The Reconnection Youth Ministry podcast will broadcast sermons from Steven Pickrell, TL Asbury, and Adam Jividen, the youth directors at Faith Christian Fellowship church in Buffalo, WV.
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Although life's problems can break or tear our hearts apart, on ReConnect My Heart Podcast, we'll discuss God's answers to life's problems, to ReConnect our hearts BACK to the way God originally made us! This program will discuss issues such as: Relationship Problems, Divorce, Dating, Love, Insecurities, Low Self-Esteem, Conflicts with Others, Forgiveness (For Yourself & Others), Family Issues & much more.
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Helping parents heal from estrangement with their adult children. Hosted by psychotherapist Tina Gilbertson, author of "Reconnecting With Your Estranged Adult Child."
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Willkommen beim Reconnect Podcast! Dein 5-Sterne Podcast für Selbstregulierung, Breathwork, Bewusstseinsentfaltung und innere Arbeit. Ich bin überzeugt, dass wir als Menschen den grössten, positiven Impact auf die Welt haben, indem wir inneren Frieden in uns selbst kultivieren. Solange Luft durch meine Lungen strömt, werde ich versuchen, meinen Teil dazu beizutragen. Mein Reconnect Podcast soll Menschen inspirieren, motivieren und unterstützen, sich auf diesen spannenden Weg zu sich selbst z ...
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Reset & Reconnect | Der Podcast für Klarheit und Mut zur Veränderung
Angelika Ployer | Coach für Veränderung & Selbstwert
In diesem Podcast gebe ich dir anhand von Alltagsbeispielen meiner Kund*innen Antworten zu vielen wichtigen Lebensbereichen um herauszufinden: "Warum tue ich das?" und "Wie kann ich es ändern?" Ich erzähle dir in jeder Folge eine kurze Episode aus dem Leben einer Klientin (anonym natürlich) und gebe dann Erklärungen was dahinter stecken könnte und eine kleine Selbstcoaching Anleitung für zu Hause.
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Dive into an empowering new podcast series hosted by Youth Empowerment through Songwriting coach, singer-songwriter, and TEDx speaker: Emma G. “Reconnect with your Teenager” is an invigorating podcast hosted by the world-traveling creative from New Zealand now living in DC. Get inspired and gain valuable insight into navigating modern parenting in the post COVID world. If you’re like most parents, you want to do everything in your power to help them thrive. But it’s not always easy - especia ...
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More often than not, when no-contact adult children end their estrangements and return to the relationship, there's an elephant in the room -- at least from the parent's point of view. Parents feel like they're walking on eggshells, trying to avoid whatever it was that created the problem in the first place. If only their adult children would tell …
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Brother Prater由Brother Prater
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TRANSCRIPT: These are uncertain times for those of us who create and freely share content via the Internet. I mentioned on the podcast earlier this year that I needed some time to assess the impact of all the changes happening in the world of digital information, including the widespread, unregulated use of AI. At that time, I removed the show from…
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Kirt's books are used by Neiman Marcus, BancorpSouth, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Ron Jon Surf Shop, and many others. These books and online course are crash courses - concise, quick, and easy to read to help you generate immediate results. Kirt's books have won 11 awards, including the coveted Teachers' Choice Awards, a…
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Jay DuSold is a career coach and mentor who guides teens and young 20-somethings to a True Job Fit™ so they’ll be successful, happy, and fulfilled in their future careers.由Emma G - YES Youth Coaching
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Who is Steve Anderson? He helps men be the best dads they can be in the moment by helping them create their own vision of the father they want to be and making sure they have the skills and strategies to make that vision a reality. Facebook: thebestdadproject LinkedIn: steveandersononline What is YES Youth Coaching? Yes…
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Founder of She's My Daughter Daryl Dudley the CEO and founder of She's My Daughter - a non profit organization that seeks to end violence towards women, specifically through trafficking, domestic violence, sexual assault and rape. What is YES Youth Coaching? Yes Youth Coaching is a unique approach to youth empowerment work. Emma G's all-new method …
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Newsletter: Instagram:由Angelika Ployer
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Dr Duffy helps women between the ages of 40 and 60 who are sick and tired of being sick and tired, transform into girls that wanna have fun! With wellness programs that incorporate hormone replacement, weight loss, nutrition, detoxification, fitness, mindset, and stress management, her practice helps patients succeed and find health in all areas of…
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Melanie is an energy alchemist - with a big heart, and a mouth to match - who helps you accept what is, including embracing your spiritual gifts, in order to fulfill your purpose and authentically shine your light into the world. To learn more please visit Meet your host: Emma G Author, two-time TEDx Speaker, Singer/…
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Andrea Mason is an Author of Victim to Victorious available at Certified Global Motivational Speaker Alumna of Dr. Les Brown, CEO and A Personal Accountability Coach of Press PLAY Plan Life According to You LLC Meet your host: Emma G Author, two-time TEDx Speaker, Singer/songwriter, and …
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There are many more episodes to come! To find ALL episodes of the Reconnection Club Podcast, go to由Tina Gilbertson
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If you are struggling to find a new direction in your life after facing tragedy, or are wondering how you can reinvent yourself and pursue your dreams despite the challenges that life has thrown your way: you’re not alone. Many of us face difficult situations that force us to reassess our goals and aspirations. In his #1 bestselling book, Answer Th…
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Wenn alles zu viel wird. So reduzierst du Stress und nimmst dein Leben wieder selbst in die Hand.
Unterstützung bei der Stressreduktion findest du hier:由Angelika Ployer
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Karma Reese aka Ms Karmplexity of Ms Karmplexity LLC serves youth grades 5 through college, men and women who are wishing to heal from toxic traumatic karmic relationship situations. She is a certified teacher who doesn't sugarcoat, and meets people where they are. or @mskarmplexityllc on Instagram Meet your host: Emma G A…
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Hier findest du die Folge zum Nachlesen: Hier geht es zu meinen Coaching Angeboten: Du willst keine Info verpassen? Dann trag dich in meinen Newsletter ein:…
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S.2 Ep.3 Reconnect with your Teenager W/ Dr. Katie Williams. Dr Williams is different from most mental health professionals in that she does not invest in discussing the problems in people's lives. We (as humans) get what we focus on and she believes that being positively solution-focused with emphasis in spiritual alignment with one's higher self …
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S.2 Ep.2 Reconnect with your Teenager W/ Energetic Healer Tiffany O'Hearn. Tiffany O'Hearn is an Energetic Healer and Spiritual Guide, utilizing other modalities as well, including Functional Breathing. She is a Podcaster, Public Speaker and future TEDx presenter. Meet your host: Emma G Author, two-time TEDx Speaker, Sin…
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Welcome to Season 2 of Episode 1 of Reconnect with your Teenager W/ #Spiritual #Healer Nicole Holland. Nicole Holland helps people move through their greatest fears, transcend doubt, and live their most authentic, joy filled lives. For the past four decades she has counseled countless individuals of all ages and walks of life through their darkest …
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"Ständig greife ich zur Schokolade oder stopfe mich abends mit Essen voll. Ich weiß, dass es mir nicht gut tut und dass ich etwas ändern muss, aber ich schaffe es einfach nicht! "Kommt dir das bekannt vor, dann ist diese Folge für dich: Du erfährst 3 Gründe, warum du zur Schokolade greifst, warum das Aufhören so schwer ist und wie es doch gelingen …
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These things are true about estrangement support on the internet: 1. Many estranged adult children’s forums contain mean-spirited remarks about rejected parents. 2. Many rejected parents’ forums contain mean-spirited remarks about estranged adult children. 3. Mean-spirited remarks don’t heal the pain of estrangement on either side. True support, in…
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When your own adult child cuts you off, it can be deeply hurtful. And part of the reason for that pain is what it feels like their estrangement means. Many rejected parents believe it’s their personal flaws that prompted their adult children to create distance. They think that because they’ll never be perfect, there’s nothing they can do to repair …
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It’s common for parents to believe that the “punishment” of estrangement is supposed to fit the “crime” – whatever it may be – to which their adult child is holding them accountable by keeping their distance. This idea that the length or perceived severity of estrangement correlates exclusively to an injury or injuries suffered by the adult child i…
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What are parents supposed to do when estranged adult children leave their belongings at home? That’s a tricky question. There isn’t just one right answer that will fit for every family. When you’re storing the belongings of someone who’s not talking to you, you’re in a difficult position – both logistically and emotionally. How do you decide what t…
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Estrangement from family is a kind of ambiguous loss. But some of the losses that are often associated with estrangement are definitive. They can be grieved. For parents who are unwillingly estranged from their adult children, there are at least five potential, definitive losses they might sustain during estrangement. Tina walks listeners through t…
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Meine Geschichte...Die heutige Folge ist eine ganz persönliche – ich erzähle dir die Vorgeschichte meines Neustarts mit Mitte 30. Wir sprechen darüber, wie es dazu gekommen ist dass ich so unglücklich war und warum ich so lange gebraucht habe den Mut zur Veränderung zu haben. Zwischen meinen Anekdoten stelle ich dir immer wieder Fragen zur Selbstre…
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Was kann ich tun? Infos zu meinen Workshops findest du hier. Alles rund ums Coaching mit mir findest du hier. Die 5 Schritte zur Sorgenbehandlung nach Dale Carnegie: Was ist das Problem bzw. die Sorge. Was kann im schlimmsten Fall passieren? Wie groß ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit? Akzeptiere den schlimmsten Ausgang Was kann ich tun, damit das nicht pa…
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Some parents of estranged adult children beat themselves up for parenting “mistakes” they couldn’t possibly have avoided. Others blame their children for being difficult, ungrateful or too sensitive. What’s missing from these simplistic assignments of blame for estrangement? Context. According to Tina, context is very often overlooked to the detrim…
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Selbstcoaching Übungen für zu Hause Den Blogartikel zur Folge zum Nachlesen findest du hier: Und hier geht es zu aktuellen Workshops und Coaching-Angeboten.由Angelika Ployer
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Some parents experiencing estrangement from their adult children have known estrangement before. Not necessarily from other people, but within themselves. Self-alienation is a kind of internal estrangement that has become almost normal in our culture. With so much information available and so much to do, we're not always fully present. We lose touc…
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Estrangement from family, like everything else, takes place against the psychological backdrop of human development. Far from ending in adulthood, development continues throughout the lifespan, and offers hope for change in any given week, month or year of our lives. In this interesting episode, Tina takes listeners on a brief tour of the concept o…
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If your adult child is not responding to texts, emails or any attempts at contact, at some point you might begin to worry about the time that’s passing during estrangement. This could happen for a couple of reasons… One frightening thought is that the longer adult child(ren) are estranged, the harder it will be to reconnect. That’s an understandabl…
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In this special two-part episode of the podcast, Tina reads a letter she received from an estranged adult child whose estrangement story began with childhood enmeshment. You’ll learn about enmeshment’s impacts on children, and why those impacts are sometimes invisible to even loving, conscientious parents. Listeners may gain clarity about their own…
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On this special two-part episode of the podcast, Tina reads a letter she received from an estranged adult child whose estrangement story began with childhood enmeshment. You’ll learn about enmeshment’s impacts on children, and why those impacts are sometimes invisible to even loving, conscientious parents. Listeners may gain clarity about their own…
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Parents of estranged adult children often carry unhealed emotional wounds from long ago. The pain of those wounds can be reactivated when adult children become estranged, especially if original injuries involved separation, loss, rejection or abandonment. For those parents, the injury of unwanted estrangement brings back the pain of old trauma (wit…
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Welcome to "Reconnect with Your Teenager," the podcast that offers insights and strategies for #parents looking to strengthen their relationship with their adolescent children. In this episode, we're joined by Justyna Bronski Coaching. Learn More at http://JustynaBronski.Com/ Hosted by Emma G: TEDx Speaker, Singer/songwriter and Youth Empowerment C…
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