Провозглашаем Мир Божий
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Welkom by Radio Scriptura. 2 Timotheus 3:16,17 sê die hele Skrif is deur God ge-asem. Op hierdie Gereformeerde potgooi wil ons vanuit die Skrif leer, weerlê, reg wys en onderrig, sodat God se mense volkome voorberei en toegerus sal wees vir elke goeie werk.
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TOTA SCRIPTURA: Digital Ministry GRII Karawaci. Preaching the whole counsel of God to the world: Khotbah Eksposisi, Pendalaman Alkitab, Seminar, Pengajaran, Talkshows, Tanya Jawab, dan Renungan.
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Information for your spiritual edification...information that pertains to life and the future...
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Um espaço para refletir de acordo com as escrituras! Bem-vindos!!
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Simply The Bible. Join us as we look at Scripture through fresh eyes and explore words, topics, and passages with the sole purpose of getting to know what God wanted us to know through His Word. What does The Bible say about God? About us? That's what Scriptura is all about.
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Mira Scriptura is dedicated to mirror-reading the Bible. Mirror-Reading is an interpretation method that attempts to recreate the situations that the Biblical authors were responding to.
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Join Pastor Daniel Brammeier as he shares insights from the original Hebrew and Greek languages of the Bible. Learn with him about the depth and breadth of God's love for the world in Jesus Christ.
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Scriptural Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
Discerning Hearts Catholic Podcasts
Trusted Catholic Spiritual Formation and Direction
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Set in the beautiful Cox Chapel, this service features acoustic worship and preaching. Each week we’ll sing traditional hymns and contemporary songs of faith, and take an in-depth look at scripture and practical wisdom for living out our faith today.
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GOODBYE HEARTBREAK, HELLO HEALING, Healing Broken Hearts, Empowering Women, Scriptural Healing, Find Your Love, Single Women, Christian Singles
Kandice A. Bateast, Heartbreak Coach, Author, Prayer Warrior
Do you feel heartbroken over a recent breakup? Did you think he was “the one”, but it turned out to be another failed relationship? Are you feeling like you’ll never find “the one” for you? Do you wish God would just bring the right man along so you can be happy? In this podcast I will share my journey of looking for love in all the wrong places to finally finding the true love I needed and how that led to me getting into the right position to be married. I had a lot of work to do in my sing ...
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«Но Ты, Святой, живешь среди славословий Израиля.» (Пс.21:4). Бог обитает на высоте небес, во святилище, в сердце смирённого и сокрушённого духом (Ис.57:15), а также, Он живёт среди славословий Израиля. Господу приятно быть там, где благодарят и прославляют Его. Благодарность и славословие являются важнейшей частью жизни народа Божия. Начиная от кн…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 247 (Matius 13:54-58): Tuhan Yesus berada di Nazaret, di tempat Dia dibesarkan. Orang-orang Nazaret begitu kecewa dan tidak mau mendengarkan Dia karena Dia anak Yusuf, seorang biasa yang mereka kenal.
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Wat (of wie) is die evangelie, en waarvan (van wie) red God ons? Het jy iets om by te dra tot jou redding? As jy die evangelie glo; wat presies moet jy glo? Is geloof kopkennis of 'n gevoel? Hang jou verlossing van jou keuse af? Wat is heiligmaking?由Scriptura
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Hello All, Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am currently with another host; hopefully, it will be a wonderful addition to my "current" hosting station, however, at this moment, I am not sure. Nevertheless, I am hopeful that I can continue and have both for a more extended reach to all of those who enjoy the podcast...I will not do a lesson for at…
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Hey Sis! Loneliness has become an epidemic in our society. It’s even worse when you are going through a life changing event like a breakup or divorce. This season may feel isolating, but you can overcome the feelings of loneliness. Get a pen and paper and press play! ***Our first Sisterhood Connect event is happening March 11th at 6 PM CST. The the…
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Hey Sis! Healing alone is tough. Find a community of sisters to make your healing journey more fruitful. Let’s talk about the power of healing together. ***Our first Sisterhood Connect event is happening March 11th at 6 PM CST. The theme is “Stronger Together.” Join me for a little sister time, encouragement, and more. This event is 100% FREE. All …
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«Вспоминайте жену Лотову. Кто станет сберегать душу свою, тот погубит ее; а кто погубит ее, тот оживит ее.» (Лк.17:32-33). Как положительные, так и отрицательные Библейские истории, полезны для нашей духовной жизни. Они предохраняют нас, научают нас, показывают что надо делать, а что нельзя. История с женой Лота, говорит нам о том, что происходит с…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 246 (Matius 13:47-53): Perumpamaan ini menjadi perumpamaan terakhir di dalam kumpulan perumpamaan yang Matius kumpulkan di dalam pasal 13. Perumpamaan ini berbicara tentang akhir zaman. Bagaimanakah keadaannya pada akhir zaman nanti?
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Waarin vind ons kennis van onsself as mens? Wat beteken dit om na die beeld van God geskape te wees? Wat is totale verdorwenheid? Drie aspekte is onder bespreking om nuwe gelowiges se basiese kennis van wie ons as mens is voor God die Skepper. Wat het by die skepping gebeur? Wat het fout gegaan kort na die skepping? Hoe is dit moontlik om die mens …
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«Так и вы, когда исполните все повеленное вам, говорите: мы рабы ничего не стоящие, потому что сделали, что должны были сделать.» (Лк.17:10) Господь научает нас так мыслить, иметь такое состояние сердца, ибо это то, что приятно Богу. Когда мы совершив всё, не ожидаем награды, а готовы ещё служить и при этом считаем себя недостойными, это благослове…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 245 (Matius 13:44-46): Apakah yang paling kita inginkan di dalam kehidupan kita? Apa pun itu, kita akan mengorbankan hal lain yang telah kita miliki demi mendapatkan apa yang paling kita inginkan itu. Seorang yang menemukan harta terpendam pasti telah bekerja untuk menggali harta yang dia temuka…
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Hey Sis! I know this Valentine’s Day may make you feel lonely and miss your ex. I know it’s tough, which is why I want you to shift your perspective. Instead of focusing on love from other people, focus on love from God and loving yourself. Get ready to see yourself the way God sees you! ***We are having our very special Galentine’s Sale this week.…
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Hey Sis! Most people use the words alone and lonely interchangeably, but they are not the same. In fact, there are some very key differences that can have a major impact on how you view and get through this heart healing season, especially this Valentine’s Day. Let’s learn about these important differences, then you can see where you fall on the sp…
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Hoe glo ons in die drie-eenheid sonder om die drie-heid of die eenheid van die drie persone in die godheid te onteer? Kan ons Jesus werklik begryp sonder die Vader en sonder die Gees? Hoe kan ons hierdie dinge van God leer ken? Gaan ons glo soos Hy homself in die Woord openbaar? Is daar verlossing buite die begrip van die drie-eenheid? Wie is die s…
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«Тогда Иисус сказал: не десять ли очистились? где же девять? как они не возвратились воздать славу Богу, кроме сего иноплеменника? И сказал ему: встань, иди; вера твоя спасла тебя.» (Лк.17:17-19) Все десять прокажённых нуждались не только в исцелении тела, но и в исцелении души. Все десять получили очищение, но только один получил спасение и это бы…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 243 (Matius 13:31-35): Dua perumpamaan hari ini adalah perumpamaan yang singkat, tetapi menyimpulkan bagaimana Kerajaan Allah akan makin memberikan pengaruhnya.
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Hey Sis! Last week we talked about dealing with your fears through faith. This week I want to talk about how to build your faith. Let’s face it, sometimes we may feel like our faith isn’t sufficient for the test we’re currently facing. And after a breakup or divorce, you may find it really hard to have faith at all. That’s why it’s important to alw…
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Mag ons onder enige omstandighede iets vat wat nie aan ons behoort nie, en het grondonteiening sonder vergoeding 'n bybelse basis? Wat is ons verantwoordelikheid as bewoners en rentmeesters van die aarde, en aan wie behoort dit alles? Tydens president Donald Trump se inhuldiging het die vroulike biskop, Mariann Budde, 'n teologiese oproep met 'n po…
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“Или какая женщина, имея десять драхм, если потеряет одну драхму, не зажжет свечи и не станет мести комнату и искать тщательно, пока не найдет, а найдя, созовет подруг и соседок и скажет: порадуйтесь со мною: я нашла потерянную драхму.” (Лк.15:8-9). Наши действия, усилия, наши планы, наша реакция на то или иное событие, определяются тем, что для на…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 243 (Matius 13:24-30; 13:36-43): Inilah perumpamaan yang menjadi peringatan sekaligus kekuatan bagi kita semua. Memberikan peringatan karena ternyata Iblis sama gencarnya dengan Tuhan di dalam menyebarkan pengaruh di tengah-tengah dunia ini. Tuhan memanggil orang untuk mengenal Dia dan Kerajaan-…
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Hey Sis! Fear may not be the main emotion we pinpoint after a breakup, but for most women, it’s there. It creeps in and steals your peace and joy. It’s time to identify those fears and take your life back. Let’s do this! Resources and Services Grieving The Living Ecourse (On sale until January 31, 2025–no code needed) My YouVersion Bible Plans Good…
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Hoe openbaar God homself aan ons? Het God beheer oor alles in die skepping? Wie is die drie persone in die Godheid en hoe kan ons dit verstaan? Kan God ooit onder verdenking wees, en waaruit vloei Sy geregtigheid? Hoekom vind ons troos in God se oordeel en in Sy genade?由Scriptura
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“Ты видел многое, но не замечал; уши были открыты, но не слышал.” (Ис.42:20). Есть люди, которые слепы и глухи, но есть и те, кто видят и слышат, но при этом не замечают, не обращают внимания на главное. Это касается как физического мира, так и духовного. Можно находиться среди Божьего творения, слышать пение птиц и при этом не заметить величие Гос…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id| Episode 242 (Mat 13:10-17): Di dalam bacaan hari ini Tuhan Yesus menjelaskan apa yang telah dinyatakan melalui nabi Yesaya. Bangsa Israel akan menjadi buta dan tuli terhadap pemberitaan tentang Kerajaan Allah. Mereka akan mengeraskan hatinya sehingga tidak melihat ketika kedatangan Sang Mesias tiba. Meng…
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Hey Sis! We’re still at the beginning of the year, and I would love to see this year be something different for you. A new heart is something I know you desire right now, and it is available to you. All you have to do is surrender your heart to God and let him do the rest. You’re going to need a notebook/journal and pen for this one. Let’s grow! Re…
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Daar kom toenemend mense tot bekering wat nie in tradisionele gereformeerde verbondshuise opgegroei het nie, en die getalle van gereformeerde verbondskinders neem toenemend af. Lidmate van kerke het vandag ook nie meer dieselfde vlak van bybelkennis as vroeër nie. Die fokus van hierdie reeks is dus die kernsake van die christelike geloof. Wat is da…
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«Ночь прошла, а день приблизился: итак отвергнем дела тьмы и облечемся в оружия света.» (Рим.13:12). Пробудись, встань на ноги, отвергни дела тьмы, и затем облекись в оружия света. Такова последовательность действий тех, кого осветил свет Христов. Мы не можем поменять этот порядок, он неизменен для всех христиан. Если ты не пробудился, то не отверг…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 241 (Matius 13:1-29; 13:18-23): Kita akan melanjutkan pembahasan tentang perumpamaan mengenai penabur. Apakah maksudnya sebagian benih yang jatuh di tengah-tengah semak duri?
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Hey Sis! You may be tired of dealing with loneliness, but you have to make sure you are actually ready to be in a relationship with someone else. A big part of preparing for future relationships is healing from the past ones. Join me for this episode to find out how healing helps prepare you for the relationship you desire. Resources and Services G…
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«Ночь прошла, а день приблизился: итак отвергнем дела тьмы и облечемся в оружия света.» (Рим.13:12). Спасённых, искупленных кровью Христа, пробудившихся, просвещённых, Господь призывает действовать. Он говорит нам что делать и какова последовательность действий. Если ты сделал первый шаг – пробудился, значит делай следующий шаг – отвергни дела тьмы…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 240 (Matius 13:1-29; 13:18-23): Yesus memberikan perumpamaan-Nya sebagai pengajaran yang sangat limpah bagi mereka yang diberikan anugerah memahami artinya. Perumpamaan Yesus berbicara tentang hal sehari-hari yang diketahui orang Yahudi pada zaman itu. Setiap orang yang mendengar tahu apa yang Y…
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Hey Sis! After a difficult breakup, you need something to look forward to in order to move on. I have the perfect scripture and devotional reading for you. Join me for this episode for the encouragement you need! **The New Year Sale on my devotional, Goodbye Heartbreak Hello Purpose is happening now! Get your copy by going to https://www.kandiceaba…
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Hey Sis! Prayer is a key component in our lives as Christian women. It’s how we communicate with God. Did you know there’s a way to give our prayers more power? We do this by praying the scriptures. We give God’s word back to Him, showing Him that we have faith in what He said. I know that it may be hard to find scriptures that you feel pertain to …
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«Так поступайте, зная время, что наступил уже час пробудиться нам от сна. Ибо ныне ближе к нам спасение, нежели когда мы уверовали. Ночь прошла, а день приблизился: итак отвергнем дела тьмы и облечемся в оружия света.» (Рим.13:11-12). Наши поступки, действия зависят от знания времени в которое мы живём. Весной одни действия, а зимой совсем другие. …
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 239 (Matius 12:43-50): Dua narasi ini akan kita gabungkan di dalam pembahasan hari ini. Bagian pertama adalah tentang roh jahat yang kembali menguasai manusia dan membuat keadaannya makin parah. Ini adalah perumpamaan tentang Israel yang kosong. Bagian selanjtunya, Yesus mengajarkan bahwa orang-…
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Hey Sis! Being consistent is key no matter what goal you’re trying to achieve. But when it comes to healing your broken heart, it can make or break your future. Today, I’m sharing one of our sister’s testimony of how being consistent with 3 things helped her move on after a sudden devastating breakup. Join us for episode 200 as we get this New Year…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 238 (Matius 12:38-42): Kemunafikan orang Farisi terus diberitakan oleh Matius. Dalam bacaan kita ini orang Farisi berpura-pura mau menjadi pengikut Tuhan Yesus yang masih mempunyai sedikit ganjalan. Tinggal sedikit lagi maka mereka akan menjadi murid Yesus, asalkan Yesus memberikan tanda. Ini pe…
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«И сказал им Ангел: не бойтесь; я возвещаю вам великую радость, которая будет всем людям: ибо ныне родился вам в городе Давидовом Спаситель, Который есть Христос Господь;» (Лк.2:10-11). Праздник Рождества Христа – это особый праздник. Мы отмечаем приход Господа на землю не так, как люди этого мира, а как те, кто стали Божьими. Центром праздника явл…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 237 (Matius 12:22-37): Cara Yesus mengusir setan merupakan suatu pameran otoritas ilahi atas kuasa jahat. Setan tidak sanggup menghadapi Yesus. Setan tidak perlu ditakuti jika ada kuasa Yesus. Setan tidak bisa bertahan di hadapan Yesus. Yesus memberikan perintah maka setan pun tidak sanggup mela…
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Hey Sis! Grieving after a breakup is always hard, but it’s especially hard during the Christmas and New Year Holiday Season. This episode is all about helping you manage your grief in this difficult season with some simple dos and don’ts. Get your notebook and pen for this one. **Instead of going back to regular price, my online course Grieving The…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 236 (Matius 12:9-21): Setelah konflik mengenai Sabat dengan orang Farisi, pertentangan antara Yesus dengan orang Farisi makin besar. Dengan tuduhan yang sama, yaitu bahwa Yesus berusaha merombak tradisi Taurat, mereka berusaha menjerat Yesus. Bacaan hari ini menjelaskan bahwa ada orang yang lump…
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Hey Sis! Some people choose numbing and avoidance instead of healing. While it’s not healthy, it’s understandable. Healing is hard work for almost everyone who needs it. However, there are benefits to healing, and I can’t wait to share them with you in this week’s episode. **Instead of going back to regular price, my online course Grieving The Livi…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 235 (Matius 12:1-8): Orang-orang Farisi mengikuti terus rombongan Tuhan Yesus. Apakah karena mereka mau mendengar firman? Atau mungkin mereka ingin menjadi murid Tuhan Yesus juga? Tidak. Mereka mengikuti kelompok ini karena mau mencari kesalahan kelompok ini.…
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Hey Sis! In our last episodes, I gave you a ton of information about the first 4 stages of grief after a breakup. In today’s episode, I’ll be going over sages 5-7. Don’t worry sis! I believe you will overcome your grief and be healed. Now, grab your notebook and pen again, it’s time to go deep! **Today is the last day of the CYBER SALE (12/5/24). G…
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Hey Sis! Today’s episode is so informative. I am breaking down the first 4 stages of grief after a breakup. Whenever you lose someone or something that was extremely important to you, you’re going to grieve, whether you want to or not. And when it comes to healing your broken heart, it’s a crucial and important step. You don’t want to miss this epi…
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Heinz Winckler en sy vrou se vrystelling van hul konserwatiewe huwelikshandleidings by die Breytenbach Sentrum veroorsaak 'n bohaai. Hoekom daal die Gereformeerde kerk se lidmaatsyfer? Is dit immigrasie, of dat mense minder kinders kry, of word die evangelie boodskdap afgewater? Hoekom gaan gereformeerdes na ongereformeerde kerke? Het ons "nuwe ide…
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 234 (Matius 11:20-30): Tirus, Sidon, dan Sodom adalah kota-kota yang dihancurkan oleh Tuhan karena kehidupan mereka yang sangat rusak. Mereka bukan hanya tidak mengenal Tuhan dan menyembah berhala, tetapi mereka juga mempunyai kehidupan moral yang sangat rusak. Mereka hidup dengan melayani hawa …
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Hey Sis! Are you in an unexpected season right now? Truthfully, no season should be spent waiting for the next one. There’s always a way to enjoy the season that you’re in. So whether you are heartbroken or simply desiring a relationship, you can reframe your thoughts to find joy in this season while you heal and prepare for the next season. Get yo…
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Hoe moet ons dink oor die ewige heerlikheid? Wie is die begin en die lewe? Wie is die voleinder van ons geloof? Jesus self is ons grootste skat en beloning, en ons kan met vrymoedigheid na die belonings en Sy ewige teenwoordigheid uitsien.由Scriptura
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Episode baru setiap Senin | pemuda.stemi.id | Episode 233 (Matius 11:1-19): Yohanes Pembaptis di dalam penjara, dan dia mengutus murid-muridnya untuk bertanya apakah benar Yesus adalah Sang Mesias? Salah satu tanda kedatangan Sang Mesias adalah dia akan membebaskan orang-orang yang dipenjarakan (Yes. 61:1). Yohanes mungkin telah mendengar bahwa Yes…
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