中国80后90后在美国追随梦想,通过创业,转业实现人生价值的故事平台。 让正在异国他乡事业中迷茫的朋友,心中有抱负还未一展的朋友,在这些真实经历和经验中得到启发和灵感。 New Career New You 新的事业,新的你。 追随梦想,在事业中展现本真自己。
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College student Will Wen made his business idea into a product while balancing his academic work and hobbies. He said that building a startup and studying business and marketing are both learning process for him. If you have an idea, just do it! His story also shows a possibility of turning your passion into a business even when you don’t invest mo…
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Lindsay Zou - J.P. Morgan金融精英到创办Weetok, 华人学生求职资源平台
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Pan introduces what is this “New Career, New You” podcast about and why she created it.
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