採訪及結合各行各業創業菁英成功或失败的故事,让你在创业路上少走弯路,早点明白:創業不靠吹,產品不硬推,成交不必催! Step Into The Startup for Better Self Delivers inspiration and strategies for founders to startup their entrepreneurial journey. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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一档探讨女性创业与育儿话题的访谈节目,分享兼具这两种身份于一身的女性不断向内与向外探索的心路历程。通过与成功事业转型的创业者、投资人、自由职业者、心理学家、导师教练等对话,她们都有着同一种身份—妈妈。我们将一起探讨创业和育儿如何兼得,什么样的思维模式、管理工具、学习方法,能够帮助女性在创业者和妈妈不同身份的切换中将梦想照进现实,为不甘放弃梦想的女性们点亮一盏灯。 节目访谈的对象来自于中国、美国、加拿大、澳洲、欧洲等全球各地的妈妈们,为大家带来不同维度不同文化背景下的经验分享。 网站:dorisc.me 微信:dorisc5221 邮箱:[email protected] Startup Mommy talks about women's entrepreneurship and parenting. Sharing the spiritual journey of women with these two identities who are constantly exploring inwardly and outwardly. Through interviews, ...
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Lydia是一位在美国工作十余年的心理咨询师,拥有自己独立的工作室,她还是三位男孩儿的母亲。我一直都十分佩服她的时间管理能力,在美国的生活最大的挑战就是没有足够的帮手,完全由她和先生两人来管理家务,养育孩子,同时还要做好自己的事业,可想而知其中的难度有多大。但却很少会见到她焦急的状态,基本都是气定神闲,还经常会看到她和先生安排两人世界的活动。正如她给客户的建议,不管事业或照顾孩子有多繁忙,都要给夫妻之间留出空间来。如果你和我一样好奇她是如何做到的?不如来听听和她做的访谈,在我们轻松的聊天中,感受她所摸索出的生活智慧。 02:18 为什么会选择心理咨询这个行业 04:59 作为心理咨询师最大的挑战是什么 07:05 心理咨询疗程一般的对话流程是怎样的 08:43 来访者要经历多久的治疗会有改善…
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这期的播客嘉宾是一位老朋友,她曾经是一家金融集团的人力资源总监,也是2个孩子的妈妈。现在她正在精油芳疗领域创业,是2000多个家庭的精油家庭芳疗顾问。在以前的印象中,很难想象Freya会选择一条创业的路,因为她给我的感觉会偏好更稳定的生活方式。当然,在她如今的创业阶段,虽然十分忙碌,但已经有较为稳定的收入和长期发展的愿景,并且能让她更为自主地分配在事业和家庭中所付出的时间。这份被她称为退休以后也能做的事业为她的生活带来了什么样的改变?作为职场高管和作为创业者有哪些区别?为什么那么多妈妈们都在考虑职业转型?其中有很多失败的案例,那成功的秘诀又在哪里?通过这期的播客内容一起来聊一聊吧。 02:55 为什么选择离开稳定的高管职位选择不同的赛道创业? 07:52 事业转型后对家庭带来的影响 09:5…
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欢迎大家来到这一期的“Startup Mommy创业与育儿”的播客节目,我是节目主理人Doris。在这档节目里除了与创业妈妈们做的访谈内容外,我还想与大家分享一些对我产生积极影响的书籍。今天分享的这本叫做《被讨厌的勇气》,它以阿尔德·阿德勒的心理学思想为基础,探讨了个人成长和幸福的主题,并提供了实际的建议和案例,以帮助读者改善生活和心态。 其中有三句话让我感觉醍醐灌顶: 1、一切的烦恼都来自人际关系 2、所谓的自由,就是被人讨厌 3、决定我们自身的不是过去的经历,而是我们自己赋予经历的意义。 书中还针对“自卑情结”“优越情结”和“幸福感”等问题提出了独到的见解,指出“任何人都可以随时获得幸福”。书中有太多精彩的观点,我会在这一期的播客里与大家一一分享! 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: http…
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与这期的访谈嘉宾Annabella在上海相识,她是两个混血男孩儿的妈妈,还是一位勤劳的创业者,拥有自己的贸易公司,忙起来经常需要出差。一直以来印象深刻的就是她那灿烂的笑容,感觉不论什么困难在她面前都能一笑而过,而究竟现实生活中她又遇到过些什么难题呢?这期我们就来和她聊一聊搬去荷兰后的生活点滴,有些什么挑战,有些什么收获?她和先生是如何完美搭档共同实现他们家庭的梦想。 03:09 从上海搬到欧洲后经历的变化 12:11 在上海和荷兰创业与育儿不同的挑战 16:25 在创业与育儿两手抓的过程中最艰难的时期 24:11 如何用积极的心态去应对困难? 26:57 如何培养兄弟间的感情? 30:03 成就这一切离不开先生的支持和帮助 35:05 荷兰的教育现状 41:23 现阶段最大的挑战 42:46…
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Christine是一位非常优秀的女性投资人,她是欧洲最大的私募股权基金之一Apax Partners中国区的高级董事,该基金目前资产管理规模700亿美金。她在私募股权投资行业已经有近20年的经验,在事业上的成就不必多说。而我邀请她到我的这档节目,不仅是因为她在事业领域的经验,主要是我发现她对孩子的教育方面也十分上心。她尽心尽力地为孩子们的学习路径做规划,还经常与同龄孩子的父母们分享各项优质的课外活动内容,组织大家一起参与。不知道的人很难想象她其实在一个十分高压的工作环境中,那她的工作和管理理念是什么?她作为投资人是如何看待女性创业的?对于妈妈们创业赛道的选择有什么建议?让我们一起聆听她的分享。 02:13 在颇具规模的创业企业中,女性创业者或高管的比例有多高? 03:46 创业妈妈的生活状…
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Christine是一位非常优秀的女性投资人,在私募股权基金行业已经有近20年的经验,在事业上的成就不必多说。而我邀请她到我的这档节目,不仅是因为她在事业领域的经验,主要是我发现她对孩子的教育方面也十分上心。她尽心尽力地为孩子们的学习路径做规划,还经常与同龄孩子的父母们分享各项优质的课外活动内容,号召大家一起参与。不知道的人很难想象她其实在一个十分高压的工作环境中,她是如何利用每天有限的时间的?面对职场妈妈分身乏术的境遇,她是如何解决这个问题的?让我们一起听听她的经验分享。 02:41 投资行业日常的工作状态和节奏 04:12 投资行业中女性比例在多少?高管中女性的比例又在多少? 07:43 哪些关键点帮助你实现兼顾工作和家庭? 11:43 如何管理家庭团队?从而实现和谐的家庭氛围 16:3…
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因沙哈尔教授的引荐与Andrea相识,一直感受着她传播幸福学的积极能量。她与先生都是传统意义上的超级学霸,她从全球投资并购的专家到GE医疗中国区的市场总监,学习事业一路走来都十分顺遂。而在搬去澳大利亚全心养育孩子的过程中,Andrea却经历了一段十分艰辛的转变。在克服挑战,接纳当下的自己后,她重新找到了自己喜爱的行业。哈佛幸福学的创始人沙哈尔教授给予了她许多的支持和鼓励,她分享了沙哈尔教授经常说的一句话:Permission to be human(允许自己为人)。接纳自己,放过自己。为什么你就一定是你孩子最好的妈妈?让我们一起听听Andrea的分享。 03:00 创业时期的时间分配 08:16 兼顾事业和家庭的挑战 10:19 来自家庭另一半的支持 17:11 澳洲对于孩子教育的现状 18…
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因沙哈尔教授的引荐与Andrea相识,一直感受着她传播幸福学的积极能量。她与先生都是传统意义上的超级学霸,她从全球投资并购的专家到GE医疗中国区的市场总监,学习事业一路走来都十分顺遂。而在搬去澳大利亚养育孩子的过程中,Andrea却经历了一段十分艰辛的转变,选择从职场高管的位置退出全心全意地陪伴孩子,她是如何面对自我身份认同的问题?又在什么样的情境下,她找到自己所喜爱的行业重新出发?让我们一起听听Andrea的分享。 02:30 为何选择从职场高管转变为全职妈妈? 05:51 角色转换时的挑战 08:00 应对挑战的方法 09:50 身份认同的危机 12:38 重新考虑回归职场 15:16 为了孩子创立新项目 21:51 与哈佛幸福学结缘 26:53 对妈妈们发展幸福能力的支持 令我印象深刻…
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与这一期的访谈嘉宾黄小华交谈,每一次都能感受到她娓娓道来却又充满力量的言语。她为了支持先生的科研事业,跟随他一路从德国到加拿大,在没有其他帮手的情况下悉心照顾着4个孩子。如今最大的哥哥已经10岁了,她坚持为4个孩子提供家庭学校(Home School)的教育,坚信孩子儿时最好的教育来自父母。她的先生是一位搞科研的博士后,为了家庭因素而放弃了国内大学待遇优厚的Offer,转而在加拿大开始了创业。小华一边与先生共同经营着事业,一边持续为孩子提供学习和生活上的支持。 听她云淡风轻地诉说着生活中的困难和挑战,我心生感叹,如此温柔的一位女性内心竟如此坚韧;听她讲述着与孩子们甜蜜的互动和她先生这十年来的改变,我瞬间明白支撑着她的底层力量,正是这个令她忙碌并快乐着的幸福的家庭。 令我印象深刻的观点: 妈妈…
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先导篇 —— 做“Startup Mommy创业与育儿”节目的初衷+第一期预告 01:40 节目主理人Doris的自我介绍 02:18 为什么会关注已经成为妈妈和想要成为妈妈的女性群体? 04:13 放弃和牺牲是唯一的解决方法吗? 04:50 为什么既聊创业也聊育儿? 06:05 第一期节目的预告 请留言分享,让我听到你的声音(Leave a comment and share your thoughts): https://open.firstory.me/user/cljykskuf028101tc0m8n24bw/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Yee Ven Yoon is an avid solo backpacker who has been to over 22 countries, now focusing on a YouTube channel "Fearless Passport" to speak out about social issues and actualization learnt in the previous journey. Let’s tune in to her story! [00:01 - 02:18] Opening Segment ● Get to know my guest Yee Ven Yoon ● Yee Ven shares the countries she has tra…
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Miriam Grunhaus has been in the field of branding, marketing and design since 1995. She has designed, created and developed material for luxury brands, such as: Baccarat, Carrera y Carrera, Omega and others. She has been lucky to have been awarded many design awards throughout her career, but what gives her the most fulfillment is providing top not…
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Ichko Batmunkh is an IPEC Certified Professional Coach & Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner and a Life Purpose and Mindset coach. Using her voice, she works with her passion to help women heal their past, own self-worth, unleash their full potential and gifts, and as a result, gain confidence, clarity, and direction. Her life’s mission is …
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Together is Better “Imagine a world where people wake up every day inspired to go to work, feel safe while they are there, and return home at the end of the day feeling fulfilled by the work they do, feeling that they have contributed to something greater than themselves.”- Simon Sinek’s Website, startwithwhy.com Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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Captain James Foong, AFNI 33 years old Malaysian seafarer with 15 years of sailing exposure including command experience with holding a Master Mariner CoC class 1 at age 28 certified by the Government of New Zealand. In short The sailor with 14K followers on LinkedIn. How to join Captain James Foong event on 19 Feb 2021? Easy! Register by clicking …
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Captain James Foong, AFNI 33 years old Malaysian seafarer with 15 years of sailing exposure including command experience with holding a Master Mariner CoC class 1 at age 28 certified by the Government of New Zealand. In short The sailor with 14K followers on LinkedIn. https://pay.firstory.me/user/startup Powered by Firstory Hosting…
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大家好,Merry Christmas! 昨天是平安夜,大家如何度过呢?有收到许多礼物吗? 昨天要休息时,在我的书橱中看到一本尘封已久的书, 书名是『礼物』,英文是 “The Present", 作者是Spencer Johnson。 什么样的礼物是你一生一定要有一个的呢? 什么样的礼物是所有礼物中最珍贵的呢? 什么样的礼物,你收到之后,会比以前更快乐呢? 看到这里,我自己都很想要这一份礼物。 每个人生下来都有属于自己的『礼物』, 那是世上最独一无二的, 但是这份礼物,要靠我们自己去寻找。 从前有个小男孩, 他从一个充满智慧的老人那儿听到了『礼物』的故事…… 老人告诉小男孩: 每个人都有一个属于自己的『礼物』,它是所有礼物中最珍贵的。 当时,小男孩并不了解这句话的意义。 时光流逝,男孩变成十…
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Best Christmas Music https://pay.firstory.me/user/startup Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Interview #10 Jocelyn J Kopac - Market Research with A Small Audience Podcast Interview with Jocelyn J Kopac | Market Research with A Small Audience At age 7, Jocelyn Kopac started her first business. From then on she knew that running and growing businesses would be a huge part of her future. Her ingenuity and positive attitude represent true lead…
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Interview #10 Jocelyn J Kopac - Market Research with A Small Audience (Trailer) Podcast Interview with Jocelyn J Kopac | Market Research with A Small Audience At age 7, Jocelyn Kopac started her first business. From then on she knew that running and growing businesses would be a huge part of her future. Her ingenuity and positive attitude represent…
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Interview #9 Audrey Bell-Kearney - How Becoming a Successful Female Entrepreneur Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Author, Visionary, Inventor and Publisher. She help you turn your big idea into a business then help you create a strategic marketing plan that will help you grow your business using the most cutting edge tools, techniques and platforms like di…
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Interview #9 Audrey Bell-Kearney - How Becoming a Successful Female Entrepreneur (Trailer) Entrepreneur, Podcaster, Author, Visionary, Inventor and Publisher. She help you turn your big idea into a business then help you create a strategic marketing plan that will help you grow your business using the most cutting edge tools, techniques and platfor…
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Grace Henke #1 Taiwan Dog Training Expert; The Anti-Obedience Reactive and Fearful Dog Training Expert She works with dog owners who have "tried everything” but are still struggling to communicate with their shy, fearful, and reactive dogs. If you're ready to live a fuller life with a calmer, more relaxed, and well-behaved dog, make sure to downloa…
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Grace Henke #1 Taiwan Dog Training Expert; The Anti-Obedience Reactive and Fearful Dog Training Expert She works with dog owners who have "tried everything” but are still struggling to communicate with their shy, fearful, and reactive dogs. If you're ready to live a fuller life with a calmer, more relaxed, and well-behaved dog, make sure to downloa…
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Interview #7 Mark Sylvester- How to use Storytelling in Professional Applications In 2003, Mark Sylvester helped create the first social network for the TED Conference. Mark's been on the leading edge of software development for more than thirty years. Mark helped develop 3D animation software known as Maya, which revolutionized the way the world i…
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Interview #7 Mark Sylvester- How to use Storytelling in Professional Applications In 2003, Mark Sylvester helped create the first social network for the TED Conference. Mark's been on the leading edge of software development for more than thirty years. Mark helped develop 3D animation software known as Maya, which revolutionized the way the world i…
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Interview #6 - Jimmy Clare - Overcoming Obstacles & Road Blocks Jimmy Clare is a motivational speaker, Autism Advocate, author, and founder of CrazyFitnessGuy. But before he started his career as a speaker it was a bumpy road when he was younger. What Makes Jimmy So Unique? Jimmy Clare is Autistic but he likes to refer to it as "slightly Autistic" …
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Interview #6 Jimmy Clare - Motivational Speaker (Trailer) Overcoming Many Obstacles &Road Blocks Jimmy Clare is a motivational speaker, Autism Advocate, author, and founder of CrazyFitnessGuy. But before he started his career as a speaker it was a bumpy road when he was younger. What Makes Jimmy So Unique? Jimmy Clare is Autistic but he likes to re…
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Interview with Bernadette Bruckner from Austria Bernadette Bruckner is Founder.CEO of iMM - intuitive mentoring method & ORINITION - n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body, Radio & Podcast Host She wrote more than 20 books and conducted more than 30 online courses. The creative allrounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. B…
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Podcast Interview with Dr. Keong Chee Sheng Topic: Problem Solving & Entrepreneurship To connect with Dr. Keong Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/keong-chee-sheng-7273ba15 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keong.sheng/ Email: [email protected] Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Interview Rusnajaa Mohd Yusoff Budding Podcaster | Translator | Editor | https://www.linkedin.com/in/rusnajaa-mohd-yusoff/ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Zero-based thinking (ZBT) Zero-based thinking (ZBT) is a decision-making process based on imagining yourself back at the point before particular decisions were made, and free to make those decisions with the knowledge that you have now about their outcome. Such decisions could be buying financial securities, hiring certain types of employees or fol…
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Being passionate is important in life, but it also can be difficult to deal with. Just like with all good things, too much of it can be damaging. However, passionate people, overall, do live happier and better lives than the average individual. Passions give us purpose, but more than that, they make us feel that we have purpose in our lives. Being …
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How to Be Passionate Being passionate requires dedication, hard work, focus, and the willingness to fail over and over again. However, if you’re ready to put in the work, then being a passionate person who knows what he wants can bring excitement, joy, and a sense of true purpose to your life. If you want to be passionate, then you have to know wha…
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Interview with Faye Lawand - Internal Conflict Resolution Expert Faye Lawand is an Internal Conflict Resolution Expert. She known NZ's Trusted Internal Conflict Resolution Expert for the Busy Professional. She is an International Speaker and Author, and have been invited to speak at universities, work places, wellness centers, schools, yoga studios…
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MIA 70 Rising Personalities on LinkedIn in Malaysia 2020 (1 August 2020) Dini Tajudin is an experienced marketeer specialising in Branding and e-commerce with go-to-market strategies immediately applicable in the Malaysia Market -Marketing In Asia In this Personal Branding Masterclass she will guide you Step-by-Step through the Strategy Framework &…
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問題大 只因。 。 。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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它是誰? 誰是它? Powered by Firstory Hosting
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成功人不會做的5件事 第一 不和負面的人來往 第二 沒有計劃 第三 不花精神在不能控制的事 第四 不花時間在過去的事 第五 不將集中力放在別人身上 https://pay.firstory.me/user/startup Powered by Firstory Hosting
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這個成功法則很簡單 但是簡單不代表容易做 早點起身很簡單 出去跑步很簡單 每一天看書很簡單 但是95%的人都做不到 這個就是分別 怎樣做得好? 兩個字:練習 每一天練習 每一刻練習 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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