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Pod Save the UK is your weekly fix of political news, big ideas and a shot of inspiration. Each week hosts, comedian Nish Kumar and journalist Coco Khan are joined by politicians, experts, and famous friends to unpick the latest news, look for solutions, and inspire action. From Crooked Media – the creators of Pod Save America – in partnership with Reduced Listening, tune in to new episodes of Pod Save the UK every Thursday wherever you pod.
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Pod Save America is a no-bullshit conversation about politics hosted by former Obama aides Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor. It cuts through the noise to break down the week’s news and helps people figure out what matters and how they can help. They’re regularly joined by journalists, activists, politicians, entertainers, and world leaders. You can watch on YouTube or listen to new episodes every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Ad-Free Pod Save America episodes availabl ...
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“Pod Save America” cohost Tommy Vietor thought foreign policy was boring and complicated until he got the education of a lifetime working for President Obama’s National Security Council. On “Pod Save the World,” he and former deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes break down the latest global developments and bring you behind the scenes with the people who were there. New episodes every Wednesday. To get access to extended ad-free Pod Save The World episodes, sign up to be a Friends of ...
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Silicon Valley wants to shape our future, but why should we let it? Every Thursday, Paris Marx is joined by a new guest to critically examine the tech industry, its big promises, and the people behind them. Tech Won’t Save Us challenges the notion that tech alone can drive our world forward by showing that separating tech from politics has consequences for us all, especially the most vulnerable. It’s not your usual tech podcast.
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Organizer and activist DeRay Mckesson explores news, culture, social justice, and politics with analysis from Kaya Henderson, De’Ara Balenger, and Myles Johnson. Then he sits down for deep conversations with experts, influencers, and diverse local and national leaders. New episodes every Tuesday.
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Vous connaissez, mais est-ce que vous savez ? En moins de 3 minutes, nous vous donnons les clés essentielles pour savoir vraiment ce qui se cache derrière les mots, sigles, concepts qui font notre actualité. Après, vous pourrez dire que vous savez. Les épisodes de Maintenant Vous Savez sont disponibles sans publicités pour les abonnées à la chaîne Bababam+ sur Apple Podcasts. Si vous souhaitez écouter les épisodes sans interruption, rendez-vous sur la chaîne Bababam+ d'Apple Podcasts Abonnem ...
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The Success With Savitha Podcast is a Business Podcast with a special focus on female entrepreneurship. Here we share inspirational stories, interview entrepreneurs and ask them how they built their Businesses from the ground up and what it takes. We want the real talk and behind the scenes of journeys to success, strategy, tactics and how to's. Its about succeeding while in Business and Life. Because I believe you can have it all if one has the right mindset, work ethic,ambition and grit.
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Pastor Joseph Clark

In its fifth year with over three hundred episodes, JESUS SAVES features short sermons, interviews, experiences, and inspirations, about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how our eternal freedom from sin and torment is in Christ alone.
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Savior Community Church

Savior Community Church

Savior Community Church is a church plant and growing family where worship permeates our lives and we exercise our faith in embracing each other's brokenness, as we unswervingly obey the sound teaching of God's Word and the example of Christ's love. We meet at Gordon H Beatty Middle School in Buena Park on Sundays at 11am. 8201 Country Club Dr, Buena Park, CA 90621 Find more information on our website at: Interim-Lead Pastor: Patrick Cho
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Jesus the Saviour Church

Jesus the Saviour Church

Thank you for visiting our Channel. We believe that you will be richly blessed as you learn more about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. God created each one of us for a specific purpose. Ephesians 2:10 You are God's handiwork. God created you for good works. He planned your life before you were born. We thank God for our pastor, Dr M.A. Mukosi, who has made his teachings freely available on this platform. He is an anointed teacher of the Word of God who shares the word of God in power and ...
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Powered By Constantly Varied Gear Kelsea and Rachael explore and challenge conventional standards surrounding women's wellbeing. Episode favorites: EP15: Abs Aren't Made in the Kitchen EP159: Be Bad at Something and Enjoy It Leave the Podcast a voicemail: Join the CVG Nation app: or search CVG Nation in your phone's app store. Join our group: ...
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A personal journey through the ultimate prism: freedom. With humor, logic and compassion Kennedy will tackle political pickles, cultural quagmires, and parenting paradoxes with a spit-out-your coffee quick wit and unending curiosity. There will be monologues, interviews with authors, politicians, MTV legends, and Fox News compatriots that will joyfully probe in ways no other podcast would dare! Get on the K-Train.
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Save One More Now

Jerry Hendrix & Adrienne Hendrix

Our focus is to lovingly confront all activities dishonoring human life, created in the image of God. There is no greater dishonor to God than to reject His eternal salvation only through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
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Slovenská akadémia vied spustila v septembri 2020 svoj vlastný vedecký podcast. Každé dva týždne predstavuje poslucháčom a poslucháčkam jednu zaujímavú osobnosť zo SAV-ky. Poslucháčom sa od začiatku prihovárali viacerí moderátori a moderátorky z radov SAV. Podcast moderátorsky odštartovala Lucia Molnár Satinská z Jazykovedného ústavu Ľudovíta Štúra SAV, v. v. i. Vystriedal ju moderátorský tandem Soňa G. Lutherová z Ústavu etnológie a sociálnej antropológie SAV, v. v. i., a Peter Boháč z Ústa ...
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Navigating the Christian lifestyle is beyond challenging, especially facing the obstacles of today’s world. Each week, we’ll be diving into topics of; how to rise up from culture, modeling Christ to others, theology, hot topics and much more! Buckle up with your host, Emy Moore; we’re going on a fruitful journey!
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A podcast all about cooperative gaming experiences. Whether that means a coop mode, passing the controller back and forth or just playing the same game at the same time - it doesn't matter how, it only matters that it's together! Join your hosts Grace and Craig as they discuss their co-op gaming experiences to help you find the perfect co-op game to play with friends, partners and family!
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В плавание по просторам клубной индустрии Dj Savin отправился в 2004 году. Отправной точкой в карьере становится ночной клуб "Drive" (Москва), где каждый уик-энд создавалась атмосфера в тандеме с топовыми ди-джеями со всей России, резидентами радио Мегаполис (89,5 FM) и специально приглашенными гостями из дальнего зарубежья. Именно в этом клубе Dj Savin приобретает самые основные качества ди-джея и самое главное – безграничную любовь к...
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This podcast prepares parents with ten amazing mental health scriptures so you can say the things Jesus would say and help the way Jesus would help. Dr. Tracy McMillan Hogan LPC uses her 30 years of counseling experience for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and true believers in the Savior.
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show series
As the second Trump era is set to begin, RINO Republicans are feeling the wrath of the new media as they try to stop Trump's nominee picks. Mystery drones are still flying over New Jersey, Joe Biden is trying to auction off sections of the border wall, CNN is getting roasted by the entire internet and we cannot understate the extreme culture shift …
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Priemerný Slovák ročne vyprodukuje 85 kilogramov potravinového odpadu, z čoho väčšina, 63 kíl, je vytvorená v domácnosti. Do tejto skupiny patrí aj pečivo, použiteľné či dokonca zabalené potraviny. Táto štatistika je pre nás veľmi smutná, ale vieme ju ovplyvniť. Aj to povedala v našom podcaste dátová analytička Dušana Dokupilová z Prognostického ús…
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A coalition of regional leaders including farmers is calling on the federal government to withdraw its plan for new environmental reviews of the Columbia and Snake River dams.Clark Mather, Executive Director of NW RiverPartners, joins Dillon to explain why such a study would be misleading and unlawful, risking huge harm to farming, hydropower and t…
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孩子的肌膚交給理膚寶水B5+全面修復霜,內含專利成分複合益生精粹+維生素原B5,能平衡肌膚微生態,強化肌膚屏障,有效舒緩、修復不適;敏感泛紅、痘疤瑕疵、醫美術後使用也OK,大人小孩都適用!快去藥局買! —— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 錄製時間 : 12/14 00:00 intro 01:02 荒唐胡鬧 10:16 我全都要 14:48 交換禮物的重點 33:31 影評阿星 39:44 開場+主持人的自我介紹 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firsto…
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Que ce soit à la maison, dans les marchés de Noël ou sur les parvis des mairies de France, les sapins trônent, comme pour nous rappeler que Noël approche. Selon des statistiques fournies par l’ADEME, les Français achètent chaque année environ 6.7 millions de sapins, dont 6 millions sont naturels. De plus, d’après une information donnée par Le Figar…
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Stage, école, alternance ou emploi… Votre CV vous suivra partout où vous allez. C’est la vitrine de votre parcours professionnel, donc autant préparer un CV que vous serez fier de réutiliser. D’après le cabinet de recrutement The Ladders, un employeur passe à peine six secondes à lire un CV. Alors autant essayer de lui taper dans l’œil ! Vous devez…
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Né au début du 20ᵉ siècle en Russie, le suprématisme est un mouvement d’art moderne. Ce mouvement a vu le jour grâce à la musique. En effet, un compositeur avant-gardiste, Mikhaïl Matiouchine, travaille sur un opéra futuriste qui n’aura pas le succès escompté et qui sera conspué par le public. Il ressort un véritable engouement populaire pour les d…
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As we prepare for a week of holiday cheer, co-host of FOX & Friends and best-selling cookbook author Steve Doocy shares some of his favorite holiday recipes (including some not featured in 'The Happy Cookbook'), and explains why a martini is his go-to holiday cocktail -- even if they cost an arm and a leg in New York City. He also discusses why he …
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The world's richest man trolls Republicans into a potential government shutdown right before the holidays and the curtain closes on 2024...and it can't come soon enough. We didn't win the White House, the Senate, or the House, but we'll always have the Pundies. Jon, Lovett, Dan, and Tommy are joined by producer Elijah Cone for our annual awards sho…
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Welcome to Episode 17 of Load Save Game, a podcast where I talk to people about their personal journey with video games. I am your host Jose Eusebio. My guest today is my great friend Shaun Panado. If that name seems familiar to you it is because I mention his name every episode because Shaun is the composer of the theme song for Load Save Game, “O…
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L’appendice a souvent été considéré comme une structure vestigiale, c’est-à-dire une partie du corps qui a joué un rôle dans l’évolution, mais qui aujourd’hui, n’a plus d’utilité. Durant les 50 dernières années, lorsque l’appendice était infecté, c’est-à-dire en cas d’appendicite, on l’enlevait en pensant qu’il s’agissait d’une structure inutile, m…
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Fin 2023, le fast-food Quick s’associe avec le finaliste de Top Chef Danny Khezzar pour créer un burger aux saveurs de raclette et… de truffe. Et ça n’a rien de surprenant, cet ingrédient autrefois réservé aux tables des grands restaurants s’invite partout, même dans les fast food. On en trouve partout : chips, burgers, et même sushis ! Sans oublie…
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Nicolas Sarkozy condamné… L’ancien président de la République a été définitivement condamné à trois ans de prison, dont un an ferme sous bracelet électronique, dans l’affaire des écoutes. Cette décision de la Cour de cassation, rendue le 18 décembre 2024, marque une première historique pour un ex-chef de l’État français. Jugé coupable de corruption…
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You may be preparing for 2025, but politicians are already making plans for 2028! Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) lost her bid to be the top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee next Congress, losing to Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-VA) (a 74-year-old I might add!). Kennedy discusses the failures of progressive policies in cities…
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Paris Marx is joined by Molly White, Brian Merchant, and Eric Wickham to discuss the highs and lows (mostly lows) of this year in tech news. Molly White is the creator of Web3 is Going Just Great and Follow the Crypto. Brian Merchant is my co-host on System Crash, a new podcast we’re hosting. He’s also a longtime tech journalist and author of Blood…
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Le "winter arc" est un défi fitness lancé sur Tik Tok. Selon les créateurs, les règles peuvent un peu varier, mais elles sont toujours axées sur le développement physique et personnel, l’objectif : être métamorphosé après l’hiver. Les règles sont : se lever tôt, aller à la salle de sport presque tous les jours, adopter une alimentation hyper-rigour…
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Se réveiller d'une nuit complète en étant fatigué est une sensation très désagréable qui peut nous plomber. Mais s'il existe beaucoup d'astuces pour s'endormir dans les meilleures conditions possibles, le temps qu'il vous faut pour tomber dans les bras de Morphée a également son importance. Trouver le moment idéal pour s’endormir peut transformer l…
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What a year! While Rishi Sunak held true to his January commitment to hold the election in the second half of the year - the spectacle that followed couldn't have been predicted as 2024 dawned. Nish and Coco are joined by Sky News’ political correspondent Liz Bates and comedian Desiree Burch to chew over the gristle of the year that was. From racis…
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En 2022, en France l’espérance de vie d’une femme est de plus de 85 ans contre un peu plus de 79 ans pour les hommes, selon les chiffres de l’INSEE. Un décalage qui s’observe dans beaucoup de pays mais aussi chez certaines espèces de mammifères. Comme l’explique le docteur Perminder Sachdev, professeur de neuropsychiatrie à l’université de New Sout…
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House Democrats choose not to elevate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, arguably the party's most compelling messenger, to Ranking Member on the House Oversight Committee—instead selecting 74-year-old Gerry Connolly, a committee lifer with no national reach. Jon and Dan discuss the magnitude of this missed opportunity, House Republicans laying the groundwo…
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The New Year is almost upon us, and wouldn't it be nice to have a crystal ball to see into the future? Well, we don't have one of those but AstroStyle founders & astrologers for ELLE, Ophira, and Tali Edut join Kennedy for a fun-filled conversation about birth charts, star signs, and their predictions for 2025. Plus, the last time we spoke to the A…
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Miranda asked me, “What do I do? My spouse is hopeless that we can save our marriage. I’m losing hope, too."A while back, I did a training for members of my VIP Program, noting three barriers in the way of a spouse working on the marriage… along with how to respond. One of those barriers is hopelessness.But if a spouse is hopeless… how can you hold…
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想知道自己是金耳、還是木耳嗎? KKBOX x Sony Taiwan 挑戰你的耳力 帶你找到命定耳機,聽進音樂最深處 即日起~2025.01.05 完成測驗有機會獲得旗艦款耳機 🎧 立即參加 —— 以上為 KKBOX 與 Firstory Podcast 廣告 —— 錄製時間 : 12/07 00:00 intro 00:35 外送乾貨 06:08 釣魚興趣 17:03 開場+警語 38:28『龍頭一轉,人生多舛』 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法:…
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Tommy and Ben discuss the latest developments out of Syria, including the rebel leadership’s promises to disband and focus on building the state, international delegations and journalists making trips to Damascus, and Israel’s bombing campaign on Syrian territory and plans to build more settlements in the Golan Heights. They also talk about trouble…
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Le captagon est une drogue de synthèse de la famille des amphétamines. Sous le régime de Bachar al-Assad, c’était le premier produit exporté de Syrie. Le 8 décembre 2024, les groupes rebelles en Syrie avaient fait tomber le régime de Bachar al-Assad en prenant Damas. Les rebelles ont fouillé des hangars, et les propriétés des anciens dirigeants, il…
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La mousse de mer, aussi appelée sea moss, est une espèce d’algue : le goémon blanc, Chondrus crispus de son nom scientifique. Cet aliment est connu depuis longtemps, mais certains créateurs sur Tik Tok le promeuvent comme superaliment. C’est un aliment intéressant, car il contient des fibres et de l’iode, mais il n’y a pas vraiment d’études qui pro…
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Qu'on apprécie les visiter ou non, les monuments renferment souvent une part de mystère. Que ce soit lié à des légendes, à un manque d’information, ou parfois même à leur ambiance, ils ne laissent pas indifférent. Chaque année, des millions de touristes parcourent le monde, en quête de la plus belle photo de panorama ou de monuments plus ou moins c…
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