Spectre - A Scottish based communist podcast, standing in complete and solidified solidarity with the working class of all nations, aims to further the campaign of devotion to, principally, raising the workers to the level of revolutionaries capable of overthrowing the capitalist mode of production and implementing communism, both nationally and internationally. We’ll be interviewing a wide range of guests from a number of socialist/left wing organisations and groups, as well as discussing M ...
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Welcome to SPECTRE, the GOBLIN6 podcast. GOBLIN6 is a Resident Evil / BIOHAZARD fansite. Est. 2017
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Um grupo formado por autistas falantes de todo o Brasil, o "Spectre" se caracteriza por ser uma proposta inclusiva: um podcast feito com o objetivo de mostrar ao mundo que nós, autistas, podemos falar sobre tudo, sobre o que quisermos!
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Spectre Vector is a #Podcast about the #Paranormal! Each episode focuses on different topics such as spirits, UFOs, Psychic Abilities, and more.
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Spectrem Sci Fi presents: 1950s science fiction radio plays from the 'Dimension X' series, interrupted with news and information on current tech and entertainment. Cancelled! Like Keith Baudry's new show: Savannah Listeners Club on Facebook.
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Conversations long format avec des invités qui ont quoi que ce soit d'intéressant à raconter - Long format conversation with anyone that has anything interesting to talk about.
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Spectre Etc is a podcast discussing the man, the myth, the magic that is James Bond. Every 2 weeks, we talk Bond movies in chronological order, and whilst we do recommend having watched the films, we digress enough that you will enjoy our hi-jinx anyway. Probably. So join hosts Col, Benso, Cam and Matt on a roller coast ride of emotion and Australian accents.
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Join us as we answer questions from the archery and hunting community. Our goal with this podcast is to educate archers of all levels, but also learn as much as we can. We love archery and want to share our passion with the world.
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A destination des professionnel.les de santé, mais pas que... ! Dix épisodes thématiques où se mêleront témoignages et réactions de professionnel.les afin de mieux connaître l’étendu du spectre de l’autisme et partager le vécu des personnes concernées. Un podcast coordonné par Pascal Bellanca-Penel, en partant de son vécu auquel nous nous sommes associés avec le Centre ressource Autisme Rhône-Alpes, l'unité TS2A et le dispositif ZEST, Zone d'expression contre la stigmatisation (porté par le ...
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Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre presents Hector the Spectre Steals the Show by Andrea Boyd and Laura Teasdale Hector the Spectre Steals the Show is a six-part radio play written by Festival Antigonish artistic director Andrea Boyd and local actor/playwright Laura Teasdale. The story is based on the legend of the Bauer Theatre’s resident ghost, Hector, and is inspired by real stories collected from artists and community members of all ages who have had encounters with Hector over the last ...
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Joined by Alex and Ruaraidh of the SCF Edinburgh we discuss the Safe Consumption Edinburgh campaign, the extent of Scotland's drug crisis, what are safe consumption facilities, the stark contrast their operations have with bourgeoise interests, and more. SCF Edinburgh Twitter - https://x.com/scfedi?lang=en-GB Music Credit: Making Plans For Nigel - …
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A new year and a new season on SPECTRE Podcast ! We're kicking things off with a solo episode exploring some of the history of the Red Army Faction in the West German State. We examine the formation of the group, it's operations in the west, it's strengths, weaknesses, what we can learn from their actions, and what happened to it's members Most str…
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Joined by Dr Conor McCabe we explore the early life and political journey of one of Irelands most famous icons, James Connolly. We discuss his involvement in the 1916 Easter Rising, his legacy, and what we can learn from his struggle. We delve into Dr McCabe's book "The Lost and Early Writings of James Connolly 1889-1898" and discuss the importance…
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Joined by Keith Bennett of Friends of Socialist China, we explore the Peoples Republic of China! We examine the how history has shaped china and it's modern socialist development, socialism in China, the driving up of anti-communist propaganda against China, the role that Friends of Socialist China plays in brining workers together, democracy in Ch…
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We are back ! After a brief hiatus SPECTRE Podcast is back with a solo episode where we explore a brief history of famous Scottish Communist John Maclean. We examine his political thought, political journey, and the legacy he left behind As mentioned at the end of the episode, be sure to check out Unity Books who have over 5,000 books, pamphlets an…
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A la suite de l'épisode sur le vécu de la douleur chez les personnes autistes, Pascal s'est entretenu avec Louise. Elle partage elle aussi son vécu atypique des douleurs pour une personne autiste. Attention bonus… Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
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Bonjour à toutes et à tous, nous sommes très heureux de vous retrouver pour une nouvelle saison de TroubleS dans le Spectre. Pour ce retour, nous vous proposons un double contenu, rien que ça ! Nous interrogeons aujourd'hui les vécus- atypiques souvent - de la douleur chez les personnes autistes. Dans un premier enregistrement vous entendrez - réun…
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Joined by Brian Reynolds of the RMT we examine the beautiful Blockade Runners to Spain memorial. Situated on the banks of the Clyde, this monument stands as a testament to the brave actions of the seafarers who broke Franco’s blockade of Republican ports. Thirty-five merchant navy and eight Royal Navy seafarers died and scores were injured on vesse…
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Joined by Josh Morris we explore the STUC and STUC YW, its influence, importance throughout history, and the role it will play in the fight back against anti-union legislation. We look at the wider broad left labour movement in Scotland: it's strengths, weaknesses, and how we educate young trade unionists. STUC - https://www.stuc.org.uk/ STUC YW - …
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A solo episode where we take a brief look into the UCS work-in - from what instigated it, the solidarity shown, the impact on the Clyde, and much more Sources: UCS The Fight For The Right To Work - Alex Murray The Politics of the UCS Work-In - John Foster and Charles Woolfson Music Credit - The Stranglers - Golden Brown MF DOOM - One Beer (Instrume…
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Joined by Robert and Colin from the Paisley TUC, we discusses the antifascist counter demonstrations that have been underway for over a year at the site of the Muthu hotel in Erskine. We examine the success of the demos and what we have learnt from them, the importance of trade union solidarity, and how trade unions and trade union councils can com…
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Joined by Socialist Swan and Gary, we explore and discuss the football and sport culture within the former GDR, the state of modern football in Britain and Europe, antifascist fan scenes, and the theft of the beautiful game. Socialist Swan YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@SocialistSwann Socialist Swan Twitter - https://twitter.com/SocialistSwann …
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Joined by Megan, Robyn and Donal from the Young Communist League of Britain. We examine the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, commercial sexual exploitation, Marxist Feminism vs Liberal Feminism, and more We also discuss the YCL's part in the international 16 Days of Activism and the much needed materialist analysis r…
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Joined by Coll McCail from Scottish Labour's EC. We examine the current state of Scotland and Britain's environmental strategies, COP26, the "Just Transition", and more. Coll's Twitter - https://twitter.com/MccailColl Friends of the Earth Scotland - https://twitter.com/FoEScot Music Credit: It Was a Good Day - Ice Cube Appetite for Destruction - N.…
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Joined by Mike Arnott from the International Brigade Memorial Trust (IBMT). We examine the cause of the Spanish Civil War, The efforts of the International Brigades, the IBMT, and the fight against Fascism in the modern era IBMT - https://international-brigades.org.uk/ IBMT Twitter - https://twitter.com/IBMT_SCW/ Music Credit : Woody Guthrie - Jara…
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Aujourd’hui, nous vous invitons à écouter un épisode sur le thème suivant : “Être femme et être autiste”. Cet épisode est découpé en deux parties que vous avez le loisir d’écouter contigument ou non. Pour comprendre comment ces deux conditions s’articulent, nous avons utilisé un dispositif tout particulier : nous avons réunis au sein du studio de l…
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Aujourd’hui, nous vous invitons à écouter un épisode sur le thème suivant : “Être femme et être autiste”. Cet épisode est découpé en deux parties que vous avez le loisir d’écouter contigument ou non. Pour comprendre comment ces deux conditions s’articulent, nous avons utilisé un dispositif tout particulier : nous avons réunis au sein du studio de l…
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Joined by Keith Stoddart of The Communist Party of Britain, we discuss and explore the history of the Communist Party as well as it's influence here in Scotland. We look into the damaging effects Eurocommunism has had throughout Europe and how we rebuild from this, and we also look into the countless industrial disputes that the Party has been invo…
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Joined by Nick Troy - a former Chef at the 13th Note - we explore the case of the 13th Note and the conditions impacting the hospitality sector in Scotland and throughout Britain. 13th Note Workers Twitter : https://twitter.com/13thNoteWorkers Nick's Twitter : https://twitter.com/ngdt77 13th Note Fundraiser : https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/support…
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A solo episode where we look into some of the most famous anti-communist myths, lies, and propaganda. We examine how and why these lies are spread and how they have been allowed to take a frim position of validity in mainstream media.Sources: Poppers' The Open Society and it's Enemies (1945) and The Poverty of Historicism (1957) Berlin and Kayek's …
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Aujourd’hui, nous vous invitons à écouter un épisode hors série qui a pour thème la suicidalité des personnes autistes et celui des femmes autistes en particulier. Pour travailler ce sujet, nous sommes allé interroger deux professionnels du suicide : chercheuse, la professeure Cécile Bardon de l’UQAM à Montréal (Cécile Bardon UQAM) et le Dr. Edouar…
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Joined by Rob Miller, director of The Cuba Solidarity Campaign (CSC), we discuss: the blockade that's been implemented on Cuba, the work of CSC, Cuba's international work, and how we can aid Cuba and it's people. The Cuba Solidarity Campaign : https://cuba-solidarity.org.uk/ Cuba Solidarity Campaign Twitter : https://twitter.com/cubasolidarity?lang…
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A solo episode where we lay a basic introduction to the founding principles of Marxism-LeninismA special thanks to Eben Williams of the Glasgow YCL for his core examples of capitalism in actionBack2Basics - https://challenge-magazine.org/category/theory-history/back2basics/Marx and Engels Selected Works - https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works…
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Joined by Kumsal from the TKP and TKG, we explore the history of the TKP, the recent earthquakes, the Turkish Governments response, Turkey's road to Socialism, and the upcoming elections and the TKP's approach to them.TKP and TKG social twitter:https://twitter.com/tkpninsesihttps://twitter.com/TKGninsesiWorld Federation of Democratic Youth Solidari…
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Joined by representatives from the Wyndford Residents Union, we discuss the political occupation of the Wyndford flats, Wheatley's ridiculous plans to demolish and socially cleanse the Wyndford, the classist reporting from the media, and the environmental and social impact that the proposed demolition would have. Wyndford Residents Union Twitter an…
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Joined by Roger McKenzie of The Morning Star, we discuss the history of the paper, it's influence throughout history, the international coverage, and what makes The Morning Star different from so many of the other "socialist" papers we see. Roger McKenzie Twitter - https://twitter.com/RogerAMck The Morning Star - https://www.morningstaronline.co.uk…
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Troubles du comportement alimentaire, addictions, troubles anxieux, dépression et autisme ; quand tout cela se mêle sans se reconnaître, on obtient le parcours d'Alex. Alex est le nom d'emprunt d'une jeune femme qui a accepté pour TroubleS dans le Spectre, de partager son parcours, parfois chaotique, de l'adolescence jusqu'à son diagnostic d'autism…
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Joined by Megan and Hannah from the Young Communist League of Britain, we delve into the topic of Commercial Sexual Exploitation. Examining the legitimacy of the arguments in support of "sex work", what we can do as young communists to aid trafficked and sexually exploited women, and the YCL's upcoming 16 days of Activism YCL Britain and Glasgow Br…
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Joined by Andy Harris, from Fans Supporting Foodbanks (FSF), we explore FSF and it's foundations. We examine the campaign for a Right to Food, the obstacles that football fans face, and the success of the FSF initiative in Scotland FSF and FSFS Twitter - https://twitter.com/FSFScotland https://twitter.com/SFoodbanks Andy Harris Twitter - https://tw…
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A solo episode where we explore the case of Aleksander and Mikhail Kononovich, 2 brothers currently imprisoned by the reactionary Ukrainian state. We also dive into the deeper understandings of NATO and Americas role in creating class divisions internationally, and NATO's influence of Ukraine. Today signifies 201 days since the Kononovich brothers …
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Rho takes Warren and Edward to task after finding out their well-guarded secret, but they can't let that distract them from emerging victorious on Nuheria. They formulate a plan to rid the planet of the hostiles permanently, but will it work? And why is Jefferson going to the Polaris system? Cast (in order of appearance): Stef Howerton -- Rho Allen…
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Lors du colloque du GNCRA au mois de mai à Lyon, l’équipe de TroubleS dans le Spectre est parti à la rencontre des participants. Nous avons interrogé des professionnels, proches et personnes autistes, autour de ces questions : de quoi auriez-vous eu besoin pour appréhender plus justement l’autisme lorsque vous avez rencontré ce monde ? Et quels con…
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Rho finds out a huge secret that the SPECTRE crew - well, most of them anyway - have been keeping from her, but that doesn't mean she or anyone else can lose focus. Thrust into the midst of an all-out attack with the invaders attacking Grape's people, everyone has to come together so they can emerge victorious. But the problem is they're extremely …
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Join the SPECTRE crew as they land on the tropical planet of Nuheria to help a small sect of Grape's people with a sticky, dangerous problem. Meanwhile, across the universe, Dr. Bennett finally shows Dr. Amos that she has a backbone. But is it enough? Cast (in order of appearance): Allen Chan -- Warren Lee Stef Howerton -- Rho Newton Schottelkotte …
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Epuisement, burn out, lassitude, effondrement, somnolence, sensibilité émotionnelle accrue, trouble de l’attention… Toutes ces manifestations peuvent évoquer de la fatigue. Depuis 2021, les épisodes de fatigue intense augmentent en population générale. Ils augmentent aussi chez les personnes TSA. Mais s’agit-il de la même fatigue ? Est-ce que les s…
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Joined by Stephanie Martin, Women's Officer for the Glasgow Branch of the Young Communist League of Britain, we discuss the importance of taking a Marxist Feminist perspective on the emancipation of women, the images of women that capitalism creates, sexual health and abortion rights, and the role that men can play in the liberation of women from t…
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Tensions rise at the Upsilon Facility as their search for Rho proves fruitless, and Rho takes an active stance on learning to control her chip. Cast (in order of appearance): Karim Kronfli -- Dr. Karl Amos Lindsay Zana -- Dr. Cicely Bennett David S. Dear -- Garyn Beikirch Newton Schottelkotte -- Atta Harris Stef Howerton -- Rho Tal Minear -- Macie …
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CONTENT WARNING: brief human experimentation and torture Macie and Rho attempt to distract themselves while Garyn does his best to save Warren, and Rho takes a trip through memory lane as she remembers more of her past. Cast (in order of appearance): Stef Howerton -- Rho Tal Minear -- Macie Vincent Lindsay Zana -- Dr. Cicely Bennett Aubryn Stevens …
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Aujourd’hui, on va prendre le temps de s'arrêter sur une trajectoire particulière, une trajectoire singulière, car on le répète : il y a autant d’autismes que de personnes autistes. On va parler d’Hugo, un jeune homme d’une vingtaine d’années à la trajectoire atypique. Vous aurez aussi la chance de l’écouter. J'ai pu en effet retrouver Hugo dans un…
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Joined by Gavin Brewis (GFB), we discuss the effects that capitalism has on the youth, how bourgeois role models are poisoning the potential of young people, and what the solution is to prevent the degeneracy of the working class youth. Gavin Brewis twitter - https://twitter.com/Gavin_F_Brewis The People's School Uniform Project - https://www.crowd…
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The crew goes on a very hush-hush mission, Rho attempts to understand more of her past and her surprising abilities, and Karl crosses a line. The stakes are high, and blood will be spilt. For transcripts and other details, please visit spectrepod.com. Cast (in order of appearance): Aubryn Stevens -- Automated Voice Stef Howerton -- Rho Newton Schot…
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Les relations entre les personnes autistes, leurs proches et professionnels du soin ou plus largement les relations avec le système de santé… C’est un sujet très vaste sur lequel on se penche dans cet épisode. Si vous êtes professionnel de santé, nous rappelons que notre volonté n’est pas de distribuer des bons et des mauvais points. Dans cet épiso…
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SPECTRE - The Cleansing Workers of Glasgow: The Importance of a Trade Union ft. Chris Mitchell
Joined by Chris Mitchell of the GMB Trade Union, we discuss the importance of trade unions in todays world and the need for young members to get active within the trade union movement. We also explore the cleansing workers of Glasgow and their ongoing fight against COSLA and the Scottish Government, for better pay and conditions. Chris Mitchell - h…
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After Rho's stunning display of her combat abilities, Warren interrogates the single person left alive following the gruesome encounter, Rho continues her struggle to remember, and Dr.s Amos and Bennett expend all of their resources searching for anything that might help them locate their lost asset. For transcripts and other details, please visit …
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Recevoir un diagnostic d'autisme est encore un parcours épineux pour la plupart des personnes concernées et leurs proches . Et pourtant, au delà de l'étiquette, recevoir le bon diagnostic est essentiel pour pouvoir comprendre le fonctionnement de la personne et adapter les soins aux spécificités de ses besoins. On dit que l'on ne peut pas reconnait…
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Joined by representatives from International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Scotland, we explore the history of Palestine and its current struggles. We also explore the role that the ISM plays in providing aid to the people of Palestine International Solidarity Movement - https://palsolidarity.org/ International Solidarity Movement Scotland - https://ww…
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Sequestered in a storage room on board the Spectre, Rho attempts to learn more about her new captors while also figuring out a way to free herself as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, Dr. Amos and Dr. Bennett funnel nearly all of their resources into retrieving their missing asset. Cast (in order of appearance): Stef Howerton -- Rho David S. Dear -- …
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Joined by Jamie Fitzpatrick of the Glasgow University Communist Society, we explore the state influence within the education system and the importance of communist representation within universities. UCU : https://www.ucu.org.uk/ GUCS : https://www.glasgowunisrc.org/organisation/communists/ Music credit : Schools Out - Alice Cooper : Fight The Powe…
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As the YSI and SNP affirm their support of for Scotland to become a member of NATO, post independence. We look into the dark history of NATO and the bloody path Scotland could be heading down Communist Party of Britain : https://www.communistparty.org.uk/ CND : https://cnduk.org/ Music Credit : Barbarism Begins at Home - The Smiths Canter - Gerry C…
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Rho escapes from a facility that has been holding her hostage only to be pursued by law enforcement and get kidnapped, making her a hostage once more, just under different circumstances. Clearly, this isn't her day... Cast (in order of appearance): Stef Howerton -- Rho Jennifer Trela -- Voice Jason Bell -- Guard 1 Aubryn Stevens -- Guard 2 Newton S…
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