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跳脫舒適圈的與陌生人連線通話瞎聊的詭異節目 用個上下班通勤或者運動的時間,沉澱一下心情吧。 個人建議從播放清單這集我很愛挑選收聽。 可以發信告訴我你的心情哦,還有我有社交障礙,也不善長與陌生人溝通,尷尬的事情就先停一下,因為你不能比我還尷尬。 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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讓我們用一杯咖啡的時間,輕鬆聊聊聖經! 如果您願意贊助這個事工,請點選下列網址 https://pay.firstory.me/user/cknicikfi3nzh081692mw6twp Powered by Firstory Hosting
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節目無限期停播中~ Instagram| 雞來速:glai_su 小雞IG:vricolev 喜多IG:life.adrian 盜哥IG:daubrother Powered by Firstory Hosting -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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蘇老師講解國際新聞、中東與中亞歷史、中國事務、太空知識的頻道。 Diplomat's daily news review and history research on Middle East and Central Asia, China Affairs and Space Exploration
蘇育平 Yuping SU
本人曾居住中東與中亞地區服務多年,對中東與中亞相關事務非常熟悉。針對這些一般亞洲人比較少關注的,但又是國際政治的聚焦重點地區,特別開設此一頻道,以講解相關國家背景、歷史、目前國情狀況與國際新聞上牽涉這些地區的新聞說明解釋。 所有各集說法僅代表本人意見,歡迎大家針對有興趣的主題收聽。 歐亞大陸遊牧民族的歷史研究,純粹個人喜好,中國正統朝代的歷史我沒興趣,但這些隱藏在歷史帷幕後的遊牧民族縱橫歐亞大陸東西,少數民族建國圖生存,歷史上沒有提到的東西方交流才是我最有興趣的重點。 此外中國敵情研究、中國太空事業、世界各國太空事業發展等亦為近日研究方向。有興趣者請搜尋臉書公開社團「蘇老師的太空世界與太空知識」,裡面有各種各樣的太空知識。 歡迎介紹給更多想增加知識的朋友一起來聽我講故事。如果有專門想聽的主題,或我哪邊講錯想訂正的,歡迎來信 yupingsu@hotmail.com 也可以在臉書上搜尋【外交官講中東與中亞】的粉絲頁與我交流喔。 截至2024年本人出版書籍包括 1. 聖地出任務-台灣國際志工故事集 2. 勇抗強權-阿富汗 3. 台以關係百年史:外交官眼中的以色列 4. 從奴隸到霸主 ...
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The very first podcast entirely in Penang style Hokkien. 播客中的首個檳城福建話節目。無所不談。這个是全世界兮頭一个庇能福建Podcast。有講有俏,有啉有放尿。
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🇳🇱 Hallo, ik bin in podcaster út Taiwan. Tige tank foar jo harkjen 🇳🇱 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結在下方 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064146040213 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👺👻👹👽👿😺 爽 ! Podcast 年度商品 👋👋👋👋 武功堂 隱漫娘 👍👍👍👍 刺繡薩克斯風背帶 有吹薩克斯風朋友不要錯過 喔 !!!! 👋👋👋👋在搖滾玩 ...
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跟著 Tammy 跟 Hana,一起用動漫歌輕鬆學日文! 歡迎商洽聯繫:anime.learn.jp@gmail.com Tammy -Amazing Talker 英語教師 https://tw.amazingtalker.com/teachers-and-tutors/tammy-su - emo金屬樂團•紙片人•主唱 - 曾在玩華台北燈節、ATT e-life 表演 - 工作聯絡請DM IG~MV拍攝請看YouTube -FB:SunTammy https://www.facebook.com/SunTammySu/ -YT:SunTammy https://youtube.com/channel/UCf946EqWivpr4ei3CYWkP8Q -Personal IG:@suntammy_su https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=12b4azipvgeun&utm_content=iwlcop2 -抖音:@suntammy Hana -Amazing Talker 日語教師 https://tw.amazingta ...
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YouTube:蘇義安suyian https://youtube.com/channel/UCOoC72PJe0_ZHIMrUgBxvzA Podcast:蘇義安suyian https://suyian.firstory.io/ Facebook:蘇義安suyian https://www.facebook.com/yao.xiaoan/ Instagram:蘇義安suyian https://www.instagram.com/suyian8958/?hl=zh-tw Line:蘇義安suyian ID:qw_60 SoundCloud:蘇義安suyian https://soundcloud.com/tnpoppehv9fe StreetVoice:蘇義安suyian https://streetvoice.com/qw_60/ BandLab:蘇義安suyian https://www.bandlab.com/su_yi_an #蘇義安suyian #音樂創作 #命理 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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尬聊何,必認真 認真尬聊台灣大小事 瘋狂理念創業家、口袋空空公益人生、愛生態勝過自己的環保態度、愛所有人類的奉獻價值 給你最真實的台客人生 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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This week we shared stories about dogs. We shared interesting and funny stories about our own dogs but also didn’t shy away from unpleasant subjects of animal cruelty and dog’s interesting behavior. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-03-03.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penan…
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What are your hobbies? And how does it qualify something as a hobby? Our guests shared their hobbies, and some turned theirs into a money making avenue. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-02-24.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speak…
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We invited a researcher of Datuk Kong to share her findings with our listeners. Did you know there are multiracial Datuk Kong in Malaysia? Come learn more from Dr. Tan Ai Boay. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-02-17.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast Hous…
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Are you a luxury traveler or a budget traveler? This week we discussed ways to travel economically, including sharing a bed with a stranger in a foreign country. Do you dare to travel this way? [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-02-10.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hok…
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This week, we come back after CNY holiday, and went straight to talking about the behind! Yes, buttocks. Butts. But specifically, what recently happened to A-Long’s butt. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-02-03.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Gl…
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We welcomed in the year of the Snake as we wish everyone a healthy, prosperous, and happy new year. We also took the occasion to share some of our own encounters with Tok Panjang - 🐍 snakes! [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-27.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkie…
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We ended up spending a lot of time talking about Kuih Bangkit while we discussed traditional CNY kuih. We also briefly touched on newer Chinese New Year kuih. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-20.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien…
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We’re back with more ghost stories. A man walking extremely slowly at her mother’s wake. Bicycle bell rung by ghosts. Sword being pulled by a ghost. India ghosts walking by bed looking for things. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-13.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang …
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We shared interesting stories from our workplace. Anonymous complaint letter and being robbed at work among other stories. This will be an ongoing series, please let me know if you have your own workplace stories to share. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2025-01-06.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Cl…
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This will be an ongoing series of our roommate stories. This includes good ones and bad ones. We even have a guest who admitted that she’s the bad roommate! But not as bad as a serial killer! [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-12-30.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokki…
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Chelsia Ng (Liliuan Thang) shared with us her recent album launch - "Book One: Songs for You and I". She shared many personal stories about the new songs, including two Penang Hokkien songs about Penang food and her mom! Please support our fellow Penangite talent by purchasing her limited edition album box set and stream her music! Buy her limited …
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Suahu returned to share his college years and his career path. Also find out what his hobbies are. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-12-16.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's)…
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I reconnected with one of our first listeners of PGHK, Suahu. He shared with us his childhood and how he discovered PGHK. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-12-09.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @Penang…
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A listeners shared why three stories of this hotel is so haunted. Hikers cut his own middle finger for speaking disrespectfully in the hiking trail. And many more! [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-12-02.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Ho…
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We discussed the imported culture of autumn traditions to Malaysia. Those of us living abroad also shared their autumn experience. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-11-25.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK…
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We shared our breakup stories from romantic lovers to friendships. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-11-11.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's) @John.Ong Twitter (PGHK) @Penan…
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We talked about dressing up for Halloween, drama, and simply playing with your mom's makeup, dress, and shoes. This also inspired a Chinese Opera theme fashion show at our PGHK 20th anniversary weekend. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-11-04.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 P…
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We're back for more ghost stories. Haunted experience for a realtor. Momogu shared his ghost encounter at his night school. Besaikong also shared his friend's pontianak ghost hanging on the tree. We also discussed the black and white ghosts from hell. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-10-28.mp3 ❤️ Supp…
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We are blessed with so many varieties of local fruits in the Southeast Asia region. How many of these fruits have you heard of or even tasted? [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-10-21.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House …
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This week we invited a property agent, Jun/Doraemon to share his job of buying and selling properties in Penang. He also shared his career before getting into the realty industry. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-10-14.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast H…
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This week a new batch of listeners sat down and chatted with me about my move to the USA, college, and my romantic relationships. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-10-06.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK)…
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Once again, we switched roles and have PGHK listeners interviewed me for this episode. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-09-30.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHokkien TikTok (John's) @John.Ong T…
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We switched our seats around, and have the listeners of PGHK interviewed me for the next three weeks! If you have any additional questions you'd like to ask, feel free to leave them in the comments. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-09-23.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penan…
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Walking down memory lane of the past 19 years of this space we created together called Penang Hokkien Podcast as we celebrate our 1000th episode. Let's keep this space going for another 1000 episodes! Thanks for the love and support you have given to the show and to me personally. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/medi…
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I was so happy and touched to get to meet up with you in person when I was in Penang. If you didn't get to join the gathering, you'll get to see and hear from some of the listeners who were there. Some of them I've know for years, but only meeting in person for the first time. Thank you for your years of support and friendship. Please come join us …
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種土 Together, Soul of Soil. 「我花 8 年的時光紀錄製作這部影片,只是想把這個聲音傳出去...」—— 導演顏蘭權 《無米樂》導演顏蘭權 20 年後再次走進台灣農田,她遇見兩個全心為台灣奉獻的傻瓜,於是把故事記錄下來;她看見我們腳下這片土地正經歷著苦難,所以她扛下數百萬製作費,只因為有些話,想說給台灣人聽。 《種土》是顏蘭權導演的最新作品,紀錄了兩位農民的故事。8年前,顏蘭權走進高雄燕巢農夫-安和哥,和返鄉青農-阿仁的生活中;當時,她並不知道,這一拍,就是8年。現實與理想、一老一少、一靜一動,交織出彼此生命的春夏秋冬。 FB: https://www.facebook.com/p/%E7%A8%AE%E5%9C%9F-Together-Soul-of-Soil-615…
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We are back for more ghost stories including at camping trips, KOMTAR shop are, and find out what the color of my aura. And see if you can hear a voice saying "hello, hello" on the left side at 1:09:39? [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-09-02.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 P…
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This week, we discussed about baking, including the types of baked goods we like and different models of ovens we use. How much experience do you have when it comes to baking? Come learn from our guests. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-08-26.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 …
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We invited several members of the State Chinese (Penang) Association members to come share their heritage. We also asked them about the recent hit video "Mama Me-Yah!", a Chinese Peranakan family tale. Mama Me-Yah!: https://youtu.be/3IEmvWNbdJI?si=rkTYBgVFC58mHbAI State Chinese (Penang) Association Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/scpapenang…
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Namsai returned shared her live after secondary school and her career path into advertisement and music video production industry. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-08-12.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK…
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Namsai opened up to talk about her childhood. Find out more about her duty as a child in a household of a business minded mother. Of course there's ghost stories. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-08-05.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hok…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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This week's ghost stories we discussed ghosts that can move thing, aka poltergeist. Acknowledging a crying ghost at word by offering her food and drinks. Out of body experience by another guest being attached by a bird ghost. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-07-29.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋…
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Previously we shared our experiences in primary school. This time, we moved on to discussing our secondary school life. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-07-22.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkien Speakers House TikTok (PGHK) @PenangHo…
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We invited Tiffany Choong, one of the authors of MikuBooks.com to come share with us her book of illustrations of Penang and its culture. All other books from Mike Books at https://mikubooks.com Buy the Art of Joy Everyday Penang by Tiffany Choong: https://clarity8.com/everyday-penang-tiffany-choong.html https://www.instagram.com/bulanlifestyle_art…
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We have Mama Kush's owner, a professional nyonya kuih baker and vendor here to share with us why got into this profession and business. Mama Kuih info: https://mamakuih.com (Website) https://facebook.com/mamakuih (Facebook) https://instagram.com/mama.kuih (Instagram) https://wa.me/60124898368 (WhatsApp) ❤️ Support PGHK 💛: http://penanghokkien.com/s…
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This week we discussed how attention-seekers use the internet and social media for fame and profit. What crossed the line of authenticity? Are you into that kind of viral content? PGHK Takes Over New World Park event on August 10, 2024. Register on Facebook. https://fb.me/e/zcOOYnCrH Follow PGHK WhatsApp Channel for announcements. https://PenangHok…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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Sambai Belacan returned to Malaysia after the breakup. And find out who beat him up? And why he decided to return to Paris. If you haven't listened to all four episodes of Sambai Belacan's stories, here are all first 3 episodes: Ep 1 - https://youtube.com/live/N-35ioAmhdo Ep 2 - https://youtube.com/live/TNb54eFQyI4 Ep 3 - https://youtube.com/live/2…
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This week we learned about Sambai Belacan's life studying in Paris, France. How he stumbled info photography. And find out how his relationship was with his older boyfriend. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-06-17.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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This is part 2 of a four-part Pride Month series with Sambai Belacan. Let's find out more about his life during puberty and what he did after secondary school. [ratings] http://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/penanghokkien.com/media/PgHkn-2024-06-10.mp3 ❤️ Support PGHK 💛 Follow me on: 👋 Clubhouse @JohnOng 👋 Penang Hokkien Podcast House 👋 Global Hokkie…
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中美對抗從地表延伸到太陽系 2024年6月6日是一個無比繁忙的一天,美國太空探索公司(SPACEX)籌劃已久的「星艦太空船搭配超重級推進火箭(Starship + Superheavy Rocket)」第四次試射順利發射升空,火箭推進段實現重返,星艦太空船也測試重回大氣層之艦體與防熱隔離層是否安全,測試結果成功,為未來星艦火星計畫大規模發射取得綠燈。 圖-星艦四發射前(SpaceX網站) 另外美國波音公司在經歷十年延誤與今年幾次發射前緊急叫停後,終於也在6日以聯合發射聯盟(ULA)的擎天神5號火箭,將波音開發生產的「星際航線(Starliner)」太空船順利安全送上宇宙,並前往國際太空站對接,將兩名太空人送上國際太空站輪班,受到太空站上太空人熱烈歡迎。 這款星際航線太空船因技術問題延宕多年,…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu/comments 我們致力打造出多元及獨特的台語文創作與廣播劇👺🦊👻🧟♀️ ╭ 好的語音環境 ╮ 要你 要我 你說對不對 ?!? 偷偷告訴你 我們現在 ↆↆↆↆↆ 🙋💪💪💪 台文逐字稿志工招募中 🙋💪💪💪 💋留言告訴我: 留言連結 📩志工專區→ oec0204@gmail.com 📫贊助碗粿→ https://open.firstory.me/user/ck7fri94o326d08736fcfnktu 💈 找到我們→…
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