The infamous RPG Mainframe returns with new episodes about every aspect of our glorious hobby, all with the deep thinking you expect from Runehammer! Let’s dive in...
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Hang around for some mailbag questions and our discussion on improv with special guest Josh Holober-Ward of Sidequest Theater.由rpg-mainframe
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Join me in this deep think of knowing too much, through the eyes of Dr. Manhatten.由rpg-mainframe
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Jorbin and I discuss the changes we've faced and how the hobby gets through it all.由rpg-mainframe
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The RPG Mainframe returns! Listen in as Jorbin and I chat about what's next.由rpg-mainframe
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In this think-and-ponder, I get into my long-standing relationship with Sun Tzu, and its evergreen effect on me as a designer and dice-roller.由rpg-mainframe
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I take a few minutes to recollect and reconnoiter on ICRPG work, new creative frontiers, and Beyonce. A zany episode.由rpg-mainframe
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After a few hours of yelling at the clouds, I think I have an answer to why the dice cannot be fudged, why absolute honesty binds us at the table, and how an ancient way of thinking can overcome relativistic arguments the feel like poo.由rpg-mainframe
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Our brains are wired to take special note of the unusual. Sounds handy, right? In fact, it contributes to a distorted view of the actual world. This podcast explores how being self-aware of your own exception bias can help create a more holistic sense of creative life. The book I mention here can be grabbed on Amazon. Brilliant read that is very sa…
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Current events are grabbing a LOT of our attention these days. How do you satisfy that urge to be relevant, but not clumsy, with your creativity? How can you give your hobby time that feeling of mattering when the world is in such struggle? Here are a few ideas at answering these tough questions.由rpg-mainframe
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There's something wonderful in culling many ideas to one. To nailing one thing before moving on. It's also called building from the bottom up, and Wildemount does it brilliantly.由rpg-mainframe
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Enhance your dungeon designs by mindfully 'switching the music' and more to build variety and excitement. Come hang out a bit as I muse on a method to push your dungeon designs further.由rpg-mainframe
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All mailbag all the time as I spend some time thinking on reader comments and questions. How do you increase the enthusiasm and 'in-it-ness' of your players? Here's my best six answers.由rpg-mainframe
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My new lifestyle has removed most of the common trappings of any tabletop game. Weird thing is, this has proven a boon.由rpg-mainframe
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It's finally over: almost 5 months of weekly play in the ALTERED STATE world of guns, AI, and world-ending schemes! In this episode, I take some time to think back on the highlights of our campaign, and the GM lessons I walked away with.由rpg-mainframe
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The campaign thinky-series continues as I take a look at my notes for starting and concluding your next campaign. Are these methods helpful? Do you have your own mantras for campaign starting and ending?由rpg-mainframe
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In this episode, I go deep into the art of mastering your campaign's MIDDLE. It's before the end and after the beginning, and the end of the middle means the beginning of the ending.. wait... Oh, just listen to the podcast.由rpg-mainframe
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I take a long, folded path to explain my recent revelations about creating and recording stats for my monsters. My new thesis? Trust your reader (even if its you!) and write far less than you think you need to. The key is differentiation, NOT detail.由rpg-mainframe
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I stumble on a new way to attain conceptual command of my session prep, rather than deeper, more detailed note taking and re-processing. Write, forget, write again, remember. This is the MFT!由rpg-mainframe
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A dive into my methods and struggles writing my choose-your-path novel RETUNE. The how, the why, and what it means for the game master inside us all!由rpg-mainframe
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In this episode, I reveal the winding path I took to realize how valuable disposable work is, developing creative muscle, and facing hard truths! Join me for the twists and turns of a GM staring down a new campaign.由rpg-mainframe
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Get your pen and paper ready for this one. I propose a method to marry the opposing forces of GM prep and true player agency. No easy love affair, but with a few 'blobs and fingers,' I think I have an answer.由rpg-mainframe
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As I faced the uncertainty of running a new cyberpunk campaign, I discovered a useful dichotomy in my thinking: working toward moments of feeling versus moments of revelation. Join me for another critical look at how we create.由rpg-mainframe
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Take some time to analyze your own pushing and pulling behaviors as a GM. A dynamic balance of assertive and passive components will make your game, like any good conversation, feel good to all present.由rpg-mainframe
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I go into some cognitive research on using pen and paper over digital tools. Let's get all sciencey, and reinforce what I see as the absolute CORE of what we do (yes, even moreso than DICE!) ... writing.由rpg-mainframe
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25 days of crazy work to create my system-free play world: Bearcats. Here's the play by play on the hurdles and triumphs.由rpg-mainframe
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Join me for a talk about confronting what you're 'currently struggling with' and the three methods I've working on to improve my NPC game at the table.由rpg-mainframe
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I take some time to sit and talk about how we can find more mental energy for our games by releasing our prep, expectations, and concerns when we're at the table. I've only got so much brain power, so I need it HERE! NOW!由rpg-mainframe
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A creepy ghost story, and a discussion of implementing deadliness, lethal defenses and other fast-kill methods into your boss designs.由rpg-mainframe
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Three clutch criteria for deciding whether or not new, created or assimilated mechanics matter in your game.由rpg-mainframe
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Just a straight gab on dice, where they came from, why we love 'em, what brands are my favorites, and how they get used in RPG's! No big theory here, just chewin' the fat.由rpg-mainframe
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This episode has me hollerin' about my ups and downs creating the new supers supplement for ICRPG... VIGILANTE CITY. It was a wacky road, but as always, let's find ways to ENJOY our creative projects and let go of expectations and baggage.由rpg-mainframe
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Know where you came from! I realized while playing Chrono Trigger that almost all my ideas come from that wonderful game in some form. This isn't a bummer, but a new wellspring of creative renewal. Join me for a spirited report of my recent playthrough and deep-think.由rpg-mainframe
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Your mind, and its ability to apply itself, see new possibilities, and be truly authentic is the key to your creativity. Join me in this special episode to explore three ancient methods to enhance your mind, and more importantly : YOU.由rpg-mainframe
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Why are we so engrossed in this glorious hobby? What is it we truly seek? Let's look within for answers, and take it seriously.由rpg-mainframe
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Our hobby is evolving at a crazy rate these days, and yet I see so many tables swirling in a confusing morass of slow play, burdensome math, and lopsided player attention. Rally with me to a better future!由rpg-mainframe
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I take a moment to ponder the future, and how language impacts my game.由rpg-mainframe
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In this episode, inspired by THE ORDER OF THE AMBER DIE, I dive into tracking stats in your game, and how it can lead you to a THESIS on the improvements you've been craving.由rpg-mainframe
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5 sessions of bone crushing action into my new at-home table game, and things have gone bonkers. Come hang out, I take a minute to catch you up on every detail of how I planned it, and what happened despite those plans!由rpg-mainframe
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This episode of Mainframe goes deep on how the 'plan 1 night at a time' method works, if ICRPG is suited to long term play, and how campaigns can ever be published when they are so dynamic.由rpg-mainframe
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I take an episode to talk about my compact sci-fi PDF adventure: The Mercury Dale.由rpg-mainframe
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This meaty episode explores the method of 'attacking' your room target, making everything easier if possible for players. Dynamic roll targets rock, so let's get into it.由rpg-mainframe
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After the awesome RIN CON, I reflect on things learned.由rpg-mainframe
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In this oddball episode, I experiment with direct 'read-aloud' type text for my adventure: Doomvault.由rpg-mainframe
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Four key bullets to create and improvise a unique culture in your RPG world.由rpg-mainframe
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Knowing your 'Whole Truth' is the key to improvising continuity, nuance, intrigue and emotion in a session. In this episode, I apply this to my adventure 'Hell's Hearth.'由rpg-mainframe
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Thoughts and feels after a weekend in RPG crazy land!由rpg-mainframe
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A huge topic for huge creative moments. Let's take it apart.由rpg-mainframe
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Reader mail! Make 'em retreat? JUNK'D updates. How to execute kickass intro's. Come and hang out a while.由rpg-mainframe
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Let's stop grinding gears with the term 'attention defecit.' I think of it as Attention Surplus Syndrome. A. S. S. Let's taco 'bout it.由rpg-mainframe
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In this episode, I talk about possible dangers and 'incoming perils' in my Warp Shell sci-fi setting.由rpg-mainframe
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