An ad-free video podcast delivering a paradigm-shifting perspective with River Faire—award–winning author, body-centered therapist, and "radical integrity" and holistic wellness coach. Tune-in for an engaging journey into self-awareness, personal evolution, and getting free of what limits you.
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Beyond mainstream ideas about success, purpose, and goals—the “hustle”—what is it to live with intention, especially in regard to values such as personal alignment, wellness, and integrity? River differentiates intention from the New Age idea of “manifesting,” and offers the intentional path is both an inner and outer one, which ultimately join in …
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Lifting a line from Joy Harjo, the first Native American Poet Laureate of the United States, River says, "Everyone has a heartache." Even though most of us create our own suffering, when we recognize that everyone has their challenges and angst, we potentially lessen our own selfishness and develop compassion. And just possibly, we can learn to "ho…
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An Instagram post from journalist Maria Shriver during the Palisades fire in Los Angeles, a quote to "Look for the helpers..." inspired this episode. Crisis is the master agent of change, River says, and a world of difference exists between the lowest common denominator of victim mentality—blaming and complaining—versus the highest level of awarene…
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Radical well-being is something of a puzzle and most most people are missing key pieces. River shares his holistic map, drawn from three decades of working with clients and his own healing journey—a three-sector model of health. To achieve true wellness on all levels, regenerate, and truly thrive, you must attend to ALL the sectors with restorative…
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River launches 2025 talking about death as an archetypal, metaphorical process of endings and beginnings. Many Westerners have a fear of death, one of multiple fears in general, which often holds people back from their personal evolution. He asks, what needs to die so that something else can be born—such as a new form, role, identity, or passage of…
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The aspects of self that we deny or suppress, "Shadow" is humanity's least-evolved level of awareness, River states, our lowest common denominator. Shadow work is a key part of personal evolution—moving from victim-hood to greater awareness and empowerment—because in the "shadow matrix," you can never be free.…
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The majority of people are not here to evolve, River states boldly. Partly, because evolution never occurs in the status quo, it happens at the fringe; also evolution involves uncertainty, which most people actively try to avoid. River explores what it means to evolve personally, and why mainstream “success” usually aborts that process.…
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A key difference exists between gratitude as a mental, feel-good exercise useful for “reframing,” versus an embodied one (somatic and cellular) that resets one's inner environment in a powerful way, as it relates to epigenetics. Further, River shares how he turns gratitude around and sends it to others as a transforming mini-meditation.…
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Most people are not skilled at letting things go, even when those things cause angst. For all sorts of reasons, including roles and identity, beliefs and expectations, we hang on to "our chosen encumbrances," as River puts it. What if you decided to finally relinquish angst in order to make room and energy for something else to emerge?…
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Creativity is a form of nourishment, River says, yet we can find a hundred reasons (excuses) not to actively create, and often fear holds us back—subconsciously or otherwise. If we're willing to risk, we open to the possibility that through our creativity something greater can emerge through us, propelling one's personal evolution.…
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Perspective is everything; it determines one's entire reality. If we're willing to entertain the possibility that every situation contains a gift, then even challenging scenarios—including disasters, crisis, and loss—can have a silver lining and prove ultimately to be for our mysterious benefit.
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An entire universe had to be created in order to experience this moment, whatever it brings; in River's view, that makes everything really a miracle. And when we simply become present with what is, a door opens to both nourishment and possibility—a powerful way to reframe life.
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River looks at life through the lens of nourishment—in a much wider view than merely nutrition. Versus entertainment and distraction, nourishment is a golden key that unlocks the ability to thrive on all levels of being—body, mind, and spirit. What genuinely nourishes you? And what gets in the way of practicing that?…
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River shares some insights from his journey as an artist/author and creative, as well as a holistic coach, on how inspiration ebbs and flows. A tremendous, healing power exists in creativity that we can access—especially as a source of nourishment—even when inspiration feels absent or lacking. Take up the challenge he offers at the end of this epis…
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Personal evolution is a metamorphosis into a more authentic, expansive sphere of identity, often involving a sort of death and rebirth; relinquishing the identities, roles, work, relationships, and attachments which no longer feel aligned—sloughing off whatever is too small. Yet fear holds us back. River asks, what are you willing to risk in order …
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A key factor of evolution—from the cosmic story to life on earth, including human history and personal development—is that it never occurs in the status quo. Evolution happens at the fringe—at the edge. The edge is where we grow and evolve individually, which often means saying yes to our challenges and pushing past our comfort zone.…
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The moment you blame or complain, you disempower yourself, River says. Excuses are in the same boat. What if you decided to become empowered by dropping blame, along with assuming full responsibility … and no more excuses! Here’s a radical perspective: there is no such thing as not having time, it’s simply not a priority.…
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What if ALL your ideas and expectations around reward are simply beliefs you’re carrying subconsciously, but not necessarily true? River illuminates how “reward” is one of the agreements most deeply woven into our belief matrix, from childhood onward; how it drives us in myriad ways and creates its own form of suffering.…
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River views personal transformation as a two-factor equation: a necessary level of self-awareness, coupled with doing the work—owning our projections, transference, attachments, expectations, etcetera. Unlearning our old patterns and practicing new behaviors. Yet most people aren’t doing their inner work… even if they think they are!…
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Most people are stuck in limiting patterns, and often carry a sense of brokenness. River puts forward the radical view that you cannot actually be broken, even when it feels as such; you can’t be anything less than whole. Further, life changes dramatically when we stop looking through the lens of brokenness.…
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At some point or other, disappointment is simply part of the human journey; River points out this is largely because of our expectations, attachments, and projections, and that we're creating our own suffering, as usual. Learning to reframe our situation is just one of the golden keys to freedom in this episode.…
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To launch Season 2, River circles back to the core of his work as a holistic coach, outlining radical integrity as a gestalt of core authenticity and wellness, advocating it as a path to transformation and freedom. Honesty is required on all levels, but so too is assuming full responsibility for your life and how you respond.…
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Uncertainty is a part of life, yet we seek to avoid it through a variety of mechanisms. River shares a couple of reasons why not knowing feels uncomfortable for most people, and that "leaning into" uncertainty is a learned skill (just like patience)—as well as a golden key for becoming free.
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"Change your brain, change your life," is what River says to clients in his holistic coaching program. Beyond the steps and process of how to set the stage for neurogenesis and increasing neuroplasticity, something fascinating happens related to brain frequencies when we practice altruism. Ready to rewire and change your brain?…
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River frequently points out that most people are creating their own suffering through their thoughts and beliefs, and that the same is true with impatience and entitlement. What if you dropped your agenda? And what if you're precisely where meant to be in every moment, and this minute is exactly as it needs to be, like it or not?…
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Most people are creating their own suffering and keeping themselves stuck. What if your life instead could be one of alignment and flow? River offers that the role of challenges is to propel one's evolution, and shares the secret to getting free of what limits us.
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River explores what it means to be someone who creates publicly and the risk involved with that—especially in a world of critics. Our mainstream notions of success are all based on external validation, but true success, like happiness and contentment, is an inside job. Looking beyond the ego, what is it to be a success as a human being?…
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For almost 30 years, River has been an "embodiment guide"—helping others learn to access the somatic wisdom of their bodies. As a paradigm shift, he suggests the best source of guidance for life is your own body. And he outlines how learning to trust our intuitive, sensing way of knowing is its own evolutionary journey.…
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River shares a visionary, 3-stage model of relationship in this deeply personal and powerful episode. Beginning from a baseline—where most relationships are—to a higher level of awareness, wherein committed partners understand their relationship is about something more than happiness, but rather transformation. And from there, to a third, even high…
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The desire to belong and for approval are deep-rooted human desires, yet in our modern age of high visibility via the Internet and social media, increasingly people want to be relevant. Even with thousands of followers, or a huge platform, do we actually matter in any lasting way? In the bigger view, say, looking at Earth from space, what's truly r…
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Spiraling into 2024, a new calendar year, River shares both an ancient & mystical perception of time as an illusion, as well as the emergent theories of quantum mechanics that propose the same idea—essentially, time doesn't exist! How can this be? And how does it relate to self-awareness? Tune in and find out!…
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As light returns with the winter solstice, River extends the invitation to be a light in the world—a potential each of us carries within—to inspire and uplift others. As he asks his clients: what if the purpose of life is simply to be the most radiant, luminous being you can be, for no other purpose than simply being alive?…
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River's new, genre-defying book has arrived, and he shares a bit of its curious backstory and long road to publication. A journey into vulnerability and risking it all, while reaching for the transpersonal—what ultimately connects us—to make an offering of goodness and beauty in the world.
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What if more isn't the road to happiness? And what if doing less is actually the key to a greater sense of well-being, an increased sense of nourishment, and the ability to thrive? River says, "life isn't that complicated but we make it so ... and actually, there's only this moment." Ready to get radical?…
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A longtime "embodiment guide," River shares how to take gratitude beyond just a mental practice – instead bringing it into the body on a cellular level through a powerful exercise – bridging into realms of epigenetics, quantum healing, and vibrant wellness. If you think you're already good with gratitude, check out this episode for a radical paradi…
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What if your life – everyone's life – is guided by a larger, mysterious and creative force for an unfathomable purpose? And what if learning to trust that mystery is more than a "path of golden keys," as River puts it, but actually the path of genius?
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River reveals his years of working with ayahuasca, and its powerful impact on his personal evolution. He also shares a paradigm-shifting view of consciousness and awareness – a radical perspective of what happens when undergoing an entheogenic experience. Further, he points out a common trap of psychedelics, the value of integration, and the import…
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The mind continually creates a map of reality to answer its perpetual question why; explanations that largely determine our experience of "reality." River shares a three-stage model of awareness he finds useful—Shadow, Gift, and Service—and offers a paradigm-shifting possibility: what if the higher calling for humanity is to create beauty and goodn…
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What are the life choices we make around wellness, nourishment, and well-being – on all levels – especially as it aligns with personal integrity? Everything is a choice, River says, and there's no such thing as not having time – not doing something means it's simply not a priority.
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River shares a phrase/tool he uses with clients – "the integrity meter" – as a method of self-assessment for determining what's in alignment for one's highest good. Honest self-assessment is fundamental on the journey of self-awareness, personal evolution, and radical integrity; moreover, our entire life changes once we embrace such honesty.…
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What if life is the ongoing invitation to evolve personally and transform? We can either say yes or no to such invitation, yet when it comes to transformation, most people are saying no – choosing to remain stuck in familiar patterns. To evolve willingly, we have to get to yes – which goes hand in hand with surrender, courage, and honest self-asses…
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River offers a golden key (or two) to freedom, a deceptively simple tool for coming into the present—the only place we can be free. Any new skill requires practice, however, and it's a long journey to get clear of our limiting patterns. In making new changes—food & lifestyle, thinking, habits, wellness, etc.—the most important thing one can do is g…
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What if the stories we tell repeatedly—both to others and to ourselves (such as thoughts and beliefs)—keep us limited in ways we don't realize? And what about the stories we don't tell, such as secrets? And what if you stopped explaining or justifying your behavior, because you're in radical integrity? Let's shift the paradigm.…
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What if everyone is trapped in a matrix they're unaware of, one that determines their entire reality? But what if you could also get clear, once you realize the matrix exists, simply by not believing your thoughts—any of them!—because it's always your beliefs and perceptions keeping you trapped. Ready to get radical?…
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River shares one of his primary insights after working with clients for 30 years: the underlying root of personal suffering and being stuck—it's likely to surprise you! As usual, this episode delivers a couple of paradigm-shifting possibilities to open a window of self-awareness and self-help. Here's just one: your perception determines your entire…
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River shares his holistic work of teaching clients to regenerate body and brain. Regeneration may sound radical, or even implausible, but, as outlined in this episode, your body is actually wired for it, namely through key cellular pathways that simply need to be switched on in a few key ways.
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River opens a window of self-awareness by offering some "what if's." What if the role of challenges is to propel your personal evolution? What if the role of suffering is to drive your awakening? What if everything ultimately is in your favor for eventual benefit and awakening? And what if there's no reason to believe anything you think? Let's get …
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River invites listeners to consider a couple of paradigm-shifting possibilities, starting with "radical being" itself. What if you can rewrite your entire reality for the better? And what would it mean to embody radical integrity in all areas of your life, including health and wellness, as a journey of personal evolution...?…
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