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Terra Europa

Antena1 - RTP

Em contagem decrescente para as eleições europeias, o \"Terra Europa\" traz reportagens exclusivas sobre os temas que preocupam os cidadãos: criação de emprego, alterações climáticas, inovação e energia, segurança, migrações e luta contra a pobreza.
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A multimedia podcast about aviation accidents, featuring Kyra Dempsey (aka Admiral Cloudberg), Ariadne (aka the business knowing one) and J (aka the systems and physics knowing one) Best experienced with pictures at https://www.youtube.com/@controlledpodintoterrain
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Welcome to Tales of Terramir, an original, actual-play roleplaying game! Enter a world of fantasy, imagination, and collaborative storytelling with a group of friends from different areas of the United States, as they play a unique character to explore the world of Terramir, uncovering tales both around and within themselves.
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Terraço Econômico

Doses semanais de economia sobre o Brasil e o Mundo, apresentadas pela equipe do Terraço Econômico: o seu portal de economia e política! Apresentado por Caio Augusto: @CaioAugstOR / @caioaugstor.bsky.social
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Terra Média

Antena1 - RTP

Um grupo de interessados explora temas globais como os novos media, a inteligência artificial, os influencers, o streaming, a cancel culture, os grandes grupos empresariais e as novas potências mediáticas.
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Terrain Theory is hosted by Ben Hardy and Mike Merenda, two childhood friends on a journey to tear down the old fear-based germ theory paradigm and usher in a better, brighter approach to health and wellness. Discover interviews with guests from the alternative medicine space and find inspiration in real-life stories of Terrain Transformations. Reclaim agency and discover methods both old and new to improve and optimize your health and your terrain. You are your primary healthcare provider.
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The Terranadome Sports Show is back from the dead after a 2 year hiatus! The principle remains the same: unapologetic takes, honest reactions, and thorough analysis. Episodes released twice a week: Sundays or Mondays and Thursdays.
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At TERRA API, we are on a mission to enable developers to connect and create solutions by using health data. Kyriakos Eleftheriou, the founder and CEO of Terra API speaks with some of the best founders and CEOs in the space of health and fitness, to learn how the best are building their businesses.
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Terrains d’écriture est une série d’entretiens menés par Charlotte Biron sur la relation au réel dans le travail des écrivain·e·s et des artistes au Québec. Le projet est soutenu par le CRILCQ-Université de Montréal et par Littérature québécoise mobile. Les enregistrements se font dans les studios de CHOQ à l'UQAM. Le visuel est un cyanotype de Camille Lamy.
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Terra Verde delivers news and views about the most critical environmental issues across California and globally. From agriculture and wildlife to energy and climate change, industrial pollution to design solutions, Terra Verde brings you stories of struggle and triumph that will determine the future of our planet.
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Podcast de conversation et de réflexion, Terrain Social propose des éclairages originaux et concrets sur les grands débats qui traversent nos sociétés. Travail, solidarités, rapports hommes-femmes, identités, environnement : chaque lundi, un.e invité.e trace, en compagnie d’Hugues Chevarin, de nouveaux possibles, qui sont autant de voies d’avenir. Terrain Social est disponible sur toutes les plateformes d’écoute et sur lechantier.radio (http://lechantier.radio). Production : L’Onde Porteuse ...
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Viajando por Terras Distantes

Viajando por Terras Distantes

Apresentadores: André Castilho, Carlos Pellerin e Felipe Vieira. Publicação quinzenal às quartas-feiras. Bate-papo sobre mundos ficcionais de livros, filmes, jogos eletrônicos/digitais, séries e quadrinhos; gameplays de RPG e outros jogos; e relatos de experiências pessoais com a cultura pop e sua relação com a vida real.
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The Beyond Terrain podcast considers all facets of life as significant. Here we’re focused on learning about ways to live prosperously, gain wisdom, improve relationships and to be healthy holistically through a terrain perspective. Considering ancestral wisdom, logic, alchemy, philosophy and true science, we will move into a new (or old) way of thinking about living well. Moving beyond the broken modern systems, such as institutions of science, medicine, education, government and organized ...
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Es gab und gibt wohl immer wieder in der Menschheitsgeschichte „magische“ Orte, an denen Neugierige bzw. Suchende zusammenkamen, um sich in möglichst angst-, und konkurrenzfreier Atmosphäre auszutauschen. Meist begannen diese Zusammenkünfte in lockerer Form, zwanglos, wahrscheinlich bei einem erfrischenden Getränk, anregendem Essen, freiem Blick auf freie Landschaften und, vor allem, ohne einschränkende Zugangsvoraussetzungen. Getragen von Begeisterung, bildeten sich neue, unverblümt vorgetr ...
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Terra's Baddy Club podcast, hosted by the survivor who bravely defeated Dirty John Meehan in self-defense, offers a gripping narrative. Terra shares insights into her personal healing journey, daily experiences, and enriches episodes with interviews featuring friends, experts, and fellow 'Baddys.' Tune in every other Wednesday for episodes, with exciting bonus content dropping every other week on patreon! Cover Art Photo and Make Up: Troy Jensen
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Terra Alpha is a sci-fi audio drama set in the universe of Shadows Over Sol, originally created by Tab Creations. When Earth begins to crumble under the weight of overpopulation and environmental collapse, the ARC Project launches humanity’s boldest mission: to find a new home among the stars.
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Este Podcast trará à você mensagens com o objetivo de trazer VIDA para você e para todos ao seu redor! Te trazer VIDA em todas as áreas da sua vida, área financeira, familiar, profissional, sentimental, espiritual e etc. Alimente-se dessa palavra diariamente e viva uma vida extraordinária!
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The Terra Harvell Show is your go-to podcast for hairstylists, salon owners, and entrepreneurs looking to level up in life and business, hosted by 8-figure business owner and CEO of Harper Ellis Hair Co., Terra Harvell. Terra is a hairstylist turned business mogul who has made it her life’s mission to coach salon owners and hairstylists on how to build wealth and find their legacy. Terra’s golden rule? Put yourself in rooms with people who have already done what you want to be doing. Conside ...
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Um ein komplexes Thema besser zu verstehen, lohnt sich oft ein Blick in die Geschichte. Denn hier beginnen die Dinge, die uns heute beschäftigen und das auch in Zukunft tun werden. "Terra X History – Der Podcast" geht mit Menschen aus Geschichtswissenschaft und Gesellschaft an die Anfänge zurück und fragt: Wie wurde unsere Welt so, wie sie ist? Und (was) können wir aus der Vergangenheit für die Gegenwart lernen? Alle zwei Wochen auf www.terra-x.zdf.de und überall, wo es Podcasts gibt.
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Long running, twice-weekly Scottish football podcast which prides itself on covering the fortunes and misadventures of teams throughout the SPFL. With content and an attitude you won't find anywhere else, The Terrace is sometimes analytical, sometimes funny, mostly informal and always has a passion for the Scottish game.
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TerraFocus Podcast

Isabelle Vauconsant

TerraFocus est la chaîne des podcasts d'Hortus Focus, le Vivant d'abord • Écoutez DANS QUEL ÉTAT J'ERRE, LE Podcast d'Isabelle Vauconsant • DANS QUEL ÉTAT J'ERRE, est le podcast du Vivant qui met en valeur les acteurs d'un monde en bouleversement • Écoutez les fictions : Les enquêtes de Santa, écrites par Pierre Vauconsant, lues par Nathalie Talboom
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Terrain Basique

Terrain basique

Jason connait très bien le contexte et les contours de Magic. Il y joue depuis des temps immémoriaux et participe même à des tournois. Il sera l’insider à jour. Tommy adore le jeu et le considère son passe-temps alpha depuis 1995. Il est le passionné. Andy a déjà joué à Magic, il s’y remet lentement, alors il va servir de lien entre les vétérans et les néophytes dans ce podcast portant entièrement sur le plus fabuleux jeu de cartes à collectionner sur Terre !
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The Adeptus Terra Podcast

The Adeptus Terra Podcast Team

A Warhammer 40K and 30K podcast for all your Warhammer needs.Every month we explore what we have done in this hobby, we look at a month poll run on our community facebook page, we examine part of the lore a little more closely and talk about books or a member of our community.
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L'agricoltura, cuore produttivo del made in Italy agroalimentare, è in transizione verso il futuro. Sfida clima, redditività, sostenibilità sociale, impatto ambientale, benessere animale, turnover generazionale sono i principali tavoli da gioco. E l'idea è di vincere tutte le partite senza tradire qualità ed eccellenza del nostro amato cibo e senza perdere di vista l'abc della sicurezza alimentare. Un viaggio che può arrivare alla meta solo con l'aiuto di innovazione e ricerca. Tra zappa e d ...
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Podcast che vuole analizzare e narrare nel dettaglio le opere del grande scrittore inglese John Ronald Reuel Tolkien inerenti alla Terra di Mezzo, a partire dal Silmarillion, con l'ambizioso obiettivo di arrivare ad affrontare per intero il suo capolavoro: Il Signore degli Anelli.
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show series
This episode originally aired October 10, 2022: Who do you think of when you think about environmentalism and music? This week, Jasinta Rweyongeza is joined by Rasheena Fountain, a poet and essayist, to talk about the lack of mainstream recognition of Black musicians in the world of environmentalism in music, as well how specific genres of music th…
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Ni l’organització temàtica dels dies ha salvat l’Àlex del caos d’aquesta setmana. Ni tan sols la millor planificació l’hauria pogut rescatar d’aquest “cop de puny”. Notes de l'episodi: Potser perquè cap dels dos està casat, no sabíem que boda era una paraula perfectament acceptable. Jack Dorsey acumula tants trucs de productivitat com xarxes social…
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Giù le chele dalle vongole veraci... Parliamo di granchio blu, un crostaceo voracissimo importato nei nostri mari probabilmente dagli Stati Uniti attraverso le navi e ormai non più tanto "alieno" visto che si è adattato anche troppo bene. La nostra maricoltura sta pagando un prezzo altissimo. Il piano del Governo, protezioni e strategie di lotta ma…
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In quest’episodio parleremo di Albert Pike, un importante massone americano del XIX secolo. Esploreremo il Palladismo, di cui presumibilmente Pike faceva parte; una dottrina che contrappone Lucifero, il “portatore di Luce” e “stella del mattino”, ad un Dio tirannico. Satana, invece, sarebbe un entità diabolica di cui il Palladismo non si occupa. Es…
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Você já ouviu falar nos soldadinhos da natureza? Assim são conhecidas duas belas espécies da avifauna brasileira. Eles ganham esse 'apelido' devido a aparência. Os machos possuem um topete avermelhado bem característico, como se fosse um chapéu.Com traje de gala e predominante preto se encontra o soldadinho (Antilophia galeata), considerada uma das…
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Your vision needs more than just motivation, it needs a plan. Too many salon owners stay stuck because they don’t know how to bridge the gap between where they are and where they want to be. A strong vision is the foundation of success, but without strategy and execution, it’s just a good idea. If you’re stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure how to bring y…
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In the latest podcast,Kyriakos Eleftheriou is joined byGeorge Hadjigeorgiou, who's the cofounder of ZOE, efood, GoldenGroup and others, in their discussion at Imperial College London. 00:00 Intro 4:10 Founding ZOE 10:10 Launching the biggest study in the world in nutrition 13:45 How to convince a scientist to join 19:55 Using clinical studies as an…
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Heute spreche ich in meinem Perry Rhodan Reread-Podcast Starsdust ruft Terra über den 202. Band der Heftromanserie. Clark Darlton schickt „Die Retter der CREST“ auf die Reise ins Twin-System. Man hat sogar einen Weg gefunden, die Transmittergegenstation anzupeilen. Dieses Großprojekt wird nun in die Tat umgesetzt. Die BOX 8323 erreicht das terranis…
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Welcome to season three! The new season is here! In this new look episode we stream line the segments. We cover our month in the hobby, operation kill team and the spotlight. Legion of three 0:00:00 - 01:08:52 Operation Kill team 01:08:52 - 01:47:55 Spotlight 01:47:55 - 02:23:15 Important links Join our discord here - https://discord.gg/rpUPQZtzTp …
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Ci siamo presi il nostro tempo. Circa un mese dopo l'uscita del film sui Rohirrim nelle sale, siamo qui insieme al buon Giorgio Todesco e al mitico Edoardo Stoppacciaro per dare un saluto finale a questo ultimo prodotto tolkieniano. Chissà se faranno mai altri "cartoni" sul mondo di Arda. Nulla ci impedirà di parlarne comunque per un'ora e quaranta…
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