Classic episodes of The Atomic Geeks podcast are found here. The Atomic Geeks is a podcast covering Movies, TV, Gaming and everything in between. Hosted by long time friends, Christian Nielsen, Mike Downs, Andrew Bloom and Michael DiGiovanni.
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We made movies based on fairytales? I dunno. Sounds pretty darn interesting.
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We force each other to review something with a gigantic imaginary gun. It shoots cotton candy bullets.
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We saw that movie The Cabin in the Woods and we droned on and on about it.
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It was summer time. What says summer more than movie trivia? Probably a lot of things.
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I think we talked about the first MCU The Avengers movie. Sorry Emma Peel fans.
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We made a robot butler. Hope you like tin foil sandwiches on whole wheat bread!
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Apparently sequels needed to be made and The Atomic Geeks made some for both of your ears.
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Sometimes the small topics can be the most interesting. As far as this podcast goes I really hope so.
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Strange battles a-happening in the fabled Super Fight Dome! Your ticket will get you a seat but you'll only need THE EDGE.
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We select some of our favourite super persons and then try to murder them with extreme prejudice. Take that Ambush Bug. DISCLAIMER: Ambush Bug may not be discussed. Sorry.
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Apparently we were possibly angry at someone and decided that WAR was the only logical solution instead of diplomatic negotiations. This was done in the most geeky way possible.
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In this episode we took some monsters and put them through the process known as "twilight-ifying." It's science. Everyone knows what it is. Don't dispute it.
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I think i in this one we're trying to survive on a desert island?
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Instead of one big ole topic, in this episode we have about 800 little topics. I may not be accurate with the count.
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We talk about movie trailers from 100 years ago. Not the kind of trailer you and your family took to the Grand Canyon that summer. What a trip that was! Whoo doggy!
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Who has the most geek cred? Probably your next door neighbour. He's got a lot of Funko Pops and Star Wars t-shirts.
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Kind of like The Oscars but a whole lot less nudity.
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Remember that Green Lantern movie with Ryan Reynolds? We fixed it through the power of podcasting.
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We are Dads and we are also geeks so we talk about that.
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I think we must have done some kind of It's A Wonderful Life thing or maybe this episode is just wonderful? Listening will help answer this question. Let us know.
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What would we do with a holodeck if we had one? Numerous beers help to answer this question.
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In this episode we Doctor Frankenstein ourselves the perfect action movie star. Remembering that the word perfect is somewhat subjective.
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Do you remember what happened in 2011? I sure as hell don't but we wrapped it up for you in case you want to listen with your ears.
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Christmas is the time of year where you should be forced to make ridiculous choices and record it for the internet to listen. Happy Holidays!
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Pretty sure we excitedly talked about zombies in this episode.
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In this episode we excitedly talk about cameos in movies and stuff. Word up!
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We force each other to to review stuff we wouldn't want to review AGAIN.
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I think the real mystery will be solved if I can remember what this episode is about. Pretty sure it's mystery based though.
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I think we suggested ways we could kill fictional character James Bond or maybe there's some guy named James Bond we really don't like.
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We decided to redo the immortal classic Superman 2. Rose coloured glasses may have been worn prior to this episode.
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It was an episode entirely dedicated to one of your favourite holidays.
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In this episode we studied super powers and made blueberry muffins. I'm sorry I lied. There are no muffins in this episode.
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In this episode we had to make choices so that there would only be two! I mean one! ONE! Why would we post a mistake in the description? Oh well.
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On this episode we did some unnecessary things with familiar movies.
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At this point in our podcast careers we were all out of ideas. We had to resort to more sinister methods. We're not proud of ouerselves.
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We switch bodies with popular characters from pop culture and wear their pants.
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Ever wonder what kind of Fall tv shows four podcasting dudes were super excited for in the year 2011? I guess you could listen to this episode and find out?
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We picked the worst movies on Netflix ten years ago and forced each other to review them.
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We talked about a whole bunch of various sized topics on this episode. Some small. Some slightly smaller.
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Uncomfortable questions with wonderful comedian Debra DiGiovanni. @DebraDiGiovanni
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We watch DVD's from our collections that have never been unwrapped, open them and create beautiful holiday art with the discs or possibly just talk about them.
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We remembered some stuff about movies and then talked about them in our bestest podcast voices possible. .
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I thought this was this show that had our wives on it. Not sure what it's about. Hopefully it's about new geeks and it's entertaining or something. I'm sure it is entertaining. Let us know what you think if you can find us! HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HA!HAAAAAAAAA!!!
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It was a long hot summer and we talked about fictitious fights in an imaginary dome.
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Umm....not sure what this one was about. Sounds interesting. Geek life over there....hmmm...I guess I could listen or look it up but I'm kinda tired. Enjoy!
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We fixed the bad Wolverine movie.
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I guess we tried to quell our primal urges with the power of our words? I don't know. It was a long time ago.
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I guess we made a restaurant? Bon appetit!
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We talk about the original Michael Keaton Batman I guess. I think there was an argument about the comparison of Cesar Romero & Jack Nicholson's Joker performance. Enjoy!
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Sometimes in a podcasters life the well of creativity can run dry and we must resort to dark methods to create content. We are not proud of ourselves.
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