JohannaHamburg describes how it felt to live in Nazi Germany and disagreeing with the party. She also explains her time in the White Rose and what it was.
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This Podcast is about coming together to bring heart and soul out in ourself. In bringing this out in our selves we will reach out more to others and change matter into all love , no more homelessness. Bringing the heart home to love will bring the home to all! I am Rita Sweeting and I love you!
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The White Rose Podcast explores the true story of why university students Hans and Sophie Scholl, Alexander Schmorell, Christoph Probst, and Willi Graf and their professor Kurt Huber resisted the Nazis, as well as Jennifer Rosenfeld's journey of writing a musical on the topic. Music by Jennifer Rosenfeld, performed by Nathan Cole, Gloria Lum, Emmanuel Ceysson, and Jennifer Rosenfeld. Music recorded, mixed, and mastered by Louis Ng, Lenson Productions. Podcast mixing by Sam Bird. Podcast Crea ...
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WHITE ROSE TRANSMISSION & Jasmine Tea is the name given to me for these sharings of Divine Feminine Wisdom, Messages & Musings. We all have wisdom through education, lessons learned and knowledge we have acquired via the human journey. We also hold Divine keys, codes and wisdom that our soul has brought in and continues to bring in everyday through our intuition and connection to the higher realms. This is a sacred time for tea and sharing of human/soul wisdom from the purity of the WHITE RO ...
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This episode is a personal sharing of my own Fire Walk experience 30 years ago, symbolizing the stepping deeper onto my spiritual path to embody my soul and divine connection. Within this, is the greater message of the "Fire & Flame" which is the alchemy and transcendence of "Wounds to Wisdom."由drcherylberry
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The message of "No Fear, Only FAITH" came in while receiving a vision (03.21.2023). It gave me great PEACE and a deeping TRUST in SEEing how we are being held in a DIVINE RE-CREATION and RESTRUCTURING made of DIAMOND LIGHT POINTS AND PILLARS. Something so beautiful and of PURE Divine Energy, that I knew I was to share.…
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Your heart's emanation of its PUREST and most PRISTINE frequency of LOVE and WISDOM has the POWER to shatter the glass and illusion of false beliefs, constructs, and protection that were once believed to be true. Eternal LOVE & Divine WISDOM within your higher heart hold the POWER to set you FREE!由drcherylberry
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Join me in conversation with, Maryellen Elcock, Pet Care Service Owner and Animal End-of-Life Doula (www.creeksidecrittercare), as she shares her wisdom and personal journey of transformation as the Crone, Heroine and ONE with the Infinite. This comes at the Imbolc passage, or half-way point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. A tim…
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May this short meditation support YOUR connection and awakening to the Creator each day in 2023, and the Dawn of the New Earth that we have come to co-create.由drcherylberry
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This is a guided meditation I felt called to offer so you may connect to your own Source Stream, seeding the frequencies of Divine Love that your soul has agreed to birth for building Heaven on Earth.由drcherylberry
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It's the Autumn Equinox and with it comes the RETURN of Autumn Woman. SHE embraces this next phase of HER own life within the Autumn Season on a deeper level, allowing the next leaf to fall and releasing MORE of what truly no longer serves. XOXO ~ Cheryl由drcherylberry
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“13 WHITE ROSES” . . . DIVINE Orchestration as I was called to wait until today, September 13th, to offer the 13th Episode. AND . . . I was seeing and sensing “13 WHITE ROSES” today in meditation prior to this WHITE ROSE Transmission. Are you a soul extension of ONE of the “13 WHITE ROSES” that are carriers of its divine frequencies? XOXO ~ Cheryl…
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Through our heart's discernment under the "Law of Discrimination," we have the inner and outer ability to hear and finely tune into the music of that which resonates and aligns to the God of our heart. It is so needed as we go forward co-creating within the field, a new fabric, from the Golden Template of the Christ Light. From here, we may weave t…
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YOUR unwavering Holy Connection to God Source. XOXO ~ Cheryl由drcherylberry
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Return of the Priestess Path . . . Awakening of the Midwives and Doulas of Sophia. We are no longer being cloaked in silence and being invisible. We are here to be the EMANATION of that which we are to birth forth through our Source Stream in our walk, in our talk and ALL of our showing up in the world. May you take what resonates for you, your div…
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Featuring Maren Montalbano as Josephine Pasternak and Magdalena Scholl, Liv Redpath as Sophie Scholl, Ben Fankhauser as Hans Scholl, Randal Keith as Kurt Huber and Robert Scholl, Nicholas Ward as Alexander Schmorell, Jon Lee Keenan as Willi Graf, Abdiel Gonzalez as Christoph Probst, Jennifer Rosenfeld as herself. With Nathan Cole (violin), Gloria L…
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Jennifer and her high school best friend, Julia Levitan, discuss Jennifer's multi-year creative journey bringing the White Rose to life as a musical. Featuring musical performances by Liv Redpath, Maren Montalbano, Lawrence Jones, Thomas McCargar, Arunima Kohli and Eric Tuan
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Jennifer speaks with Stanford University Professor Lazar Fleishman, a leading scholar of the life and works of Boris Pasternak. They discuss the many unexpected connections between the White Rose and the Pasternak family, as well as the strange influences that Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany had on each other during the 1930s and 40s, despite their …
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Jennifer speaks with Professor Elizabeth Bernhardt, Director of the Stanford Language Center, about the perception of the White Rose in Germany, the writings of Hans and Sophie Scholl, and more. Featuring readings by Maren Montalbano由Jennifer Rosenfeld
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Jennifer Rosenfeld describes how discovering an unpublished essay by Josephine Pasternak in the Hoover Archives at Stanford University led her on an unexpected journey writing a musical about the White Rose. This episode explores the surprising and coincidental connections between Josephine Pasternak and the members of the White Rose. This episode …
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Tune into the White Rose Podcast beginning February 18th to learn about an inspiring instance of resistance in Nazi Germany, as well as Jennifer Rosenfeld's journey of writing a musical on the topic.由Jennifer
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Thoughts on generational grasping
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Introduction to The White Rose Youth Sanctuaries
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JohannaHamburg describes how it felt to live in Nazi Germany and disagreeing with the party. She also explains her time in the White Rose and what it was.
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