A board games podcast featuring a group of diverse friends who offer their takes on the latest and greatest board games to hit their table and face them off 1v1 in the “Battle of the Funnest” Showdown.
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Episode 38: Pour Me a Draft: Castles of Burgundy vs Grand Austria Hotel Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:19 Buy, Borrow, or Burn! 04:36 A Listener Review! 06:14 Castles of Burgundy 22:14 Castles of Burgundy: Final Thoughts 24:59 Grand Austria Hotel 41:22 Grand Austria Hotel: Final Thoughts 45:03 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 58:18 Bloopers! Thank…
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Special Episode 37: Cardboard Crushes 2025 Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:03 Topic of the Day! 13:10 Follow and Subscribe 13:42 Cardboard Crush #3 25:28 Cardboard Crush #2 41:02 Cardboard Crush #1 01:00:33 Honorable Mentions 01:01:56 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifthmeeple@gmail.com…
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Episode 36: Gimme a Hand: Concordia vs Aquatica Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:02 Topic of the Day! 05:26 Follow and Subscribe 06:03 Aquatica 22:10 Aquatica: Final Thoughts 25:58 Concordia 46:58 Concordia: Final Thoughts 51:28 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 01:03:08 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifthmeep…
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Episode 35: Cracking the Code: Decrypto vs Codenames Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:04 Topic of the Day! 04:50 Follow and Subscribe 05:21 Codenames 17:43 Codenames: Final Thoughts 20:29 Decrypto 32:31 Decrypto: Final Thoughts 34:19 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 46:03 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifthme…
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Special Episode 34: Never Again Bottom 3 Board Games Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:20 Topic of the Day! 08:17 Follow and Subscribe 09:06 Bottom 3! 47:47 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifthmeeple@gmail.com由The Fifth Meeple Board Game Podcast
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Episode 33: You Reap What You Sow: Viticulture vs. Agricola Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:18 Topic of the Day! 05:00 Follow and Subscribe 05:36 Agricola 22:20 Agricola: Final Thoughts 24:57 Viticulture 40:58 Viticulture: Final Thoughts 44:43 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 55:35 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect with us? Email us at…
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Episode 32: Engine Building Giants: Ark Nova vs Terraforming Mars Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:04 Topic of the Day! 06:07 Ark Nova 24:40 Ark Nova: Final Thoughts 27:56 Terraforming Mars 44:03 Terraforming Mars: Final Thoughts 46:34 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 58:07 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifth…
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Episode 31: That's Classic: Lords of Waterdeep vs Champions of Midgard Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:14 Topic of the Day! 05:29 Recent Reviews 06:09 Lords of Waterdeep 20:57 Lords of Waterdeep: Final Thoughts 24:21 Champions of Midgard 42:11 Champions of Midgard: Final Thoughts 46:23 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 57:55 Bloopers Thanks for list…
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Episode 30: Networking Titans: Brass: Birmingham vs Nucleum Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:06 Topic of the Day! 05:02 Recent Reviews 05:53 Brass: Birmingham 21:59 Brass: Birmingham Final Thoughts 25:53 Nucleum 47:30 Nucleum: Final Thoughts 49:57 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 59:59 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect with us? Email us…
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Episode 29: The Horror! Eldritch Horror vs Fury of Dracula Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:20 Topic of the Day! 05:30 Follow and Subscribe 06:37 Eldritch Horror 22:12 Eldritch Horror: Final Thoughts 24:37 Fury of Dracula 34:40 Fury of Dracula: Final Thoughts 37:08 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 46:00 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect…
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Special Episode 28: You're the Best, Part 3: Top 15 Board Games of All Time (5-1) Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:39 Daniella's #5 06:10 Chris's #5 08:10 Pete's #5 12:01 David's #5 13:15 Daniella's #4 15:56 Chris's #4 19:25 Pete's #4 23:37 David's #4 26:17 Daniella's #3 29:16 Chris's #3 31:08 Pete's #3 35:55 David's #3 38:02 Daniella's #2 40:54 C…
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Special Episode 27: You're the Best, Part 2: Top 15 Board Games of All Time (10-6) Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:51 Chris's #10 03:14 Pete's #10 06:42 David's #10 10:13 Chris's #9 12:31 Pete's #9 16:47 David's #9 19:47 Chris's #8 22:36 Pete's #8 24:27 David's #8 26:42 Chris's #7 30:52 Pete's #7 32:39 David's #7 37:48 Chris's #6 40:10 Pete's #6 …
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Special Episode 26: You're the Best, Part 1: Top 15 Board Games of All Time (15-11) Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 02:19 Pete's #15 04:49 David's #15 08:49 Chris's #15 10:48 Pete's #14 13:48 David's #14 16:27 Chris's #14 18:35 Pete's #13 21:51 David's #13 24:36 Chris's #13 26:17 Pete's #12 29:34 David's #12 34:05 Chris's #12 36:29 Pete's #11 42:05 …
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Episode 25: Multi-Use Cards This, That or the Other: Bruges vs Glory to Rome Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:29 Topic of the Day! 04:00 Bruges 21:55 Bruges: Collector's Corner 24:54 Bruges: Final Thoughts 28:02 Glory to Rome 44:50 Glory to Rome: Collector's Corner 48:22 Glory to Rome: Final Thoughts 50:52 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 01:02:53 F…
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Episode 24: It's in the Bag: Orleans vs Altiplano Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:57 Topic of the Day! 04:45 Follow and Subscribe 05:22 Orleans 20:42 Orleans: Collector's Corner 22:14 Orleans: Final Thoughts 25:49 Altiplano 45:04 Altiplano: Collector's Corner 46:32 Altiplano: Final Thoughts 50:02 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 01:02:26 Bloopers T…
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Special Episode 23: Summer Flings: Games We Love Right Now! Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:49 Topic of the Day! 03:55 Summer Fling #3 19:58 Summer Fling #2 39:15 Summer Fling #1 01:01:54 Summer Fling Honorable Mentions 01:10:05 Follow and Subscribe 01:10:38 Bloopers Thanks for listening! Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifthmeeple@gmail.…
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Episode 22: Game Overboard!: Castles of Mad King Ludwig vs. Foundations of Rome Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:05 Topic of the Day! 09:57 Follow and Subscribe 10:35: Castles of Mad King Ludwig 31:24: Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Collector's Corner 33:13: Castles of Mad King Ludwig: Final Thoughts 36:20: Foundations of Rome 53:10: Foundations of R…
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Episode 21: Dice in Our Veins: Alien Frontiers vs Kingsburg Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:02: Topic of the Day! 08:27 Follow and Subscribe 09:02 Alien Frontiers 27:50 Alien Frontiers: Collector's Corner 29:11 Alien Frontiers: Final Thoughts 32:52 Kingsburg 54:27 Kingsburg: Collector's Corner 56:30 Kingsburg: Final Thoughts 59:40 Battle of the F…
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Special Episode 20: Conventional Wisdom Origins Recap Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:45 Topic of the Day! 05:50 Follow and Subscribe 06:10 Origins: New Experiences 16:52 Origins: Kickstarters we sampled - Coalition Councils of the Republic, Sugar Works, Parks and Potions, Natera: New Beginning 39:58: Origins: Takeaways/Highlights/Misses 01:16:04…
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Episode 19: Of Spice and Men: Dune Imperium vs Lost Ruins of Arnak Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:26 Topic of the Day! 05:34 Follow and Subscribe 06:05 Shout Out! 06:56 Dune Imperium 32:40 Dune Imperium: Collector's Corner 34:18 Dune Imperium: Final Thoughts 37:45 Lost Ruins of Arnak 01:00:31 Lost Ruins of Arnak: Collector's Corner 01:02:13 Lost…
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Episode 18: One Hump or Two? Downforce vs Camel Up Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:13 Topic of the Day! 06:21 Follow and Subscribe 07:11 Downforce 22:25 Downforce: Collector's Corner 25:02 Downforce: Final Thoughts 27:27 Camel Up 40:33 Camel Up: Collector's Corner 45:16 Camel Up: Final Thoughts 48:14 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 01:01:59 Meet u…
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Episode 17: Work-place Wellness: Architects of the West Kingdom vs. Lockup: A Roll Player Tale
Episode 17: Work-place Wellness: Architects of the West Kingdom vs. Lockup: A Roll Player Tale Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:02 Topic of the Day! 08:17 Follow and Subscribe 08:36 Shout Out! 10:12 Architects of the West Kingdom 27:36 Architects of the West Kingdom: Collector's Corner 28:53 Architects of the West Kingdom: Final Thoughts 30:40 Loc…
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Episode 16: A Tale of Two Towers: El Grande vs Shogun Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:32 Topic of the Day! 08:16 Follow and Subscribe 08:45 El Grande 25:33 El Grande: Collector's Corner 28:08 El Grande: Final Thoughts 31:32 Shogun 52:06 Shogun: Collector's Corner 53:39 Shogun: Final Thoughts 55:58 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 1:05:40 Bloopers W…
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Special Episode 15: Starting a Board Game Podcast Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:41 Topic of the Day! 10:13 Follow and Subscribe 10:55 Making a Board Game Podcast 57:57 Bloopers Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifthmeeple@gmail.com由The Fifth Meeple Board Game Podcast
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Episode 14: Start Your Engines: Wingspan vs Earth Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:10 Topic of the Day! 06:49 Follow and Subscribe 07:30 Wingspan 30:08 Wingspan: Collector's Corner 31:55 Wingspan: Final Thoughts 35:22 Earth 50:47 Earth: Collector's Corner 52:07 Earth: Final Thoughts 56:28 Battle of the Funnest Showdown 01:06:56 Bloopers Want to co…
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Special Episode 13: Meeple Madness 2024 Edition 00:00:00 Introduction 00:00:25 Meeple Madness Tourney Time! 01:31:17 Bloopers Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifthmeeple@gmail.com由The Fifth Meeple
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Episode 12: Feeling Lucky? Quacks of Quedlinburg vs Longshot: The Dice Game Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:06 Topic of the Day! 10:35 Follow and Subscribe 11:10 The Quacks of Quedlinburg 29:12 The Quacks of Quedlinburg: Collector's Corner 31:21 The Quacks of Quedlinburg: Final Thoughts 33:20 Longshot: The Dice Game 47:27 Longshot: The Dice Game:…
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Episode 11: I Wonder...7 Wonders vs It's a Wonderful World Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:00 Topic of the Day! 06:59 Follow and Subscribe 07:27 7 Wonders 23:58 7 Wonders: Collector's Corner 25:15 7 Wonders: Final Thoughts 27:29 It's a Wonderful World 45:20 It's a Wonderful World: Collector's Corner 46:12: It's a Wonderful World: Final Thoughts 4…
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Special Episode 10: Cardboard Crushes! Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 00:53 Topic of the Day! 06:43 Follow and Subscribe! 07:10 Shout Out! 08:40 Cardboard Crush #3 22:24 Cardboard Crush #2 38:04 Cardboard Crush #1 59:40 Bloopers Want to connect with us? Email us at thefifthmeeple@gmail.com由The Fifth Meeple
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Episode 9: A Tile and a Place: Cascadia vs World Wonders Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:20 Poll Time! 08:04 Shout Out! 08:45 Follow and Subscribe! 09:35 Cascadia 33:56 Cascadia: Collector's Corner 35:36 Cascadia Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 37:14 World Wonders 57:15 World Wonders: Collector's Corner 58:45 World Wonders Thumbs up or Down at 5 P…
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Episode 8: Write This Down: Railroad Ink vs Welcome To...Your Perfect Home Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:15 Topic of the Day! 05:54 Follow and Subscribe! 06:36 Railroad Ink 29:09 Railroad Ink: Collector's Corner 31:47 Railroad Ink: Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 34:04 Welcome To...Your Perfect Home 54:07 Welcome To: Collector's Corner 55:31: We…
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Episode 6: Gateway Gifts: Ticket to Ride: Europe vs Trekking the World Timestamp: 00:00 Introduction 01:09 Poll Time! 09:12 Follow and Subscribe! 09:55 Ticket to Ride: Europe 36:53 Ticket to Ride: Europe Collector's Corner 37:49 Ticket to Ride: Europe Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 40:37 Trekking the World 01:11:25 Trekking the World: Collector's C…
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Episode 5: The Race is On! Heat: Pedal to the Metal vs Rallyman: Dirt Timestamp: 00:00 Introduction 01:06 Poll Time! 12:21 Follow and Subscribe! 13:11 Heat: Pedal to the Metal 46:41 Heat: Collector's Corner 50:09 Heat: Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 52:31 Rallyman: DIRT 01:18:00 Rallyman: Collector's Corner 01:19:25 Rallyman: Thumbs Up or Down at 5…
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Special Episode 7: New Year New Goals由The Fifth Meeple
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Episode 4: Going Once, Twice, Sold! Modern Art vs Ra Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:14 Topic of the Day! 08:53 Follow and Subscribe! 09:45 Modern Art 33:54 Modern Art: Collector's Corner 35:45 Modern Art: Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 37:22 Ra 57:13 Ra: Collector's Corner 58:25 Ra: Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 1:00:43 Battle of the Funnest Sh…
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Episode 3: It's Tricky: Cat in the Box vs The Crew Mission Deep Sea Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:11 Poll Time! 05:38 Follow and Subscribe! 06:33 Cat in the Box 27:25 Cat in the Box: Collector's Corner 29:40 Cat in the Box: Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 31:54 The Crew Mission Deep Sea 52:00 The Crew Mission Deep Sea: Collector's Corner 53:10 T…
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Episode 2: Trick or Treat: Horrified vs Betrayal at House on the Hill Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:43 Poll Time! 06:18 Follow and Subscribe! 07:01 Horrified 26:30 Horrified: Collector's Corner 27:42 Horrified: Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 30:14 Betrayal at House on the Hill 52:38 Betrayal at House on the Hill: Collector's Corner 53:37 Betray…
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Episode 1: Pleading the Fifth- The Isle of Cats vs. Planet Unknown Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction 01:09 Poll Time! 07:14 Follow and Subscribe! 08:06 Isle of Cats 30:35 Isle of Cats: Collector's Corner 33:42 Isle of Cats: Thumbs Up or Down at 5 Players 37:19 Planet Unknown 55:54 Planet Unknown: Collector's Corner 58:26 Planet Unknown: Thumbs Up or D…
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