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King David is described as a person who has a heart after God, yet he is also a person who carries his own foibles. The story of his relationship with Bathsheba and his orchestration of Uriahs death makes this fact very clear. Nevertheless, the Lord remains faithful to David despite his unfaithfulness. It is this response of grace and forgiveness t…
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David has experienced the compassionate love (kindness) of God and he wants to share it with others. Specifically he remembers his deep friendship with Jonathan and wants to express his loyal love to Jonathan in a tangible way towards members of Jonathans and Sauls families. David does not hold on to enmity with the descendants of Saul but rather d…
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In the mercy of God the Shepherd King is not only established on the throne of Israel but his heirs are to be established as a dynasty forever. This Davidic Covenant becomes the genealogical foundation that culminates in Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of God (Matthew 1:5-6). As a result the Davidic Covenant becomes the connection point for our own r…
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Our passage tells the famous story of David having the opportunity to kill King Saul in the cave but he chooses to spare his life. Indeed, Saul is delivered into the hand of David but David waits upon God to act in his behalf. The narrative invites us to reflect upon the question What is in our hand? We also are given opportunities and capacities t…
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God chooses the shepherd boy/musician named David to become the new king of Israel. By physical appearances he is not as striking as King Saul but interiorly he has a heart after God (and God above all looks at our heart.) God takes the smallest of Jesses sons to replace the tall and mighty Saul. Even so, God can take us in our littleness to do pow…
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As we approach this Christmas canticle we hear of the faith of both Elizabeth and Mary. They demonstrate the ability to both listen to God's voice and to act with intention and purpose. Their commitment is to serve God above all and to do so with enthusiasm and zeal. Doing so they become models of Christian discipleship for us to learn form and to …
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The Messiah of God is a Leader who is completely concerned for the well being of his people and of all creation. Gone are the days of selfish ambition, avarice and exploitation of the environment. It is a day of The Peaceable Kingdom where everyone is respected, valued, and loved. Together with the prophet Isaiah we look forward to this blessed sea…
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John the Evangelist writes to us that if we know Jesus we will enjoy his resurrection life both now and forever! Not just in the future. But to know the reality of resurrected life even in our present circumstances and situations. As we know Jesus we know his serenity, power, holiness, love and life. These qualities are given to us as we abide in J…
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As children of God we have the promise of continual growth through our connection with Jesus. We enjoy the gift of eternal life which begins now in our everyday. When we see Christ our transformation will enter a new phase as we become like him in our eternal state. Of course, there are incredible promises to take hold of in our broken world. Yet, …
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In the heady days of the Roman Empire John cautions the church of Christ to not become overly enamoured with the glory of Rome. As a civilization it was no doubt impressive but the seeds of descent were already taking root. In light of this reality John encourages believers to see what is passing and what abides forever. The question for John's chu…
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The First Epistle of John begins with the famous statement that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all (v5). John the Evangelist also affirms that Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12). In both cases light communicates illumination and guidance for the way we live our lives. The Father and the Son join together to provide all the…
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The smallest psalm in the Psalter is Psalm 117. It is little in size but powerful in its message. The psalm focuses on two key attributes of God - His 'loyal love' and his 'never changing faithfulness'. God remains faithful even when we are faithless! It is for this reason that we are called to praise (and enjoy!) our magnificent triune God.…
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Our Journey of a Disciple series focusing on the life of Peter comes to a close with the story of Peters restoration to ministry (John 21:1-19). Peter has denied Christ three times and now he is restored by three times vowing his love and service to the risen Christ. In this story Jesus is revealed to be a patient and forgiving Master who gives us …
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Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment that they are to love one another even as Jesus has loved them. They are to love one another with a sacrificial love as Jesus has modelled before them. The question is the same for them and us , How will we respond to Jesus love and the call to love each other? Will we accept Jesus love or push his love a…
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The foot-washing event in the Upper Room is a powerful enacted parable recorded by the Evangelist. By washing the disciples' feet Jesus challenges the assumptions of his own disciples (and the society at large). Jesus is pointing out that a pyramid model of "power over others" has no place in the new Kingdom of God. Rather than "power over" we are …
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The transfiguration story is told in each of the Synoptic Gospels - (each on e has their own details of the event.) However, the key is that Jesus changes into his glorious state ("metamorphosis") before Peter, James and John. They are given the precious gift of gazing upon the beauty of the glorified Christ. Along with this visual epiphany they he…
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The key question in the Gospel of Mark has to do with the identity of Jesus Who is Jesus is the crux of the matter! Jesus asks this question specifically when he asks his disciples Who do you say that I am? Peter gets it right when he answers, You are the Christ! The challenge for the disciples (and us) is to understand and live out the truth of th…
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As we make our way in the spiritual journey we often experience some turbulence between faith and doubt. We are like the father of the ill boy who cries out, I believe, help my unbelief! At our core we truly do believe in Gods loving presence but in the moment we are caught up in lifes storms and fears. Jesus encourages us to find our rest in him f…
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The journey of a disciple is a journey of faith. Mark makes this point as he interweaves the stories of the chronically ill woman and Jairus the synagogue ruler who pleads to Jesus for his dying daughter. Both characters demonstrate faith as they come to Jesus asking for help. The question for us do we live with an attitude of faith or are we contr…
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Jesus ministers to people wherever they are at. He also ministers to us wherever we are at. This is the message of the Good NewsGods gracious love for us wherever we are at. Peter learns this truth over time by being present to Jesusin the synagogue, in his house, on the streets, in times of seclusion and while traveling from town to town. It is be…
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Jesus takes the initiative in calling us to become his disciples. The question is Will we pay attention to our lives and respond with a 'yes' when our moment comes?" As an example, Jesus calls Andrew and the unnamed disciple to follow him in the words Come and see." Andrew then later invites his brother Simon to come check out the new found Messiah…
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