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Unlimited Spanish podcast with Oscar

Òscar Pellus: Founder of Unlimited Spanish. Author of Spanish courses.

The Unlimited Spanish Podcast is your resource for practicing your Spanish speaking and listening. You will learn Spanish with the Question and Answer (TPRS) and Point of View techniques. You will also learn about the Spanish culture and the language itself. Finally, you will get valuable advice on Spanish learning. All the audio is in Spanish and you can get the text from unlimitedspanish.com || El Podcast de Unlimited Spanish es tu recurso para practicar tu habla y escucha de español. Apre ...
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Oscar Panizza driver en intervju-podcast där han möter gäster från många olika områden. Han tar upp ämnen som inte alltid kan förklaras vetenskapligt, såsom det ockulta, andlighet och medialitet. I sin podcast har Oscar även en del som han kallar Livsöden. Där träffar han människor som har gått igenom svåra prövningar i livet och belyser att det alltid finns en väg ut, även när allt känns som mörkast. Oscar åker dessutom runt i Sverige, bland annat till hemsökta hus, tillsammans med medium f ...
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Welcome to The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle Podcast: Helping Diabetics Make Lifestyle Changes to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes.Who is this podcast for? Diabetics who are struggling with unhealthy nutritional habits, and are in need guidance for transforming their lives in order to reverse Type2 diabetes. Non-diabetics find value in the show as well.Real stories, inspiration, motivation, tips, and real-life conversations about health, fitness, and weight loss for those on a journey toward not only ma ...
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'Revisiting the Oscars' is a movie podcast that looks back at the Oscars over the past 50 years, revisiting the highs and the lows through a discussion about the films nominated for the coveted 'Best Picture' award over the years, with each episode covering one year in film history. Reviews and random chat with a bit of insight thrown in with our three hosts, Watty, Mason and Bingham!
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Saliendo de la típica y rutinaria forma de hablar de Jesús, esta es mi forma de hacerlo, Experiencias, Parábolas, Teorías y mucho más, Escúchame cada miércoles de podcast. Y si, Soy un Cristiano Diferente, Contacto: [email protected] Fb: Facebook.com/oscarsamuel.ajin Instagram: @oscar_ajin // @ElPodcastDeOscarAjin
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Podemos crear carreras que nos regresen valor, no nada más dinero. Pathways es una comunidad para personas que quieren encontrar el camino de su carrera. Y quieren hacerlo sin sacrificar su integridad física y mental. De manera sostenible. Sin quemarse. Encontrar tu camino — tu pathway — puede ser una tarea complicada. Sobre todo si lo haces solo. Pathways somos comunidad de personas activamente comprometidas, que se apoyan mutuamente en su crecimiento profesional y personal. Estamos corrien ...
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It's the Oscars on Sunday and we've got you covered with our special preview episode of Revisiting the Oscars! In this extra episode we give you the lowdown on the nominees in all of the main categories, with the usual banter, trivia and (wild) opinions thrown in! We've also used this opportunity to take a further step into music criticism as we co…
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Send us a text Today's episode is my recap of everything from the very first Academy Awards back in 1929. Listen as I walk through the nominees and winners of every category and give a final ranking of all 17 films I was able to watch from this first year of the Oscars. If you missed any of the episodes discussing specific films, you can go back in…
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När allt går åt helvete – vad kan vi göra? Har världen tappat det helt? Språket blir hårdare, våra ledare beter sig som mobbare, och sociala medier styrs av algoritmer som belönar konflikter. Hur hamnade vi här, och finns det någon väg tillbaka? I det här avsnittet pratar vi om varför respekten i samhället verkar vara på väg att försvinna, hur makt…
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Låten i avsnitt "När allt går åt helvete – vad kan vi göra?" Musik av Oscar Panizza We used to talk, we used to listen, Now it’s just a war of words. Screens are flashing, hearts are crashing, No one’s ever truly heard. Leaders screaming, people bleeding, Truth is drowning in the lies. We lost the meaning, lost the feeling, Now we’re running out of…
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Send us a text Today is the final episode in my preview of the 97th Academy Awards where I will have broken down every category over the course of this week. Today I am joined by Maria Banson from the Brunello Bombshell newsletter to break down all ten films nominated for Best Picture. I've listed the nominees below along with a few other films men…
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Kan man verkligen manifestera pengar genom att skriva affirmationer? I det här avsnittet testar jag 55x5-metoden, en kraftfull manifestationsteknik där man skriver en positiv affirmation 55 gånger i 5 dagar. Jag delar mina tankar, visualiseringsövningar och scripting-metoder för att attrahera ekonomiskt överflöd. Vill du vara med på utmaningen? Lys…
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Send us a text Today is the third of a five episode preview of the 97th Academy Awards where I will be breaking down each and every category throughout the week. Today I am joined by Kevin Pettit from the See You at the Movies newsletter to break down all four acting categories, both screenplay categories, and Best Director. I've listed the nominee…
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Send us a text Today is the third of a five episode preview of the 97th Academy Awards where I will be breaking down each and every category throughout the week. Today I am joined by Brandon MacMurray from the Short Stick Films website to break down Best Animated Short Film, Best Live Action Short Film, and Best Documentary Short Film. I've listed …
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Den här låten, "Awaken", är för alla som känner att de hållit sig tillbaka av rädsla eller osäkerhet. Det är en uppmaning att våga leva fullt ut, att följa sina drömmar och att omfamna förändring. Den handlar om att hitta sitt inre ljus, tro på sig själv och våga ta steget ut i det okända. Varför? Livet är en resa av självupptäckt, och många av oss…
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Send us a text Today is the second of a five episode preview of the 97th Academy Awards where I will be breaking down each and every category throughout the week. Today I am joined by Enrico Banson from the Director's Notes newsletter to break down Best Animated Feature, Best International Feature, Best Documentary Feature, Best Original Score, and…
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Send us a text Today's is the first of a five episode preview of the 97th Academy Awards where I will be breaking down each and every category throughout the week. Today I am joined by Joanne Thornborough from the Pop! Goes My Brain newsletter to break down all of the technical categories. I've listed the nominees below along with a few other films…
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Send us a text Pre-diabetes is more than just a warning—it’s an opportunity to take control of your health before it’s too late. In this episode of The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle Podcast, I share the critical steps you can take to stop pre-diabetes from turning into full-blown type 2 diabetes. You’ll learn: The key risk factors that could lead you …
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Revisiting the Oscars latest episode sees us cover the upcoming 2024 Oscars as we preview all of the movies nominated for 'Best Picture' this year! There's 10 nominees so plenty of movies to unpack this year, and it looks like it's going down to the wire to see what movie will win! All alongside usual features such as the blast from the 'present', …
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Send us a text Today's episode is my conversation about the 1927 film Wings. My friend Kevin Pettit from the See You At The Movies newsletter joins me to discuss the film and we talk about some of the most impressive special effects in early films, the various aspects of love between many of the characters in the film, and someone who has way too m…
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Musik av Oscar Panizza Time slips like sand through my hands, A fleeting dream, like shifting lands. I chase the past, I fear the future, But in the moment, I find the truth here. There's a voice inside, a light that guides, Telling me to let go, just to be alive. No need to control, just trust and breathe, The answers are already inside of me. In …
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I detta avsnitt tar jag mig an några viktiga aspekter av det andliga livet från att förstå tidens illusion till att hitta balansen mellan det materiella och det andliga. jag pratar om hur vi kan lyssna på vår inre vägledning och vara mer närvarande i nuet, samt hur vi kan släppa behovet av att kontrollera allt runt omkring oss. Genom att reflektera…
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Un grupo de sin techo (homeless)fueron desalojados de su asentamiento, porqué..? El ciclón Zelia ingresa al territorio Australiano. En Australia, enfermeros (Palestinos) del Hospital Público, manifestaron sus sentimientos antisemitas hacia pacientes Judíos, y no fueron de compasión. Fueron despedidos.La investigación continua. #podcast en español…
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Send us a text Today's episode is my 100th episode(!) and my conversation about the 1927 film 7th Heaven. My friend Maria Banson from the Brunello Bombshell newsletter joins me to discuss the film and we talk about the connection between Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell that began with this film, the religious undertones that keep cropping up throu…
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En este episodio: Continuamos con más expresiones imprescindibles para reuniones en línea. En la segunda parte, otro punto de vista con diferentes tiempos verbales con la historia de Aurora y alguien nuevo: Carlos. Consigue el texto aquí: https://unlimitedspanish.com/398-expresiones-imprescindibles
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Musik av Oscar Panizza They paint me in shadows, a villain untold, A fire-lit monster with a heart so cold. But what if the stories were twisted and wrong? What if I’ve been the hero all along? I never asked for the crown of the damned, Just wanted to help, but they don’t understand. Maybe I’m the one who dared to say no, Fought for the lost when t…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Victoria Warmerdam and Trent, the director and producer of the short film "I'm Not a Robot," a story of a woman who discovers that she might just be a robot and how she deals with that realization. Listen to hear about the inspiration for the film straight from Victoria's own experience, the wonderful …
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Vi har alla hört berättelsen, Lucifer, den fallna ängeln, som trotsade Gud och kastades ner i mörkret. Han blev Satan, symbolen för ondska. Men vad händer om vi vänder på perspektivet? Vad händer om Lucifer egentligen var en rebell, en frihetskämpe, kanske till och med en hjälte? I dagens avsnitt utforskar vi myten om Lucifer genom olika religiösa,…
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Send us a text If you’ve been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, you may feel like losing weight and controlling your blood sugar is an uphill battle. One of the biggest hidden obstacles? Sugary drinks. Sodas, sweet tea, lemonade, and even fruit juices flood your system with sugar, keeping insulin levels high and making it harder to bur…
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Send us a text Today's episode is my conversation about the 1927 film Sunrise: The Song of Two Humans. My friend Joe Cruz from the Joe's Video Club newsletter joins me to discuss the film and we talk about how modern filmmakers could take a lesson from Murnau in trusting the audience to understand the story based on visuals alone, how we disagree w…
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En este episodio: Aprenderás expresiones imprescindibles para reuniones en línea. A continuación, escucharás un punto de vista acerca de Aurora, que tendrá un problema con el enlace de la reunión. Consigue el texto en mi web: https://unlimitedspanish.com/397-expresiones-imprescindibles-para-reuniones-en-linea-1/…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Adam J. Graves, the director of the short film "Anuja," a story of two young sisters working in a garment factory in India. Listen to hear some staggering statistics about the number of children around the world engaged in child labor, the importance of casting the film from real children that live in …
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Send us a text Have you been dieting, cutting carbs, counting calories, and meal-prepping—only to find yourself stuck in a frustrating cycle of weight loss and regain? If your diabetes diet isn’t working, you’re not alone. In this episode of The Beating Diabetes Lifestyle Podcast, host Oscar Camejo breaks down the real reason why most diets fail an…
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Förlåtelse är nyckeln till inre frihet. I detta avsnitt utforskar vi hur förlåtelse både av andra och oss själva kan frigöra oss från smärta och öppna dörren till frid. Vi delar insikter, kraftfulla övningar och inspirerande reflektioner för att hjälpa dig släppa taget och leva lättare. ✨💛
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Send us a text Today's episode is my conversation about the 1928 film The Last Command. My friend Vicki Lesley from the Meandering Over the Pebbles newsletter joins me to discuss the film and we talk about how actors were able to use their eyes to convey emotion in silent films, how audiences might have understood the film at the time, and how the …
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Hoy vamos a hablar sobre Hemingway en España. Podemos decir que la relación de Hemingway con España comenzó en 1923, cuando realizó su primer viaje al país. Este viaje marcó el inicio de una conexión profunda que influiría en gran parte de su obra literaria. Hemingway quedó cautivado por los variados paisajes de España y por su apasionada gente. Pe…
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Send us a text In today's episode, I interview Luke Shelley, Jenna-Louise Hawkins, and Sophie Stacey, the director, writer, and producer of the short film "What We Wished We Could Be," a story of a young couple dealing with illness as a result of contaminated blood. Listen to hear about Jenna-Louise's personal experience that inspired the story, so…
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I dagens avsnitt av Själens Labyrint tar vi oss an det komplexa och fascinerande sambandet mellan psykisk ohälsa och spiritualitet. Vad händer när ångest och depression inte bara ses som något att bota, utan som en signal från vårt inre? Kan våra mörkaste stunder vara vägar till andlig transformation? Vi utforskar: ✨ Hur ångest kan vara en inre kal…
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Seguro que has escuchado muchas veces el consejo de que hay que tener objetivos en la vida. A menudo, estos objetivos se describen como resultados. Por ejemplo: “Al final de año quiero hablar español fluidamente”, o “aprenderé 1000 nuevas palabras”. Aunque no está mal, a veces nos fijamos demasiado en lo que queremos conseguir, pero no en cómo hace…
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Send us a text The nominees for the 97rth Academy Awards are here. Take a listen to hear the full list, some fun trivia facts about the nominees, and my personal thoughts on the films that made the cut as well as those that were snubbed. You can check out the full list of nominees on my Substack newsletter at theoscarproject.substack.com. While you…
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dagens avsnitt dyker vi ner i mysteriet bakom Fermis paradox – frågan om varför vi ännu inte sett några tecken på utomjordiskt liv i ett universum som borde krylla av det. Är vi ensamma? Letar vi på fel sätt? Eller finns det en anledning till tystnaden? Vi utforskar möjliga förklaringar, som den stora filtret och tanken att vi kanske redan är obser…
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El consejo de un Policía de Sydney a una "blogger" norteamericana. Gracias a quien me envió el video que originó este comentario. Un hecho que indica que hay que explorar el diverso panorama cultural del mundo, destacando los valores y creencias singulares que dan forma a las distintas sociedades. Comprensión de los diferentes valores culturales…
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