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A quarterly publication of the Vita Poetica Arts & Faith Collective, our online journal features creative work explored through a spiritual lens. Vita Poetica connects and upholds artists of faith, enlivening spiritual conversations through the arts. Learn more about us at -- Hosted by Vita Poetica Journal Editors Music by John Morris
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show series
Sharon Dolin reads her poem, "Before," and Timothy deVries discusses his art in "When Art Eschews Theology." Sharon Dolin is the author of seven books of poetry, most recently Imperfect Present; a memoir entitled Hitchcock Blonde; and two books of translation, most recently Late to the House of Words: Selected Poems by Gemma Gorga. Dolin is associa…
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Sometimes after doing a practice for a while, you may be invited to lead others in that practice. And leading contemplatively is its own practice. In this meditation, Kevin Driedger offers his approach to "The Practice of Leading Contemplative Prayer." Kevin lives on the Canadian prairies with his lovely wife June. He tries to bring a contemplative…
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Maya Bernstein reads her poem, "The Primordial Catastrophe in the Process of Creation," and Douglas Thornton reads his poem, "The Tantra of Abiding." Maya Bernstein’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in By the Seawall, The Ekphrastic Review, Pensive: A Global Journal of Spirituality and the Arts, Tablet Magazine, and elsewhere. She is a recen…
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In this contemplative practice, Samir Knego invites us to embrace the ordinary act of cooking as a time for contemplation. In "⁠It Shall Be Food for You: A Brief Cooking Meditation⁠," Samir guides us through the process of cooking dried black beans, prompting us to thoughtfully consider our actions in each step, and to use times of waiting to refle…
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Riv Wren reads his poem, "The Lead Pastor's Visit," and Maxim D. Shrayer reads his poem, "The Conductor from Zion Square." Riv Wren lives in Loveland, Ohio. That is a real place. Wren's most recent poems appear in Pensive Journal and Cathexis Northwest. Maxim D. Shrayer, a Professor of Russian, English, and Jewish Studies at Boston College and a bi…
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Lory Widmer Hess reads her book review, "Seeking Creative Freedom: A Review of The Release: Creativity and Freedom After the Writing Is Done by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew." Lory Widmer Hess lives with her family in Switzerland, where she works with adults with developmental disabilities and recently completed a training in Spiritual Direction. She is…
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Spencer Barnhill reads his poem, "Hedge of Protection," and Rachel Prizant Kotok reads her poem, "Bat Mitzvah Dreams." Born and raised in Edmond, Oklahoma, Spencer is studying finance and English at Oklahoma Baptist University. He is an aspiring writer who loves long-distance running and meaningful storytelling, and will have poetry featured in Eks…
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Tasha Cathey introduces her visual artwork, "God's Underpaintings," and Barbara Krasner reads her poem, "In the Shtetl, G-d Does Not Only." Tasha Cathey lives in Knoxville, Tennessee with her husband and two children. Her work is inspired heavily from her years spent living in Arizona and California at a young age and are either composed purely fro…
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D.S. Martin reads his poem, "Bloor-Danforth," and Tzivia Gover reads her poem, "Sacrifice." D.S. Martin is Poet-in-Residence at McMaster Divinity College, and Series Editor for the Poiema Poetry Series from Cascade Books. He has written five poetry collections including Angelicus (2021), Ampersand (2018), and Conspiracy of Light: Poems Inspired by …
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In this interview, "Surrendering to the Kiln," our Interviews Editor Emily Chambers Sharpe speaks with Sarah Wells Rolland, ceramic artist and founder of The Village Potters Clay Center in Asheville, NC. Sarah Wells Rolland is the owner and founder of The Village Potters Clay Center in The River Arts District in Asheville, NC. Sarah is an instructo…
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Kathleen Hellen reads her poem, "the afterlife of mice," and Tommy Welty reads his poem, "What Will We Do the Day the World Ends?" Kathleen Hellen is the recipient of the James Still Award, the Thomas Merton Prize for Poetry of the Sacred, and prizes from the H.O.W. Journal and Washington Square Review. Her debut collection Umberto’s Night won the …
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Benjamin Fairfield reads and performs music from his multimedia feature, "Kani ka ‘ōpala: A Musical Redemption of Rubbish." Benjamin Fairfield served as a Peace Corps volunteer in a Karen village in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and received his MA and PhD in ethnomusicology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. He founded the Thai Ensemble at UH (MUS311)…
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Steven Searcy reads his poem, "Christ's Baptism," and Lisa Rosinsky reads her poem, "Yom Kippur." Steven Searcy is the author of Below the Brightness (Solum Literary Press, 2024). His poems have appeared in Southern Poetry Review, Commonweal, The Windhover, Ekstasis, Amethyst Review, and elsewhere. He lives with his wife and four sons in Georgia. L…
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Charles Sutphin and his daughter, Sarah Sutphin, read his short story, "The Woman with Red Hair." Charles Sutphin has lived in Indianapolis for more than 60 years. His cobbled career includes editor, journalist, writer, attorney, professor and capitalist. Married for 35 years with two children, two dogs and a sense of humor, he recently published i…
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Ryan Service reads his poem, "Lux," and Alisha Goldblatt reads her poem, "Guarding the Body." Ryan Service is a full-time priest and sometime-poet based in the Midlands (UK). His work has been published in Theology, The Sociological Review, and other journals. He received a prize for his entry in the Jack Clemo poetry competition, and before traini…
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Richard Chess reads his poem, "The Loneliest Monk: By the Book," and "Sight Unseen." Richard Chess is the author of four books, most recently Love Nailed to the Doorpost (University of Tampa Press 2017). He is professor emeritus from UNC Asheville where, among other things, he directed its Center for Jewish Studies for 30 years. He serves on the bo…
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Megan Huwa reads her poem, "Counting Stars," and Hannah Butcher-Stell reads her poem, "one body." Megan Huwa is a poet and writer in southern California. A rare health condition keeps her and her husband from living near her family’s five-generation farm in Colorado, so her writing reaches for home—both temporal and eternal. Her work has been publi…
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Jan Wiezorek reads his poem, "Suffering," and Megan McDermott reads her poem, "Ruth, on the Purity, or Impurity, of Attention." Jan Wiezorek's poetry appears, or is forthcoming, in The London Magazine, The Westchester Review, Lucky Jefferson, Loch Raven Review, and The Broadkill Review, among other journals. He taught writing at St. Augustine Colle…
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Matthew J. Andrews reads his essay, "Never Yet an Emptiness," a review of Lacunae by Scott Cairns. Matthew J. Andrews is a private investigator and writer. He is the author of the chapbook I Close My Eyes and I Almost Remember and the forthcoming full-length collection, The Hours (Solum Press). He can be contacted at…
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Brad Davis reads his poem, "Unanticipated," and Luke Usry reads his poem, "Leave Britney Alone." Brad Davis (MFA, Vermont College of Fine Arts) is a California-born Canadian living in northeastern Connecticut. Poems have appeared in Poetry magazine, The Paris Review, Vallum, JAMA, Puerto del Sol, Brilliant Corners, Image, and many other journals. H…
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Lory Widmer Hess reads her essay, "Seeing into the Future," a review of Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart by Brian McLaren. Lory Widmer Hess lives with her family in Switzerland, where she works with adults with developmental disabilities and is completing a training in Spiritual Direction. She is the author of When Frag…
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Elizabeth Poliner reads her poems, "Welcome World" and "Bat Mitzvah Dress," from our Summer 2024 issue. Elizabeth Poliner’s books include the poetry collection, What You Know in Your Hands (David Robert Books), and the novel, As Close to Us as Breathing (Little, Brown & Co.), winner of the Janet Heidinger Kafka Prize in Fiction. A new novel, Spinni…
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Heather M. Surls reads her essay, "My Other Name Is Hagar." Heather M. Surls is an American writer and journalist who has lived in the Middle East for more than a decade. Her reporting has appeared in outlets like the Jordan News, Christianity Today, Hidden Compass, EthnoTraveler, and Anthrow Circus, while her creative nonfiction has been published…
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Dominic Palmer reads "Want Is My Shepherd," and Arlene Tribbia reads "Bolt Down the Universe." Dominic Palmer is a teacher, writer, and church musician living in Manchester. His poetry has been published or is forthcoming in journals including Blue Unicorn, Ekstasis, and EGG+FROG. Dominic and his wife have recently become parents for the first time…
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Grace Donovan reads her short story, "Ave Maria." Grace Donovan is a fiction writer from Northeast Ohio. She currently resides in the DMV area where she is getting her MFA in fiction writing at George Mason University. Grace loves ice cream, her cat Patsy, the fiber arts, and the Brontë sisters. She often writes about women, queerness, and childhoo…
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David Allen Sullivan reads his three poems, "Wine Skin Slippages," "Tympanic Membranes," and "This body," from our current Summer issue. Former Santa Cruz county poet laureate David Allen Sullivan’s books include Strong-Armed Angels, Every Seed of the Pomegranate, a book of co-translation with Abbas Kadhim from the Arabic of Iraqi Adnan Al-Sayegh, …
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Kolya Braun Greiner leads a nature meditation walk, "Contemplation of Creation." Take this episode with you out on a walk, hike, or simply to a quiet spot indoors by a window. This rich offering includes exercises to center your mind, body, and spirit before the walk, as well as seven individual "encounters" with beings in nature. Listen to the gui…
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The Artist as Prophet, the Church as Collective: Pastor & actor Rev. Lisa Cole Smith speaks with our Assistant Interviews Editor Darby Brown on art as a spiritual language, the church's role in supporting artists, and "equipping artists to serve as prophetic critics and imaginative visionaries in the world." Rev. Lisa Cole Smith is an actor, direct…
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Assistant Interviews Editor Darby Brown speaks with dancers and choreographers Hope Blackburn and Jacob Shoup of Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet. A transcript of the interview is available here. Hope Blackburn and Jacob Shoup are dancers and choreographers with Ekklesia Contemporary Ballet, a professional dance company of artist-theologians whose goal…
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Cheryl Sadowski reads her essay, "Teachers, Sages, and Serpents," a review of the Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art's ongoing exhibit, The Art of Knowing in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Himalayas, which is on view in Washington, DC. Cheryl Sadowski writes about art, books, landscape, and nature. Her essays, reviews, and short fiction …
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Ping Yi Yee reads his poem, "Fortune Center," and Isabel Chenot reads her poem, "pain is not an ark." Ping Yi Yee writes poetry, travelogues and fiction, and is in public service. His work has appeared in Litro, London Grip, Meniscus, La Piccioletta Barca, and Sideways, among others, and is forthcoming in Poetry Breakfast and Harbor Review. Ping Yi…
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Artist Alexis Eke shares about her digital artwork featured in our Spring 2024 issue, including on the cover. View her art can be viewed here. Alexis Eke is an artist based in Toronto, Ontario. She illustrates surrealism portraits and comic illustrations using vibrant colors, to communicate the truth of Gods Word and increase the representation of …
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Bart Edelman reads his poem, "Crazy Eights," and K.D. Battle reads his poem, "Self-Help Sonnet I," from the Spring 2024 issue. Bart Edelman’s poetry collections include Crossing the Hackensack (Prometheus Press), Under Damaris’ Dress (Lightning Publications), The Alphabet of Love (Ren Hen Press), The Gentle Man (Ren Hen Press), The Last Mojito (Ren…
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Gerburg Garmann shares about her multimedia project, Miriam, which includes a 72x48" painting and a soundscape in 5 movements. This painting, and the fifth movement of the soundscape, the "Coda," are featured in our Spring 2024 issue here. In this podcast episode, Gerburg shares the background behind this project, and the "Coda" of the soundscape. …
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Scott Hales reads his poem, "Holy Envy," and Kara Applegate reads their poem, "Misericordia." Scott Hales is a writer, critic, and historian living in Eagle Mountain, Utah. His work has appeared in Religion and the Arts, BYU Studies, Irreantum, The Under Review, The Sandy River Review, and other academic and literary journals. His first collection …
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Helen L. Conway reads her essay, "Shoah Shoes." Helen L. Conway lives in St. Helens, UK. A former Judge, she holds an MA in Creative Writing from Lancaster University and is the author or joint-author of over a dozen books and numerous articles about law, art, mental health and coaching psychology. She is also an internationally exhibited and colle…
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Maxim D. Shrayer reads his poems, "Artists' Quarter in Old Jaffa" and "Wailing Wall." Maxim D. Shrayer is a bilingual writer in English and Russian, a 2012 Guggenheim Fellow, and a winner of a 2007 National Jewish Book Award. He was born in Moscow and left the former USSR in 1987. A professor at Boston College, Shrayer is the author of over twenty-…
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James Roderick Burns reads his short story, "Standing Water." Please be aware this story contains brief references to physical abuse and the demonic. James Roderick Burns is the author of one flash fiction collection, To Say Nothing of the Dog, and five collections of short-form poetry, most recently Crows at Dusk; a collection of four novellas – T…
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Terry E. Hill reads his two poems, "This Too, Capricious" and "Calligraph for a Psalm Beginning with the Letter O." Terry E. Hill is a physician in Oakland, California, with a long history of publishing in healthcare and a more recent history in literature, e.g., in The Healing Muse and the All Shall Be Well Anthology. He grew up in rural Georgia b…
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Chris Drew reads his short story, "Saturday Night at the Dairy Queen," published in our Spring 2024 issue. Chris Drew is an Associate Professor of English at Indiana State University, where he teaches creative writing and English teaching methods courses. His writing has appeared in a variety of publications, including Bellevue Literary Review, Qua…
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Contemplative Practices Editor Samir Knego shares readers' responses to the theme of "Light" in the Winter 2024 issue. The "Readers Respond" series features reflections and practices on a current theme, shared by Vita Poetica readers. Currently, we're accepting responses to the theme of "Breaking," which will be shared in the upcoming Spring issue.…
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Assistant Interviews Editor Darby Brown speaks with poet Wen-Juenn Lee in Australia. Wen-Juenn Lee writes poetry on unceded Wurundjeri land. In her writing, she is interested in gaps, leaks and spillage, which often take the form of place, memory, and divinity. Her work has been published in Meanjin, Cordite Poetry Review, Going Down Swinging, amon…
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Jonathan Chan reads his poem "Ceremonial, Caleb Westbrook reads his poem "On a Shore Weighing What Matters," and Matt Stanley reads his poem "How Like a Child We Become When We Are Truly Surprised." Jonathan Chan is a writer and editor. Born in New York to a Malaysian father and South Korean mother, he was raised in Singapore and educated at Cambri…
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E.R. Skulmoski reads her three poems, "In Catholic School"; "Daughters of Eve, Eat This Scroll"; and "Elegy." E. R. Skulmoski was born in Vancouver and raised in Hong Kong. She currently lives in the Interior of British Columbia with her husband and four children. Her work has been published in Ekstasis, Foreshadow, Heart of Flesh Literary Journal,…
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Wayne Bornholdt reads his poem, "Recipe," and Susan Shea reads her poems, "Poet's Tea" and "The Good Portion." Wayne Bornholdt is a poet and retired bookseller. He has degrees in philosophy and theological studies. He lives in West Michigan with his wife and two Golden Retrievers. Susan Shea is a retired school psychologist, born in New York City, …
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