2016 Summer Schedule: Sunday’s 1800-2000 (6pm-8pm) central TH: 1900-2200 (7-10pm) central We are growing and by word of mouth only! Join my tens of listeners and find out what we are all about. We take the thought’s of the Founders & Framers, the Organic Guiding Documents of our Founding, & what we have learned from History and apply it to the current events of our lives. Freedom Studies 101: UGP Radio is your school for Remedial Conservative Studies. Come explore the depths & values of a fr ...
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What i$ money? Cops. Why do we have them & do we need them?由Underground Professor Radio
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I am back from 5 months of flu... tonight I start with my friend that never calls me, Ken McClinton the Exceptional Conservitive and then next Tuesday we go back to our Tuesday / Thursday schedule. 8 pm central. get ready to learn and then go forth and teach UGP #575 I'm Back Or Baby Got Back...Whichever Works…
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UGP #573 Catching Up From Being Gone... The professor has been sone for too long...I am back and ready to kick things off and down the hill由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #572 Lent: Or God Making Lemonade Out Of CrucifixionUGP #572 Lent: Or God Making Lemonade Out Of Crucifixion由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #570 Constitutional Studies For Those That Know Everything由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #569 Trump, Teachers, and Treachery Stories of teachers and tyrany when it comes to our newly minted president...oh how the party hypocrits are crying... Come meet Meagan, my paramour will stop by to say howdy由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #568 The Professor Returns I return to the airwaves with my dulcet tones of wisdom following holidays and personal trials由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #567 Taco Tuesday's Totally Tarriffic Tantric Totality UGP #567 Taco Tuesday's Totally Tarriffic Tantric Totality由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #566 Thanksgiving Secrets And Exceptional Conservative / RedSkins Eat Crow we will go over T-Day's History a bit and then either the Underground Professor or The Exceptional Conservative will be eating crow, the other turkey, after the God Beloved Dallas Cowboys and the Satanic Washington Red Skins play their thanksgiving day game…
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UGP #565 Dare We Hope Our Constitutionally Federated Republic Will Survive?由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #564 As The World Turns, Post Election Fall Out... let's talk politics and how it might shake out由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #563 Election Night On UGP Radio由Underground Professor Radio
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forgive me im out of studio and not able to return today! i will broadcast monday night instead... Trump should know this story and Clinton is getting a taste of it this week. The story of Damocles as told by Cicero to the Senate, and how it applies to our two candidates, Constitution, and the Electorate will be unfolded on tonights program.. invit…
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UGP #561 FBI Elections And The Lowest Common Denominator由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #560 Battle Of France And The Growth Of Young Conservative Clubs... Tonight I have a rare guest, Sean-Michael from All Saints Episcopal School. He has created a board game about the French part of WWII and their Maginot Line of defense. He also created a young conservative club at his high school and is heading to an Ivy League school! Come hea…
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UGP #559 Is Clinton Correct That "Niggers" Are Incapable Of Success In America? according to leaked emails from clinton and podesta..由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #558 Broken In Body, Broken In Heart, But Never Broken In Spirit we live our lives in body, in mind (heart), and in spirit one or more may be in disrepair but which is the most important to keep up and running? #ugp Next Sunday special guest Sean-Michael will talk to us about his new game he created on the French War and thier Maginot Line... c…
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UGP #557 Is Freedom From Slavery Enough Or Is More Owed? By Who & To Whom?由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #556 BLM: Might Makes Right? Anthem Free Football? Go Cowboys! For my brother Ken: https://youtu.be/OOgd9hitEAE Happy Birthday!由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #555 Souls, Debates, And Flowers we have had quite the week in America. Bombings, stabbings, riots and other messes brought to us by democrat policies. we will ask the question can BLM and the rioters souls be saved or are they going to be condemned to hell like the muslims? Also, we have the big debate between the tow presidential candidates w…
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UGP #553 To Whom Do We Owe Loyalty?UGP #553 To Whom Do We Owe Loyalty?UGP #553 To Whom Do We Owe Loyalty?由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #552 Art Of Shame #2由Underground Professor Radio
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We have the 15th remembrance of 9/11 and we are being asked questions such as what are the shelf lives of a crisis? We have military and football players refusing to stand for the national anthem? The president is a muslim? What the heck are we to commemorate on this anniversary? UGP #524 We Have Had 15 Post 9/11's And 8 Years of Obama: Better Or W…
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does clinton and trump have what it takes to be commander in chief? What do we know of Trump? Keeps his word on contracts and values the militarl. Clinton? A known unconvicted felon and in bed with the chinese, saudi arabia, and iran. Leaves an ambassador to his death and much more...come talk with the professor and trun this sacred cow onto its si…
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UGP #522 Primer: The Bill Of Rights, Separation Of Powers, And How They Should Be Applied Today? Trump for republican president...7th time's the charm We will start with the idea of separation of powers, compound federalism and federalist 54... if we have time we will compare Thanksgiving to Labor Day and why one is a democrat holiday and the other…
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UGP #521 Are We At The Point Of No Return? I think it is safe to say the Constitution of America is hardly followed, and only then if it favors what the politicians wish to do to us. This is a pivotal election and few of US would argue it is not, however, does its significance rise to the level a critical do or die election? If we American's fail a…
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the professor lost his voice so no show till sunday 28AUG16 UGP #521 To Trump Or Not To Trump That Is The Question Tonight we talk about the different Trumps, The Trumanistas, & Hate on the social medias由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #520 A Beaver's Tale And Other Bits Of Things We Should Know tonight we have award wining Mark Rogers and his picture book A Beaver's Tale https://www.amazon.com/Beavers-Tale-Mark-Joseph-Rogers-ebook/dp/B01I4OM3HQ/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1471794890&sr=1-2&keywords=a+beavers+tale#nav-subnav…
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UGP #519 Four Year Anniversary Show: A Quickie由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #518 A Primer: Separation Of Powers And The Federalist Papers由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #517 What Is Red And Black And Radioed All Over?由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #516 What Is Your Value? How Do You Know? Come Find Out...由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #515 Is It Possible To Love Progtards As You Love Yourself? also tonight we are doing radio in black and red with the exceptional conservative in hours two and three由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #516 Why Are You An Underground Professor And Other Freedom Fest QuestionsUGP #516 Why Are You An Underground Professor And Other Freedom Fest QuestionsUGP #516 Why Are You An Underground Professor And Other Freedom Fest Questions由Underground Professor Radio
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I am here at Freedom Fest with the Sack Heads and The Exceptional Conservative covering the ever exciting Libertarian minded freedom focused convention. Tonight three hour special with Ken McClenton the Exceptional Conservative and maybe an appearance with the Sack Heads Themselves... Talking Freedom Fest and current events from Trump's VEEP pic to…
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UGP #513A On The Road In Utah Radio In Black & Red With Exceptional ConservativeUGP #513A On The Road In Utah Radio In Black & Red With Exceptional ConservativeUGP #513A On The Road In Utah Radio In Black & Red With Exceptional ConservativeUGP #513A On The Road In Utah Radio In Black & Red With Exceptional Conservative…
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UGP #512 Follow The Yellow Snow Brick Road Or How I learned To Love Trump getting ready for my trip to freedomfest and a jointcast with the exceptional conservative由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #511 Forgetting Love Is Bad, Forgetting Christ's Love For Us Is Worserer trials and tribuation abound let's talk about brexit, exit, mexit, and hexit the joys :-( of dogs由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #510 Why Celebrate Father's Day At All?由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #509C It's Better To Look Good Than To Feel Good And I Look Marvelous ok 3rd times the charm power outages and geting caught in the thunderstorm on my harley have prevented the last two attempts... we will be talking about the 2nd amendment, transgendering issues, gay bars, muslims, mass killings, trump, & our founders / framers juxtiposed agai…
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UGP #508 The Violence AT Trump Rallies Are Not The Main Problem...由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #507 What Will You Do After The Revolution?由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #506 Facts Or "Facts" Can They Be Relative And Change Person To Person?UGP #506 Facts Or "Facts" Can They Be Relative And Change Person To Person?由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #505 Memorial Day Remembrances: Our Service Men & Women To The Constitution由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #504 It's Tuesday Night, Let's See What Can Go Wrong Tonight由Underground Professor Radio
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ok doing this fo-real this time folks...some thought on the Texas republican convention and hopefully an appearance by the exceptional conservative too...then perhaps a peak at a BBC interview of a member of the EDL...the english defense league由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #503 Legalize Freedom由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #502 Mother's Day Special one hour show so we can be with our mothers, moms, and mommies由Underground Professor Radio
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The Professor forgot a VERY important meeting at his church Sunday night. So this show will take place on tuesday 5/3/16 UGP #501 The Doctor And River Song The Doctor introduces River Song tonight she is my latest rescue, a puggle (pug & beagle)由Underground Professor Radio
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UGP #500 Come Say Goodbye To Mandee-Sue Her last Show With Me由Underground Professor Radio
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