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第1季 口說英語通-台灣篇 30個關於台灣的熱門觀光景點與特色美食的單元,貼近生活情境的英語用語,有效提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第2季 口說英語通-旅遊篇 彙整最常與外國友人聊天的30個話題,訓練並提升日常生活英語的口說能力。 第3、4季 詞彙英語通 以主題分類呈現進階和實用篇,精選英語單字和詞組,讓你在英語的用字遣辭更精準。附有實用例句及相關詞彙片語,立即體會用法並有效提高學習的效率及興趣。 第5季 口說英語通-精選深入聊天篇 精選15個和外國友人深入聊天的主題,讓齊斌老師帶你一題一題來破解! 第6季 辦公英語通 從各種 "辦公室情境" 的 主題式精選英語 "對話" 中,學習英語口語表達、正確的發音及英語文法與句型。有主題式情境的實用英語語句,能有效提高聽眾學習興趣,另外從相關的語句與文法句型的練習中,加強英語能力並且運用在 "上班" 生活中。 第7季 新聞英語通 English All Pass: News 從實用新聞英語中,訓練並提升對新聞英語聽力與理解能力,進而達到雙語的能力。以新聞主題分類的方式,介紹報導情境的英語用語,強化新聞英語聽力的理解,同時讓聽者能體會其新 ...
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is facing an unprecedented and devastating wildfire event, characterized by record-setting fire activity that is posing a severe threat to communities and natural landscapes. A combination of extreme weather conditions, including drought, exceptionally high temperatures, and gusty winds, has created an environment for rap…
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❤️小額贊助好節目永續經營 兒童雙語新聞是我想為孩子們做的一件小事。用孩子能理解的語言,說說適合孩子的新聞故事。如果你曾經透過我的podcast獲得幫助,邀請有能力的朋友進一步透過贊助幫助聽故事學英文永續經營,長期以免費的形式陪伴孩子學習成長! --- 【本集新聞英文全文】 下載本集兒童雙語報紙 Taiwan’s Biggest Earthquake in 25 Years On April 3rd, Taiwan was hit by a magnitude 7.4 ea…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is in the middle of a relentless heatwave, with scorching temperatures and oppressive conditions in the weather forecast. The mercury is soaring, with daytime highs consistently exceeding 120°F. The combination of high temperatures, minimal cloud cover, and low humidity levels is creating an environment of extreme heat. R…
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感謝【真老 黑芝麻粉】贊助播出。 真老牌純黑芝麻粉|黑嚕嚕幼綿綿 📌嚴選高品質黑芝麻原料 📌100%純粹無化學添加 📌多道工序研磨,粉質細緻口感滑順 📌極易拌勻,冷熱飲品皆宜 MOMO | 罐裝黑芝麻粉限時優惠活動 🛒MOMO賣場 蝦皮 | 輸入專屬優惠折扣碼 「JENLSANDY」再折20元! 優惠碼期間 2024/4/8 ~ 2024/4/30 🛒蝦皮賣場 --- 【本集歌詞】 下載本集歌詞與學習單 Oh, in the woods There was a tree The prettiest tree That you ever did see The tree in the woods An…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently experiencing a significant weather event of strong winds, which are having various impacts across the area. Winds have intensified, with sustained speeds reaching 90 mph. These strong winds are attributed to a growing hurricane, and they are expected to continue throughout the day. The powerful gusts are affe…
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愚人節,講幾個笑話給大家笑一笑。聽懂的就聽懂了,聽不懂笑點的就… 開心地大笑幾聲吧! — ❤️支持好節目永續經營 聽故事學英文Podcast節目以免費的方式提供學習資源給小朋友,已經超過兩年。如果你願意支持我繼續走下去,邀請你進一步贊助抖內,幫助節目永續經營。 個人網站 | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | 商業合作請來信…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is struggling with a severe weather event as heavy rainfall continues to flood the area, resulting in widespread flooding and dangerous conditions. Intense and relentless rainfall over the past several days has led to rising water levels in rivers, streams, and urban areas, causing significant flooding. Many regions are s…
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今天的故事是屬於弟弟Elu的這一半。 --- 環安傢俱【歡慶環安童樂會】 2024/3/25-4/8 全館92折! ✅消費滿千免運,滿萬送護木油 ✅輸入專屬折扣碼【HASANDY】再折200 ❤️ 優惠連結 ✅指定系列再贈好禮: 1. 幼兒桌椅組: 送小拼圖+身高尺 2. 好好學桌椅組: 送書擋2+書包*2 3. 剛剛好桌椅組: 送書擋*1+書包*1 4. 好眠城-單人床: 送拍拍燈*1+書包*1 5. 好眠城-上下舖: 送拍拍燈*2+書包*2 (以上優惠皆可併用) — ❤️支持好節目永續經營 聽故事學英文Podcast節目以免費的方式提供學習資源給小朋友,已經超過兩年。如果你願意支持我繼續…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is currently facing extreme wildfire conditions, with elevated fire risk and rapidly spreading wildfires posing a significant threat to communities. Unfavorable weather conditions, including high temperatures, low humidity, and gusty winds, have contributed to the spread of wildfires. The combination of dry plants and the…
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兄弟姐妹之間難免會吵架,是因為彼此誤會產生。今天的故事是兄弟之間的爭執,但只有一半的心聲,是屬於哥哥的這一半。 --- 環安傢俱【歡慶環安童樂會】 2024/3/25-4/8 全館92折! ✅消費滿千免運,滿萬送護木油 ✅輸入專屬折扣碼【HASANDY】再折200 ❤️ 優惠連結 ✅指定系列再贈好禮: 1. 幼兒桌椅組: 送小拼圖+身高尺 2. 好好學桌椅組: 送書擋2+書包*2 3. 剛剛好桌椅組: 送書擋*1+書包*1 4. 好眠城-單人床: 送拍拍燈*1+書包*1 5. 好眠城-上下舖: 送拍拍燈*2+書包*2 (以上優惠皆可併用) — ❤️支持好節目永續經營 聽故事學英文Podcas…
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👉🏻 EXERCISE 實戰演練 Our region is facing a critical weather emergency as severe flooding conditions continue to worsen. Heavy and continuous rainfall over the past several days has led to rising water levels in rivers, creeks, and low-lying areas, resulting in widespread flooding. Current river levels indicate that many have surpassed flood stage, wit…
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本集由【Roichen正脊坐墊】贊助播出 如果你需要長時間久坐,或是家有正在生長發育的孩子,就讓Roichen正脊坐墊為全家大小撐腰! 市售唯一按照男女體型&骨盆角度設計的坐墊,還有兒童專用款。 獨家設計,重心穩固,不易滑動,可放在椅子上(有無靠背皆可),也可直接放在地上。 通過SGS檢測不含有毒物質與安全性測試 ,最大可承受220~350公斤都可維持平穩正確的坐姿。 韓國第一入口網站NAVER家飾配件使用滿意高度認證。 榮獲200多項專利、認證、設計以及系統認證的殊榮,其中包括紅點設計大獎、Good Design、PIN UP等獎項。 輕便好移動,無論是餐桌、書桌、地上、車上,都能按照不同使用情境適應變化! ❤️ 聽眾限定優惠 請使用Fb …
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 Uji, the picturesque city in Kyoto Prefecture, is in for a peaceful day of weather with clear skies and pleasant conditions. As the sun rises, it will light up cloudless skies, offering sunshine throughout the day. Daytime temperatures are forecasted to reach around 72°F (22°C), creating an inviting atmosphere for outdoor activities…
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本集由【德國Emma床墊】贊助播出。 歐洲銷量第一,全球販售超過600萬張,榮獲超過75個國際獎項的德國Emma床墊。我每天眼睛閉閉一躺下去,再醒來就已經是隔天早上了。安穩舒適一覺到天明,好睡! 德國Emma提供「100天試睡服務」,就是要讓你買回家、拆封、解壓縮、在床墊上面滾來滾去睡睡看,不滿意可無條件退貨,還享10年保固,全台免運&到府安裝。讓你仰睡、側睡、趴睡、360度都好睡! Emma 官網現在女王節,床墊組合最低折萬元! 聽故事學英文Podcast粉絲專屬折扣碼【SANDY10】 ❤️ 不限金額品項,官網活動額外「再」打9折! ✅ 不囉唆直接買 #Emma床墊 #喚醒最好的自己 #emma床墊…
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👉🏻EXERCISE 實戰演練 A powerful hurricane is currently stirring in the Atlantic Ocean, posing a significant threat to coastal regions in its path. The hurricane, named Gordon, has grown rapidly and is now classified as a Category 2 storm, with sustained winds exceeding 96 mph. As Hurricane Gordon advances, it is expected to make landfall in the south ea…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Hey, Julia! W: Oh! You scared me! M: What are you doing? You seemed like you are excited about something. W: Yeah, I am excited about the guest speaker’s presentation. M: I heard the topic is provocative and intriguing. W: I can’t wait to hear what the guest speaker is going to say. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. scare [skɛr] (v.) 驚嚇 2. gue…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: The presentation is over now. I think everyone had a better understanding of your proposal. W: Can I ask you something? M: Go a head. I’ll see what I can do. W: How did I do up there? Can you give me some feedback as an audience? M: I think you were great! W: Come on! Be honest with me. Is there anything I can improve to make the …
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👉🏻 CONVERSATION M: So is everyone clear on the idea of controlling your budget precisely? W: I am sorry but I didn’t get what you meant by controlling budget precisely. M: Which part didn’t you understand? W: All of it. I don’t understand the process of controlling budgets. M: Ok, I guess you didn’t hear what I said about evaluating necessity, righ…
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Eno要用全英文,為大家台灣民間傳說。年初三早上床,今夜老鼠娶新娘!新年恭喜! — ❤️支持好節目永續經營 聽故事學英文Podcast節目以免費的方式提供學習資源給小朋友,已經超過兩年。如果你願意支持我繼續走下去,邀請你進一步贊助抖內,幫助節目永續經營。 個人網站 | Instagram | Facebook | Youtube | 商業合作請來信 ----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 城揚…
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本集節目由【LG智慧家電】贊助播出 LG PuriCareᵀᴹ 360°空氣清淨機「寵物功能增加版二代」,是第一台擁有AI感測功能的雙層空氣清淨機。 【2024矚目新品】★陪你迎新年★特色功能一次看 🚩獨家AI智慧感測器:自動偵測髒空氣,將乾淨空氣吹送至汙染點。 🚩全室清淨,打造安心舒適居家環境:CASR值12.8cmm,是國家認證高標準、CADR值高達888.3cmh,適用32坪大空間。 🚩寵物模式:毛髮過濾濾網+光觸媒除臭濾網,與寵物毛髮異味說Bye Bye。 🚩過敏防護模式:一鍵開啟UVnanoᵀᴹ紫外線並且釋放奈米離子,有效去除風扇葉片中99.99%細菌。 LG空氣清淨機,重新定義空氣淨化,讓空汙無所遁形! 喜迎龍年,LG過年除舊佈新優惠👉…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: If we don’t control our buget precisely, then we are very likely to waste a lot of money on things that we do not really need. W: You have a good point. M: Thank you, and I have one more thing to say. W: I am sorry, please continue. M: When the budget is precisely controlled, the company can not only save money, but also cultivate…
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這週是Sandy采聿老師的生日,教大家幾個不同版本的生日快樂歌,一起開心慶祝吧! ❤️抖內生日禮物贊助節目永續經營 --- 【本集歌詞】 Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you From good friends and true From old friends and new May good luck go with you And happiness too How old are you? How old are you? How old.. how old… How old are you? Ha…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: I think the proposal is nice. W: Let’s give our presenter a big hand first. M: Does anyone have other solutions to help us solve the company’s crisis? W: If not, should we vote on this proposal? M: After everyone agrees, the proposal is elected. W: We will try our best to save our company from this depression crisis. 👉🏻WORDS & PHR…
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❤️小額贊助好節目永續經營 兒童雙語新聞是我想為孩子們做的一件小事。用孩子能理解的語言,說說適合孩子的新聞故事。如果你曾經透過我的podcast獲得幫助,邀請有能力的朋友進一步透過贊助幫助聽故事學英文永續經營,長期以免費的形式陪伴孩子學習成長! --- 【本集新聞英文全文】 Taiwan’s presidential election took place on January 13th, 2024. Lai Ching-de won the election, so he will be the next president of Taiwan. “Dongsuan! Dongsuan!” You must have heard this …
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👉🏻 CONVERSATION M: If we want to earn big money, we may have to give up the system we use right now. W: Then what kind of system should we use? The one you said in your presentation? M: There are two proposals in my presentation. W: Which one should we use if we want to earn more fortune? M: Let’s not use the second proposal. The first proposal is …
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Is everything ready? The presentation has to start on time! W: Uh…can someone help me with the computer? M: Sure. Let me take a look at what’s wrong with the computer. W: The projector isn’t working properly. M: I see. I think you need to press control and the function key. There. W: Thanks. 👉🏻 WORDS & PHRASES 1. on time [ɔn taɪm]…
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本集節目由【培力藥品】贊助播出 絲膚潔是法國No.1品牌,能有效解決私密問題並預防復發。法國市占率超過40%、全球超過百萬女性使用過! 2024/2/28前於下方連結,結帳輸入優惠代碼「SAR100」免費加贈絲膚潔長效清新旅行瓶($300) ✅ 搶購連結 --以上為 FMTaiwan Podcast 廣告代理-- 【歌詞】 Over in the meadow In the grass in the sun Lived an old mother cow And her little calf one "Moo!" said the mother "I moo!" said the one So they mooed and they mooe…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Finally, the presentation is over. W: Why do you make such comment? M: I just felt the presentation was boring and useless. W: I thought the presentation went well. M: Well, I had a hard time staying awake just now. W: I thought it was interesting. Let’s hope the next presentation wouldn’t make you feel so bored. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES…
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本集節目由【培力藥品】贊助播出 絲膚潔是法國No.1品牌,有效解決私密問題並預防復發。法國市占率超過40%、全球超過百萬女性使用過! 2024/2/28前於下方連結,結帳輸入優惠代碼「SAR100」免費加贈絲膚潔長效清新旅行瓶($300) ✅ 搶購連結 --以上為 FMTaiwan Podcast 廣告代理-- 【本集資訊】 這集Podcast是我跟ChatGPT的對話紀錄。我假裝我是六歲的小孩,用最簡單的英文問了他幾個問題,也看看AI對於學習英文有什麼好建議。歡迎免費下載本集英文全文文字稿,好好練習英文喔!…
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感謝【富邦證券】贊助播出【兒童理財高手】系列英文故事節目。 新的一年,做好以下五步驟,幫助每個孩子都能有智慧地管理零用錢,不做錢的奴隸,成為優秀的金錢好管家! Keep Track 記帳 Save Money 儲蓄 Set Goals 設定存錢的目標 Make Smart Choices 做出聰明的選擇 Learn When You Shop 把購物的過程當作良好的學習經驗 理財高手系列傳送門 第一集:年度最佳糖果工廠大賽 - ESG是什麼? 第二集:過年壓歲錢都跑哪去了?Little Andy, Where's Your Lucky Money? 第三集:小熊班尼的藍莓果汁攤 - 什麼是股票? 第四集:聰明存錢術 Andy Saves His Money Wisely — 【富邦證券202…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Good morning, everyone. I am thankful to have the opportunity to give a presentation on this occasion. I want to present three things today. They are all interrelated. W: I have a question. What can we benefit from it? M: The three things I am going to talk about are major factors that can lead our company to success or failure. W…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Where did you get that information? W: As you can see from the pie chart, the largest percentage is the red one. M: I doubt of this pie chart’s credibility. W: I got this pie chart from the governmental website. I don’t think the data would be delusive. M: I just don’t want to trust the data entirely. W: Or should I show you anoth…
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感謝【真老麻油】贊助播出! ❤️ 蝦皮12/13當日限定!黑芝麻粉3入優惠價 $399 ✅ 務必把握! --- 【真老麻油】「真」材實料、「老」字號 傳承超越一甲子的美味,堅持給您最好的品質! - 保留芝麻營養 - 傳統工法製造 - 100%純粹 無化學添加 - 通過HACCP及IOS22000認證 MOMO賣場 蝦皮賣場 ❤️ 蝦皮12/13 黑芝麻粉3入限定優惠價 $399 🎁 輸入專屬優惠折扣碼 「JENLSANDY」可以再折20元! 優惠碼期間:2023/12/13 ~ 2023/12/30 --- 【本集歌詞】 The O…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Now, we are running out of time. Any more motions? Or opinions? W: I think everyone is very tired after the meeting. In fact, our meeting lasted 3 hours already. M: If no one wants to speak, then the meeting is over. W: Really? M: Yeah, that’s all for today. But make sure to have the computers ready before the meeting starts. Next…
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本集由【澳洲 Learn & Grow 磁力片台灣總代理Mimieyes】贊助播出 【本集歌詞】 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I caught a fish alive. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on my right. --- 【澳洲 Learn & Grow 磁力片】 最益智最好玩的開放式玩具, 讓孩子在自由玩樂中培養空間概念及邏輯思維能力。 Learn & Grow 的品牌精神是「創新性x實用性x建構力」, 每個套組都是精心搭配設計…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Can you elaborate on this month’s sale? W: I am sorry to point out, but our sale has declined since we adopted the new strategy. M: Are there any other reasons that might affect the sale? W: According to the data, nothing really changed. If we need to stop the decline, I think we have to adopt new strategy. M: So, we’ve decided to…
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城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- ❤️贊助好節目永續經營 【本集新聞英文全文】 ChatGPT has been making headlines around the world since last November. So what exactly is ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an AI chatbot. AI means ar…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: I am glad that today’s meeting went well. W: I think we all did a wonderful job today. M: Is everyone clear on what the company will do next month? W: We have to get an endorsement, exploring the proper market, questionnaires… M: Can you put it in short? W: In summary, the new product will enter the market next month. 👉🏻WORDS & PH…
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感謝【富邦證券】贊助播出【兒童理財高手】系列英文故事節目。 跟Andy一起學習「三個罐子聰明存錢術」,從小學習管理好自己的零用錢。歡迎下載本集故事英文文字稿,一邊聽故事一邊閱讀 --- 【富邦證券2023年優惠活動】 ❤️一指開立台股、美股、基金 台股手續費100萬以下超佛心優惠 七大海外市場手續費免低收 定期定額存台股 ~ 手續費優惠中 定期定額存美股 ~ 每月約定扣款最低30美元就能買 【富邦文教基金會】理財課程 富邦理財學堂…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Our product sale has reached a stop lately. W: Maybe we can have some sales promotion. M: But we don’t have a proper sales promotion toward this product. W: How about TV commercials? M: I like that idea. W: We can get the hottest pop idol to endorse our product. M: TV commercials can push the product to sell more and even differen…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: We are not gaining any profit from the branch stores so far. W: What do you think we should do about it? M: We could either close it or sell it. W: I think selling it to other companies would be nice. M: Yeah, that’s what I thought. The customers can still use their membership cards. W: I think it would be a win-win for the compan…
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感謝北歐設計家具品牌【MR. LIVING 居家先生】贊助播出。 你知道嗎?動物為了睡得更好,紛紛發展出獨特的舒壓睡眠絕技。 海獺(sea otter)睡覺時在海面上仰漂,大家會互牽小手,把海草纏在身上像棉被一樣。 鸚哥魚(parrotfish)會用自己的黏液吐泡泡織蚊帳,睡在泡泡裡面,就不會被海底的吸血寄生蟲騷擾了。 黑猩猩(chimp)會在樹頂蓋睡窩(巢nest)。根據動物學家觀察,黑猩猩還會講究挑選特定樹種的樹枝&葉子來築巢。 --- 🌟本集節目由北歐設計家具品牌【MR. LIVING 居家先生】贊助播出 壓力太大,睡不好嗎? 試試看世界舉重冠軍郭婞淳都在睡的減壓床墊! 🔸 抗菌內表布,抗菌率>99%,睡起來更安心 ! 🔸 專利減壓記憶棉 : 減輕身體負擔,才能徹底釋放壓力 ! 🔸 高…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Everyone settle down. The meeting is about to start. W: Shall we start with the agenda? M: The first item on the agenda is taxation. Anyone got anything to say? W: What kind of tax is it? M: It’s government’s new policy. Our product is going to be taxed. W: So our price has to go up again? M: I am afraid so. W: But we have increas…
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【遠山呼喚|群島教育計畫】 教育航道上,沒有孩子是一座孤島。最後階段 #長期教育資助人 強力募集中!每天16 元,讓教育走進世界偏鄉。 ✅ 即刻翻轉 1,000 位孩子的教育 ❤️ — 《來自群島的呼喚 Call From The Islands》是我改編自真人真事:菲律賓當地 NGO志工Shierwin的童年故事,也是夏爾高島上許多孩子的共同經驗。節目中搭配了上集(ep.141)教過的菲律賓民謠,由主角Shierwin用母語溫柔清唱,還請本人親自獻聲訴說他的故事。 渺小人物如我,不過是在podcast的平台上說故事,為孩子們做點小事。這次有機會為遠在他鄉的孩子做點什麼,我更想把這個故事當作禮物送給溫暖的聽眾朋友們。因此我把全英文故事免費公開,熱…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Is everybody here? W: Yeah, everyone except our manager. M: Where is he? Does anyone know where he is? W: He’ll be here later. He is still on the airplane. He’s plane is arriving at noon. M: Well, since our manager is not here yet. Let’s postpone the meeting until this afternoon. W: Should we meet at 3 P.M.? I’ll send text message…
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【遠山呼喚 群島教育計畫】教育航道上,沒有孩子是一座孤島 最後階段 #長期教育資助人 強力募集中!每天16 元,讓教育走進世界偏鄉 即刻翻轉 1,000 位孩子的教育 --- 這首菲律賓民謠,唱的是一個漁夫捕到一條小彈塗魚,拿去市場賣賺了一點錢,只夠買一杯椰子釀的酒。 【歌詞】 This Felimon (菲律賓民謠) 英文歌詞改編by Tsaiyu Chang This Felimon, this Felimon Went fishing in the ocean He caught a fish, he caught a fish Just a little tambasakan (mudskipper) He sold the fish, …
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: There is nothing new to discuss this week. Does anyone have something to say? Any motions? W: I have something important to bring up. M: Yes? What is it? W: I think we should replenish our products with more caution. We should order the amount according to last week’s sale, instead of monthly sale. M: Would you like to explain fur…
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城揚建設新推出的「陽明第一廳」 緊鄰三民區的明星學府-陽明國中 46~52坪,每層四戶兩部電梯 最適合有換屋與置產需求的你 讓生活中充滿書香、運動風,滿足食衣住行的消費需求 城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888 ----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供---- 你知道嗎?Did you know? Elephants are afraid of bees. 大象怕蜜蜂。 An elephant can pick up a peanut and shell it with its trunk! 大象可以用象鼻撿起一顆小花生,還能剝殼喔。 Elephants never forget. 大象有絕佳記憶力。 — ❤️贊助節目永續經…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: You are going to be responsible on the seasonal sale scale slide, ok? W: Just one slide to talk about? M: It’s enough for you to worry about. There are many things to present in that slide. The meeting is going to start on 4 P.M. W: I will make sure that part goes well. What was the meeting time again? M: 4:00 P.M. You really make…
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👉🏻CONVERSATION M: Are you ready? The meeting is about to start. W: I am all prepared. M: How long do you think the meeting will be? W: I think it’s definitely gonna be more than 2 hours. We have a lot of things to go through this week. M: I hope the manager is in a good mood today. W: Yeah, I hope so. 👉🏻WORDS & PHRASES 1. meeting ['mitɪŋ] (n.) 會議 2…
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