流行文化,check! 經典歌曲,you bet! 英語學習,absolutely! 在這裡,我們會以最有趣的方式,帶大家深入探討多元議題。 從戀愛騙局到埃及文明,從英文成語到多益雅思高分密技 《AMC Sounds》都會以最深入淺出的英語拓展你的認知世界! Pop culture? Check. Classic hits? You bet. English learning? Of course! Join us on an exciting adventure through a wide range of topics, all delivered in a fun and engaging way. From uncovering the tricks behind romance scams to exploring the marvels of Ancient Egyptian culture, and from breaking down English idioms to sharing must-know TOEIC and IELTS tips, AMC S ...
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何韻詩Podcast。 新Co-host黃詠詩加盟菇武門Podcast,兩個茂利女歌手/演員同你講生活、講工作、講理想,喺笑聲中分享通往更好一個自己的各種小秘訣。| Denise Ho's Official podcast with co-host Wong Wing Sze. Sharing life tips, bringing you interviews with Hongkongers, inspiring you to pursue a better and more fulfilled life.
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三位各自畢業於柏克萊與南加大,有著多年實務經驗的升學顧問,為你精闢分析變化多端的大學入學審核,與你討論升學趨勢與脈動。在這裡,我們聊聊關於申請大學的大小事,帶你輕鬆進大學。We know it is difficult to navigate the often overwhelming and competitive nature of college admissions. On this podcast, we share valuable insight, tips, and perspective on topics such as how to write the perfect essay to what applications look like in a post-COVID world. Our hosts will take you beyond the admissions process so you’re fully prepared to apply to the school of your dreams.
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Welcome to Her Venture Talk, your go-to podcast for women seeking financial and entrepreneurial empowerment. Join us as we explore personal finance and business topics tailored for women, sharing expert advice, inspiring stories, and practical tips to help you achieve success on your terms. Subscribe now, and let's venture forward together! Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/herventuretalk/subscribe
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安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從始就"安樂晒”
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🔹 法國留學對語言學習經驗的影響是? 🔹 雅思考試專員都在做什麼? 🔹 語言學習最重要的是設立目標! 本集AMC SOUNDS邀請到多才多藝的Jeremie老師, 從法語文學學士到政治學博士, 現在是雅思考試專員, 還擁有兩張Toastmasters的證照。 快來聽聽老師從各種角度剖析語言學習的盲點! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn由AMC空中美語
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「他說他是美國的軍官,需要我資助他投資,之後會飛來找我……」 你也看過這種詐騙嗎,或者就發生在你身邊呢? 本集AMC SOUNDS,Ronnie和Sherry要來揭露愛情詐騙陷阱,幫你防範愛情騙子! 🔍 本集生字: Manipulate (v.) 操縱 Example: Politicians sometimes manipulate public opinion to gain support for their policies. 政客有時會操縱公眾輿論以獲得對他們政策的支持。 Facade (n.) 表面;假象 Example: Despite the cheerful facade, he was feeling quite sad inside. 儘管表面上看起來很快樂,他內心其實…
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夢到底是什麼,又代表什麼呢? 夢裡追著你跑的怪獸,可能就是白天工作壓力的象徵? 在這集Podcast中,Sherry老師將帶你揭開夢境的神秘面紗。 一起來探索夢境的奧秘吧! 🔍 本集生字: anxiety 焦慮 High levels of anxiety can lead to frequent and intense dreams. 高度焦慮會導致頻繁而強烈的夢境。 subconsciousness 潛意識 The study of subconsciousness continues to challenge scientists and philosophers alike. 關於潛意識的研究持續挑戰科學家和哲學家。 interpretation 解釋;解析 Dream interp…
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🔹 從音樂系到醫科預備都選過? 🔹 日德都通!Sophie語言學習的經歷與心得為何? 🔹 要怎麼成為口譯員?是不是真的需要反應很快? 🔹 托福、雅思、多益,這些測驗的秘訣到底是什麼?! 在這一集AMC SOUNDSs中, 我們邀請到一位學經歷非常精彩的來賓——Sophie。 她精通中文、英文、德文和日文, 多次參加檢定考試並取得優異成績, 並在美國求學及工作長達20年, 現在更是一位資深的自由口譯員。 快來聽Sophie分享她的故事, 以及英語測驗的高分秘訣! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn由AMC空中美語
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這次AMC SOUNDS將穿越時空,進入古埃及神話世界。 尤其Leo老師就是埃及人,聽到賺到! 本集也會提到《黑亞當》、《月光騎士》等對埃及神話的當代描繪,千萬別錯過! 🔍 本集生字: worship (v.) 崇拜 The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods, each responsible for different aspects of life. 古埃及人崇拜許多神祇,每一位神負責生活的不同面向。 mysterious (adj.) 神秘的 The concept of the underworld was mysterious to the ancient Egyptians, filled with both fear and fasc…
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“Upside, inside out! She's livin' la vida loca!” 即使沒去過波多黎各,肯定也聽過瑞奇馬汀! 這個充滿生命力的島嶼,每年吸引超過600萬名遊客。 跟著有波多黎各血統的Corey老師,一起探索這個熱情之島, 了解其豐富的歷史和自然奇觀! 🔍 本集生字: colonize (v.) 殖民 The Spanish colonized Puerto Rico, deeply influencing its culture and society. 西班牙殖民了波多黎各,深刻影響了其文化和社會。 territory (n.) 領土 Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States, but it is not …
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ED編輯秘傳心法:高階英語學習必看 📍準備學測英文,就從每天閱讀一篇文章開始? 📍英語Podcast、TED演講和原文書,怎麼用最能加強英語程度? 📍職場人士如何利用零碎時間學英語? 這集AMC SOUNDS邀請到《English Digest》雜誌編輯Sunny, 分享如何準備學測英文和提升英語能力的實用建議。 無論是準備大考的學生,還是希望增進英語能力的職場人士,都千萬不能錯過! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn由AMC空中美語
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👻世界五大鬧鬼景點👻 巴黎地下墓穴、捷克鬧鬼教堂、 墨西哥娃娃島、史丹利飯店、班夫溫泉酒店, 這五個猛鬼聚集地,你去過哪些呢? 這次Harsh老師在AMC SOUNDS開聊五大生人禁區的隱密, 千萬別錯過! 🔍 本集生字: eerie (adj.) 怪異的;陰森的 An eerie fog settled over the town as night fell. 夜幕降臨時,一陣陰森濃霧籠罩了整個小鎮。 paranormal (adj.) 超自然的 The investigation team specializes in documenting paranormal phenomena. 這個調查團隊專門記錄超自然現象。 folklore (n.) 民間傳說 Local folklore …
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🛫迷失航班:馬航MH370🛫 2014年3月8日,馬來西亞航空MH370班機,在飛往北京途中神祕消失。 可能原因從機長蓄意自殺、劫機犯罪到機械故障,各界眾說紛紜。 最終,只在留尼旺島找到少量殘骸。 馬航的未解之謎,就聽Sandy老師在AMC SOUNDS娓娓道來。 🔍 本集生字 vanish (v.) 消失 The flight mysteriously vanished from the radar. 航班神祕地從雷達中消失了。 Mayday call (n.) 求救信號 There was no Mayday call from the plane. 沒有人收到飛機的求救訊號。 聽完記得訂閱AMC SOUNDS,和我們一起探討多元英語話題 -- Hosting provided by S…
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🌟 4U主編告訴你:身為編輯需要具備的是什麼 🌟 📍主編要規畫主題、協調作者,還有……聯絡藝人經紀公司? 📍除了細心之外,優秀的編輯編輯還要掌握…… 📍學習英語最重要的是養成習慣,而且不要怕犯錯! 這集AMC SOUNDS邀請到《English 4U活用空中美語》雜誌主編Emily, 分享她的工作日常和學習英文的秘訣。 快按下播放鍵,聽聽Emily主編最完整的分享! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn由AMC空中美語
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🎓此話怎解?英文成語大公開(二)🎓 上集成語解析播出後, 很多粉絲表示想學更多實用的英文成語。 今天Lucy與Corey老師再次聯手, 精選幾個職場和學業相關的成語給各位粉絲! 🔎Get one's foot in the door 成功卡位 由來:過去推銷員在門即將關閉時,會用腳擋住門從而進屋推銷商品,如今引申為成功卡位。 An internship at a major company can help you get your foot in the door in the industry. (在大公司實習可以讓你在業界成功卡位。) 🔎Burn the midnight oil 熬夜學習/工作 由來:在電燈發明前,人們需要燃燒油燈以便於夜晚學習、工作。因此這句話就成為了熬夜工作的象徵…
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🎓此話怎解?英文成語大公開🎓 正在學英文的你,是否常被母語人士的成語搞得一頭霧水? 不用擔心,本集AMC SOUNDS的Corey和Lucy老師, 要帶你來了解這些英文成語的深意與用法! 🔎A dime a dozen Dime是美元單位中的「角」,而dozen是「一打」。如果可以用一角的價錢買到一打的東西,就代表商品非常稀鬆平常、到處都買的到。 例句:Books like these are a dime a dozen.(這些書非常划算。) 🔎We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it 這句話和中文的「船到橋頭自然直」意思相近,拖延症必學! 例句:Don’t worry about the test now. We’ll cross that br…
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A+主編偷偷說:怎樣運用線上教學最有效 📍線上課程為何流行?效果好嗎? 📍現在的線上課程竟然有課程顧問、客製化學習計劃? 📍利用線上課程學習英文有什麼小技巧? 這集AMC SOUNDS邀請空中美語《A+ English 空中美語》雜誌主編Casey, 分享線上教學的優勢與小技巧。 對線上課程🈶興趣嗎? 快搜尋空中美語,預約免費試讀,學好英文不再遙不可及! -- Hosting provided by SoundOn由AMC空中美語
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還記得〈Mamma Mia〉這首ABBA的經典金曲嗎? 這次【AMC SOUNDS】將帶你深入了解這首歌! 從馬林巴琴的特殊音效到歌詞背後的故事, 還有ABBA樂團的有趣冷知識都會一一揭露! 不過在聆聽前,我們先來來學學這集的重點單字: 🎧 stand out 突出 Alice wore a bright red dress to the party so she could stand out from the crowd. 愛麗絲穿了一件亮紅色的洋裝參加晚會,讓自己能脫穎而出。 🎧 spiral out of control 情況失控 The situation started to spiral out of control when more and more people join…
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空中美語全新podcast節目【AMC SOUNDS】來了, 揭開序幕的是──辣妹合唱團的經典暢銷曲〈Wannabe〉! 這首歌可是千禧世代的共同回憶, 直到今日依然火熱。 一起來發掘熱門單曲背後的冷知識吧💿 這次的podcast中,我們會介紹幾個實用的英語詞彙和片語,例如: 🎧 Millennial (n.) 千禧世代 As a millennial, I grew up with technology as a natural part of my life. 作為千禧世代的一員,我從小就把科技視為自己生活中的一部分。 🎧 Diva (n.) 知名女歌手 Beyoncé is considered one of the greatest divas of our time. 碧昂絲被認為…
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📍編輯的工作只有閱讀稿件跟校對嗎? 📍遇過最奇怪的文章提案竟然是【這個】? 📍編輯如何保持創新、避免重複? 你對編輯工作感興趣嗎? 閱讀雜誌的時候是否好奇過: 究竟編輯們是怎麼把這些主題搭配得天衣無縫? 這次 AMC SOUNDS特別邀請空美雜誌總編Celine, 來分享編輯工作的挑戰與趣事, 還會提供我們學習英文的建議💯 #空中美語空中家教 #編輯日常 #英語學習 #AMCSOUNDS #Podcast -- Hosting provided by SoundOn由AMC空中美語
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外傭違規被炒鱿魚,即刻炒佢喺唔喺唔駛俾一個月代通知金先?Why must we pay 1 month in lieu of notice if we fired the helper?
外傭違規被炒鱿魚,即刻炒佢喺唔喺唔駛俾一個月代通知金先? 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www.instagr…
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申請印傭又有新要求🧐,印尼領事館要有保證信😯 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www.instagram.com…
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同工人續約呀! 要注意乜嘢?佢護照就到期點算?Time to renew my helper's contract but her passport is expiring, what to do!?
工人續约 同工人續約呀!要注意乜嘢?佢護照就到期點算? 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www.instagra…
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外傭損壞物品的賠償方法 ~激死我!工人打爛嘢點賠先?扣哂D人工都唔夠賠! Helper broke my stuff again! How much can I deduct from her salary?
外傭損壞物品的賠償方法 ~激死我!工人打爛嘢點賠先?扣哂D人工都唔夠賠! 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www…
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工人保險包D乜?牙齒包唔包?有生命意外D算? 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www.instagram.com…
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弊! 工人向財務借咗錢!財仔會唔會騷擾我呀?怎辦? Oh no! My helper borrowed money from financial companies and cannot pay them back! What can I do?
Episode 7 弊! 工人向財務借咗錢!財仔會唔會騷擾我呀?怎辦? 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www.…
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僱傭期間僱主不幸離世,但家人又想繼續聘用工人可以嗎?怎辦?Can the helper be transferred to the family member after the employer passed away?
Episode 6 僱傭期間僱主不幸離世,但家人又想繼續聘用工人可以嗎?怎辦? 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://…
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僱主去旅遊要求外僱同行得唔得? 外僱唔想同行怎辦?留港冇人工? If the helper does not want to travel with the employers? Do we still pay her?
Episode 5 僱主去旅遊要求外僱同行得唔得? 外僱唔想同行怎辦?留港冇人工? 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https:…
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工人只可在一個地方工作?幾家人用一個工人?可唔可以外宿? Sharing 1 helper with another family household. No problem!? Or not?
Epi 4 工人只可在一個地方工作?幾家人用一個工人?可唔可以外宿? 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www.i…
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Epi 3: 同工人解約點計人工?有乜嘢數要算?Termination of Helper Contract Tips. 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG…
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菲傭一定講英文?印傭一定講中文?真的嗎?Filipino helpers are good at English while Indo helpers are good at Cantonese? Really?
Episode 2 菲傭一定講英文?印傭一定講中文?真的嗎? 安樂晒 | On Lok Sai 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www.insta…
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Episode 01 長期服務金究竟點計?幾時先要俾?點樣先至唔須要俾呀? 安樂晒 | 香港家庭聘請外傭後無論在勞工法例上或日常相處時都充滿很多疑問及困擾,兩個從事外傭中介超過三十年的從業員,Patrick & Mirian 用日常家庭客户的咨詢及遇到的疑問作為藍本,透過輕鬆的分享,希望令香港家庭及僱主從此就"安樂晒” 本台主持及嘉賓的言論纯屬個人意見,不代表香港法例及相關部門的立場,如有疑問,請尋求其他法律咨詢 如果希望定時獲得更多僱傭資訊,記得訂閱同follow 以下連結👇 Patrick Sir & Ms Mirian YouTube: THHCTV https://www.youtube.com/@thhctv IG: on_lok_sai https://www.instagram…
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Dive into the world of Melanie Perkins, the visionary co-founder of Canva, as we chart her journey from a student in Perth to leading one of the most intuitive design platforms in the digital age. 🌱 Join our community: https://herinventure.com/ 👩💻 Instagram: @herinventure
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EP12. From a Soccer Ball to a Sustainable Energy Empire: Jessica O. Matthews | Her Venture Talk
Join us in this episode of Her Venture Talk, Season 2 as we explore the entrepreneurial journey of Jessica O. Matthews, the mastermind behind Uncharted Power. Discover how a soccer ball sparked an idea that turned into a multi-million dollar renewable energy empire. Learn about Jessica's toolkit for success, the challenges she faced, and how she es…
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Join us for the grand finale of Her Venture Talk as we take a ride back through the entire series, share key takeaways, encourage dreamers out there, and make exciting announcements for the future. Get ready to set sail on a new journey with Her Venture Talk in Season 2! Join our community: herinventure.com Follow us on social media: @herinventu…
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In this episode, we explore how to define and measure your victories, celebrate milestones, and give back to create a positive impact. Join us to discover how to leave a legacy that will endure. 🔮 Subscribe and keep the magic alive! Join our community: herinventure.com Follow us on social media: @herinventure Transcription: https://herinventure.…
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Join us as we discuss common challenges faced by entrepreneurs, strategies for overcoming them, and the importance of adaptability and resilience in entrepreneurship. Tune in for some valuable insights and tips to master the roller coaster journey of entrepreneurship. Join our community: herinventure.com Follow us on social media: @herinventure …
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Learn how to recognize signs of growth, effective scaling strategies, and how to manage growing pains. We also touch on the balance between expansion, sustainability, and profitability. Join us to learn how to elevate your venture without losing its essence. Don't forget to subscribe and share with fellow entrepreneurs – let's grow together! Join o…
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Uncover the importance of a robust sales strategy, learn effective techniques for attracting and retaining customers, and discover how to measure and optimize your efforts. Equip yourself with the knowledge to drive growth and success for your venture. If you're ready to power up your sales game and create a loyal customer base, this episode is a m…
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Ready to elevate your entrepreneurial journey with the power of marketing and branding? In Episode 6 of Her Venture Talk, we delve deep into the vital role of marketing, how to pinpoint your target audience, create a standout value proposition, and unveil the most effective marketing strategies for startups. Discover how to propel your venture and …
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Unlock the secrets to building a strong, cohesive team in Episode 5 of Her Venture Talk: Building Your Team. In this episode, we delve into the intricacies of identifying your needs, recruiting the right talent, and creating a company culture that attracts and retains top performers. We also discuss how to foster an environment of respect, collabor…
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Join us as we demystify the world of business financing. We'll dive into the various funding options available to you, from bootstrapping to venture capital, and share insights on how to determine which approach best aligns with your business goals. Learn the ins and outs of securing the right financial support, and set your entrepreneurial venture…
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天下無不散之筵席,係時候move on去下一樣更精彩嘅任務! 感謝所有一直支持我地呢個節目嘅各位,我地有緣再見! Support our channel! :) Join Hocc Membership site : goomomoon.com 黃詠詩Patreon : https://bit.ly/8porpatreon Payme : bit.ly/paymegoo Payme QR code : bit.ly/paymegooQRcode Paypal : paypal.me/hall1c Show Links : JOIN HOCC's Email list! : bit.ly/hoccviplist 黃詠詩Facebook : bit.ly/wongwingsze…
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Learn about the importance of a solid business plan, explore different business models, and discover the key components of an effective plan. Don't miss this crucial episode for entrepreneurs looking to launch and grow their businesses. Subscribe, share with your network, and let's take your venture to new heights together! Join our community: her…
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繼續超級重量級壓軸嘉賓————————吳靄儀!!! p.s. 記得聽返part 1! Guest Links : 支持吳靄儀Patreon : https://patreon.com/MargaretNg Support our channel! :) Join Hocc Membership site : goomomoon.com 黃詠詩Patreon : https://bit.ly/8porpatreon Payme : bit.ly/paymegoo Payme QR code : bit.ly/paymegooQRcode Paypal : paypal.me/hall1c Show Links : JOIN HOCC's Email list! : bit.ly/hoccvip…
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Ready to embark on your entrepreneurial journey but unsure where to start? Join us in this week's episode of Her Venture Talk, where we'll explore the art of identifying business opportunities! Discover how to evaluate your ideas and turn them into successful ventures. Subscribe now, and don't miss this invaluable episode – your next great business…
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有啲嘉賓係我一直收埋喺百寶袋最深層,主要因為太珍貴,想自己更有能力時先訪問。嚟到菇武門呢個階段嘅尾聲,我地都無得再躲避,有請最後一位嘉賓,超級重量級嘅————————Margaret!!!! 吳靄儀一生堪稱平淡中帶有不平凡,一位佢口中嘅「鄉下妹」,大圍成長,到大學時期決定去外國修讀哲學,多年後(三十幾歲)再轉攻法律系。港英時期喺多份中英語報章撰寫時事專欄,其後因受同行推崇,參選立法局功能界別法律界議席,當選後展開十七年議員生涯。 現年七十五歲嘅吳靄儀,仍然活力滿滿,看待事物眼光清澈。同時仍然對世界好奇、帶有童真。呢個訪問對我嚟講好珍貴,希望大家都能從中吸取人生智慧及營養。 Guest Links : 【新開張!】支持吳靄儀Patreon : https://patreon.com/Marga…
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Discover the secrets to entrepreneurial success in this powerful episode of Her Venture Talk! Learn how to develop a growth mindset, build resilience, embrace risk, practice adaptability, and nurture self-belief to unlock your full potential. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your approach to entrepreneurship and fuel your journey toward suc…
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Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo~~~ 萬眾期待,Doollygee專訪! 如何由小fansee成為今日大名鼎鼎嘅Doo manager,當中嘅掙扎同辛酸又係點,今集吉祥物變嘉賓,等佢自己解開大家嘅疑團。 Support our channel! :) Join Hocc Membership site : goomomoon.com 黃詠詩Patreon : https://bit.ly/8porpatreon Payme : bit.ly/paymegoo Payme QR code : bit.ly/paymegooQRcode Paypal : paypal.me/hall1c Show Links : JOIN HOCC's Email list! : bit…
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Discover the limitless potential of entrepreneurship for women in this inspiring debut episode of the Herinventure Podcast! Learn what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur and the unique benefits it offers to women. Get ready to be inspired and embark on your own entrepreneurial journey with the support of the Herinventure community as we d…
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大家認識英師傅,好可能要由《千千萬萬個我》講起。 由2001年到今日,英師傅一直喺菇掌門音樂團隊其中一位最中堅成員,由早年嘅First同hocc2開始已經創作不少主打作品,例如《未來》、《迷你與我》、《喜歡喜歡你》、《你是八十年代》等,編曲同結他部分就更不在話下。 平時甚寡言嘅英師傅,創作嘅歌曲風格多變,時而rock爆時而少女心,今次(被逼)成為我地收檔前最後嘅幾位嘉賓,就等我地嚟剖釋吓佢創作嘅心路歷程啦! Support our channel! :) Join Hocc Membership site : goomomoon.com 黃詠詩Patreon : https://bit.ly/8porpatreon Payme : bit.ly/paymegoo Payme QR code …
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幕後團隊大揭秘~ 子龍,又名小龍。除Videographer呢個主職外,佢亦係一個浪子,喺雪山上衝浪,亦會努力透過生活同工作尋覓自己真係想要嘅事物。 趁住我地嘅暫別,就俾大家認識吓一路喺鏡頭後嘅子龍! Support our channel! :) Join Hocc Membership site : goomomoon.com 黃詠詩Patreon : https://bit.ly/8porpatreon Payme : bit.ly/paymegoo Payme QR code : bit.ly/paymegooQRcode Paypal : paypal.me/hall1c Show Links : JOIN HOCC's Email list! : bit.ly/hoccvipli…
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Podcast步入尾聲,完之前要還債還債還債還債還債、清貨清貨清貨清貨清貨清貨清貨清貨清貨。 嚟最後的ASKGOO! Support our channel! :) Join Hocc Membership site : goomomoon.com 黃詠詩Patreon : https://bit.ly/8porpatreon Payme : bit.ly/paymegoo Payme QR code : bit.ly/paymegooQRcode Paypal : paypal.me/hall1c Show Links : JOIN HOCC's Email list! : bit.ly/hoccviplist 黃詠詩Facebook : bit.ly/wongwingsze…
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作家、填詞人、煮持人、進念創團成員,多重身份嘅「呢一個」女人,用「享樂主義印象派自由魂,記好不記醜,報喜不報憂。」去形容自己。 一個女人的生活,時刻活出自我與自由。 Support our channel! :) Join Hocc Membership site : goomomoon.com 黃詠詩Patreon : https://bit.ly/8porpatreon Payme : bit.ly/paymegoo Payme QR code : bit.ly/paymegooQRcode Paypal : paypal.me/hall1c Show Links : JOIN HOCC's Email list! : bit.ly/hoccviplist 黃詠詩Facebook : b…
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