoke memories, and transport us to different states of being. But there is a type of music that can be described as "music of dissipation", according to the philosopher Hán Fēi Zǐ (韓非子). In this episode, we'll explore the origin of 靡靡之音 mǐ mǐ zhī yīn, and discover what this p…
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We all experienced this frustration. Spend a lot time and energy talking to others and only realize they didn't get it or not evening listening. Here is the advice from 牟子/móuzi/, an ancient Chinese scholar, don't play music to cows 對牛彈琴 More about 琴 ✅琴瑟和鳴 from S2E04. Relationship goal. More about this episode on …
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The relationship has always been an essential element toward happiness in life. A poetry published in 700 BC tells us what a perfect relationship looks like or sounds like in the case of this weeks idiom And when communication fails, is what you are about to experience. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone 😺 M…
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半夜睡不著覺,整理前幾天去安古蘭 50 週年漫畫節,參觀進擊的巨人展側錄的環境音; 後續訪談策展人Fausto Fasulo 才知道,為了這場為期四天展期請作曲家寫了專屬原創曲。 光聽音效,就很能感受主角們最終章的心情 聽音效看特展照片,超爽ㄛ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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🐰Lunar New Year 🧧 is just around the corner! Before I head to Japan for a long waiting (3 years!) holiday, here are the idioms commonly used to describe the new year celebrations. If you are the FOMO type, is the perfect description for the places you should not miss. And if you spot a place that’s …
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Is there a track that keeps playing in your head even when the music stops? And who’s voice is euphoric that you just can’t have enough? is the idiom to describe that music or voice brings euphoria to you and lasting in the air as if you can still hear it. Not a spooky story at all, let’s find out! More about this episode on…
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Have you ever worked with someone you admire and heard so much about before you actually meet them? If so, this is the idiom to describe your reaction, like you hear thunder⚡️ Make sure you use it next time when you want to impress someone you first meet and express how exciting you are! ✅久仰大名 如雷貫耳, jiǔ yǎn…
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How long do you usually spend on writing an essay or a piece of article? 2 hours? A day? a couple of weeks? Meet Zuǒsī 左思, the man spent a decade to compose ONE piece but initial feedback was rather underwhelming. Find out what he did to make his work went viral causing a paper shortage in the capital city Luoyang.
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Sharing a few highlights of my recent trip back to Malaysia. Meeting my idol, Sheila Majid and sang her song to her! Link to YouTube: Singing Antara Ayer dan Jakarta to Sheila View this post on Instagram A post shared by John Ong ( View this post on Instagram A post shared by John Ong ( Duration: 1:0…
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Shout out to the audience from Richardson Taxes. Thank you for your support! Sometimes silence is golden. Sometimes, you don't want to have people 噤若寒蟬 jìn ruò hán chán. Find out the origin in today's podcast! More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, review and follow thi…
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Back from my family trip and something else so I had to take another week off from it. First, if you are looking for a catchy name for your clinic, our first idiom is something to consider. 十全十美 shí quán shí měi. Find out why in today's episode! 樂極生悲, lè jí shēng bēi. Means happiness to the extreme and turns into unfortunate. 宥卮, yòu zhī. A…
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Fight doesn't always involved guns and knifes. Morden day competition at office and politics have more conspiracy plots and intrigue. You don't need to participate in any but definitely would be useful to spot the 勾心鬥角 at workplace. Let's find out the story behind the idiom. ✅ 杜牧, dù mù, poet from Tang Dynasty. The author of ē fá…
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A student's achievement is the teacher's too. And the only reason we made progress is the younger generation outdo the pervious. And 青出於藍 qīng chū yú lán is the best way you express your gratitude to those who helped you accomplished your challenges. ✅ 荀子 xún zǐ ✅ 靛青 diàn qīng, indigo blue ✅ 蓼藍 liǎo lán, indigo plant or the diffi…
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It's Mid Autumn Festival 中秋節 zhōng qiū jié this Saturday! People celebrate differently throughout the time but it's always about the moon 🌕 and mooncake 🥮 Find out why when 光風霽月 guāng fēng jì yuè is the perfect time to take a walk in this episode. More info about Mid Autumn Festival Poem in the episode 天垂六幕水浮空,霽月光…
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It's September! For some, it's the end of summer. How would you summarize your summer? 汗流浹背hàn liú jiá bèi is something we all shared I believe. Listen now and tell me if you are one of us! More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, follow and share this podcast ⭐️ Music by…
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Do you agree it's all fair in love and war? Especially at war, is deception part of the strategy? Hán Fēi Zǐ (韓非子), the icon from Legalism gave his thought in one idom bīng bú yàn zhà 兵不厭詐 and an intriguing story. Let hear it. ☑戰國時代 Jhànguó Shíhdài, Warring States Period ☑法家 Fǎjiā, Legalism ☑儒家 Jújiā, Confucianism More about this…
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A different arrangement was made this week, tell me how do you think about it? Today’s idiom is guǐ guǐ suì suì A ghostly idiom for the Ghost Month! What to find out what’s the Ghost Month and more spooky facts? Hit the play button! *雷公 léigōng, the God of Thunder *普渡 pǔdù, or 中元普渡 zhōng yuán pǔdù, Ghost Festival in Taiwa…
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Welcome to the second episode of show! The idiom of the week is chē shuǐ mǎ lóng Car, Water, Horse and dragon. Is this about wildlife? Quite the opposite, it’s mostly used to describe living in the city. Find out why in today’s episode. More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ amofutbol@gmail…
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Welcome to the FIRST episode of show! Our very first idiom is suǒ xiàng pī mǐ 所向披靡 It's from one of the most well-known stories between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu. So let's find out what happened between them. More about this episode on Instagram 📱Whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, inquiries, ideas ✉️ ⭐️Rate, review and follow this pod…
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Welcome to what’s up with Chengyu! What’s Chengyu? Chengyu is idiom in Mandarin Chinese. Fascinating history in a 4 characters term, well mostly 4. It’s not difficult to learn if you know the context. Join me to tackle it with stories of its origin and examples. Get more on Instagram 📱 whatsupwithchengyu Any feedback, corrections, inquiries ✉️amofu…
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Having Sheila Majid in our Clubhouse room. Visiting my family in Nashville. Being a godfather to Arthur. New equipment! Learning from my 5-year-old self in a chiffon dress! Clubhouse Room: Everything Sheila Majid 🎶 1st Anniversary 🎈 Special 🎉 Old episode mentioned in this podcast: Ongline #373 Gay Little Boy Click here to view my 5-year-old self in…
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本诗是聂鲁达成名作《二十首情诗和一首绝望的歌》的第10首。年轻的聂鲁达情史丰富,聂鲁达后来也被称为“大众情人”。诗集发表时诗人不过20岁,而诗集已因震撼的文字与裸露的描写等引起轰动与争议。诗集很大的进步性在于其现代性,这是拉美最早的一批现代情诗。当然,进步性更多是对时代而言,这些情诗在人世真正难磨灭的光芒在其对爱情真挚深情的描写。诗集至今已成为最重要的情诗合集。 作者:聂鲁达 | 译者:李宗荣 | 主播:永清,黄茜 We have lost even this twilight. No one saw us this evening hand in hand. while the blue night dropped on the world. 我们甚至失去了黄昏的颜色。 当蓝色的夜坠落在世…
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My friend Andrew shared the story of how he reunited with his cat, Mac, from across the country. The old episode of Ongline #183 Meeting Andrew where I met Andrew in person for the first time. Duration: 58:38 | 112.6 MB | Stereo | Please checkout the photos of Mac a…
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這一集是我上良人拾號聊故事的片段擷取。 因為從高中畢業後就開始在外地生活,我習慣為自己打造一個熟悉的角落—— 有時候是街角商店、小吃店、或是社區的警衛。而這一段故事,是關於我25歲居住街區附近的鹹粥店。 很感謝拾號的用心,特別到現場收錄的鹹粥店姊姊們工作的聲音! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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週末試做自助料理包邊錄音,結果講了三個笑話 Ikea效應:親手做的東西比較帥 美國環保袋新創 Boox 與 Olive 不會做就是不會做,二等廚師呼叫室友 好家在我在家叫外送救國家 第15分鐘,終於要煎大阪燒了 _ 本集 KooCooK 大阪燒料理包: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Shared the experience 48 hours after my second COVID19 vaccination shot. Lots of firsts since the start of the pandemic this past week. Why I'm changing my language. Duration: 21:55 | 42.1 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen on iPh…
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Got my first COVID-19 vaccination shot. New monitor headphones by Beyerdynamic. Duration: 34:13 | 65.7 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen on iPhone & iPad :: Get in touch with me: @JohnOng (👋 Clubhouse) …
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人生都會有卡關的時候,這也許只是生命的一個提醒,我們需要在生活中做出改變 改變自己現在的意念,對於未來的創造是必要的 希望大家都能在低潮中找到繼續前進的路 MeTime IG: metime111 期待收到你們的來信! Sending love to you all! :) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Sharing my experience of being an east Asian man in America over the past year or so. Understanding what gaslighting means and why we shouldn't be quiet our experience now. Duration: 42:03 | 80.7 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 :: download file :: listen…
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It's been a minute since I I last posted here. I'm back to share with you what my year 2020 was like. Spoiler alert! NOT GOOD! Duration: 25:13 | 48.4 MB | Stereo | Voice Comment: (920) iPhone-1 Get in touch with me: @JohnOng (👋 Clubhouse) …
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大家新年快樂! 這集想跟大家分享年前出遊的一些小心得 我們常常被自己的想法侷限 但真正做了才知道 其實自己絕對是有能力能做到的! 希望今天大家開工順利~ 也希望大家可以常浮出水面跟我相認一下啦! Sending love to u all! :) Powered by Firstory Hosting
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