Prism of Torah illuminates the depths of Jewish wisdom through a weekly exploration of the parasha and Jewish holidays. Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman masterfully blends profound insights with practical guidance, unlocking the layers of meaning in each Torah portion through the four main aspects: Pshat, Remez, Drash, and Sod. Cultivate your connection with Hashem and apply timeless wisdom to your daily life. Contact us: Produced by Eli Podcast Productions
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The archive of the famous Prism of Torah podcast Get your weekly inspiration, and stories with this podcast. We take a deep dive into the week's Parsha and understand it in a deep way. Be a beacon of light to others, take these ideas and share them at your Shabbos table. Your weekly Dvar Torah by Reb Asaf Aron Prisman. Questions feel free to email: Apple podcast: Google Podcast: Spotify: Or wherever y ...
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Have you ever wondered what enables ordinary people to achieve extraordinary things? How could the Bnei Yisroel, without specialized training or experience, create the intricate vessels for the Mishkan? What hidden force allows us to transcend our natural limitations when our hearts are fully engaged? In Parshas Vayakhel, we encounter a curious rep…
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Why does the 'Meil Tchelet' (Turquoise coat) worn by the Kohen Gadol atone specifically for the sin of Lashon Hara? What deeper connection exists between the jingling bells at its hem and our everyday speech? Reb Asaf uncovers the hidden wisdom through this connection. Discover insights from Chazal about how the garments of the Kohanim carry profou…
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משה יחיאל בּן מאירלע"נ משה יחיאל בּן מאיר Why did Chazal name this upcoming holiday "Purim" after Haman's lottery? Why is Hashem's name mysteriously absent from the Megillah? And why did Bnei Yisrael accept the Torah anew after Purim's miracles rather than after the splitting of the sea? In this eye-opening episode, we explore the profound truth hidd…
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Why does the 'Meil Tchelet' (Turquoise coat) worn by the Kohen Gadol atone specifically for the sin of Lashon Hara? What deeper connection exists between the jingling bells at its hem and our everyday speech? Reb Asaf uncovers the hidden wisdom through this connection. Discover insights from Chazal about how the garments of the Kohanim carry profou…
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Parshas Terumah - Rejuvenate Your Yiddishkeit If the Kruvim symbolize our greatest Torah scholars, why were they fashioned with childlike faces instead of elderly, wise figures with flowing beards? And why does Midrash Rabbah compare Torah to both gold and silver when gold clearly holds superior value? This week, we uncover a profound paradox at th…
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Parshas Terumah - Rejuvenate Your Yiddishkeit If the Kruvim symbolize our greatest Torah scholars, why were they fashioned with childlike faces instead of elderly, wise figures with flowing beards? And why does Midrash Rabbah compare Torah to both gold and silver when gold clearly holds superior value? This week, we uncover a profound paradox at th…
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At Har Sinai, our ears heard every mitzvah - Shabbos, Kashrus, and the laws of proper speech. So why does only the Eved Ivri get his ear pierced for not listening? What makes this mitzvah so unique that it demands this powerful symbolic punishment? And what profound message lies in the fact that our ears are uniquely designed for receiving, unlike …
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At Har Sinai, our ears heard every mitzvah - Shabbos, Kashrus, and the laws of proper speech. So why does only the Eved Ivri get his ear pierced for not listening? What makes this mitzvah so unique that it demands this powerful symbolic punishment? And what profound message lies in the fact that our ears are uniquely designed for receiving, unlike …
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What compelled Yisro to join Klal Yisrael after hearing about both Kriyas Yam Suf and Milchemes Amalek? Why does this seemingly simple combination of events hold such profound significance? In this week's episode, we unlock a fascinating insight from the Zohar about the art of truly seeing and responding to life-changing moments. While countless na…
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What compelled Yisro to join Klal Yisrael after hearing about both Kriyas Yam Suf and Milchemes Amalek? Why does this seemingly simple combination of events hold such profound significance? In this week's episode, we unlock a fascinating insight from the Zohar about the art of truly seeing and responding to life-changing moments. While countless na…
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Why does the Torah describe the splitting of the sea twice, with subtle yet significant differences? What transforms someone's relationship with Hashem in their darkest moments? In this fascinating exploration of Parshas Beshalach, we uncover the profound connection between two groups at Yam Suf and their different levels of emunah. Through the bri…
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Why does the Torah describe the splitting of the sea twice, with subtle yet significant differences? What transforms someone's relationship with Hashem in their darkest moments? In this fascinating exploration of Parshas Beshalach, we uncover the profound connection between two groups at Yam Suf and their different levels of emunah. Through the bri…
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Parshas Bo When Actions Speak Louder than Rules How could Hashem ask the Jews to take Egyptian clothing when maintaining distinct Jewish dress was one of the key merits for redemption? What does this fascinating paradox teach us about the true meaning of Jewish identity? In this week's Parshas Bo, we uncover a profound insight that challenges our u…
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Parshas Bo When Actions Speak Louder than Rules How could Hashem ask the Jews to take Egyptian clothing when maintaining distinct Jewish dress was one of the key merits for redemption? What does this fascinating paradox teach us about the true meaning of Jewish identity? In this week's Parshas Bo, we uncover a profound insight that challenges our u…
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What defines true greatness in Jewish leadership? When Moshe Rabbeinu was chosen to lead Klal Yisroel out of Mitzrayim, he possessed a unique quality that set him apart - but it wasn't his wisdom, his lineage, or even his humility. Through a fascinating analysis of why the Torah tells us twice that "Moshe grew up," we uncover a profound insight abo…
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What defines true greatness in Jewish leadership? When Moshe Rabbeinu was chosen to lead Klal Yisroel out of Mitzrayim, he possessed a unique quality that set him apart - but it wasn't his wisdom, his lineage, or even his humility. Through a fascinating analysis of why the Torah tells us twice that "Moshe grew up," we uncover a profound insight abo…
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Discover how the Torah reveals a profound insight through the seemingly simple names of the midwives, Shifra and Puah. What can these names teach us about true greatness? Through the lens of Rav Shimshon Pincus's powerful teaching, we explore how our smallest actions in times of crisis reveal our deepest character. From emergency rooms to wedding h…
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Discover how the Torah reveals a profound insight through the seemingly simple names of the midwives, Shifra and Puah. What can these names teach us about true greatness? Through the lens of Rav Shimshon Pincus's powerful teaching, we explore how our smallest actions in times of crisis reveal our deepest character. From emergency rooms to wedding h…
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When Yaakov mentions his sword and bow, what deeper message lies beneath these ancient weapons of war? In this week's Parshas Vayechi, we uncover a fascinating perspective on spiritual combat that turns conventional battlefield wisdom upside down. Through a remarkable insight from the Gemara, we'll discover why the sequence of these weapons holds t…
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When Yaakov mentions his sword and bow, what deeper message lies beneath these ancient weapons of war? In this week's Parshas Vayechi, we uncover a fascinating perspective on spiritual combat that turns conventional battlefield wisdom upside down. Through a remarkable insight from the Gemara, we'll discover why the sequence of these weapons holds t…
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What makes someone truly royal in Hashem's eyes? When Yehuda confronted the Egyptian viceroy, the other brothers stood back, saying "Let them fight - they are both kings." But how could they view Yehuda as a king when he had fallen from his previous status? This fascinating episode uncovers a profound understanding of true leadership that transform…
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Parshas Vayigash - Breaking Free From External Chains What makes someone truly royal in Hashem's eyes? When Yehuda confronted the Egyptian viceroy, the other brothers stood back, saying "Let them fight - they are both kings." But how could they view Yehuda as a king when he had fallen from his previous status? This fascinating episode uncovers a pr…
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Why would Yosef thank Hashem for helping him forget his father's household? And why name his firstborn Menashe to commemorate forgetting, while his second son Ephraim celebrates success? In this week's Parshas Miketz, we uncover a revolutionary understanding from Rav Pinchas Shapiro of Koretz that transforms our perspective on forgiveness, memory, …
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Why is Chanukah the time to Ask Hashem for things beyond Nature? Why is Chanukah the only chag that we have Mehadrin min Hamehadrin? In this VERY short, deep and practical Dvar Torah you will never want to waste the precious 30 min. after lighting your chanukah candles again...
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This week's episode is sponsored by the Weitzner family in memory of Leah Yetta bas Shmuel Zanvel Why does the Torah detail Yosef's seemingly mundane search for his brothers? And why specifically was it the angel Gavriel who found him wandering? This week's parsha reveals a profound insight about maintaining clarity in life's most challenging momen…
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This weeks episode is sponsored by the Weitzner family in memory of Leah Yetta bas Shmuel Zanvel Why does the Torah detail Yosef's seemingly mundane search for his brothers? And why specifically was it the angel Gavriel who found him wandering? This week's parsha reveals a profound insight about maintaining clarity in life's most challenging moment…
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Why did Yaakov demand to know the angel's name, and what deeper meaning lies in its refusal to answer? What lessons does the injury to the Gid Hanasheh teach us about our spiritual struggles? This week's parsha offers profound insights into identifying and confronting our true adversaries. Through examining Yaakov's nighttime battle, we uncover bot…
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Why did Yaakov demand to know the angel's name, and what deeper meaning lies in its refusal to answer? What lessons does the injury to the Gid Hanasheh teach us about our spiritual struggles? This week's parsha offers profound insights into identifying and confronting our true adversaries. Through examining Yaakov's nighttime battle, we uncover bot…
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When do our deepest prayers finally break through? What happens when we realize that even our closest supporters - our spouse, our teachers, even great tzaddikim - can't help us anymore? In this exploration of Parshas Vayetze, we uncover a stunning insight about why Hashem sometimes seems to close every door except one. Through the profound stories…
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When do our deepest prayers finally break through? What happens when we realize that even our closest supporters - our spouse, our teachers, even great tzaddikim - can't help us anymore? In this exploration of Parshas Vayetze, we uncover a stunning insight about why Hashem sometimes seems to close every door except one. Through the profound stories…
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Ever wonder why going through the motions feels spiritually empty, even when you're doing everything right? This week, we tackle a paradox that might shake up your perspective: Sometimes, growing up with a silver spoon of spirituality presents the greatest challenge to authentic Avodas Hashem. Through an eye-opening analysis of Yitzchak's Tefillos,…
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Ever wonder why going through the motions feels spiritually empty, even when you're doing everything right? This week, we tackle a paradox that might shake up your perspective: Sometimes, growing up with a silver spoon of spirituality presents the greatest challenge to authentic Avodas Hashem. Through an eye-opening analysis of Yitzchak's Tefillos,…
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"The Righteous say little and do much, while the Wicked say much and do little" - but why does how much we talk define our righteousness? Shouldn't actions alone matter? In this eye-opening episode, we uncover a revolutionary understanding of human nature through the lens of Avraham Avinu's behavior in contrast to Ephron's. Through Reb Yerucham, th…
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"The Righteous say little and do much, while the Wicked say much and do little" - but why does how much we talk define our righteousness? Shouldn't actions alone matter? In this eye-opening episode, we uncover a revolutionary understanding of human nature through the lens of Avraham Avinu's behavior in contrast to Ephron's. Through Reb Yerucham, th…
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How can giving less sometimes mean giving more? What's the hidden wisdom behind Avraham Avinu's seemingly stingy water portion to his guests? This week's episode uncovers a fascinating paradox in Parshas Vayera that challenges our understanding of true chesed. Through the lens of Avraham's careful hospitality and Sarah's miraculous nursing, we disc…
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How can giving less sometimes mean giving more? What's the hidden wisdom behind Avraham Avinu's seemingly stingy water portion to his guests? This week's episode uncovers a fascinating paradox in Parshas Vayera that challenges our understanding of true chesed. Through the lens of Avraham's careful hospitality and Sarah's miraculous nursing, we disc…
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Lech Lecha- Which World Are You Living In? What profound message lies behind Hashem's seemingly reverse-ordered command to Avraham to leave his land before his birthplace and father's house? Why does the Torah describe Lot's capture with such unusual grammar - interrupting his identity as "Avram's nephew" with mention of his possessions? Through a …
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Lech Lecha- Which World Are You Living In? What profound message lies behind Hashem's seemingly reverse-ordered command to Avraham to leave his land before his birthplace and father's house? Why does the Torah describe Lot's capture with such unusual grammar - interrupting his identity as "Avram's nephew" with mention of his possessions? Through a …
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Why does the Torah seemingly describe the Mabul in passive terms, without explicitly mentioning Hashem's direct involvement? And what makes the nachash's punishment of having readily available food actually a severe consequence rather than a blessing? In this episode, we uncover profound insights about Hashem's relationship with His creation and wh…
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Why does the Torah seemingly describe the Mabul in passive terms, without explicitly mentioning Hashem's direct involvement? And what makes the nachash's punishment of having readily available food actually a severe consequence rather than a blessing? In this episode, we uncover profound insights about Hashem's relationship with His creation and wh…
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Hoshana Rabbah - Your Last Chance Why is Hoshana Rabbah compared to Yom Kippur? What hidden power lies within this often-overlooked day? Delve into the mystical depths of Hoshana Rabbah and uncover its profound connection to teshuvah, judgment, and unity. This episode explores the fascinating concept of two distinct systems of repentance, revealing…
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The sukkah, with its inherent discomforts, paradoxically symbolizes the pinnacle of joy—our Zman Simchaseinu. How can the experience of exile hold the key to true happiness when, on the surface, it seems to totally contradict the theme of happiness? What profound wisdom lies in reading Koheles, with its seemingly bleak outlook, during this joyous f…
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The sukkah, with its inherent discomforts, paradoxically symbolizes the pinnacle of joy—our Zman Simchaseinu. How can the experience of exile hold the key to true happiness when, on the surface, it seems to totally contradict the theme of happiness? What profound wisdom lies in reading Koheles, with its seemingly bleak outlook, during this joyous f…
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Why were the elders weeping when accusing the Kohen Gadol, despite following Halacha? What motivated a Rebbe to seek forgiveness from his Talmid for 13 consecutive years on Erev Yom Kippur, even when blameless? Uncover the profound message behind these puzzling accounts and the Rambam's insights on them. How does Yom Kippur elevate us to an angelic…
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Why is Hoshana Rabbah compared to Yom Kippur? What hidden power lies within this often-overlooked day? Delve into the mystical depths of Hoshana Rabbah and uncover its profound connection to teshuvah, judgment, and unity. This episode explores the fascinating concept of two distinct systems of repentance, revealing how our actions ripple through Kl…
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Yom Kippur - United in Our Differences Why were the elders weeping when accusing the Kohen Gadol, despite following Halacha? What motivated a Rebbe to seek forgiveness from his Talmid for 13 consecutive years on Erev Yom Kippur, even when blameless? Uncover the profound message behind these puzzling accounts and the Rambam's insights on them. How d…
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What if one powerful choice could transform your entire year? How can you tap into Hashem's boundless chesed during the High Holidays? In this eye-opening episode, Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman reveals a profound secret from Parshas Nitzavim that will forever change your Rosh Hashanah experience. Discover how a subtle shift in mindset can open the floodg…
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What if one powerful choice could transform your entire year? How can you tap into Hashem's boundless chesed during the High Holidays? In this eye-opening episode, Reb Asaf Aharon Prisman reveals a profound secret from Parshas Nitzavim that will forever change your Rosh Hashanah experience. Discover how a subtle shift in mindset can open the floodg…
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Whose responsibility is it to remove the barriers separating us from Hashem - ours or His? There appears to be a head-on contradiction between Parshas Ekev and Parshas Nitzavim. Discover the profound insights hidden within the words "HaNistaros" and "HaNiglos," and explore the deeper meaning behind the heavenly voice that calls out to us during Elu…
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