Official website of The Church of the Blessed Sacrament & Blessed Sacrament Catholic School. Features include parish & school news, Mass and Confessions schedule, bulletins, parish & school calendar, podcasts, descriptions of all parish programs and much more!
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How do we grow in this capacity to love our enemies?
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Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and He gives us that light through Baptism.
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At the moment of baptism, Our Lord identified Himself with sinners. What happened on the cross started in the waters of baptism.
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There was a promise of beauty, hope, and joy in the maji. That same promise is there for each of us.
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Please consider a gift this year to the Christmas Call to Sharing Campaign. It helps support our seminarians and the retired priests of the Diocese of Wichita.
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Our preparation has to be rooted in the knowledge that He is the way!
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The Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ give value to the difficulties of daily life.
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He is the one in whom we rejoice.
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We should not dread the Lord's coming as long as we strive to live a life of grace.
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We are called to be completely His. So we give ourselves to Him, and by becoming a gift to God, we become a gift to those around us.
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No one has been challenged to love the way Jesus challenges Christians. Jesus tell us, that we should love God with All you have and your neighbor as yourself. Then He challenges us even more as He tells us to love one another as I have loved you.
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Through Bartimaeus and his cry, we join him in his call of faith. The Son of David answered his prayer and responded with a call. Will you also respond when the Son of David calls to you?
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As we enter this Stewardship Renewal season, we are challenged to 'go and do likewise.' This challenge is in response to Jesus in the parable and those who came before us and have lived out their own call to stewardship.
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We must reach out our hand to our loving God, who is the wisdom we seek.
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Marriage is not always easy, and that is why we need God's grace. We don't want to turn away from hardship but instead turn towards it with God's grace.
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What does Jesus feel and think about suffering? Christ has a mission against suffering as He comes to bring healing and victory.
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The nearness of God and the gift of the law are one in the person of Jesus Christ.
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How is God challenging us as He calls us to deeper communion with Him in heaven?
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We are called to put aside foolishness and come to the Lord's table, where He has provided the Bread of Life.
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We cannot follow Christ without Christ. That is why He comes to us.
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The Lord wants us to move from former ways of thinking to Him. When we long for more, we take a step closer to the Lord and He calls us even deeper.
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Marriage is the image of the Love of the Father, and the whole of society is founded on that union.
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These stones that make up our Church are a sacred dwelling to our Lord. Our hearts should echo the cry of these sacred stones, "How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord!"
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God's grace leaves us with the love of the Father.
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Grace is a real aid from God that we desperately need. Thank God for this gift that is freely given to each one of us.
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Christ has come to establish what was forfeited by Adam and Eve: grace.
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Not only does the Lord have the power to calm the storm, but He cares. He desires to be there for those He loves.
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The role of the Father is important, especially in the family's spiritual development.
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Ordinary, called so for the Latin word of numbered. This Ordinary Time is not a time of inactivity, we are called to more.
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We are not given a spirit of slavery but a spirit of power through which we can cry out, Abba Father!
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The Holy Spirit works in our hearts individually to help us become the men or women we are called to be.
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Where Jesus has gone, we are called to follow. He has prepared the place and the way for us to follow Him to heaven.
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St. John tells us how we are called to love one another as Christ has loved us. We can only do this because the Father loved us first.
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The gift of God's mercy is something we all need.
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One soul in the state of grace far surpasses all the glory of salvation.
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Peter was ready to fight to the death but wasn't ready to endure. We see through Peter how difficult suffering is through the Lord's Passion.
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This veil and unveiling is the pattern of life. Although the veils remain until Easter, we know the glory that we are being called to at Easter.
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We have to learn to make acts of faith. We study, we feed our faith, and that is how we able to make acts of faith.
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How often do we clear out the clutter and make room for God in our lives?
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In suffering, it takes a great act of faith to recognize our true happiness comes not in this world but in the next.
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Our Lenten practice of denying ourselves helps give us a greater capacity to love our Lord.
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We often pray for what we want. God wants to provide us with what we need, the grace we need to stay faithful.
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Christ is our example of true prayer and the compassion that prayer.
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Jesus taught with authority, revealing Himself to the world. In this authority, Jesus asks us to make an act of faith, believing in who He is as professed through the Creed.
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That star was not guiding them to a place but a person. The light guided them to He, who is the light.
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We are also given a call, a new name. How will you respond to that call?
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The grace of Baptism allows us to enter into the life of Christ.
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We are called to respond to our Lord's coming in this season of Advent.
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Our first thought in Advent is not Christmas. As Catholics, we start Advent by asking ourselves if we are ready for the second coming of Christ.
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Jesus Christ is to be the King and Lord not just of the universe, but of our universe. He is the Lord and Master of every single part of our lives.
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