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由 tech YouTuber 主持嘅廣東話資訊科技 Podcast - 平時大家睇我地嘅片就睇得多啦,但好多時我地冇寫落稿度嘅內容可能仲多,可能係概念太複雜,可能係唔想條片太長,亦可能唔夠切合條片嘅主題。係呢個podcast我地就會將我地對科技大小事嘅想法同見解,毫無filter地同大家傾下。由大家手上嘅智能電話,到平日乘搭嘅車,去到太空探索科技我地都會講到。歡迎大家嚟到 The BIG BYTE。 Business enquiry: Instargram: Co-hosts: Anson Cheung Wallace Studio HK ...
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The Spark Podcast

Amy Tianyi Zhao & Meg Dowaliby

The Spark is a podcast that explores what it means to traverse cultures and share stories that intersect Chinese and American culture to interrupt barriers and create connections. The Spark is a cultural haven - A space held by a friendship between two women from two different countries, meeting at the point where their cultures, identities and stories intersect. Their conversations are grounded in transparency as they move beyond previous perceptions and ideas of the other to form deep conn ...
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為什麼血是紅色的🩸?為什麼大便臭臭的💩?為什麼恐龍滅絕了🦖?好奇的小孩們總是有好多的問題在腦袋裡轉呀轉!「媽媽老師,我想問問題」是一個為全世界的好奇小孩們設計的Podcast - 孩子們可以勇敢提問,然後媽媽老師會帶著小朋友一起去尋找答案。在節目中我們不僅探討自然科學常識,開啟孩子視角,更深入關懷孩子們心靈,包含社會情緒學習、身體健康管理、品格養成等等...孩子的身心靈各個方面遇到的疑問和煩惱,都有我們來當家庭的後盾。我們會邀請各個領域的專家、其他家長,以及孩子們一起探索,一起學習,一起去找答案。 "Ask Mama Laoshi" is a podcast in Mandarin made for curious minds around the world. Children can ask any questions without being judged, and we not only answer them but also show them how to look for the answers. In this children-centered show, ...
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今次會由Anson 帶同暴力, Pinky 同埋Karen同大家親身去到加洲Apple Park WWDC2024 現場同大家第一手報道最新Apple Intelligence,Vision OS,MacOS Sequoia,iPad OS 18,iOS 18 嘅發佈 今次會同大家一齊講下WWDC2024令佢地覺得最impressive既發佈, 亦都會同大家傾下佢地對最新Apple Intellience , iPadOS, iOS 等既分析 嘉賓主持: 暴力 Pinky…
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科技月 AI 大戰:各家新招齊發 本週科技圈可謂是 AI 大戰,各家都推出了重磅的 AI 新功能或新產品。 OpenAI 率先出招,推出了號稱「全能」的大型語言模型 GPT-4o,並推出了包含情緒語氣、可打断等功能的語音模型測試版,其逼真的表現引發了人們對其是否接近人工通用智能 (AGI) 的猜測。 Google 在其年度開發者大會 Google I/O 上展示了多項 AI 新功能,包括整合至工作空間的虛擬協作者 Gemini,以及對抗 OpenAI 的 Project Astra。此外,Google 還推出了新一代的 Google Lens,並將旗下的大型語言模型 Gemini 整合到 Photos 等應用中。 蘋果 在 WWDC 上則聚焦於 iOS 18 的 AI 功能,其中最引人注目的…
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Send us a Text Message. ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 在上一集討論過大象🐘的體重以後,我們也注意到了大象非常奇特的外表,尤其是他有著長長的鼻子🔅。但,到底為什麼大象需要有長鼻子呢?你有看過大象用鼻子💧喝水🫗嗎?他們用鼻子喝水的時候為什麼不會嗆到💦😣呢?這一集我們將更深入討論大象🐘鼻子的秘密。 Calling all budding elephant🐘 experts! In our second episode about elephants, we will examine the interesting physical features of elephants, with a special focus on their iconic lon…
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Send us a Text Message. ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 這一集我們要和各位好奇小朋友們一起認識這個小朋友們都好喜歡的動物,大象🐘。你可能知道他是陸地上最大的動物、但你知道大象有多重嗎?或是牠們到底一天要吃多少東西🍃🌴🍌才能長得又高又大呢?還有,為什麼野外的大象會在泥巴裡打滾💦,難道是他不愛乾淨?準備好了嗎?那就讓我們一起來探究這些有趣的問題吧! In this episode, join Mama Laoshi to explore the world of one of nature's most beloved creatures: THE ELEPHANT! 🐘 You probably already know that elephants a…
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今年淨係年頭已經推出左好多部手機, 先係打響頭炮既 Samsung S24 系列, 跟住就係vivo , 小米, Honor 華為, 我地今次會同大家傾下上半年度旗艦機既市場, 傾下邊部機係邊個方面會出色啲 之後就會傾下中低價位市場手機 最後會同大家傾下Handheld Gadget 既未來 歡迎大家黎到第一屆 八萬圓桌學會 感謝 @flashingdroid @danieltechdiary 出席 Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung Wallace Stud…
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We first had Alex Kim on The Spark in July of 2022 - go back and listen to episode 31 if you haven’t already. Last time we talked, we delved into the incredible work he’s doing to get the BIPOC community outside with Here Montana. To this day, it is one of our most listened-to and engaged-with episodes. Not just because of the work he’s doing with …
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今次同大講 Apple iPad五月7日發佈會內容預告 Humane AI Pin 登場,結果第一手科技媒體試用之後發現完來係災難級體驗 Meta Horizon OS,Meta AI 強勢登場!TikTok 禁制令勢必進行,話咁快已經去到最後一步,,一齊黎睇下發生咩事。 Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung Wallace Studio HK https://www.instag…
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Disclaimer: On April 16th, Amy had the opportunity to finally have lunch with her mentor, the former president of NYU. On the night of the Year of the Dragon New Year’s Eve, Amy found herself in tears while FaceTiming her parents. In this episode, she continues the conversation from our previous installment, sharing her mix of anxieties and excitem…
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Send us a Text Message. ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 為什麼鳥會飛而人卻不會飛呢?🐦鳥又是怎麼飛的?🦅在這一集中,我們邀請到了自然老師小巴老師來回答這些有趣的問題,並且一起來探索到底鳥的身體到底做了哪些改變才能夠飛起來。另外,還有很多關於鳥的有趣小秘密,鳥吃什麼?🪱鳥有毒嗎?☠️聽完這一集答案就將揭曉囉! Have you ever wondered why birds can fly, but humans can’t? Are birds poisonous? ☠️ Do all birds have feathers? 🐦 Join us in our latest episode as we team up with the amazing …
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今次首先同大家講下 美國司法部 DOJ 正式起訴Apple 壟斷手機市場, 同大家一齊食下花生 跟住會同大家整理下最近傳出既一啲gadget news : Microsoft Surface 2024, Google Pixel 9, Galaxy Watch 7 Pro, XBox Handheld console 最後會同大家講下最近發現既一啲Gadget 界既好笑野, Samsung 電視, Samsung Bixby, Apple Pencil for Vision Pro, Razer Cthulhu , Alska Robotic Dog Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung https://www.…
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Send us a Text Message. ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 動物們也會大便嗎?那他們的大便又和人的大便一樣嗎?小朋友的好奇心總是無遠弗屆,從自己身上的大便想到動物身上了。這一集我們邀請到昆蟲專家陳思叔叔和我們一起探討糞金龜關於大便的特殊行為喔!! Children's observations are windows into boundless curiosity, guiding us through the mysteries of the natural world. From their own poop to that of animals', our exploration continues. 💩 Do animals poop? Is t…
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Meg is back from her first trip to China in five years. We said we’d be back in three weeks, but that quickly turned into eight. For Meg, jet-leg, getting back into routine, and processing this trip so that she can share her experience took a little longer. This is one of the most precise and poignant episodes we’ve ever recorded. The points of con…
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今次 同大家講下 Tik Tok 係美國比人Ban 單野,之後講下英國皇室最近發生既一件事竟然同科技有關 最後同大家睇下最近推出既一堆Gadgets 包括 Macbook Air M3, Surface Pro 10, Surface Laptop 6 , Xiaomi 14 Ultra, iPad 2024 Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung Wallace Studio HK…
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Send us a Text Message. ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 大便為什麼是棕色的💩?為什麼大便總是臭臭的🫢?人為什麼會放屁呢?人又為什麼會拉肚子呢?在上集和媽媽老師一起鑽進身體裡,了解消化系統的運作方式之後,我們要更深入探索關於大便的知識囉! Join us in this episode as we delve more into the fascinating world of poop! Why is it brown💩? Why is it so smelly🫢? What causes those embarrassing farts? And what exactly is diarrhea, and why does it occur? Get…
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在這段影片中,我們探討Apple Vision Pro退貨潮原因, 以及討Mark Zruckerberg 以Meta Quest 3 比較Vision Pro 的影片,對於Mark 聲稱Meta Quest 是比Vision PRo 更好產品背後的原因 SORA AI。係Open AI 開發Text to Video AI Model。今次我地深入討論下 SORA AI 既DEMO 內容, 同埋真實性,同埋對於呢種技術既隱憂 最後,Google Gemini登場!之前被稱為Google Bard,用gemini 幫助工作比Chat GPT, Microsoft Copilot 有咩唔同, 邊個更好用? 最後我地傾下最近既產品 Xiaomi 14 Series , Asus Zenfone …
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Send us a Text Message. ✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨ 人為什麼會大便🚽?大便💩又是怎麼做出來的?好奇的小朋友們對這個有點臭臭🫢卻幾乎每天都會看到的東西,總是充滿了好多好多問題。讓我們和AI小幫手一起搭上身體探測艇🚀鑽進身體裡,來發掘消化系統的秘密吧! "Why do people poop🚽? And how is poop💩 made in our body? Curious kiddos always have so many questions about this smelly🫢 thing in our daily life. Let's board the body explorer ship🚀 with our AI assistant…
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今集請嚟啱啱飛咗去美國LA,買完 Apple Vision Pro 番嚟嘅 @VeeLivingoood !同大家講下係美國當地Apple Store 試玩 Vision Pro 嘅體驗、分享實際用落到底幾有用?想買 Vision Pro 水貨,就要聽哂今集啦! 聲明: 影片拍攝時間: 12/2/2024 2130 支持暴力嘅創作: YT: IG: Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung h…
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Send us a Text Message. 🧨 🐉 為什麼我們慶祝農曆新年?年獸是真的嗎?為什麼過年有紅包?🧧 為什麼農曆新年要吃年糕,餃子和魚?🥟🐟 在這一集中,我們將探討農曆新年有趣的傳統! 🎉🐉 Why do we celebrate Lunar New Year? Is the Nian monster real? Why do kids get red envelopes? 🧧 Why do we eat rice cakes 年糕, dumplings 餃子 🥟 and fish 魚 🐟during this special time of the year? Join Mama Laoshi to explore the fun traditions of the Luna…
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Send us a Text Message. 為什麼人會打呼?為什麼小朋友們不能太晚睡?還有,螞蟻和魚會不會睡覺?準備好了嗎?讓我們一起來探索這些關於睡眠的「有趣」但又重要的問題! 😴✨🐜🐟 Welcome to another exciting episode where we embark on a journey through the fascinating world of sleep! Why do people snore when they sleep? Why do kids have to go to bed early? And do ants and fish take naps too? Get ready for a fun learning journey a…
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By the time you read this, Meg will be on a plane to China for the first time in five years and you won’t hear from us for about a month. In this episode, Meg shares her thoughts as she finally gets to go back to China. Amy shares what she’ll be up to while Meg’s gone. 当你读到这条消息时,Meg 已经在飞往中国的飞机上了。接下来的一个月你可能不会收到我们的更新,这是因为Meg要在中国好好体验。毕竟这是五年来她第一次回国。在这一…
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Send us a Text Message. 人為什麼需要睡覺😪😴?睡覺的時候為什麼會閉上眼睛🙈呢?為什麼我們會做夢💭?甚至還有些人會夢遊呢?這一集我們要和兒童神經科醫生俊言叔叔一起來了解關於睡覺的秘密,讓每一個好奇小朋友們都知道怎麼樣才能睡得好睡得飽喔🌙✨! Join pediatric neurologist Dr. Jim on a magical journey through the night as we solve the mysteries of sleep😪😴 in this episode. Discover why we need to sleep 😪😴and why we close eyes🙈 during sleep, dive into the fantasy…
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We all take risks, big and small, every day - especially those of us who are leading unconventional lives that span across multiple countries and cultures. In this episode we ponder the question, “When is a risk worth taking?” 无论大小,我们每天都在冒险——尤其当我们是过着跨越多个国家和文化的非传统生活的人。在这一集中,我们思考一个问题,“何时冒险是值得的呢?” Listen along to hear our answers. Join in on the conve…
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CES 2024 推出左好多唔同最新科技產品,今次同大家由實用,搞怪唔同層面數下有咩產品值得睇 包括最新既電視, 車, LAPTOPS , 以及更多... SAMSUNG S24 GALAXY AI 發佈會在即, 今次黎個最終預告,睇下黎緊會咩新野! ROG PHONE 8 推出! 過左咁多代終於成為全能手機! 聲明: 錄音時間: 12/2/2024 2130 #rogphone8 #samsung #asus #ces2024 Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung…
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Send us a Text Message. 人為什麼會變老👴🏻?老人為什麼有白頭髮🧓🏻?又為什麼要戴上老花眼鏡👓啊?那老人還喜歡玩、喜歡學習嗎?各位好奇的小朋友,快來聽聽爺爺奶奶們告訴你他們最喜歡玩什麼、都在學那些新東西吧! 🎙️ Ever wondered about the secrets of aging? In this podcast episode, we tackle the questions you've always pondered but might have been too shy to ask. Why do we age? What causes our hair to turn gray or white? Why do wrinkles appear?…
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Send us a Text Message. 人為什麼會變老👴🏻?為什麼有些人年紀大了卻很年輕,又有些人還很年輕時看起來就有點老了呢?🧓🏻好奇小朋友們觀察👀到了許多人變老時外表的變化,但到底怎麼樣才算是老了?原來爺爺奶奶們的老化也像小朋友們長高變重一樣,是成長的過程之一,好奇小朋友們快和媽媽老師一起,從身體裡頭的DNA🧬來發現人類變老的秘密吧! Why do people age👴🏻? Why do older people look different🧓🏻? In this episode, we will answer the kiddos' questions about aging, explore the meaning of aging, and unravel the inc…
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We’re baaaackkk! Did you miss us? In our 40th episode and first of 2024, we take some time to reflect on 2023 and share what we’re most looking forward to in 2024. Our first episode of each new year has become a ritual of sorts - a way for us to take inventory of where we’ve been and where we’re going. 我们回来了!你想我们了吗?2024年的第一集也是我们的第40个整集。在这集中,我们花了一些时…
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Cantonese.AI 最近推出,Anson 發現呢個程式背後不為人知既重大穩憂 Beeper Mini 解鎖Android 手機Send iMessage 功能,結果Apple 大舉封殺,係歐盟密切監控下,iMessage 未來係點? Apple Watch Series 9 禁售,但一手消息竟然唔係由Apple 官方發佈, 媒體世界發生緊咩事! Epic V Google 反壟斷官司,Google 竟慘敗收場, 內情係點? 2023 最佳手機,Anson Wallace 終於有唔同選擇! 但係 最佳鏡頭相機竟然係呢部! 仲有"有待進步手機" 來年科技熱話推算, Anson 咁估. 最後, Anson 同Wallace 將會大爆過去一年低谷內容, 面對種種挑戰, 究竟佢地點樣向前行? B…
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Send us a Text Message. 為什麼人受傷了會流血呢?🩸血液到底是什麼東西?血都是紅色的嗎?為什麼血是紅色的呢?流血了該怎麼辦?是坐在原地不停的哭😭😨,還是有其他辦法😄?我們的好奇小朋友們有好多關於血液的問題,讓我們和美國紅十字會分子生物實驗室的血液專家👨‍🔬—馬丁叔叔,一起來探究這個人體中最重要的組成。 Why do people bleed when they get hurt 🩸? What exactly is blood? Is all blood red? Why is it red? What should we do when we are hurt and start bleeding? We collected so many interesting b…
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Send us a Text Message. 🦖✨本集介紹 Episode Overview✨🦖 這一集將介紹小朋友一定都知道的動物—恐龍!最大的恐龍到底有多大嗎?恐龍吃什麼?恐龍又是什麼顏色的呢?還有為什麼現在恐龍都不見了?🦕🌋🌿 我們將和媽媽老師一起踏上探索學習的旅程,回到數千萬年前,研究這些曾經生活在地球上的神奇動物。從霸氣的暴龍到強壯的三角龍,讓我們一起來發現恐龍的秘密,並一起學習一些超酷的恐龍小常識! In this episode, we're exploring a fascinating topic that every kid knows a little something about—Dinosaurs! How big were the largest dinosa…
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呢幾個星期有好多大大少少既Tech news , 首先係Sam Altman 無故被辭任OpenAI CEO,結果峰迴路轉,勁大粒花生食 再者Jerryrigeverything 及DBrand 指控 Casetify Insideout 系列抄襲風波,作為香港人,真心對Casetify 既管理失望 最後同大家講下Nothing 最近自信推出既Nothing Chat 結果7出國際 Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung Wallace Studio HK htt…
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今次第15集The Big Byte Podcast 會傾下我地岩岩出左片講既 iPhone 15 Pro Max,之後就係Macbook Pro M3 最近既更新,Anson 同 Wallace 會同你睇下有咩特別升級,同埋今年選購有咩奇怪位。 最後講下最新推出既相機 Sony A9 iii 同埋Global Shutter 黑科技,Lumix G9 II 2023 Panasonic 仲出一部M43 仲要賣咁貴!? DJI Pocket 3 登場,今次表現幾唔錯!!! #M3 #Macbookpro #M3Max #M3pro #macbook #applehk #iphone15promax #iphone15 #SonyHK #SonyA9 #sonya9iii #Globalshu…
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Meta Quest 3 推出Mixed Reality 功能之後,即刻爆出私隱爭議,Anson 同Wallace 對Meta Quest 3 造成既熱潮睇到R哂頭 Apple 最新推出Apple Pencil USBC,Anson 同Wallace 完全覺得係一個笑話 iPhone 15 Pro Max 又爆災情,Anson 同Wallace 點Take ? Oppo Find N3 推出, Anson 反而對新機推出有啲唔開心 Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung…
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又黎到9月10月, 高峰季節, 呢段時間 Google I/O 推出左Pixel 8 Pro , Pixel Buds Pro, Pixel Watch 2,仲有一大堆Google Bard 功能。 Microsoft 陣營推出Surface Laptop Studio 2, Surface Laptop Go 3, Surface Go 4 仲有 Copilot 一大堆功能。唔理智既Wallace 又買左Studio 2 , 不過其他又比我地鬧爆 Meta 都推出左 MetaQuest 3,怒抄Vision Pro 比我地笑爆,仲有Meta AI功能。 Nothing 同Casetify 既一次合作, 笑到我地肚都痛 Samsung Galaxy 推出 S23FE , TAB S9 FE …
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Goodnotes 6 推出後,雖然新功能好吸引,但係一眾舊用戶對新APP好大不滿,今次邀請埋Madchun 同埋 Samson 一齊傾下呢單野 iPhone 15 系列登場! 今次會由Anson , Wallace 同埋Samson 同大家傾下iPhone 15 系列有咩亮點同有咩奇怪野 Ft. @ansoncheung @TechiCardiaHK @wallacestudiohk @madchunpodcast IG: Samson: techicardiahk Madchun: madchunpodcast #Goodnotes6 #iPhone15 #iphone15promax #iPhone15Pro Business Enquiry: thebigbytepodcast@gm…
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In this episode, Meg and Amy deep dive into AI, their experiences exploring its capabilities, where they think it will be adapted and where they think it won’t, and more. Both Amy and Meg share how it is or isn’t being used in their respective fields, and Meg shares the fun ways she’s been using it outside of work. Meg 和 Amy深入讨论了人工智能——这个可能对创意行业产生深远…
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What you might not know is that when Meg is not behind the mic for The Spark Podcast, she’s writing. Surveyor of life, midwife of stories - the truest thing Meg knows about herself is that she’s a writer. In May of 2022, she started a personal newsletter called Field Notes where she shares her lyrical essays, poems, and personal anecdotes. With Fie…
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今次邀請到 輕鬆講科技 / Daniel 的科技日誌的 Daniel 成為今次Podcast 既嘉賓! Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 & Z Flip 5 到左手一段時間, 今次由Wallace 同Daniel 同大家分享下上手體驗同埋用後感,我地亦都會探討下以Samsung 現時發展摺機既節奏去睇,佢既優勢同埋危機。 Wallace 去完日本攞過Pixel Fold 上手玩過下既印象係點? Google Pixel Fold 第一代有冇優勢? 同時我地都會講下對最近出既摺機既印象: Xiaomi Mix Fold 3, Honor Magic V2 仲有講下一段時間之前出既Nothing Phone 2 最後再同大家點算 iPhone 15 爆料整理 Daniel: In…
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In this episode, Amy and Meg sit down to talk about the Barbie movie - because it’s a MUST. IYKYK. They talk about their experiences going to see both Barbie and Oppenheimer, how the Barbie movie was received in both America and China, the stark contrast between Barbie and Oppenheimer, and their arrival at this moment in history. 在这集中,Amy和Meg分享了观看电…
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Meg and Amy sit down for a mid-summer check-in. They talk about what they’ve been up to since the last episode, visiting past versions of themselves, work, Amy’s trip home, and more as they look forward to what fall holds for The Spark. Meg 和 Amy在这仲夏之日,坐下聊了聊过去几个月发生的点点滴滴。她们分享了从刚开始做播客到现在的心态变化,工作上的起起伏伏,以及Amy的回家之旅。在这集的结尾,Meg和Amy分享了对“火花电台”接下来节目的策划和期盼。 I…
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WWDC 發佈後,好多人先後發表左對Vision Pro 既睇法, 包括 Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg 同埋 iPod 之父 Tony Fadell 對Vision Pro 既批評。仲有 Jon from FPT 對Vision Pro 既批評,Anson 同 Wallace 會就佢地既評論發表一下意見 同時Anson 初步上手左Macbook Air 15 , 本身對Macbook Air 15 唔睇好既佢有冇改觀? Mac Pro 到最後都係推出左,但係Anson 同Wallace 都覺得似係個笑話,點解? 同時同大家探討Reddit 事件,成件事造成依家既局面究竟邊個錯? Anson 同Wallace 就此同大家分析 睇完尹光一人之境聽落幾得意, 即使我地既製作人N…
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今集預告下6月6號0100 AM 既WWDC 2023 會發佈啲咩產品同有咩值得期待! Computex2023 台北實體舉行,今次講下有咩發佈亮點 最後由Anson 分享下泰國出Trip TCL 電視發佈會既第一身感受!!! Paragraphica: Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung https://www.y…
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今集會同大家講Google I/O 既發佈,今年除左講左好多AI相關既應用同發展之外,仲推出左Pixel 7a, Pixel Tablet 同埋Pixel Fold,我地會講下整體既印象 iPad Pro 終於有Final Cut Pro 同埋Logic Pro,我地會講下初步既印象 我地今次亦會回顧3-5月發佈既手機,講下我地既整體印象 (Sony Xperia I V, Samsung A54, A34, Poco F5 Series, Honor Magic V Pro) 更正: Sony Xperia 1 V 主鏡頭Sensor 為IMX 888 (NOT IMX 858) Honor Magic V Pro Swipe 左為正常Google News 頁面,廣告頁面於Swipe 下…
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Meg and Amy revisited their past episode "Two Cities, Multiple Lives” after three years of turbulence, travel bans, and growth. The world may seem and feel different after the pandemic. However, upon re-listening to the episode and reexamining their lives over the past three years, they realized that instead of splitting lives in between different …
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今集會同大家講下最新嘅AI發展,到底各大公司出品嘅AI表現如何呢?今年會係人工智能發展重大嘅新一年?之後仲會講下Samsung月亮造假嘅事件,Anson同Wallace會討論下對手機拍攝嘅睇法。 Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung Wallace Studio HK Produced by Wal…
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今集請到madchun一齊上嚟傾計!講到IG用家Anson好多嘢講,之後再講到Twitter有啲咩「新方法」吸引用家比錢用Blue。Meta遲下都會出monthly subscription,擺明車馬係想賺你錢?MWC2023 有好多值得期待嘅產品,Anson Wallace同你一齊睇! Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung Wallace Studio HK https://ww…
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Meg and Amy reflect on episode 3: Scared But Brave, and episode 4: Hello 2020 - the two episodes recorded before the world as we knew it fell apart. Hello 2020 right? And when they look back they talk about how coincidental it was that the motto they went into to 2020 with, “Scared But Brave,” would be so necessary. They discuss the moments they ha…
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Every great story starts at the beginning. Now that The Spark is almost four years old, Meg and Amy wanted to take a look back on how it all started. They reflect on their first two episodes and from it emerges a the topic of growth. Amy shares how she’s learned to less-critical of herself and Meg shares how she’s learned to become more herself and…
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We're back! 抖咗咁耐一口氣同大家講哂近排由ChatGPT引起嘅Google同Microsoft嘅AI 搜尋服務大戰, Samsung Galaxy S23 香港發佈會體驗同Apple新嘅M2 Pro/Max MacBook Pro⋯⋯ Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung Wallace Studio HK…
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Meg and Amy are back behind the mic again for their first episode of 2023! They share where they’ve been, where they’re going, and what they’ve been up to since the last episode. Plus, what’s new for The Spark and the exciting new way to connect with Meg and Amy and others in The Spark community! Be the first to join in here: https://thesparkpodcas…
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嚟到2023年嘅第一集,Anson同Wallace就即刻同大家睇下今年CES有啲咩新奇有趣科技嘢。之後再講下Panasonic嘅S5II將會加入相位對焦系統。同埋會講到最近某國際公司嘅「圈地」問題。最後仲有新環節The Big Question,睇下Anson同Wallace點發揮佢哋嘅創意啦。 Hyandai: Business Enquiry: Anson Cheung Wallace Studio HK https://w…
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