Bringing Our Worship with Tomi Favored is a place of harmonizing the people of God back to Him through His Word; spoken and sung. Each episode, the Nigerian-American songwriter, recording artist, author, & speaker shares from the Bible, life experiences, & music, to facilitate reconnecting back to God. Many of us have questioned God’s existence or stopped believing at some point in time. It’s often been because of misunderstandings we were taught, or misrepresentations of Him by people. When ...
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We hear “peace, safety, security”... but the world is not getting better. Not to be morbid... we’ve been told in the Word. Things get really bad before they will get eternally better. For some... --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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What does God have to say about Himself according to His Word? What is He like? What can we expect of Him? What is He capable of? Let’s find out--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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In this podcast episode, I talk a bit about the remix of my song “Jehovah” and how God is worthy of our worship in spite of circumstances. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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People can be irritating. As a matter of fact, if you live long enough, you WILL be angered by some things people do. Even the Bible acknowledges this. But today, we’ll talk about how God doesn’t want us to sin in the process and give Satan a means of entry into our lives. --- Send in a voice message:…
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Systemic Racism is still alive and well in America today. Right here in 2020. The past few weeks have proven that. As Christians, how are we feeling? What are our responses? How do we proceed? Will changes occur? Does this affect our worship? --- Send in a voice message: this…
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One realization in Christendom that has such great potential to humble us, keep us teachable, and make us gracious towards others is this: we don’t know everything! Today, we discuss some of the ramifications of only knowing in part... --- Send in a voice message: this podcas…
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Many thanks to all our essential workers during the Covid Lockdown! Also, prayers and love to those whose jobs may have been deemed non-essential but who themselves are beautifully essential to us all! In today’s podcast however, we discuss how in God’s salvation economy, the ONLY essential worker is God Himself! --- Send in a voice message: https:…
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Yes God is a God who judges; and He does so justly. But in times when we see God’s judgement being poured out, should we be the kinds of Christians who love seeing God’s wrath, or hope for His mercy in the midst of it all? --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://po…
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Essentially, you can bring Jesus 5 loaves and 2 fish...and he’ll use it to feed thousands. When you bring what you have to offer to God, it’s not about that thing; but your bringing it for His anointing to multiply it and bring testimonies. --- Send in a voice message: this p…
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Happy 50th episode! Today we discuss the fact that the Bible says “God is love” and how that means every time we say “I love you” to someone, what we’re actually saying is “I God You.” --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Whenever you see something excellent, know that it did not happen by accident. It was deliberate and intentional; the work of an intelligent, calculated mind for some time before the outcome is observed.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Often for us believers, our problem is not that we don’t believe in the person of Jesus Christ or don’t trust God... it’s that on a day to day, situation to situation basis, we just really need help bolstering our faith. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podc…
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James 4:13-15 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit" yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will live and do this …
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One of our scriptures today is Ecclesiastes 6:11 which admonishes us to sow our seed in the morning and the evening; then to not let our hands be idle since we don’t know which will succeed. Essentially, we need to sow and then keep working! Let’s talk about this... --- Send in a voice message:…
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A fruit from a tree does not feed the other fruit. It feeds people outside of the tree and something different from other fruit of its kind. Often, we sit in the same circle wondering why we’re not effective; when we should be going into the world and reaching out to NEW people. --- Send in a voice message:…
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The goal of this podcast is harmonizing the people of God back to Him through His word; spoken and sung. In today’s podcast, I share 5 of my songs with you that I think will bless you if you meditate on the words. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podcasters.…
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You could hold on to that grudge for a lifetime... but as someone once said, a lack of forgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. You’re holding yourself back in life when you don’t let things go.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https…
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Someone once said (I’m paraphrasing) : the grave is the wealthiest place on earth because therein lies many a soul which has gone without giving the solutions they had to the world. In today’s episode, we discuss how not to be one of those who leaves without becoming dynamic and realizing your purpose. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcaster…
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Some weights, burdens, trials, pressures and challenges in our lives are believe it or not, deliberate. They’re actually there to train us, grow us, shape us, and make us better...--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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There are three battles every individual fights during their lifetime: A sin nature inherent in all of us from birth, the negative influences and challenges of the fallen world we’ve been born into, and the supernatural being Satan, the literal adversary of every human God created to inherit His promises. You must know which you’re fighting at diff…
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Does seeing money physically go down the drain bother you? Why? Because you place a certain value on those pieces of paper... because others agree with you that there is an existing value to that piece of paper which transcends toilet paper. In 2020, you need to develop value; not just usefulness. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spo…
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Often, those of us who want to be very spiritual struggle with what to do in life; we struggle when it comes to work because we wonder if what we’re doing is “God’s will.” Purpose is one thing, but with work, is it specified?--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://…
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Happy new year!! 2020 is here! It’s going to be amazing... it can, and it will. God is still God, He is on the throne, and you’ve been given a new beginning. The reset button has been pressed and this is the year your life gets better as you allow God to work in you! --- Send in a voice message:…
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When we hear 2020, we think 2020 vision. Well, the year 2020 can indeed be a year of clarity and vision; but only if we let go of so many things that cloud our objectivity, focus, & plans. Perhaps, they’re failures, hurts, offenses, or doubts... whatever they are, we need to let them go so we can see clearly anew.--- Send in a voice message: https:…
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Ever changed how you looked significantly that you weren’t immediately recognized? Well... funny, not so-funny story...that happened to me yesterday and it was bad! :-D --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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What happens when you don’t have a bunch of money for the holidays? When you can’t go shopping and give all those presents expected? When you’re literally broke? Should your value come from what’s in your bank account?--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podcast…
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We always ask what Christmas means to us... the better question is what does the birth of Christ into the world mean to God? Today we discuss Jesus, how Santa isn’t the reason for the season, and Eternal Security, which is a major reason for Christ’s advent during this period called Christmas. We also discuss how commemorating Christ’s physical ite…
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1 Samuel 23:1-14 tells us a story where God gives counsel to David about something that would have happened had David not made a wiser decision. Essentially, God gave David foreknowledge to give him a chance to exercise wisdom.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https:…
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Forgetting vital information about a relationship can cost you intimacy in that relationship... this is why God is always reminding us to remember certain things about our relationship with Him! --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Life can be really down-casting at times; and it’s so easy to develop a heart full of anger, sadness, bitterness and depression. The cure, however, is often simpler than we think: an attitude of gratitude.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.c…
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A time is coming when the world will get exactly what it wants... a world without “pesky” Christians...constantly trying to tell them how to live or who to believe. But they’ll realize they don’t like the outcome.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podcasters.s…
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Often, our goals lack fulfillment simply because we lack diligence. We end up standing before low-ranking officials and not Kings because we didn’t persist. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Often the things we see in the physical world mirror spiritual concepts. The concept of royalties essentially is receiving reward for things done in the past...passive income earning. Spiritually, God gives us the same assurance...that He doesn’t forget our good works and will reward! --- Send in a voice message:…
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Often, we get caught up in our personal issues that we forget there’s an entire world out there with agendas & problems; we forget there’s even a supernatural world where we are both the “pawns and prize” as Chuck Missler used to say... in today’s podcast we discuss having a worldview.--- Send in a voice message:…
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The Bible says: “...let no one despise your youth...” So many young people are confused, bullied, fearful, and then become the bullies, the hateful, and individuals entirely unsure of who they are or what the future holds; because in their youth, they believe the lies. In today’s podcast, I address young people in hopes of encouraging them to wake …
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We conclude our discussion on the topic of inhabiting versus inheriting in this second part of this two-part series. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:
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Is there a difference between inhabiting the kingdom of God and inheriting the kingdom of God? In part one of this topic on today’s podcast episode, we clarify several things about salvation to help us answer this question. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://p…
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As you study the Bible and want to learn more about God, it’s wise to listen to counsel, teaching, and research from other people to expand your knowledge and understanding. In this episode, I share some of the people to whom I listen.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast…
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Someone once said: Everything in the Bible is written FOR us...but not everything in the Bible is written TO us. In today’s podcast, we discuss this. Enjoy! --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Why do certain things seem impossible? It’s not necessarily because they’re actually impossible, but because we wrongly think we don’t have the capacity to begin trying to do them...--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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In today’s podcast episode, we meet Tomi Favored and learn who she is, where she’s from, why she does what she does, etc. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Often in life, we focus on the wrong things...and that mistake can cost us our vision or forward motion. In today’s podcast, we discuss setting our minds on things above as the Bible admonishes... --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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Psalm 30:5 is a beautiful scripture which carries a very encouraging message: that joy comes in the morning. Weeping, sorrow, sadness... those things will not last forever.--- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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One of the greatest hurdles a human being will overcome in life is understanding that there is someone greater than them; who originated them into this world... --- Send in a voice message: this podcast:…
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We won’t all always be on the same page; even as Christians. And God is aware of the diversity of personalities He created, the diversities in intelligence and aptitudes in His family... but His instruction to us has not changed: Love one another. Even when we disagree. Today, we discuss how we are to disagree agreeably, and so on. --- Send in a vo…
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In today’s podcast, we discuss the issue of sin that is behind people only seeing the color of people’s skin; also how the grace of God is the thing that can harmonize races of people one to another, and to Himself. --- Send in a voice message: this podcast: https://podcaster…
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We have limited time... here on earth... our days are numbered, and it is our reality. So, what do we do in that time? What should the understanding of our pending expiration inspire in our lives today? We discuss that in today’s podcast. --- Send in a voice message: this pod…
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Many people think predestination in the Christian context means that God likes some people, and wants to save them; all the while NOT liking some others, and thus predestining them to damnation. This mindset is false and in today’s podcast, we explain... enjoy knowing you are loved! --- Send in a voice message:…
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Today’s episode is a message I shared at Covenant Chapel, Toronto for the Visionaries Youth Recharge conference. The way for us all to recharge and continually deal with the circumstances of life is to stay connected to God and His inexhaustible power. --- Send in a voice message:…
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The church has inadvertently supplied many creative artists and talent to the secular world over time... is it any wonder now that God is seemingly saving souls from the secular world and causing them to proclaim Him? In this podcast episode we discuss Kanye West, Michael Jackson, Nebuchadnezzar and many others! --- Send in a voice message: https:/…
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