Welcome to The Untitled Food Podcast with Pam Gilmour (Glasgow Food Geek) Audrey David (The Gingerelle) and Sarah Ahmad (The Floating Designer) chatting about all things eating, food and restaurant culture, with the occasional special guest thrown in for good measure.
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Who is responsible for our diets? In this week's episode, we discuss junk food adverts, extra government taxes on the food and drink we choose to eat and how this could impact our relationship to food in general.由The Untitled Food Podcast
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After a night out of drinking with your pals and all the fun drunk adventures, you will return home to an inevitable hangover the next day. What's your cure to overcome that migraine? We tell you about our hangover cures in this week's episode of The Untitled Food Podcast! Enjoy!We're on iTunes! Subscribe here:itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-u…d135…
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McDonalds, Jamie’s Italian, Dominos, TacoBell….In this episode we chat about all things chain restaurants, from the reason we think they are failing, to our guilty chain restaurant pleasures. So grab a coffee and settle down to hear what we really think of the big boys in the food scene.由The Untitled Food Podcast
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What's the weirdest and most outrageous thing you've ever tried or want to try? Is it slimy? Stinky? Blue in colour?! Well in this episode, we tell you all about the bizarre foods from our countries and all the ones that are on our to-try bucket lists.We're on iTunes! Subscribe here:itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-u…d1357990706?mt=2Follow us on Ins…
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Are you more Masterchef or Great British Bake Off? This week we tell you all about the food programmes we know and love, new trends in culinary TV and a chicken controversy which shook an entire country.We're on iTunes! Subscribe here:itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/the-u…d1357990706?mt=2Follow us on Instagram:Pam Gilmour (www.instagram.com/glasgowfood…
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