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The Diet Soap podcast began in 2009 in response to the economic crisis of 2008. Since then it has gone through many transformations, including becoming the podcast for a critical theory imprint out of the UK. Today the Diet Soap podcast is running under its original name for Sublation Media. Sublation Media includes a book publishing effort for critical theory and left politics, a magazine that covers current events and theoretical issues, youtube videos on theory and politics, and finally t ...
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Dietitian Connection Podcast

Dietitian Connection

The official Dietitian Connection Podcast gives you access to the most influential and successful experts in the Dietetic profession and beyond. This podcast will inspire you; it will challenge you; and it will empower you to become a nutrition leader and realise your dreams. Visit dietitianconnection.com to subscribe to the FREE weekly newsletter. Dietitian Connection is a one stop shop for busy nutrition professionals for nutrition, leadership and business resources, exciting job opportuni ...
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Daily Dietitian Podcast

Stacy Mitchell, RDN, LD, CPT

My goal for this podcast is to break down the latest health topics and help clear the clutter in the messy world of nutrition and fitness. We hope to inspire, educate, and entertain all things wellness. We cut the bologna of the food shaming and keep the focus on making healthy habits that work for you! Join us as we talk with experts in their fields on how to feel our best in our own body and mind.
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Każdy z nas jest inny i potrzebuje innej strategii. Właśnie dlatego hasło przewodnie tego podcastu to "poczuj smak swobody". Bez względu na to czy mówimy o Twoim talerzu, planie treningowym czy wartościach, jakie wyznajesz w życiu - masz wybór i możesz rozsmakować się w wolności. Nie musisz wybierać między zdrowiem a smakiem. Nie musisz wybireać między fajną sylwetką, a radoscią z aktywności fizycznej. Możesz po prostu kierować się swoimi wartościami i przy okazji dbać o swoje ciało. W tym p ...
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Flex Diet Podcast

Dr. Mike T Nelson

Dr. Mike T Nelson gets geeky with the latest research and scientific findings in the fitness world. Visit www.flexdiet.com to get Flex Diet Certified and www.miketnelson.com for more geeky goodness.
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The Spin Sucks Podcast with Gini Dietrich

Gini Dietrich, Founder of Spin Sucks

We're your one-stop shop for modern communications. The lines between PR, marketing, search, advertising, social, and content continue to blur, making it difficult to decide what belongs where. Rather than decide, let’s come together and work as one to grow organizations. We can change the PR industry...together.
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Dieta z Głową Podcast

Monika Prusaczyk i Magda Słota

Rozmawiamy o tym, co jeść i jak jeść, ale przede wszystkim, co zrobić, żeby się chciało to robić. W tym podcaście dowiesz się jak budować zdrowe nawyki żywieniowe w oparciu o dobre relacje z jedzeniem. Przed mikrofonem Monika i Magda, jesteśmy dietetyczkami klinicznymi z psychodietetycznym podejściem.
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Urlaub machen kann jeder. Reisen muss man reisen. Und dafür muss man auch nicht bis ans Ende der Welt. Wir heißen Michael Dietz und Jochen Schliemann. Mehr als 100 Länder haben wir bereist – fertig sind wir noch lange nicht. Michael kennt man vielleicht als Moderator (WDR Aktuelle Stunde, 1LIVE, WDR 2) und Autor, Jochen eventuell als Musik- und Reise-Reporter und Autor. Als Reise-Experten des Radiosenders 1LIVE wurde uns erstmals bewusst, dass wir anderen helfen können bei ihren Reise-Plänen ...
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Dietetycznie Zakręcony Podcast to podcast, w którym opowiem Ci jak zdrowo, skutecznie, a przede wszystkim pysznie zmienić swoje nawyki żywieniowe, jak odmienić swoje podejście do diety i jak w końcu (bez zbędnych wyrzeczeń) osiągnąć swoje wymarzone rezultaty! Znajdziesz tutaj dużą dawkę pozytywnej energii, motywacji i wsparcia! Zarażam bakcylem zdrowego stylu życia! Zapraszam! Dietetycznie Zakręcona Paula Jamróz dietetyk kliniczny & psychodietetyk
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Informativ, unterhaltsam, inspirierend: Autor:innen aus dem Dietz Verlag stellen ihre neuen Bücher vor und sprechen über politische und gesellschaftliche Themen. Spannende, offene Diskussionen und neue Sichtweisen von unterschiedlichen Expert:innen für alle, die sich eine differenzierte Meinung bilden wollen. Jeden ersten Freitag im Monat hört Ihr hier ein Interview, eine Lesung oder eine Diskussion zwischen Autor:innen und ihren Gästen. Sie ordnen aktuelle Ereignisse in Zusammenhänge ein, e ...
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Gezond oud worden en zo lang mogelijk van het leven genieten, dat wil iedere man. Maar hoe doe je dat? Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je lichaam slank, gezond en sterk is? Echte Mannen Diëten Niet geeft je het antwoord op deze vraag. Met deze podcast help ik jou om af te vallen, een platte buik te krijgen en je lichaam gezond en sterk te maken. Dit doen we zonder dieet, zonder calorieën te tellen en zonder een streng regime te volgen.
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Binge Eating Dietitian Podcast

Jo Moscalu MSc RD LDN

I'm Jo, I'm an anti-diet Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor from Ireland and I'm here to smash the taboo of binge eating. I have so so much to say about binge eating and I know you need to hear it. When you are struggling with your relationship with food, you can feel like you're the only person who knows how you feel. The truth it, lots of others are going through exactly the same as you, but thanks to binge eating being a taboo, you never get to hear about that. ...
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Dietetyczny Podcast

Jackowiak Marcin / Arkadiusz Matras

Żywienie odgrywa kluczową rolę w życiu każdego człowieka i wszyscy jesteśmy na diecie. Nie każdy jednak żywi się w ten sam sposób. W dietetycznym podcaście sprawdzamy jakie są zwyczaje żywieniowe osób rozpoznawalnych, sportowców, ale przede wszystkim osób ciekawych. Nad poziomem merytorycznym czuwa dyplomowany dietetyk. Zapraszamy do kombinacji rozrywki i edukacji!
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Juicy Dietz: NFL Podcast

Alex Jensen and Zack Dietz

Alex "Juicy" Jensen and Zack Dietz, two buddies who both happen to write for Sports Illustrated talk about all things NFL in a draft-influenced podcast that spans both coasts. The duo cover betting lines, season predictions, draft crushes, schematic/scouting philosophy, fantasy and whatever else catches their eye.
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Steroid Podcast Discussion - A real bodybuilding podcast discussion of people involved in gym culture & the performance enhancing substances that are involved - Real Bodybuilding Nutritiion Motivation - podcast is for entertainment, educational, and harm reduction purposes only . author of the podcast does not condone or recommend using any information contained in it. The author of this podcast is not a doctor. Taking steroids can have massive health consequences. The podcast is not to glor ...
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Learning from others is an important part of your development as a dietitian. In each episode, join Aaron, as he talks to guests about their endeavours in the world of dietetics. If you are a Dietitian, a Student Dietitian, or just want to hear about the world of dietetics, this is the podcast for you. Dietetics Digest Podcast is made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from Nutricia. We thank them for their support.
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The Ditch the Diet Podcast

The Ditch the Diet Podcast

Host Rachael Watson talks about her Walk the Talk anti-diet campaign, weight loss, nutrition, health, lifestyle and CrossFit as well as her personal journey to health. We welcome guests for interviews on all different types of nutrition and weight loss topics. Be inspired to change your body and change your life with this podcast!
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F* the Diet Podcast

Mariana Cadore

Mariana Cadore teaches and inspires you to reach your maximum potential in the realm of health.She interviews world-class experts in the health & wellness community. Topics include lifestyle, nutrition, fitness, self-help, healing, sleep, meditation, and spirituality. This podcast is made to inspire and transform your life; let's take your health to the next level!
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The Cancer Dietitian Podcast

Julie Lanford, , MPH, RD, CSO, LDN - The Cancer Dietitian

Welcome to The Cancer Dietitian Podcast! Join Julie Lanford, MPH, RD, CSO, LDN, a bonafide expert in oncology nutrition, as she guides you through the forest of nutrition and cancer information. Are you a cancer patient wondering what to eat to keep your body as healthy as possible during treatment? Are you a cancer survivor wanting to eat as healthy as possible to reduce the risk of recurrence? Are you sick of all the crazy info around nutrition and just want an evidence-based resource for ...
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Welcome to the Dietitians Unplugged Podcast with Aaron Flores and Glenys Oyston. Join us as we explore the idea of health and wellness from a new perspective. Each episode we will discuss topics that we hope to help you improve your health, body image and fitness without obsessing on the scale or counting calories. We believe in Health at Every Size®, Intuitive Eating, and body positivity and we want to help you build the confidence to ditch the scale, and embrace your health without shaming ...
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The Mind Diet Podcast

The Mind Diet Podcast

The Mind Diet Podcast is the brain child of renowned Muay Thai commentator and mind coach, Vinny Shoreman, alongside co-hosts Andreas Georgiou and Roberto Reid. Accompanying The Mind Diet book, the podcast will give further insight into the importance of having a healthy mind, with some of the biggest guests from Muay Thai, MMA and all other walks of life.
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The Mindset Diet is a podcast for those looking to heal their relationship with food and exercise, conquer emotional eating and figure out what healthy looks like for THEM! This podcast features host Stephanie Meinhardt, Certified Health and Life Coach, discussing her personal experiences and tips and tricks on how to up level your mindset. She also interviews many thought leaders in the physical/mental health and fitness field to bring you some of the best advice out there. Book a Discovery ...
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Just because someone can live with a disease doesn’t mean they should. The overwhelming majority of chronic diseases are a result of lifestyle. A whole food plant based diet is one of the most effective approaches to arresting these conditions. During these episodes Lisa simplifies the science behind the power of plants and pulls from her 9+ years of coaching experience to provide the proven strategies for success when making significant lifestyle and mindset changes. Your host, Lisa A. Smit ...
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The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle Podcast

The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle

Welcome to The The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle Podcast! We started this podcast to give you guys all the tools necessary in order to build the perfect diet for you. Everything you could possibly need in a way that is easy to understand, easy to digest, and easy to take actionable steps in order to change your life. The show is broken up into Seasons and Episodes just like your favorite Netflix show. Season 1’s Goal is: How to Build the Perfect Diet for You! And then every episode build on the ...
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show series
Hey Rebel. Exercise can feel complicated, especially when diet culture has shaped how we think about it. If you’ve ever felt pressure to work out to earn your food, struggled with guilt around movement, or felt like exercise was more of an obligation than something enjoyable, this episode is for you. I’m joined by sports dietitians Riley and Jenna,…
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In this episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I sit down with Dr. Dylan Seeley to explore how neurology can enhance athletic performance. We dive deep into working with MMA fighters, focusing on how the brain influences movement, reaction time, and overall performance. Dr. Seeley shares insights into visual and vestibular training, explaining why perip…
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We are optimizing our physical, mental, and emotional health in 2025. As the Plant-Based Vegan SOS (salt, oil, and sugar) free Challenge concludes, it is essential to stay on track and not go back to bad habits. Lisa wants you to be in the best possible position to achieve success, so in this episode, she is answering all of your questions to guide…
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Bodybuilding Podcast Guest Episode w/ EvanQuinnFitness ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING Link -⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://bodybuilderinthailand.com/ultimate-guide-to-roids/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Daily Text Msg Training 99/month and 1 Hour Phone Call Consult 59 Send Email to inquire about personal training to [email protected]
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Zaid Jilani joins Douglas Lain to discuss his two recent articles for Compact: The Democrats’ RFK Dilemma https://www.compactmag.com/article/the-democrats-rfk-dilemma/ Democrats Should Work with Trump https://www.compactmag.com/article/democrats-should-work-with-trump/ Patrons are invited to discuss these podcasts by Zoom every week.Support Us on P…
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Struggling to keep up with the fast-moving science of gut health – and make it digestible for your clients? This Gut Health Month, we’re joined by leading gut health dietitian, Nicole Dynan, to break down the latest research on gut-friendly diets. Nicole shares evidence-based recommendations and practical strategies to help dietitians translate gut…
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Ten odcinek podcastu powstał we współpracy z marką Olini - polskim producentem olejów tłoczonych na zimno, octów, zakwasów, miodów, maseł orzechowych i innych produktów wspierających nasze zdrowie. Z Olini działam juz od kilku lat i działa mój stały kod "okiemdietetyka", który daje 10% zniżki na cały asortyment. Dodatkowo między 3 a 9 marca z okacj…
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Neapel, Venedig und das Gebirgsstädtchen Palestrina sind Schauplätze des Romans „Teufels Bruder“ von Matthias Lohre. Eine wundervolle Geschichte über das Erwachsenwerden, die Sehnsucht nach Liebe, den vielleicht größten deutschen Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts und: Italien. Die Reisen Reisen Sunset Stories - präsentiert von Malik – DEM Verlag …
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In this episode, we’ll cover: Why quick fixes are designed to prey on your frustration (and why they never deliver long-term results) How to shift your mindset from "what will get me fast results?" to "what will make me feel good and strong today?" Simple daily habits that actually help with body composition, energy, and well-being in your 40s How …
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March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, and we’re joined by one of Australia’s most trusted fertility dietitians, Stefanie Valakas. Stef brings both professional expertise and personal experience to this conversation, sharing evidence-based nutrition strategies for managing inflammation, gut health and fertility in clients with endometriosis. In th…
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Bo interviews Lieutenant Commander Vernon Geberth, a renowned expert in homicide and death investigation. The episode delves into Geberth's distinguished career with the NYPD, discussing his various roles from the tactical patrol force to running homicides. The conversation highlights the complex challenges faced by police officers, including inter…
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Hey Rebel. It’s Eating Disorder Awareness Week — but this episode is for everyone. Diet culture doesn’t take a break, and the truth is, dieting and eating disorders are deeply connected. Most eating disorders start with seemingly small, “harmless” choices, like eating less to control weight — choices often praised by others. In today’s episode, we’…
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Gini Dietrich dives into AI and how PR professionals are the future of marketing. She discussed the future of paid media and using paid strategies to extend your reach with valuable content with the PESO Model. The key isn't reaching the most people; it's reaching the right people.由Gini Dietrich, Founder of Spin Sucks
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Welcome back to the FlexDiet Podcast! In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Allison Brager, a PhD neuroscientist, CrossFit athlete, and military sleep expert, to unpack everything you need to know about the science of sleep. We dive deep into the phases of sleep, circadian rhythms, and chronotypes, plus we take a critical look at popular sleep advic…
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Lisa wraps up her podcast series about stress by sharing a Master Class she hosted about the biological mechanism for how chronic stress leads to disease. Over the past several episodes, Lisa has discussed why chronic stress is so detrimental to our health, and this final installment of the Stress Series breaks down the scientific connections betwe…
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Bo Dietl discusses recent incidents of crime in New York City and the ongoing efforts to combat government corruption and waste. He highlights President Trump's initiatives, along with Elon Musk and the Doge team's investigations, which have targeted misuse of funds in various government sectors including education, FEMA, and the MTA. Bo criticizes…
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Eine himmlische Oase in der Wüste, die herrliche Küstenstadt Essaouira, das magische Fès und viele Geheimtipps zu einem phantastischen Reiseland, das so nah ist, aber so voller Wunder! Von Blicken in die ewige Weite der Sahara bis hin zu Wasserschildkröten unter Palmen - von weißen Bauten, gegen die die Brandung des Atlantik klatscht, bis zu echten…
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Imagine if, instead of constantly forcing yourself toward your goals, you built momentum so strong that it pulled you forward effortlessly. That’s the difference between struggling with progress and making it feel natural. In today’s episode, we’re diving into how to make progress more efficiently by shifting your mindset. And this isn’t just about…
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What if the key to lasting behaviour change isn’t just what you teach your clients — but how you connect and communicate with them? In this episode of The Dietitian Connection Podcast, we sit down with Stephanie Notaras, a dietitian and expert in counselling and communication, to explore how clear and confident communication can help overcome barri…
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Hey Rebel. In this episode, I’m talking with former client Patricia about her journey of unlearning diet rules and finding food freedom. Like many of us, she thought she was just being healthy, but in reality, those beliefs kept her stuck in restriction, worry, and self-judgment. In this episode, Patricia shares: How internalized diet culture shape…
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This episode of the Sublation Magazine show will attempt to sort through the questions and narratives that are bombarding those of us who are trying to pay attention to the political situation, especially in America. Is Trump a dictator, after all? Is Elon any good with computers? Did Vance make a speech in support of Nazis and Fascists? Are the De…
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W tym odcinku podcastu solo opowiadam o tym jak stworzyłam dla siebie system odżywienia i uprawiania sporu, który jest dopasowany do mnie. Z nagrania dowiesz się: dlaczego wysoko stymulujące jedzenie jest dla mnie ważne, czego nie może zabraknąć w moich posiłkach i jak je komponuje z jakiego powodu plany zupełnie się u mnie nie sprawdzają jakie alt…
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Your intellectual property is the culmination of your experience, insights and proven methodologies - and you should make sure that your proprietary ideas, productized services and frameworks are unambiguously yours. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is walking you through the exact steps to take to use you IP to becom…
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It is not possible to live stress-free, but it is possible to eliminate chronic stress from your life. Chronic stress is the root of 90% of lifestyle diseases like obesity and high blood pressure. It is a slow killer, but mastering chronic stress can reverse those health challenges. In today’s episode, Lisa shares what she stopped doing to avoid ch…
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Join me, Dr. Mike T. Nelson, on the Flex Diet Podcast as I sit down with Dr. Jeremy Townsend to explore the fascinating world of adaptogens. We’re diving deep into how compounds like Rhodiola rosea, ashwagandha, and eleuthero can enhance performance, support muscle growth, and improve body composition—all without compromising overall health. Throug…
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W tym odcinku podcastu rozmawiamy z dr n. med. Danielą Kurczabińską o mikrobiocie jelitowej i jej wpływie na zdrowie. Dowiesz się, czym dokładnie jest mikrobiota, jakie są najczęstsze przyczyny jej zaburzeń, a także jak czynniki takie jak stres, brak snu czy popularne leki mogą negatywnie wpływać na Twój mikrobiom. Znajdziesz odpowiedź na pytanie, …
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Chris Cutrone returns to discuss his recent essay for COMPACT entitled " Mar-a-Gaza." How should socialists understand Trump's proposal? How should the ethnic cleansing of Gaza be resisted now that it is uninhabitable? What went wrong with the pro-Palestinian protest movement? Support Sublation Media https://patreon.com/dietsoap…
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Michael reist am liebsten mit dem Zug. Das war nicht immer so. Erst eine neuseeländische Backpackerin machte ihn in Thailand zum Nachtzug-Fan. Obwohl er eigentlich alleine unterwegs war. Aber dann war da noch der Australier, die Frau aus Baden- Württemberg, die pakistanische Mutter…. Die ganze Welt reist mit einem Zug durch die Nacht - ein Erweckun…
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Autorin Daniela Rüther spricht mit unserem Lektor Alexander Behrens über ihr neu erschienenes Buch „Die Sex-Besessenheit der AfD. Rechte im 'Genderwahn'". Im Gespräch macht Daniela Rüther deutlich, wie die AfD das Thema „Gender“ als sinnentleerten Kampfbegriff instrumentalisiert. Rüther analysiert diesen »Wahn« an den Wirkungsorten der Macht: in de…
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On this episode, Bo discusses recent examples of government waste and mismanagement of taxpayer dollars. He highlights instances like the maintenance of empty federal buildings, fraud in COVID-19 relief programs, and wasteful expenditures on luxury office furniture. Additionally, Bo touches on excessive spending for projects abroad, such as DEI ini…
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Our guest today is Amy Boyd—personal trainer, owner of BA Fitness, and one of my oldest friends from our college days. Amy shares with us her passion for wellness and empowering women, especially those over 40, to build a solid foundation of strength and vitality. In this episode, Amy reveals her top tips for staying consistent with your workouts a…
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Hey Rebel. Today, I’m answering a listener question from someone who feels surrounded by diet talk at every family gathering and wants to know: Should I leave the table? Should I speak up? How do I protect my peace while still being with my loved ones? In today's episode, we're covering: How to handle diet talk with family Setting boundaries that f…
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This week's Sublaton Magazine stream will include a discussion with Benjamin Studebaker about Elon Musk's takeover of the Federal Government. Are we now entering an era of high-tech feudalism? Do we like the taste of it? We will also be discussing Rob McCleary's Short Story "Nixon in Space" https://electricliterature.com/nixon-in-space-rob-mccleary…
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AI search engines, and even traditional search engines using AI are changing how people look for and find information. For communicators, this means we need to update the way we're using the PESO Model© to make sure we're getting found where people are looking. On this week's episode of the Spin Sucks Podcast, Gini Dietrich is telling you how.…
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In this episode of the Flex Diet Podcast, I’m recording from sunny Mexico and sitting down with James LaValle, a powerhouse in metabolism and performance health. We dive deep into liposomal delivery, blood work, magnesium benefits, key dietary supplements, and why balancing your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is crucial for optimal…
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