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De Flessenfabriek (Radio Mol)

De Flessenfabriek (Radio Mol)

De crew van de flessenfabriek spitst de oren, zet de speurneus op en verzamelt voor u elke week alle nieuws uit de Molse regio. Of het nu politieke, culturele, economische of sportieve items zijn. Redenen genoeg dus om ons iedere zondag te vergezellen via 105.2fm of
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The Secret Life of Mold Podcast is armed with proven and experienced tips, tools, and strategies on all things mold, allergy, and air quality issues that you need to know. Host by Craig Cooper, project manager and senior mold inspector at Mold Inspection Sciences (MIS), has over 20 years’ experience in the mold industry and has performed over 10,000 residential and commercial property inspections. Craig and the MIS team work to disarm the plethora of myths, misconceptions, and scare tactics ...
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Thirty years ago -- in the second year of our marriage -- my husband Gene and I (with our toddler Brooke in tow) took -- what turned out to be -- a glorious two month motor trip across Canada and Alaska -- starting in Quebec and winding up in British Columbia. I still smile as I think of Gene shaving in our motor home’s rear view mirror on a cool morning by a pristine lake in Yukon Territory. I still cherish the extraordinary kindness of a farmer in Saskatchewan who rescued us from a ditch w ...
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show series
We’re going outside the box in the final installment of our mold sampling series. You might think that mold inspections are the only thing we do just based on our name. And while they are a mainstay, we also provide a range of specialty sampling and testing services that investigate other environmental hazards that could potentially be impacting yo…
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When it comes to mold testing and sampling, no test is the end-all, be-all. Each case we face is unique, and the testing and sampling should reflect that. As your mold consultants, our goal is to always give you the most accurate information to protect your home and health. While basic sampling provides us with vital data, sometimes we just need to…
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As your mold consultants, it is our job to find the most accurate and cost-effective solution for you. The more data points we have, the more defined recommendations we can give you. But where does that data come from? In addition to a physical inspection, it comes from sampling. Mold sampling can tell us precisely what is impacting a property and …
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The age-old question: Is mold sampling necessary? Yes. Why? Mold sampling is a critical part of any environmental investigation because it confirms the type of mold present and the severity of the problem. It can help locate issues that may not be visible to the naked eye, and it also helps determine human exposure. Even if you can visibly see some…
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While highly regulated, Asbestos was never completely banned in the United States. Many property owners will be surprised to know that no matter the age of a home or building, Asbestos is still a possibility. It’s not something to be handled without a professional. In a new live episode of the Secret Life of Mold, guest host Mike Marshall welcomes …
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In this episode of The Secret Life of Mold Live, host Craig Cooper welcomes Eurofins EMLab P&K members, Dave Gallup and Dr. Michael Berg. They will provide recommendations on developing an environmental monitoring program to test for SARS-CoV-2 on public and workplace surfaces to validate and audit the cleaning efficacy of high touch point surfaces…
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Staying at home is where the majority of us are, at least for the time being, during this unique period of sheltering in place. If you’re at home, with your family, and someone seems to have heightened allergies, is sick or not feeling well, you could have an indoor air quality or mold issue. And regardless of underlying health, indoor air pollutio…
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In today's episode, we're going to dive deep into the world of mold and mycotoxins so you can make safe, smart, and educated decisions when it comes to solving a possible indoor air quality issue the right way. Craig and co-host Mike Marshall talk to Michael McNatt who shares some interesting stories and case studies you don't want to miss, so tune…
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In today’s episode of the Secret Life of Mold, host Craig Cooper is joined by Mike Marshall, Chief Operating Officer from Mold Inspection Sciences Texas, and Robby Jackson, General Manager of Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT. Mike and Robby bring together the worlds of remediation to discuss what each company does and how their two teams, working togethe…
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In this episode of the Secret Life of Mold host, Craig Cooper welcomes indoor environmental professional and founder of Environmental Analytics, Michael Schrantz to the show. Mike and Craig discuss what CIRS is, how to determine if one has this diagnosis, where to find the resources to learn about this illness and how exactly low-dose environmental…
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Today, The Secret Life of Mold welcomes Dave Gallup from Eurofins EMLab P&K to dive into the world of sampling and lab testing. Dave shares valuable insights on testing and interpretation of data results while explaining how the mold inspection and laboratory expertise work together to help determine the proper next steps. If you're not sure why yo…
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In today’s episode, we welcome Mold Inspection Sciences Texas Director of Operations, Mike Marshall, to the show. Craig and Mike waste no time discussing what consumers need to know about mold by answering some top questions that clients ask. They also discuss why consumers should proceed with professional help if they want to save time, money, and…
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Katrin Dekoninck is freelance kunstenares. Op 10 en 11 juni organiseert ze samen met Rotary Mol en Kom op tegen kanker een leuke actie: KLEI TEGEN KANKER.Het is een workshop waar mensen een handgevormd schaaltje boetseren in klei. De opbrengst gaat integraal naar Kom op tegen kanker in Mol.由De Flessenfabriek (Radio Mol)
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De Pro-Portie: Seppe Verhoeven en Kristof Geboers openden op 5 mei in Retie een nieuwe bistro met een wel erg origineel concept. De jonge ondernemers serveren namelijk enkel kleine porties. Wie op restaurant maar niet kan kiezen van de menukaart, komt hier dus ruimschoots aan zijn trekken, want je kan gewoonweg alles proeven.…
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Mol Metten op 21 mei: Een aaneenschakeling van markten (bloemen- en plantenmarkt, automarkt, rommelmarkt, multiculturele markt, dierenmarkt en boerenmarkt doorheen het Centrum van Mol. Tijdens het Bierfestival (20 en 21 mei) kan je proeven van streekgebonden biertjes. Organisator Walter Slaedts geeft uitleg en vraagt nog wat helpende handen!…
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Het college van burgemeester en schepenen besliste in de zitting van 19 april over de verdeling van de subsidies voor cultuurverenigingen. Dit jaar gaat het om een totaalbedrag van 33.000 euro. 86 verenigingen dienden een geldig subsidiedossier in, waaronder Harmonieorkest Rauw.voorzitter Igor Geubbelmans geeft wat tekst en uitleg…
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Daydream is een van de weinige grote festivals die zo vroeg in het festival seizoen plaatsvindt. Dit jaar is dat op vrijdag 7- en zaterdag 8 april op het Festivalpark in Lommel (net over de grens bij Eindhoven).We belden met Yannick Stoop en hadden het met hem over het festival, de line-up en de Daydream Express: met de trein tot vlak voor de ingan…
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Medewerkers van GamMol hebben vorige zaterdag een container ingeladen met materialen voor de watermodule die ze voor de 14-jarige Younas bouwen in Gambia. Hij herstelt van een levensbedreigende ziekte. Via ‘Make A Wish’ mocht hij een wens doen. Hij wou andere mensen gelukkig maken in plaats van zichzelf. De waterput in Gambia was een perfect initia…
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Op 23 maart bracht prinses Astrid een bezoek aan het Molse studiecentrum voor Kernenergie SCK. Daar is één van de krachtigste onderzoeksreactoren ter wereld, de BR2, heropgestart na een renovatie van 16 maanden. In de reactor worden medische radio-isotopen geproduceerd, voor de behandeling van kanker. We spraken met professor Sarah Baatout, verantw…
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Over de loopbaancheque, een initiatief vd Vlaamse overheid voor werknemers en zelfstandigen. Een initiatief dat al 10 jaar oud is maar erg actueel, omdat mensen langer moeten werken en hun loopbaan zelf in handen willen nemen. Wat en voor wie is ‘loopbaanbegeleiding’.由De Flessenfabriek (Radio Mol)
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