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The gospel compels us to move from being spectators to everyday disciples—3 John 5-8 illustrates how the church is to stand in contrast to the world. We all have a role to play in the movement of the gospel. Jesus is the foundation, the model, and the means of our generosity, and He invites us to join him. Catch the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotif…
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John’s greatest joy wasn’t just that Gaius believed the truth—it was that he lived it. In a world full of misinformation and shifting narratives, walking in truth means aligning our lives with Jesus, not just agreeing with ideas. This sermon unpacks 3 John 1:1-4, exploring how truth and love belong together, why faithfulness matters more than perfe…
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As we wrap up our series in The Lord’s Prayer, we confront a sobering truth: we have an enemy, we’re not as strong as we think, and we need protection. Jesus' words in Matthew 6:13 pull back the curtain on the unseen battle for our hearts and minds. Ultimately, we are reminded that while evil is real, Jesus has already secured our victory and invit…
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Why is forgiveness so beautiful to witness but so difficult to extend? This week as we explore Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness in Matthew 6, we see how forgiveness is not only possible but is also an invitation into a richer way of life and community. Catch the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Support the show…
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How we pray reveals the condition of our hearts, and in just six radical words, "Give us today our daily bread,” Jesus challenges our self-sufficiency, fear of scarcity, and trust in God's provision. This sermon explores the depth of this petition, inviting us to live with daily dependence rather than anxious striving. True security is not found in…
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There is a painful gap between the way things are and the way they should be. The tension between the brokenness of our world and God’s ultimate restoration is found in Matthew 6:10. When we pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven,” we remember that we can face brokenness, own our part in it, and hope beyond it. Che…
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Jesus teaches us to begin prayer by naming the nearness of God as Father while also declaring His holiness. Though He is set apart, we are called children of God and invited into intimacy with the Creator of the universe. Join us in Matthew 6 as we continue our series in the Lord’s Prayer. Catch the sermon at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or…
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Prayer is supposed to be a gift, but for many of us, it feels burdensome, confusing, or difficult. Even the disciples, the people walking closest to Jesus, weren’t sure how to do it. Join us in Matthew 6 as we look to Jesus to answer the question, “How should we pray?” Catch the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Support the s…
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Some of us are walking into the new year hopeful and expectant while others of us are entering 2025 anxious and weary. Either way, as we stand on the threshold of a new year, Philippians 4 offers us a guide to not merely endure, but flourish. Join us as we reflect on the year past and focus on our minds on Christ for the year ahead. Catch the sermo…
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The Christmas season can carry the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Yet, as followers of Jesus, no matter where we find ourselves, we have reason to rejoice. Jesus didn’t just come for a moment, He came to stay. He is God with us. Join us as we celebrate the good news of our Savior this Christmas. You can catch the sermon at Apple Podcasts,…
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As we wrap up week four of Advent, we explore the extraordinary, yet scary miracle of Mary’s conception of Jesus. Despite standing in the face of scandal, uncertainty, and danger–Mary responds with incredible faith in the love of God. Through Mary’s story in Luke 1, we’ll uncover how God’s love magnifies His kindness, faithfulness, justice, and tru…
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During the holiday season, peace often seems the most out of reach. As much as we try to achieve peace, we are reminded in John 20 that peace is brought in the presence of a Person. Join us as we remember that the peace of Jesus is both a gift and a calling. Catch the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Support the show…
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Why do we struggle so much to experience joy? We often confuse it with happiness or allow fear to hinder us, but Luke 2 reminds us that joy isn’t something we achieve, it is something that we receive. In fact, unshakable joy is meant for all people. Catch the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or To support this ministry and help…
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As we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth, we also look forward to the day Jesus will come again. We await the day that heaven comes to earth. In Revelation 21-22, John shares a promise, a warning, and invitation for the hope that we hold. Join us this first week of Advent as we remember what Jesus has done, will do, and how that changes everything…
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How do we live as a people who hold fast to both truth and love in a world of counterfeits? The Letter of Second John invites us to a life and faith that doesn’t compromise but also that doesn’t retreat. Just as Jesus came in the flesh, may we embody our faith in real, tangible ways. Check out the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and…
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There is a profound connection between truth and love—truth shapes our understanding of God, and love reveals our obedience to Him. Love is more than sentiment; it is a faithful response to God’s commandments, lived out in community. We are witnesses to truth, while love anchors us in genuine relationships that reflect Christ to a world hungry for …
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The grace of God has profound power—freeing power, saving power, transforming power. And the most profound part of it all… it’s a gift. We have a new way to live and a new identity when we rise from the waters of baptism. Join us as we take another look at what it means to be crucified with Christ and raised to new life through salvation. Catch the…
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God has a way of bringing the good news, and usually, He sends a person. In Acts 8, God sends Philip on a 60-mile journey into the desert to bring the good news of Jesus to one person. Join us as we take a look at how just one conversation can change someone’s life forever. Check out the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or To s…
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How do we live faithfully in the tension between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world? Jesus gets to the heart of this question in Matthew 22. As followers of Jesus, our aim isn’t to be apolitical or all-political–it’s something else entirely. Check out the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or To support this minist…
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How should we, as Christians, engage in politics? It can be tempting to simplify it to who we vote for or what policies we support. But it’s about more than that. In today’s sermon we explore how our engagement in politics directly ties into who we’re becoming. Listen to the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and To support this …
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When we recognize that all we have belongs to God, our giving becomes an expression of gratitude. We don’t follow a grumpy Savior who begrudgingly gave his life. Rather, we worship a generous King who lovingly gave all that he had for us. Join us in this final week as we discuss how the generosity of Jesus is reflected in those who follow him. List…
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When Jesus saw us in poverty, he took on our poverty so that we might experience the riches of his grace. When we are generous with the poor, we retell the story of the gospel over and over again. This week we’re opening up Matthew 25 where we’re exploring three different kinds of poverty and three kinds of generosity. Listen to the sermon on Apple…
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So often we find ourselves wanting just a little more. Yet, in 1 Timothy 6, Paul warns followers of Christ to be on guard against all kinds of greed. Life does not exist in the abundance of possessions, rather, the abundant life we seek is found when we follow the way of Jesus. Check out the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and…
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We are treasuring creatures. This week we’re asking ourselves where our treasures lie. Because, as Matthew 6 tells us, where our treasure is, our heart will be. Join us as we begin to unpack the practice of generosity–seeking to mirror the generosity of Christ. Check out the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and To support this …
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As followers of Jesus, we can live day-in and day-out with confidence in the complete and saving work of Christ’s atoning death and resurrection in our lives. Our lives have been secured eternally, and this side of heaven, we can live out our days with boldness. 1 John 5 assures us of our salvation. You can catch the sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spoti…
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Love is not a dopamine rush, a feeling, or an affection. It’s much better. 1 John 4 tells us exactly what love is and what it does. Join us as we walk through six reasons why we love. You can find this week’s sermon on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and To support this ministry and help us continue our God given mission, click here: ht…
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Cain took his brother’s life, yet Jesus gave his life for us. This is how we know what love is. 1 John 3 calls us to love one another not merely with the absence of hate, but with the presence of action. Join us as Pastor Ian discusses how our aim isn’t just to be loving, but to become a people of love–reflecting the love and person of Jesus. Catch…
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We’re living between redemption and restoration, between the already and the not yet. Many will wrongly deny the deity of Jesus, while some will falsely claim to be the Messiah themselves. As Christians in these last days, John tells us there is work to be done. Join us in 1 John as we unpack our call in this last hour. Catch the sermon on Apple Po…
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Have you ever wondered if you’re truly saved or if your faith is genuine? You’re not alone. 1 John addresses why we can rest in the assurance of our salvation as well as tangible ways real faith is lived out by the believer. Join us as guest speaker, Dr. Ken Baugh, talks about how the motivations of our hearts and our resulting actions are transfor…
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If we know that navigating in the dark can be dangerous physically, why do so many of us insist on doing it spiritually? Because there is no darkness in God, following Him means that we can walk freely in the light. Join us in 1 John as we discuss what it means for followers of Jesus to both declare and demonstrate the gospel with our lives. You ca…
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Would you be surprised to hear that we tend to pursue joy in the wrong places? Probably not. Would you say that you are experiencing deep joy? In 1 John, we'll see how simply knowing Jesus will not produce the greatest joy. This week, Pastor Cory unpacks how we encounter true fulfillment. To support this ministry and help us conti…
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In Matthew 19, Jesus calls a rich young ruler to surrender his possessions. This man kept all the rules–he also kept his heart for himself. We have a God who isn’t merely interested in our obedience, our God is interested in our hearts. What would it look like to surrender moment by moment to God? Would our hearts remain the same? Join us as Pastor…
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Maybe you’ve heard it said or maybe you’ve said it yourself that “everything happens for a reason.” While this phrase is often said with good intentions, it carries dangerous theological implications. This week we’re looking to Romans 8 as we seek Biblical understanding in response to inexplicable circumstances. Join us as we discuss how our God mo…
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So often we pride ourselves on doing things by ourselves, on our own, without help from anyone. And we’ve heard it said that, “God helps those who help themselves.” But is there any Biblical basis for that? If Jesus saved us when we were dead in our sins, when we could not help ourselves… then this statement couldn’t possibly be true. Join us as Pa…
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We’ve all heard it said, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” But is this statement Biblically sound or does it just sound Biblical? Pastor Ian explores the meaning behind 1 Corinthians 10:13 and how we are called to depend on God and on one another. Listen to this week’s sermon at To support this ministry and help us c…
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The scandal of the love of God is that it cannot be manifested, earned, or surpassed. The love of God is given. It is given to us because of who Jesus is and what he has done in our place. He invites us into this love and calls us to remain in his unending love. Join us as guest teacher, Mike Kelsey, teaches through John 15 and the implications of …
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We don't live in any shortage of people or ideas claiming to be "a way" to what we're looking for—success, status, well-being, peace, you name it. We often even come with our own ways that we think are the best way to live. But if we really look at our lives... how are our "ways" working for us? Jesus is very exclusive when he calls himself not a w…
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What do you do when the God who has the last word doesn’t speak what you want to hear? Oftentimes, our good plans don’t turn out the way we expect. In John 11, Martha asks the question we all ask at some point in our lives. “Why? God, why?” And as she grapples with deep disappointment, we see Jesus respond in great love and great power. Listen to t…
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Jesus has many names. One of those names is the Good Shepherd. In John 10 Jesus outlines the kind of love he had for us: a love that is committed, intimate, and generous. Guest teacher, Ken Baugh, teaches on what it means for Jesus to be the Good Shepherd. You can catch this week’s sermon at To support this ministry and help us c…
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Jesus says, “I am the gate…” This name of Jesus is so profound in its implications of assurance for us as believers. Because of the safety and protection that only Jesus provides, we can run freely. Join us as guest teacher, Curtis Zackery, unpacks what Jesus meant in John 10 when he said, “I am the gate." Support the show…
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In John 8, Jesus says, “I am the light of the world.” Many of us are familiar with this language, yet, the meaning and implications are often lost on us. This week, Pastor Cory unpacks three aspects of light that Jesus brings to bear on our lives. Not only do we experience the light of Christ, but with the Holy Spirit in us, we get to carry his lig…
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What must we do to know God? We start by knowing his name. In his own words, Jesus tells us, “I am the Bread of Life.” In John 6, as people ask him for food, he shifts the conversation from a temporal, physical need to eternal, spiritual sustenance. Jesus gives true seekers the way to this eternal bread, and it’s not something that can be bought. C…
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Nothing you’re doing for Jesus, big or small, is a waste of time. In John 13, Jesus washed his disciples' feet, including Judas who was moments away from betraying him. Loving and serving like Jesus has nothing to do with whether or not the other person is worthy. For, it was when we were unworthy that Christ loved and served us and made us worthy.…
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Obedience can often be thought of as blind compliance, simply following the rules because we’re supposed to follow them. In turn, we can find ourselves almost following God’s commands. But moral obligation is the antithesis of why we follow God in obedience. In Acts 5, we watch as the disciples fill the city with the name and gospel of Jesus. Not b…
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Many of us approach life like some kind of balancing act, like trying to balance out the scales. And we often carry this balancing act into our relationship with God. But there is no place for scales in God’s Kingdom–His grace knocks them down. It is this grace that Paul and Silas extend to a jailer in Acts 16. It is this grace that causes the jail…
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The early church was characterized in several ways, not the least of which was by their generosity. These early Christians were mirroring the generosity of Jesus–the one who so loved the world that he gave his life. This week, in Acts 2, we learn how the first century church practiced generosity spiritually, physically, and missionally. Visit bridg…
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We’re all leaving a legacy whether we realize it or not. The question is, what kind of legacy do you want to leave? In Acts 20, Paul instills a legacy on the Ephesian elders. Following in the footsteps of Jesus, he left a legacy of service with a life poured out for others. What might it look like to live for the days you won’t see? Listen to this …
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In Acts, Jesus entrusts the early church with a mission–to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth. That mission is the same for believers today. But with a charge like this, we can often find ourselves asking, “How?” Listen to this week’s sermon on living as everyday missionaries and bringing the gospel to every table. To support this ministry a…
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The road to Emmaus is the gap between crushed expectations and deep longing. In Luke 24, we find two men walking this very road, and they find a stranger walking with them–or so they think. A stranger who listens to their pain and walks alongside them in their grief. Just when they thought it was over, the resurrected Christ was in their very midst…
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Prior to the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, the cross was a symbol of terror and intimidation. So, on this Good Friday, as we remember the excruciating death of Jesus, how can we call today good? Because death did not have the final say. Listen to this Good Friday sermon on how we linger in the ache because there is no resurrection without…
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