This podcast is dedicated to the Teaching Pastors at Bayou City Fellowship.
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All Nations Church, Tallahassee Florida - Pastor Steve Dow - Sermons, Teaching and Inspiration - Reaching All People by All Means With the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Steve Dow
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Pastor John Dunning of Sopchoppy, Florida - Spirit-Filled Teaching From the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast
John Dunning
Pastor John Dunning takes us deep into the study of the Scriptures every week!
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Imitators of God Ministries Colossal Vivacious Church with Pastor Emmanuel Williams in Tallahassee Florida - Sermons Teaching Preaching Inspiration Hope Truth Destiny Jesus
Emmanuel Williams
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Strength through Power Acts 1:8 Matthew 28:18-19It is an amazing thing that God would choose to trust a group of quitters to take the message of salvation to the world. The disciples had all quit. They were discouraged, depressed, and defeated. Yet 40 days with Jesus and they had a change of attitude and perspective. That is what we all need, dose …
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter Ten where Paul is speaking of believers not using their Christian Liberty as a license to sin. We are to Hold Fast to our obedience to Christ.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my …
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Jesus told the disciples to stay in Jerusalem until the promise of the Father was fulfilled. That promise was “power from on high.” Luke 24:49Jesus reiterated this command and promise in Acts 1:8.Holy Spirit gives us power to bring the strength to accomplish His plans.Three significant truths about His coming:1.Holy Spirit has been poured out and p…
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In this session, we will be looking into the 9th Chapter of 1 Corinthians where Paul continues his exhortation on Christian Liberty. True Christian Liberty comes with Christian responsibility to the call, plan and purpose of God in carrying out the Great Commission whatever the cost may be.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https:/…
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Holy Spirit gives us power to give us strength to accomplish the plans of God.This strength is revealed through three miraculous signs. These signs are audible, visual and verbal.1.Power Acts 2:22.Presence Acts 2:33.Proclamation Acts 2:4 ESV And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them ut…
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In this session we will begin a study on "Christian Liberty." How much liberty do we actually possess? What happens when our Liberty causes another brother or sister to backslide into the sin they were once delivered from? Can our liberty destroy or defile a weaker believer? Paul addresses these issues in 1 Corinthians Chapter 8.+++++++You can find…
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Acts 2:1-13 Holy Spirit’s power to give us the strength to accomplish His plans! Acts 2:1 “When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place.” We are Better Together! Pentecost means ‘fifteth’. Refers to the Jewish feast of Shavuot- 50 days after Passover. Pentecost is a harvest festival! Acts 2:41 ‘So those who received his wo…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio broadcast we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter 7 and Paul's exhortations concerning marriage, divorce and remarriage.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony on this website:…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter 6, which is Paul's exhortation to believers to act in a way that witnesses to the world the church is the Temple of God.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony on …
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Teaching manual on Stepping into 2025 Summary: To prepare believers for an outpouring of God’s Spirit, equipping them to embrace and steward the Overflow and Harvest of 2025. I. Introduction: A Vision of the Desert Transformed Isaiah 35:1: “The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom.” Declare: “Thy Kingdom…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter 5, which is a tough chapter to follow especially for those in the church who persist in living ungodly, sexually impure lives. The Church is the Temple of the living God and is to be made a light shining into the darkness of this world.++++…
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God has given us the greatest gift ever...His son Jesus.Let's open our Bibles to Matthew 1:18-25.+++++++You can find our service times on our website: can find sermon highlights on Twitter here:由Steve Dow
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter four, which is a continuation of the previous chapter, and covers making pre-judgments of those who God has given charge over us. We are the temple of God and the temple of God is to be holy.+++++++You can find more information on my websit…
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In this session of The Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be looking into 1 Corinthians Chapter 3 concerning growing in the things of God unto full spiritual maturity.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony on this website:…
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The Name above all Names Matthew 1:21-25 December 8, 2024In Biblical times, names had meaning. People often lived up to their name.Jacob-trickster David-beloved Abraham-father of a multitude Moses-drawn out Joseph-he will add Daniel-to judgeThe Name of Jesus describes:1.His Identity-Matthew 1:21 Jesus means Jehovah is salvation.Hebrews 2:10 He is t…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast, we will be looking into the 2nd chapter of 1 Corinthians, which is Paul's exhortation concerning the wisdom of God and the power of God given to those who have "ears to hear" what the gospel is saying to them.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning…
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David Hodges takes a deep dive into the story of Abraham sending his servant Eliezer to find a wife for Abraham's son Isaac.David and Cecilia Hodges have served as full-time missionaries to Peru for many years. In 2007, they planted a flourishing church and a missions compound in Jicamarca, a mountainous desert region on the outskirts of Lima, Peru…
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In this session we begin a new study in 1 Corinthians, Paul's first letter to the Corinthian Church that we have a record of. Paul commends the church initially, then corrects the church concerning certain developments within the church.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testim…
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1 THESSALONIANS 5:16 PSALM 48:12 PSALM 22:3 What is the difference between thankfulness and gratitude?Thankfulness is a response to a ________________________________.Gratitude is a _________________________, a state of grace.Most of us have a story or stories of God’s faithfulness that brought gratitude.Truth: God is attracted to grateful people.W…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast we will be looking into the 15th and 16th Chapters of the Book of Romans. The main subject of these chapters is "Working to Please Others, not Just Ourselves." We follow Jesus to live and love the way He did.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning.c…
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The Book of Revelation should…Revelation 4-221.Lead us to hope.Jesus as the slain Lamb of God, is the only one worthy to open the seals. This tells us God is in control!2.Make us aware of the enemy. 2 Thessalonians 2:4A.The Antichrist1.He opposes all religions and exalts him self over everything called god.2.He puts himself in place of God’s and Go…
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In this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Program, we will be looking into Romans Chapter 14, which is Paul's exhortations of Living Out The Christian Faith concerning the non-essentials of life.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony on this website: https://ww…
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We will be looking into Romans Chapter 13 for this edition of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Broadcast. Paul continues this epistle concerning Living Out Our Christian Faith. This chapter deals with our duty toward those in authority over us and our duty to one another.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohndunning…
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How Revelation speaks to us today. Revelation 2-3 The Seven ChurchesEphesus: Revelation 2:1-6 Return to romance.Smyrna: Revelation 2:9-11 Face your fear.Pergamum: Revelation 2:13-16 Cancel your compromise.Thyatira: Revelation 2:18-22, 24-28Inspect for morality.“Jezebel” was teaching that sexual immorality was cool.Sardis: Revelation 3:1-3Confront y…
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We will look into Romans Chapter 12 in this session of the Wonderful Words of Life Radio Program. Paul, in Chapter 12, describes the practical ministries and right behaviors that are to be in the Church of the Lord. We, as true believers, are to emulate the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.+++++++You can find more information on my websit…
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How Revelation speaks to us today. Revelation 2:1-17The Seven Churches of Asia MinorRevelation 1:19-20 “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. 20 The mystery of the seven stars that you saw in my right hand and of the seven golden lampstands is this: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, an…
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Israel in the Plan of God is the subject of this session of the Wonderful Words of Life broadcast. We will cover Romans Chapters 9-10 and 11. God has not cast away His people Whom He Foreknew! Paul's statements in these chapters adds to the Doctrine of Grace which Paul preached.+++++++You can find more information on my website: https://pastorjohnd…
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1.Signs of the end TimesA.One world governmentB.One world religionC.Christians being killedD.An increase in lawlessness and sinfulnessE.The mark of the beast2.Facts about the Book of RevelationA.The Book of Revelation has one message – we win!B.Jesus is the one doing the revealingC.Jesus is the one being revealed3.What is the book of revelation abo…
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We will be looking into Romans Chapter 8 in this session. This chapter forms the culmination of Paul's argument for Justification by faith alone for true salvation by grace alone and not by works of righteousness which we have done.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony o…
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Romans Chapter 7 is our study in this session. Paul's argument that we are free from sin (Chapter 6) and we are free from the Law (Chapter 7) as a means attaining to the righteousness of God.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony on this website: https://www.ifyouonlyknew…
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Amendment 4 is bad for many reasons and here is why I am voting no on this amendment.You can find more information on this amendment here: can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony on this website:…
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Ephesians 6:10-171. THE WAR WE FIGHT Ephesians 6:12-13What happens in this space affects what happens in this place.2. THE WARDROBE WE WEAR Ephesians 6:14-15THE BELT of TruthTHE BODY ARMOR-Breastplate of RighteousnessTHE BOOTS of the Gospel of PeaceTHE SHIELD OF FAITH-Ephesians 6:16Faith is not faith until we act on it.Don’t forget in the dark what…
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We will be looking into Romans Chapter 6 answering the question, "What do we do after being justified by faith in Christ?" Sanctification is the necessary work of the Holy Spirit which leads us to full spiritual maturity.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony on this webs…
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BATTLE READY : BATTLE COVERAGEEphesians 6:12-13 September 29, 20241. THE WAR WE FIGHT Ephesians 6:12-132. THE WARDROBE WE WEAR Ephesians 6:14THE BELT“Truth” - Reality In Its Original FormStart And End Your Day With TruthTHE BODY ARMOREphesians 6:14God Is Totally RighteousBecause He’s Totally As He Should BeIdentify Righteous Activities That Strengt…
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In this study we will be looking at Romans Chapter 5 and the justification of the believer.+++++++You can find more information on my website: can hear my personal testimony on this website:由John Dunning
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BATTLE READY: VICTORY IN THE BATTLE EPHESIANS 6:10-12 We know we are engaged in a real battle, one of cosmic proportions. We know we are facing a real opponent because this world bears the bloody, painful scars of this conflict: war among nations, shattered lives, broken homes, suicide, rape, abuse, and immorality of every kind.But The Battle is th…
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In this session we will be looking at the faith of Abraham in Romans Chapter 4 as an example to us of receiving imputed righteousness that God offers to every man who comes to Christ with "empty hands" in simple faith to receive the gift of salvation or healing or anything that offers to men through the Savior.+++++++You can find more information o…
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"If our learning doesn't lead us to doing, our learning is a waste of time. That's Matthew 25."--Gary BurdFind more information about Gary Burd here: can find our service times on our website: can find sermon highlights on Twitter here:…
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In this session we will be looking into Romans Chapter 3. This chapter is a transitional chapter in which Paul moves from God's indictment of sin to justification of the righteousness of God that is imputed to the individual, whether he be a church man that is trusting in his own goodness or a heathen sinner that has no moral background at all, thr…
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BATTLE READY: STRONGHOLDSEphesians 6:10-12OUR ADVERSARYA stronghold is an area in your life where Jesus is not Lord.ResumeContact InfoEmployment HistorySelf-EmployedNamed ChangedDefeated 33ADStrengthsLife MissionReferencesOUR ARMOR Ephesians 6:13"Therefore put on the full armor of God,"Isn’t made of Kevlar, Chain Mail or SteelCharacter forged by Ch…
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The Apostle Paul addresses how the morally high person is unjust before God because he refuses, based upon his own good works, to see his need to submit to Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Many people think they are good enough to be just before God basing their judgment upon their own good works and not upon the merits of Christ and the work H…
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Eva shares what she learned from her summer missions efforts. +++++++ You can find our service times on our website: You can find sermon highlights on Twitter here:由Steve Dow
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In the Book of Romans, Chapter one, Paul gives to us by the scriptures, two revelations. First in chapter 1;1-17, Paul gives us the revelation of the righteousness of God. In verses 18-32, which this study concerns, Paul gives us the revelation of the wrath of God against the nature of sin. God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of…
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"God does not want us to miss this opportunity, this new season, this new door, this time of grace and favor. This is our season to reap what we have sown!"--Pastor Emmanuel Williams +++++++ Ways to Give: CashApp: $IOGM Pay Pal - Text to Give - Text the amount to (844)940-2781 Follow us:…
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1 CHRONICLES 29:12 PSALM 34:10 JEREMIAH 10:23 DEUTERONOMY 8:18 GOD IS THE SOURCE OF YOUR PROSPERITY.We cannot develop what God did not give.The real asset is the favor of God.Money isn’t prosperity; money is the byproduct of prosperity.Money without God usually destroys lives. 1 Timothy 6:9-10PROSPERITY IS RECOGNIZING THAT YOU ARE A STEWARD OF GOD’…
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We begin our study of Paul's epistle to the Romans looking at verses 1-17, which speaks to us of the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ; its power to save and its power to impute to men the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. +++++++ You can find more information on my website: You can hear my personal testimony on…
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"Is there a set time for God's favor. Yes! NOW is the set time for God's favor!"--Pastor Emmanuel Williams +++++++ Ways to Give: CashApp: $IOGM Pay Pal - Text to Give - Text the amount to (844)940-2781 Follow us:由Emmanuel Williams
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HOPE FOR HARD TIMES-REMEMBER THAT’S MY KING!REVELATION 19:11-16To thrive in hard times, we must have an adequate view of God. One that sees Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. That’s My KING! 1 Timothy 6:15 Ephesians 1:21-23Revelation 19:11-16 Jesus is given five names:1. Faithful – Jesus is trustworthy.2. True – In Jesus there is tota…
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The Apostle Paul has been arrested and has been tried three times but the Jews who accused him could not prove any of their accusations against the apostle. Thwarting the Jews plan to kill Paul, the apostle, as a Roman citizen, appeals to Caesar. The last two chapters of the Book of Acts depict Paul's journey to Rome. A Journey fraught with much ha…
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"If you hear a word from God, you have to believe it. Regardless of how you feel, regardless of your current situation, you have to believe it to be so."--Pastor Emmanuel WilliamsLet's open our Bibles to the book of Acts. +++++++ Ways to Give: CashApp: $IOGM Pay Pal - Text to Give - Text the amount to (844)940-2781 …
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