2 friends talking about anything & everything.
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I'm sorry for this episode...由Unprofessional Friends
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My car is dead.由Unprofessional Friends
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Its Valentines Day so that means we have to get romantic and sexy for todays episode!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about Lyft and how a woman is suing them for being refused a ride due to her weight...由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk a lot about sports and why we think they are rigged... Jk... Maybe...由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about the tiktok ban once again....由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about the TikTok ban and how it's very dumb.由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we go over our new years resolutions and rant about sports for a little bit由Unprofessional Friends
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Austin has betrayed me and destroyed our relationship.由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we celebrate Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about our past week and also drones. are they aliens??由Unprofessional Friends
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We aren't CEOs of anything I promise.由Unprofessional Friends
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I don't want to tip anymore... kinda.由Unprofessional Friends
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Do you think how we think???由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about that fight.... Was it actually scripted or nah???由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about Alex and how at 28 years old he's finally moving out of his parents' house. Also, that weird guy Sherrill is on this episode for some reason由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about words that people say differently. Who's actually saying it the right way?! WE DONT KNOW!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about wanting to open a bar called "Bangers Bar" and we hope one day this will be a real thing. Maybe....由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about how women have literally the worst things to experience and how there 10000 times stronger than men.由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about new jobs and how they can be very scary and suck sometimes. CONGRATS JABZ ON THE NEW JOB!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Why do we as men flirt better with our male friends than actual women??由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about weather. Sounds crazy right?? Well weather actually is. LISTEN TO US PLZ由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we go over some things we cant believe still exist!由Unprofessional Friends
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Why is everything on the internet fake... And why do people believe it.由Unprofessional Friends
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These are some really dumb things. WHY would you ever do this?!由Unprofessional Friends
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We talk politics. Don't get angry.由Unprofessional Friends
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What are the most unattractive things a guy can do?由Unprofessional Friends
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Why do people drink so much? We should all just stop drinking alcohol tbh.由Unprofessional Friends
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socks are just a weird thing to me. IDK why....由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk a good amount about discing. We also talk about Alex being nervous/scared to finally move out after 28 years... We know that's old. He's okay with it. We hope you enjoy!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about some life changes! Alex started donating plasma! We hope you enjoy! Have a great day!!由Unprofessional Friends
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I'm sorry, but Eminem is very corny and I don't understand how anyone can disagree. He just needs to be done with music. "tRy aNd CaNcel mE gEn Z" This podcast was also recorded before the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. Have a great day!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about scams and how a lot of them are so normalized that we don't even realize how big of a scam things really are. We hope you enjoy!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about Alex's strange uber interaction and how it might have been the weirdest thing he's ever had to experience. Also, he wants to go swimming. Have a great day!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about Jabz missing last week and how his recovery has been. We also talk about dreams and Botox. Have a great day!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today Jabz his missing as he is taking a week off to celebrate pride month and Juneteenth. Our other best friend sherrill is in this week to cohost! Lets get to know sherrill a little bit more. We hope you enjoy!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we have an argument about what is considered a meal. Mostly Alex just ranting about food and meals, but Austin has some nice words as well. SO, WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER A MEAL?!由Unprofessional Friends
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WELCOME HOME SHERRILL!! Today marks the return for Sherrill on the podcast! last year he moved to Florida and after a year and a lot of growth he's decided to move back to where he left! GLAD TO HAVE YOU BACK HOME!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we take a dive into movies and tv shows and how we really dislike prequels. They just usually aren't very good...Like at all. Have a great day!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about working in the food industry and how it can suck or be great. Jabz loves his job while Alex couldn't be happier, he got out of it. Did you ever work in the food industry? WE HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about an experience Alex had over the weekend and how he's really bad at drinking and should probably stop. Also, don't forget Jabz has bad eyes just like Alex. Have a great week!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about some childhood memories and also Austin couldn't pass a test at the DMV... Have a great day!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about some weird things people have been arrested for. Also, we talk about Alex wanting to be in a gang. Just kidding he would die. We hope you enjoy!!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we test if we could actually win the game show Are you Smarter Than A 5th Grader. Also, we talk about why Alex has been sick and if he may have some issues. Have a great day!由Unprofessional Friends
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If you're a woman, what gives you the ick? Is it Alex? Probably. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about conjoined twins, and we realize we have absolutely no idea how it works. Alex also goes on a little WWE tantrum. Its a fun time. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about a lot of baseball. This conversation led us into talking about women in sports and how they should be allowed in sports like the NFL, MLB, NBA, and any other major sport. Do you agree???由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we take a test to see if wed survive stuck out in the outdoors. Jabs had a little bit of an incident and threw up during the recording... It was a very fun podcast this week!由Unprofessional Friends
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Today we talk about how Austins kids love to hang out with me and make fun of me and throw stuff at me. We also talk about what it's like going for a night out with the UF boys.由Unprofessional Friends
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